コード例 #1
 protected function create()
     $route = Helpers::routeinfo();
     		$event 			= Conference::where('slug', '=', $route->params['conference'])
     $events = Lookup::lookup('conferences', [$route->params['conference']], ['latest' => true, 'published' => true]);
     $event = $events[0];
     $options = Helpers::unserialize($event->options);
     $options['speakers'] = false;
     $options['sponsors'] = false;
     $options['partners'] = false;
     $options = Helpers::options($route, $route->params['conference']);
     $newEvent = Conference::create(['slug' => $route->params['conference'], 'conference' => $event->conference, 'city' => $event->city, 'state' => $event->state, 'start_date' => Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $event->start_date)->addYear(), 'end_date' => Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $event->end_date)->addYear(), 'timezone' => $event->timezone, 'coming' => 1, 'about' => $event->about, 'tags' => $event->tags, 'options' => Helpers::serialize($options), 'hero' => $event->hero, 'photo' => $event->photo, 'published' => Carbon::now()]);
     $newEvent = (object) $newEvent->toArray();
     $newAgendas = [];
     $agendas = Lookup::lookup('agendas', ['conference' => $event->id], ['published' => true]);
     if (is_array($agendas)) {
         foreach ($agendas as $agenda) {
             $agenda->conference_id = $newEvent->id;
             $agenda->timeslot = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $agenda->timeslot)->addYear();
             $agenda->title = $agenda->type === 'breakout' || $agenda->type === 'session' ? 'Breakout Session' : ($agenda->type === 'break' ? $agenda->title : 'Keynote');
             $agenda->title_short = $agenda->type === 'breakout' || $agenda->type === 'session' ? 'Breakout Session' : ($agenda->type === 'break' ? $agenda->title : 'Keynote');
             $agenda->subtitle = null;
             $agenda->desc = null;
             $agenda->speakers = null;
             $agenda->published = Carbon::now();
             $newAgendas[] = Agenda::create((array) $agenda);
     $container = (object) ['event' => (object) $newEvent, 'agendas' => (object) $newAgendas];
     * Run the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function up()
        Schema::create('agendas', function (Blueprint $table) {
            $table->enum('type', ['keynote', 'session', 'breakout', 'break']);
        /*****  AUSTIN IT STRATEGIES CONFERENCE 2015-09-15 *****/
        Agenda::create(['conference_id' => 1, 'timeslot' => '2015-09-15 07:30:00', 'priority' => 1, 'type' => 'break', 'title' => 'Networking Breakfast', 'published' => Carbon::create(2015, 00, 28, 15, 05, 29)]);
        Agenda::create(['conference_id' => 1, 'timeslot' => '2015-09-15 09:00:00', 'priority' => 2, 'type' => 'keynote', 'title' => 'Analyzing Big Data – Using the Massive Volume of Information Collected', 'title_short' => 'Analyzing Big Data', 'desc' => '<p>Many organizations now have the ability to collect a massive amounts of structured and unstructured data every day. If companies are able to analyze and extract value from the information it can provide great insights and information about business trends. Join our experts as they discuss Big Data, some of its uses and some of the challenges around analysis, capture, curation, storage and privacy/security of the information collected.</p>', 'speakers' => Helpers::serialize(['moderator' => ['sturm-mike'], 'panelist' => ['bhattacharjee-dave', 'ketchum-debra', 'talbert-neera']]), 'published' => Carbon::create(2015, 00, 28, 15, 05, 29)]);
        Agenda::create(['conference_id' => 1, 'timeslot' => '2015-09-15 10:00:00', 'priority' => 3, 'type' => 'break', 'title' => 'Networking Break', 'published' => Carbon::create(2015, 00, 28, 15, 05, 29)]);
        Agenda::create(['conference_id' => 1, 'timeslot' => '2015-09-15 10:30:00', 'priority' => 4, 'type' => 'session', 'title' => 'Enterprise Mobility – Embracing BYOD While Keeping your Information Secure', 'title_short' => 'Enterprise Mobility', 'desc' => '<p>Today’s workforce has an expectation that they will be able to access information through a multitude of various devices, applications and infrastructures. We as IT Leaders need to be able to have policies in place that will accommodate the mobile workforce while maintaining information security. Join our experts as they discuss various strategies, policies and best practices that they have implemented to deal with the ever increasing number of mobile users within their organization.</p>', 'speakers' => Helpers::serialize(['speaker' => ['brewer-bob']]), 'published' => Carbon::create(2015, 00, 28, 15, 05, 29)]);
