public function deploy() { /** * POST /apps/deploy -d * { * branch : master, * ref : tag/commit-hash, * name : foobar * } * Creates : * $appPath/deploy/foobar/ <- full repo */ $id = $this->request->id; $app = App::first($id); if ($this->request->data) { $deploy = $app->deploy($this->request->data); $repo = $app->repo(); $deploy->checkout(compact('repo')); $this->redirect('Apps::view', array('args' => compact('id'))); } $refs = array(); foreach ($app->repo()->refs(100) as $r) { extract($r); $refs[$hash] = "{$date} : {$message}"; } $branches = $app->repo()->branches(); //$versions = $app->versions(); $deployed = $app->deployed(); if (!count($deployed)) { $defaults = array('target' => "/home/apps/" . strtolower($app->title), 'name' => 'default'); } return compact('app', 'refs', 'defaults'); }
public function run() { $cate = ['Productivity', 'Finance', 'Travel', 'Business', 'Utilities']; $faker = Faker::create(); foreach (range(200, 220) as $index) { App::create(['id' => $index, 'name' => $faker->word, 'rating' => $faker->numberBetween($min = 2, $max = 5), 'rating_users' => $faker->numberBetween($min = 5, $max = 20000), 'genre' => $cate[rand(0, 4)], 'arm' => 'armv7', 'description' => $faker->sentence, 'img_url' => $faker->imageUrl($width = 60, $height = 60)]); } }
/** * Route notifications for the Slack channel. * * @return string */ public function routeNotificationForSlack() { if (\App::environment('production')) { return ""; } else { return ""; } }
public function run() { $comment_list = ['看見麥兜總召的格局', '所以我說那個醬汁呢', '李嚴,你怎麼帥成這樣', '那些年,子洋的粉色泡泡', '刁難哥奇遇記', '轉角遇到典型的政大資管人', '喔~問題來了', '你這樣不Work', '資管迎新茶會 5/22 商院101 熱血開踢', '5/13 科技組晚上上課有演講者,歡迎到場', 'Hakuna Matata', '老王的五十個案子', '杰哥的衣服Queue', '中央資管,我愛你們全部', '阿~我們就全班宅男啊', '我都參考貝克漢穿搭耶', '這個大叔是哪來的', '現在放棄的話,就可以放暑假了', '潮水退了就知道誰沒穿褲子', '聽完周老師這番話,全資管系都驚呆了', '左手寫詩,右手寫程式', '啊不就好棒棒', '吃吃看,你吃一口就知道了', '德國拳王倒下去,莎拉布萊曼照唱 Time to say goodbye', '面對現實,不然現實就面對你', '棉被再怎麼抖都會有灰塵', '務必冷靜理性透徹,暫時把好惡丟到河流另一邊去', '怕熱就不要進廚房', '拿破崙說 由馴鹿所領導的獅子軍團 就在也不是獅子軍團', '甜甜圈~', '在非洲,每六十秒,就有一分鐘過去', '當你的左臉被人打,那你的左臉就會痛', '英國研究 生日過越多的人就越老', '當蝴蝶在南半球拍了兩下翅膀,牠就會稍微飛高一點點', '我買了130元的高級鵝肉飯']; //echo count($comment_list); $user_list = User::select('id')->lists('id'); //echo var_dump($user_list); foreach ($user_list as $user_key => $user_value) { $app_ran_list = App::orderByRaw("RAND()")->take(35)->lists('id'); foreach ($app_ran_list as $app_key => $app_value) { User_App_Comment::create(['u_id' => $user_value, 'a_id' => $app_value, 'comment' => $comment_list[$app_key]]); } } }
public function getLocalizedColumn($key) { $locale = \App::getLocale(); if (empty($locale)) { $locale = 'en'; } $localizedKey = $key . '_' . strtolower($locale); $value = $this->{$localizedKey}; if (empty($value)) { $localizedKey = $key . '_en'; $value = $this->{$localizedKey}; } return $value; }
private function notHas($uid, $app) { $app = App::find()->where(['code' => $app])->asArray()->one(); $role = RoleUser::find()->where(['uid' => $uid])->asArray()->all(); $roleid = array(); foreach ($role as $vr) { $roleid[] = $vr['rid']; } $roleid = implode(',', $roleid); $rule = Rule::find()->select(['aid', 'role_id', 'model_id', 'feature_id', 'scope_id'])->where("role_id not in({$roleid})")->andWhere(['aid' => $app['id']])->asArray()->all(); $result = array(); $unique = array(); foreach ($rule as $k => $vu) { $apps = App::find()->select(['name'])->where(['id' => $vu['aid']])->asArray()->one(); $result[$k]['app'] = $apps['name']; $roles = Role::find()->select(['name'])->where(['id' => $vu['role_id']])->asArray()->one(); $result[$k]['role'] = $roles['name']; $model = Model::find()->select(['name'])->where(['id' => $vu['model_id']])->asArray()->one(); $result[$k]['model'] = $model['name']; $feature = Feature::find()->select(['name'])->where(['id' => $vu['feature_id']])->asArray()->one(); $result[$k]['feature'] = $feature['name']; $scopes = Rule::find()->select(['scope_id'])->where(['aid' => $vu['aid'], 'role_id' => $vu['role_id'], 'model_id' => $vu['model_id'], 'feature_id' => $vu['feature_id']])->asArray()->all(); foreach ($scopes as $ks => $vs) { $scope = Scope::find()->select(['name', 'attribute'])->where(['id' => $vs['scope_id']])->asArray()->one(); $result[$k]['scope'][$ks]['name'] = $scope['name']; $result[$k]['scope'][$ks]['attribute'] = $scope['attribute']; } $unique[$k] = $vu['aid'] . $vu['role_id'] . $model['name'] . $feature['name']; } // delete the repeat elements $unique = array_unique($unique); $res = array(); foreach ($unique as $kq => $vq) { $res[] = $result[$kq]; } return $res; }
