コード例 #1
 public function reserveation(Request $re)
     $op = new operationController();
     $re->request->add(['single' => $re->oneval, 'double' => $re->twoval, 'tripple' => $re->threeval, 'dayin' => $re->rday, 'monthin' => $re->rmonth, 'dayout' => $re->cday, 'monthout' => $re->cmonth]);
     $chechAv = $op->checkAvailability($re);
     if (!$chechAv) {
         return 2;
     if (session_status() == PHP_SESSION_NONE) {
     $username = $_SESSION['username'];
     $rr = DB::table('user_table')->where('username', "{$username}")->first();
     $rr2 = DB::table('reservation_table')->where('user_id', $rr->id)->first();
     if ($rr2) {
         return 3;
     if (session_status() == PHP_SESSION_NONE) {
     $form = new formaction();
     $checkIN = $form->make_date($re->rday, $re->rmonth);
     $chechOUT = $form->make_date($re->cday, $re->cmonth);
     $_SESSION['checkin'] = $checkIN;
     $_SESSION['checkout'] = $chechOUT;
     $_SESSION['rt1'] = $re->oneval;
     $_SESSION['rt2'] = $re->twoval;
     $_SESSION['rt3'] = $re->threeval;
     $val1 = $re->oneval;
     $val2 = $re->twoval;
     $val3 = $re->threeval;
     $in_day = $re->rday;
     $in_mon = $re->rmonth;
     $out_day = $re->cday;
     $out_mon = $re->cmonth;
     global $in_key;
     global $out_in_key;
     global $inwit;
     global $tot, $tot2, $tot3;
     global $to, $to2, $to3;
     $this->validate($re, ['oneval' => 'numeric', 'twoval' => 'numeric', 'threeval' => 'numeric']);
     if ($val1 == 0 && $val2 == 0 && $val3 == 0) {
         $this->throwValidationException($re, 0);
     } else {
         if (session_status() == PHP_SESSION_NONE) {
         // job 1 : generate how many nights from the check in and out dates
         // job 2 : generate the price and total amount that should be paid
         $chechin = $form->make_date($re->rday, $re->rmonth);
         $checkout = $form->make_date($re->cday, $re->cmonth);
         // job 1
         // -1 comes out when checkout or checkin is not valid date
         $n = DB::select(DB::raw("SELECT DATEDIFF('{$checkout}','{$chechin}') AS day"));
         $nights = 0;
         if ($n[0]->day != 1) {
             $nights = $n[0]->day - 1;
         } else {
             $nights = $n[0]->day;
         $type1price = 0;
         $type2price = 0;
         $type3price = 0;
         $total = 0;
         if ($nights != -1) {
             // when valid date
             // job 2
             if ($val1 > 0) {
                 // partialPrice =  room price * number of rooms
                 // type1price = onedayprice * nights
                 $partialPrice = 50 * $val1;
                 $type1price = $partialPrice * $nights;
                 $total = $total + $type1price;
             if ($val2 > 0) {
                 $partialPrice = 60 * $val2;
                 $type2price = $partialPrice * $nights;
                 $total = $total + $type2price;
             if ($val3 > 0) {
                 $partialPrice = 70 * $val3;
                 $type3price = $partialPrice * $nights;
                 $total = $total + $type3price;
             $total = $total + 78.75;
         } else {
             // error date is not valid
             return 5;
         $_SESSION['reservation'] = 1;
         $_SESSION['amount'] = $total;
         $ReserveInfo = array('total' => $total, 'room1num' => $val1, 'room2num' => $val2, 'room3num' => $val3, 'room1price' => $type1price, 'room2price' => $type2price, 'room3price' => $type3price, 'nights' => $nights);
         $_SESSION['ReserveInfo'] = $ReserveInfo;
         /* $month = array(
                1 => 'January',
                2 => 'February',
                3 => 'March',
                4 => 'April',
                5 => 'May',
                6 => 'June',
                7 => 'July',
                8 => 'Auguest',
                9 => 'September',
                10=> 'October',
                11=> 'November',
                12=> 'December'
         /*$in_all=explode( ' ', $in_mon );
           $out_all=explode( ' ', $out_mon );
           return "$inwit";*/
         /* if($in_all[0] == $out_all[0] && $in_all[1]==$out_all[1] && $inwit < 0)
                $this->throwValidationException($re ,0);
         /*else if($in_all[0] == $out_all[0] && $in_all[1]==$out_all[1])
                    $to=$val1 * $inwit * 50;
                    $to2=$val2 * $inwit * 60;
                    $to3=$val3 * $inwit * 70;
                   $all_to=$to + $to2 +$to3;