        Agenda::create(['conference_id' => 1, 'timeslot' => '2015-09-15 10:30:00', 'priority' => 5, 'type' => 'breakout', 'title' => 'Application Modernization', 'title_short' => 'Application Modernization', 'desc' => '<p>As technology advances, we are forced to upgrade our old legacy systems to more modern and efficient systems.  Many of the businesses critical operations are often housed within older legacy systems and are completely developed with custom code.  Application Modernization allows the business to extend the life of their current system by incrementally updating applications and systems, allowing them to work together while avoiding costly downtime that would affect business operations.  Join our panel as they discuss some of the challenges strategies and lessons learned as a result of updating to newer more modern systems.</p>', 'speakers' => Helpers::serialize(['moderator' => ['selissen-anh'], 'panelist' => ['cook-dana', 'waldo-jay', 'rios-george']]), 'published' => Carbon::create(2015, 00, 28, 15, 05, 29)]);
        Agenda::create(['conference_id' => 1, 'timeslot' => '2015-09-15 11:30:00', 'priority' => 6, 'type' => 'break', 'title' => 'Networking Break', 'published' => Carbon::create(2015, 00, 28, 15, 05, 29)]);
        Agenda::create(['conference_id' => 1, 'timeslot' => '2015-09-15 11:45:00', 'priority' => 7, 'type' => 'session', 'title' => 'U.S. Secret Service vs. Cyber Criminals', 'title_short' => 'U.S. Secret Service', 'desc' => '<p>The U.S. Secret Service was established in 1865 to protect our nation\'s currency from counterfeiters. Today, the agency\'s investigative mission has evolved to combat cyber crime targeting U.S. banking infrastructure - specifically financial institutions and payment systems.  This briefing will provide an overview of the capabilities and efforts of the public/private/academic partnerships forged at the U.S. Secret Service Electronic Crimes Task Forces throughout the world.   As well as, current trends in cyber crime, related intelligence sharing, and examples of previous cyber case work by the agency.</p>', 'speakers' => Helpers::serialize(['speaker' => ['edwards-tom']]), 'published' => Carbon::create(2015, 00, 28, 15, 05, 29)]);
        Agenda::create(['conference_id' => 1, 'timeslot' => '2015-09-15 11:45:00', 'priority' => 8, 'type' => 'breakout', 'title' => 'Business Continuity Disaster Recovery', 'title_short' => 'Business Continuity Disaster Recovery', 'desc' => '<p>Having an established business continuity and disaster recovery plan can help an organization to continue business and mitigate losses during catastrophic failures, cyber-attacks and malware infections, natural disasters and other critical emergencies. Join our panel of experts as they discuss some of the strategies and protocols that they have implemented within their organizations to help protect their companies in the event that an emergency strikes.</p>', 'speakers' => Helpers::serialize(['moderator' => ['harris-richard'], 'panelist' => ['fernandes-andrew', 'felps-robert', 'theis-brandon']]), 'published' => Carbon::create(2015, 00, 28, 15, 05, 29)]);
        Agenda::create(['conference_id' => 1, 'timeslot' => '2015-09-15 12:45:00', 'priority' => 9, 'type' => 'keynote', 'title' => 'Innovative Strategic Planning – Aligning IT Strategy to the Needs of the Business', 'title_short' => 'Innovative Strategic Planning', 'desc' => '<p>Integrating IT initiatives with the business strategy can often be challenging and complex. The speed of business and access to countless software applications and more connected networks make keeping company information secure a major challenge. IT continues to be under pressure to drive productivity and enable innovation, in many cases with fewer dollars.</p>
					<p>Join our experts as they discuss some innovative ways to help integrate your IT strategy to meet the needs of the business while maintaining a high level of security.</p>', 'speakers' => Helpers::serialize(['moderator' => ['martin-jeff'], 'panelist' => ['smedley-jeff', 'flay-gregory', 'johnson-rani', 'parnell-lawanda']]), 'published' => Carbon::create(2015, 00, 28, 15, 05, 29)]);