public function getPresenter() { return \App::make(DragonPresenter::class, [$this]); }
public function lar_ver() { $app = \App::getFacadeApplication(); return $app::VERSION; }
/** * appList. * * @param Request $request request object * * @return Array */ public function appList(Request $request) { $apps = App::distinct()->orderBy('created_at', 'desc'); $apps = $apps->get(); return view('applist', ['apps' => $apps]); }
/** * Search by elasticsearch * @return Model */ public function elasticSearch(array $options) { $es = \App::make('elasticsearch'); $params = ["index" => $this->getElasticIndex(), "type" => $this->getElasticType(), "body" => ["query" => ["bool" => ["must" => []]]]]; $results = []; foreach ($options as $key => $value) { $params["body"]["query"]["bool"]["must"][] = ["match" => [$key => $value]]; } try { $search = $es->search($params); } catch (Exception $e) { return mull; } foreach ($search["hits"]["hits"] as $key => $value) { $results[] = $this->find($value["_source"]["id"]); } return collect($results); }
public static function getMetaCount($id, $action) { $es = self::connect(); if ($id === null) { App::abort(404, 'No note id passed'); } $annotation = static::find($id); $action_count = $annotation->{$action}(); return $action_count; }
private function unfoldMessageInfo($message) { $onlyNeedFeilds = ['id', 'name', 'avatar_url']; $app = App::where('client_id', $message->app_id)->first(); if ($app) { $message->app = array_only($app->toArray(), ['client_id', 'name', 'logo_url', 'homepage_url']); } $author = User::find($message->author_id); if ($author) { $message->author = array_only($author->toArray(), $onlyNeedFeilds); } $receiver = User::find($message->receiver_id); if ($receiver) { $message->receiver = array_only($receiver->toArray(), $onlyNeedFeilds); } $allReceiverIds = []; if (!empty($message->all_receiver_ids)) { $allReceiverIds = explode(',', $message->all_receiver_ids); } $all_receivers = []; foreach ($allReceiverIds as $receiverId) { $user = User::find($receiverId); if ($user) { array_push($all_receivers, array_only($user->toArray(), $onlyNeedFeilds)); } } $message->all_receivers = $all_receivers; return $message; }
public function destroy($id) { $app = App::where('client_id', $id)->first(); if (!$app) { return response()->json(['error' => '资源不存在'], 404); } $client = OAuthClient::find($app->client_id); if ($client) { $client->delete(); } $endpoint = OAuthClientEndPoint::find($app->client_id); if ($endpoint) { $endpoint->delete(); } OAuthClientScope::where('client_id', $app->client_id)->delete(); $app->delete(); return response('', 204); }
public function getPresenter() { return \App::make(CollectTimesPresenter::class, [$this]); }
public function getApp() { return $this->hasOne(App::className(), ['id' => 'aid'])->asArray(); }
public function run() { App::create(['id' => '123', 'cl_id' => '2', 'name' => 'SosLab App', 'genre' => 'Music', 'rating' => '4.5', 'rating_users' => '45', 'r1_score' => '2', 'r2_score' => '3', 'r3_score' => '5', 'total_score' => '10', 'arm' => 'armv7', 'description' => 'Soslab', 'img_url' => '']); App::create(['id' => '456', 'cl_id' => '2', 'name' => 'ICTLab App', 'genre' => 'Games', 'rating' => '2', 'rating_users' => '23', 'r1_score' => '4', 'r2_score' => '3', 'r3_score' => '5', 'total_score' => '12', 'arm' => 'armv7', 'description' => 'ICTlab', 'img_url' => '']); App::create(['id' => '789', 'cl_id' => '3', 'name' => 'KMLab App', 'genre' => 'Sports', 'rating' => '4', 'rating_users' => '12', 'r1_score' => '4', 'r2_score' => '3', 'r3_score' => '6', 'total_score' => '13', 'arm' => 'armv7', 'description' => 'KMlab', 'img_url' => '']); }