                     $_SESSION['amount'] = $all_to;
         /* else
                 foreach ($month as $mo)
                     if($mo == $in_all[0] )
                         $in_key= key($month)-1;
                   foreach ($month as $mo)
                     if($mo == $out_all[0] )
                      $out_in_key= key($month)-1;
                 $mo=  $out_in_key - $in_key;
                 $year=  abs($in_all[1]-$out_all[1]);
                 if($mo == 1 )
                 $form = new formaction();
                 $in_a=$form->make_date($in_day, $in_mon);
                 $out_a=$form->make_date($out_day, $out_mon);
                 $diff_in = DB::select(DB::raw("SELECT DATEDIFF('$out_a','$in_a') AS day"));
                 $date = $diff_in[0]->day;
                 if($date == NULL)
                     echo  $all_days=($mo +$date);
                 else {
                     echo   $all_days=($mo +$date)-1;
                    $mo =$mo *12;
                    $all_days=($mo +$day)-1;
                 if($year >= 0 && $year <= 1)
                        $tot=$val1 * $all_days * 50;
                         $tot2=$val2 * $all_days * 60;
                           $tot3=$val3 * $all_days * 70;
                         $_SESSION['amount'] = $all_tota;
コード例 #2
 public function reserveation(Request $re)
     $op = new operationController();
     $re->request->add(['single' => $re->oneval, 'double' => $re->twoval, 'tripple' => $re->threeval, 'dayin' => $re->rday, 'monthin' => $re->rmonth, 'dayout' => $re->cday, 'monthout' => $re->cmonth]);
     $chechAv = $op->checkAvailability($re);
     if (!$chechAv) {
         $this->throwValidationException($re, 0);
     $val1 = $re->oneval;
     $val2 = $re->twoval;
     $val3 = $re->threeval;
     $in_day = $re->rday;
     $in_mon = $re->rmonth;
     $out_day = $re->cday;
     $out_mon = $re->cmonth;
     global $in_key;
     global $out_in_key;
     global $inwit;
     global $tot, $tot2, $tot3;
     global $to, $to2, $to3;
     $this->validate($re, ['oneval' => 'numeric', 'twoval' => 'numeric', 'threeval' => 'numeric']);
     if ($val1 == 0 && $val2 == 0 && $val3 == 0) {
         $this->throwValidationException($re, 0);
     } else {
         if (session_status() == PHP_SESSION_NONE) {
         $month = array(1 => 'January', 2 => 'February', 3 => 'March', 4 => 'April', 5 => 'May', 6 => 'June', 7 => 'July', 8 => 'Auguest', 9 => 'September', 10 => 'October', 11 => 'November', 12 => 'December');
         $in_all = explode(' ', $in_mon);
         $out_all = explode(' ', $out_mon);
         $_SESSION['val1'] = $val1;
         $_SESSION['val2'] = $val2;
         $_SESSION['val3'] = $val3;
         $inwit = abs($in_day - $out_day) - 1;
         if ($in_all[0] == $out_all[0] && $in_all[1] == $out_all[1] && $inwit < 0) {
             $this->throwValidationException($re, 0);
         } else {
             if ($in_all[0] == $out_all[0] && $in_all[1] == $out_all[1]) {
                 $_SESSION['inwit'] = $inwit;
                 $to = $val1 * $inwit * 50;
                 $_SESSION['to'] = $to;
                 $to2 = $val2 * $inwit * 60;
                 $_SESSION['to2'] = $to2;
                 $to3 = $val3 * $inwit * 70;
                 $_SESSION['to3'] = $to3;
                 $all_to = $to + $to2 + $to3;
                 $_SESSION['all_to'] = $all_to;
                 $_SESSION['lock'] = '0';
             } else {
                 foreach ($month as $mo) {
                     if ($mo == $in_all[0]) {
                         $in_key = key($month) - 1;
                 foreach ($month as $mo) {
                     if ($mo == $out_all[0]) {
                         $out_in_key = key($month) - 1;
                 $mo = abs($out_in_key - $in_key) * 12;
                 $year = abs($in_all[1] - $out_all[1]);
                 $day = abs($in_day - $out_day);
                 $all_days = $mo + $day - 1;
                 $_SESSION['all_days'] = $all_days;
                 if ($year >= 0 && $year <= 1) {
                     $tot = $val1 * $all_days * 50;
                     $_SESSION['tot'] = $tot;
                     $tot2 = $val2 * $all_days * 60;
                     $_SESSION['tot2'] = $tot2;
                     $tot3 = $val3 * $all_days * 70;
                     $_SESSION['tot3'] = $tot3;
                     $all_tota = $tot + $tot2 + $tot3;
                     $_SESSION['all_tot'] = $all_tota;
                     $_SESSION['lock'] = 1;