        Agenda::create(['conference_id' => 1, 'timeslot' => '2015-09-15 14:15:00', 'priority' => 10, 'type' => 'break', 'title' => 'Networking Break', 'published' => Carbon::create(2015, 00, 28, 15, 05, 29)]);
        Agenda::create(['conference_id' => 1, 'timeslot' => '2015-09-15 14:30:00', 'priority' => 11, 'type' => 'breakout', 'title' => 'Conquering your “Cloud” Fears - Visibility, Performance and End User Experience', 'title_short' => 'Conquering your “Cloud” Fears', 'desc' => '<p>Are you prepared to move your critical applications to the cloud?  With application complexity, visibility concerns and user demand growing at an astounding rate over the past few years,  IT organizations have a lot of times struggled to keep pace.  The cloud can provide many positives, but it also keeps a lot of executives up at night wondering what new complexities and challenges the cloud might be hiding.  Organizations that are the most successful with moving applications to the cloud understand the importance of maintaining application visibility, increase performance and keeping their end user’s happy.  This session will discuss the importance of these key areas and how to put them into affect.</p>', 'speakers' => Helpers::serialize(['speaker' => ['jackson-kevin']]), 'published' => Carbon::create(2015, 00, 28, 15, 05, 29)]);
        Agenda::create(['conference_id' => 1, 'timeslot' => '2015-09-15 14:30:00', 'priority' => 12, 'type' => 'breakout', 'title' => 'Information Security – Is your Business Under Attack?', 'title_short' => 'Information Security', 'desc' => '<p>Information Security is one of the biggest things that can keep a CIO up at night. We are always looking for ways to better protect company information and assets while trying to prevent data breaches, hacks and insider threats. Our experts will address risk assessment, governance, and other best practice strategies that can be used to minimize putting your organizations information at risk.</p>', 'speakers' => Helpers::serialize(['moderator' => ['moore-larry'], 'panelist' => ['botts-michael', 'nather-wendy', 'yoder-marc']]), 'published' => Carbon::create(2015, 00, 28, 15, 05, 29)]);
        Agenda::create(['conference_id' => 1, 'timeslot' => '2015-09-15 15:30:00', 'priority' => 13, 'type' => 'break', 'title' => 'Networking Break', 'published' => Carbon::create(2015, 00, 28, 15, 05, 29)]);
        Agenda::create(['conference_id' => 1, 'timeslot' => '2015-09-15 15:45:00', 'priority' => 14, 'type' => 'keynote', 'title' => 'The CIO Perspective – A High Level Discussion with Local CIOs', 'title_short' => 'The CIO Perspective', 'desc' => '<p>Join our closing keynote panel of local CIOs as they discuss challenges that they have faced within their organizations and some of the solutions, policies and strategies that have been put in place to help embrace organizational growth and efficiency.</p>', 'speakers' => Helpers::serialize(['moderator' => ['dominguez-jake'], 'panelist' => ['brandt-scott', 'neill-robert', 'bowers-evan', 'bynum-andy']]), 'published' => Carbon::create(2015, 00, 28, 15, 05, 29)]);
        Agenda::create(['conference_id' => 2, 'timeslot' => '2015-09-15 07:30:00', 'priority' => 1, 'type' => 'break', 'title' => 'Networking Breakfast', 'published' => Carbon::create(2015, 00, 28, 15, 05, 29)]);
        Agenda::create(['conference_id' => 2, 'timeslot' => '2015-09-15 09:00:00', 'priority' => 2, 'type' => 'keynote', 'title' => 'Keynote', 'published' => Carbon::create(2015, 00, 28, 15, 05, 29)]);
        Agenda::create(['conference_id' => 2, 'timeslot' => '2015-09-15 10:00:00', 'priority' => 3, 'type' => 'break', 'title' => 'Networking Break', 'published' => Carbon::create(2015, 00, 28, 15, 05, 29)]);
        Agenda::create(['conference_id' => 2, 'timeslot' => '2015-09-15 10:30:00', 'priority' => 4, 'type' => 'session', 'title' => 'Breakout', 'published' => Carbon::create(2015, 00, 28, 15, 05, 29)]);
        Agenda::create(['conference_id' => 2, 'timeslot' => '2015-09-15 10:30:00', 'priority' => 5, 'type' => 'breakout', 'title' => 'Breakout', 'published' => Carbon::create(2015, 00, 28, 15, 05, 29)]);
        Agenda::create(['conference_id' => 2, 'timeslot' => '2015-09-15 11:30:00', 'priority' => 6, 'type' => 'break', 'title' => 'Networking Break', 'published' => Carbon::create(2015, 00, 28, 15, 05, 29)]);