private function notHas($uid, $app, $feature) { $app = App::find()->select(['id', 'name'])->where(['code' => $app])->asArray()->one(); $role = RoleUser::find()->select(['rid', 'rname'])->where(['uid' => $uid])->asArray()->all(); $roleid = array(); foreach ($role as $vr) { $roleid[] = $vr['rid']; } $roleid = implode(',', $roleid); $scopes = Rule::find()->select(['model_id', 'scope_id'])->where(['aid' => $app['id']])->andWhere(['feature_code' => $feature])->andWhere("role_id not in({$roleid})")->asArray()->all(); $feature = Feature::find()->select(['name'])->where(['code' => $feature])->asArray()->one(); // delete repeat data $unique = array(); foreach ($scopes as $k => $vs) { $unique[$k] = $vs['model_id'] . ',' . $vs['scope_id']; } $scope = array_unique($unique); $result = array(); foreach ($scope as $k => $v) { $result[] = $scopes[$k]; } $final = array(); foreach ($result as $k => $vu) { $model = Model::find()->select(['name'])->where(['id' => $vu['model_id']])->asArray()->one(); $scope = Scope::find()->select(['name', 'attribute'])->where(['id' => $vu['scope_id']])->asArray()->one(); $final[$k]['model'] = $model['name']; $final[$k]['feature'] = $feature['name']; $final[$k]['scope'] = $scope['name']; $final[$k]['scope_attribute'] = $scope['attribute']; } return $final; }
private function unfoldFavorInfo($favor) { $author = User::find($favor->author_id); if ($author) { $favor->author = array_only($author->toArray(), ['id', 'name', 'avatar_url']); } $app = App::where('client_id', $favor->app_id)->first(); if ($app) { $favor->app = array_only($app->toArray(), ['client_id', 'name', 'logo_url', 'homepage_url']); } return $favor; }
public function getAuthClient() { $clientId = Authorizer::getClientId(); $app = App::where('client_id', $clientId)->first(); return response()->json($app); }
/** * Display the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function show($id) { // $status = Input::get('status'); if ($status == 'comment') { $comment_new = User_App_Comment::join('apps', '', '=', 'user__app__comments.a_id')->join('users', '', '=', 'user__app__comments.u_id')->select('', ' as user_name', ' as user_id', 'users.img as user_img', ' as app_id', ' as app_name', 'apps.img_url as app_img', 'comment', 'user__app__comments.created_at')->orderBy('user__app__comments.created_at', 'desc')->where('user__app__comments.a_id', '=', $id); $return_all = $comment_new->get(); $empty_test = $comment_new->first(); if (empty($empty_test)) { return Response::json(array('message' => 'No comments', 'status' => 'error')); } return $return_all; } $app_detail = App::where('id', '=', $id)->first(); $app_behaviors = App::join('app__behaviors', 'app__behaviors.a_id', '=', '')->join('behaviors', '', '=', 'app__behaviors.b_id')->where('', '=', $id)->select('', '', 'behaviors.genre', 'app__behaviors.score')->orderBy('behaviors.genre', 'asc')->orderBy('', 'asc')->get(); $app_comments = User_App_Comment::join('apps', '', '=', 'user__app__comments.a_id')->join('users', '', '=', 'user__app__comments.u_id')->where('user__app__comments.a_id', '=', $id)->select('', ' as user_id', ' as user_name', ' as app_id', ' as app_name', 'apps.img_url as app_img', 'comment', 'user__app__comments.created_at as comment_time')->orderBy('user__app__comments.created_at', 'desc')->get(); $app_favorite_counts = App::join('user__app__favorite', 'user__app__favorite.a_id', '=', '')->where('', '=', $id)->count(); $app_comment_counts = App::join('user__app__comments', 'user__app__comments.a_id', '=', '')->where('', '=', $id)->count(); $app_clusters = Cluster::join('apps', 'apps.cl_id', '=', '')->where('', '!=', $id)->where('', '=', $app_detail['cl_id'])->get(); $app_detail->behaviors = $app_behaviors; $app_detail->comments = $app_comments; $app_detail->favorite_count = $app_favorite_counts; $app_detail->comment_count = $app_comment_counts; $app_detail->group_app = $app_clusters; if (Auth::check()) { $user_id = Auth::user()->id; $check_suck = User::join('user__app__favorite', 'user__app__favorite.u_id', '=', '')->where('user__app__favorite.a_id', '=', $id)->where('user__app__favorite.u_id', '=', $user_id)->first(); if (empty($check_suck)) { $user_favorite = "Not yet"; } else { $user_favorite = "Already"; } } else { $user_favorite = "Not login"; } $app_detail->user_favorite = $user_favorite; $app_detail->success = 'success'; return $app_detail; }
/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { DB::table("apps")->delete(); App::create(['client_id' => 'koala', 'name' => 'Koala', 'author_id' => 1, 'homepage_url' => '', 'logo_url' => '', 'description' => '西邮Linux兴趣小组资源管理平台', 'secret' => '$2y$10$8Gz5X7XkQtVzwFU8C9zSQ.FzIH6OZNd5D', 'redirect_uri' => '', 'status' => 3, 'submit_status' => 3, 'scopes' => 'all']); }
/** * @return \yii\db\ActiveQuery */ public function getApp() { return $this->hasOne(App::className(), ['id' => 'appid']); }
public function __construct(array $attributes = array(), Validator $validator = null) { parent::__construct($attributes); $this->validator = $validator ?: \App::make('validator'); }