        Agenda::create(['conference_id' => 2, 'timeslot' => '2015-09-15 11:45:00', 'priority' => 7, 'type' => 'session', 'title' => 'Breakout', 'published' => Carbon::create(2015, 00, 28, 15, 05, 29)]);
        Agenda::create(['conference_id' => 2, 'timeslot' => '2015-09-15 11:45:00', 'priority' => 8, 'type' => 'breakout', 'title' => 'Breakout', 'published' => Carbon::create(2015, 00, 28, 15, 05, 29)]);
        Agenda::create(['conference_id' => 2, 'timeslot' => '2015-09-15 12:45:00', 'priority' => 9, 'type' => 'keynote', 'title' => 'Keynote', 'published' => Carbon::create(2015, 00, 28, 15, 05, 29)]);
        Agenda::create(['conference_id' => 2, 'timeslot' => '2015-09-15 14:15:00', 'priority' => 10, 'type' => 'break', 'title' => 'Networking Break', 'published' => Carbon::create(2015, 00, 28, 15, 05, 29)]);
        Agenda::create(['conference_id' => 2, 'timeslot' => '2015-09-15 14:30:00', 'priority' => 11, 'type' => 'session', 'title' => 'Breakout', 'published' => Carbon::create(2015, 00, 28, 15, 05, 29)]);
        Agenda::create(['conference_id' => 2, 'timeslot' => '2015-09-15 14:30:00', 'priority' => 12, 'type' => 'breakout', 'title' => 'Breakout', 'published' => Carbon::create(2015, 00, 28, 15, 05, 29)]);
        Agenda::create(['conference_id' => 2, 'timeslot' => '2015-09-15 15:30:00', 'priority' => 13, 'type' => 'break', 'title' => 'Networking Break', 'published' => Carbon::create(2015, 00, 28, 15, 05, 29)]);
        Agenda::create(['conference_id' => 2, 'timeslot' => '2015-09-15 15:45:00', 'priority' => 14, 'type' => 'keynote', 'title' => 'Keynote', 'published' => Carbon::create(2015, 00, 28, 15, 05, 29)]);
        Agenda::create(['conference_id' => 3, 'timeslot' => '2015-09-15 07:30:00', 'priority' => 1, 'type' => 'break', 'title' => 'Networking Breakfast', 'published' => Carbon::create(2015, 00, 28, 15, 05, 29)]);
        Agenda::create(['conference_id' => 3, 'timeslot' => '2015-09-15 09:00:00', 'priority' => 2, 'type' => 'keynote', 'title' => 'Keynote', 'published' => Carbon::create(2015, 00, 28, 15, 05, 29)]);
        Agenda::create(['conference_id' => 3, 'timeslot' => '2015-09-15 10:00:00', 'priority' => 3, 'type' => 'break', 'title' => 'Networking Break', 'published' => Carbon::create(2015, 00, 28, 15, 05, 29)]);
        Agenda::create(['conference_id' => 3, 'timeslot' => '2015-09-15 10:30:00', 'priority' => 4, 'type' => 'session', 'title' => 'Breakout', 'published' => Carbon::create(2015, 00, 28, 15, 05, 29)]);
        Agenda::create(['conference_id' => 3, 'timeslot' => '2015-09-15 10:30:00', 'priority' => 5, 'type' => 'breakout', 'title' => 'Breakout', 'published' => Carbon::create(2015, 00, 28, 15, 05, 29)]);
        Agenda::create(['conference_id' => 3, 'timeslot' => '2015-09-15 11:30:00', 'priority' => 6, 'type' => 'break', 'title' => 'Networking Break', 'published' => Carbon::create(2015, 00, 28, 15, 05, 29)]);
        Agenda::create(['conference_id' => 3, 'timeslot' => '2015-09-15 11:45:00', 'priority' => 7, 'type' => 'session', 'title' => 'Breakout', 'published' => Carbon::create(2015, 00, 28, 15, 05, 29)]);
        Agenda::create(['conference_id' => 3, 'timeslot' => '2015-09-15 11:45:00', 'priority' => 8, 'type' => 'breakout', 'title' => 'Breakout', 'published' => Carbon::create(2015, 00, 28, 15, 05, 29)]);
        Agenda::create(['conference_id' => 3, 'timeslot' => '2015-09-15 12:45:00', 'priority' => 9, 'type' => 'keynote', 'title' => 'Keynote', 'published' => Carbon::create(2015, 00, 28, 15, 05, 29)]);
        Agenda::create(['conference_id' => 3, 'timeslot' => '2015-09-15 14:15:00', 'priority' => 10, 'type' => 'break', 'title' => 'Networking Break', 'published' => Carbon::create(2015, 00, 28, 15, 05, 29)]);
        Agenda::create(['conference_id' => 3, 'timeslot' => '2015-09-15 14:30:00', 'priority' => 11, 'type' => 'session', 'title' => 'Breakout', 'published' => Carbon::create(2015, 00, 28, 15, 05, 29)]);
        Agenda::create(['conference_id' => 3, 'timeslot' => '2015-09-15 14:30:00', 'priority' => 12, 'type' => 'breakout', 'title' => 'Breakout', 'published' => Carbon::create(2015, 00, 28, 15, 05, 29)]);
        Agenda::create(['conference_id' => 3, 'timeslot' => '2015-09-15 15:30:00', 'priority' => 13, 'type' => 'break', 'title' => 'Networking Break', 'published' => Carbon::create(2015, 00, 28, 15, 05, 29)]);
        Agenda::create(['conference_id' => 3, 'timeslot' => '2015-09-15 15:45:00', 'priority' => 14, 'type' => 'keynote', 'title' => 'Keynote', 'published' => Carbon::create(2015, 00, 28, 15, 05, 29)]);