コード例 #1
 public function index($sid)
     $plugin_settings = DB::table('plugin_settings')->where('key', $sid)->first();
     //Validamos si ya esta encuesta ya tenia registro
     if ($plugin_settings == null) {
         DB::table('plugin_settings')->insert([['plugin_id' => 8, 'model' => 'mkp_recall', 'model_id' => 1, 'key' => $sid]]);
     $isConfirmation = DB::table('plugin_settings')->where('key', $sid)->select('isConfirmation')->first();
     //Primero valida si existe la tabla de survey y la de tokens
     $sql = 'select count(1) as existe' . ' from information_schema.tables' . ' where TABLE_NAME in ("survey_' . $sid . '","tokens_' . $sid . '")' . ' and table_schema =database()';
     $check = DB::select($sql)[0]->existe;
     if ($check != '2') {
         if ($check == '0') {
             return Redirect()->route('admin')->with('status', 'La encuesta en cuestión aun no ha sido creada.');
         } else {
             if ($check == '1') {
                 return Redirect()->route('admin')->with('status', 'Lista de clientes aún no ha sido cargada.');
     $surveys_languagesettings = DB::table('surveys_languagesettings')->where('surveyls_survey_id', $sid)->first();
     $llamadasPdtesNoRealizadas = DB::table('tokens_' . $sid)->where('completed', 'N')->where('usesleft', '1')->count();
     $llamadasPdtesRecuperadas = DB::table('tokens_' . $sid)->where('completed', 'N')->where('usesleft', '<>', '1')->count();
     //Dependiendo de si es o no confirmacion hacemos una u otra consulta
     if ($isConfirmation->isConfirmation == 0) {
         //Encuestas de primera ronda
         $rellamadaColumn = $sid . 'X' . SettingsController::getAnwswerGroup($sid) . 'X' . SettingsController::getRellamadaAnswer($sid);
         $sqlLlamadasEmitidasRecuperables = "select count(1) as num from tokens_" . $sid . " where token in" . " ( " . "\tselect maxTable.token " . "\tfrom ( select token,max(id) as maxid from survey_" . $sid . " group by token) as maxTable " . "\tinner join survey_" . $sid . " as sv on maxTable.token=sv.token and maxTable.maxId = sv.id " . "\twhere `" . $rellamadaColumn . "`='A1' " . " ) and tokens_" . $sid . ".completed<>'N'";
         $llamadasEmitidasRecuperables = DB::select($sqlLlamadasEmitidasRecuperables);
         $sqlLlamadasEmitidasNoRecuperables = "select count(1) as num from tokens_" . $sid . " where token in" . " ( " . "\tselect maxTable.token " . "\tfrom ( select token,max(id) as maxid from survey_" . $sid . " group by token) as maxTable " . "\tinner join survey_" . $sid . " as sv on maxTable.token=sv.token and maxTable.maxId = sv.id " . "\twhere `" . $rellamadaColumn . "`='A2' " . " ) and tokens_" . $sid . ".completed<>'N'";
         $llamadasEmitidasNORecuperables = DB::select($sqlLlamadasEmitidasNoRecuperables);
     } else {
         //Encuestas de confirmacion
         $contactColumn = $sid . 'X' . SettingsController::getAnwswerGroup($sid) . 'X' . SettingsController::getHaConstactadoAnswer($sid);
         $sqlLlamadasEmitidasRecuperables = "select count(1) as num from tokens_" . $sid . " where token in" . " ( " . "\tselect maxTable.token " . "\tfrom ( select token,max(id) as maxid from survey_" . $sid . " group by token) as maxTable " . "\tinner join survey_" . $sid . " as sv on maxTable.token=sv.token and maxTable.maxId = sv.id " . "\twhere `" . $contactColumn . "`='N' " . " ) and tokens_" . $sid . ".completed<>'N'";
         $llamadasEmitidasRecuperables = DB::select($sqlLlamadasEmitidasRecuperables);
         $sqlLlamadasEmitidasNoRecuperables = "select count(1) as num from tokens_" . $sid . " where token in" . " ( " . "\tselect maxTable.token " . "\tfrom ( select token,max(id) as maxid from survey_" . $sid . " group by token) as maxTable " . "\tinner join survey_" . $sid . " as sv on maxTable.token=sv.token and maxTable.maxId = sv.id " . "\twhere `" . $contactColumn . "`='Y' " . " ) and tokens_" . $sid . ".completed<>'N'";
         $llamadasEmitidasNORecuperables = DB::select($sqlLlamadasEmitidasNoRecuperables);
     $sqlOperadores = "\tSELECT uOp.name as name, " . "\t(select count(1) from tokens_" . $sid . " tk2 where tk2.attribute_1=tok1.operador and completed='N' and usesleft=1) as ptesNuncaRealizadas, " . "\t(select count(1) from tokens_" . $sid . " tk2 where tk2.attribute_1=tok1.operador and completed='N' and usesleft<>1) as ptesRecuperadas, " . "   (select count(1) from tokens_" . $sid . " tk2 where tk2.attribute_1=tok1.operador and completed<> 'N' ) as ejecutadas " . "\tFROM  " . "\t(select distinct(attribute_1) as operador from tokens_" . $sid . " where attribute_1 is not null group by attribute_1) as tok1  " . "\tleft join usuarios_operadores uOp on tok1.operador=uOp.id " . "\torder by uOp.`order` ";
     $llamadasPorOperadores = DB::select($sqlOperadores);
     $data = array();
     $data['survey_title'] = $surveys_languagesettings->surveyls_title;
     $data['sid'] = $sid;
     $data['isConfirmation'] = $isConfirmation->isConfirmation;
     $data['LlamPdtesNoRealizadas'] = $llamadasPdtesNoRealizadas;
     $data['LlamPdtesRecuperadas'] = $llamadasPdtesRecuperadas;
     $data['LlamEmitidasRecuperables'] = $llamadasEmitidasRecuperables[0]->num;
     $data['LlamEmitidasNoRecuperables'] = $llamadasEmitidasNORecuperables[0]->num;
     $data['llamadasPorOperadores'] = $llamadasPorOperadores;
     return view('admin/survey', ['data' => $data]);
コード例 #2
 public function recover(Request $request, $sid)
     $desde = $request->input('desde');
     $hasta = $request->input('hasta');
     if ($desde < 0) {
         $desde = 1;
     $nLlamadasTot = DB::table('tokens_' . $sid)->count();
     if ($hasta > $nLlamadasTot) {
         $hasta = $nLlamadasTot;
     if ($desde > $hasta) {
         return Redirect::to('survey/' . $sid . '/dispatch')->with('status', 'El limite inferior no puede ser mayor que el limite superior.');
     log::info('[' . $sid . '] Recueperamos las llamadas de el token ' . $desde . ' hasta el ' . $hasta);
     $rellamadaColumn = $sid . 'X' . SettingsController::getAnwswerGroup($sid) . 'X' . SettingsController::getRellamadaAnswer($sid);
     $sqlTokensRecuperables = " select tid,token from tokens_" . $sid . " where token in " . " ( " . " \tselect maxTable.token " . " \tfrom ( select token,max(id) as maxid from survey_" . $sid . " group by token) as maxTable " . " \tinner join survey_" . $sid . " as sv on maxTable.token=sv.token and maxTable.maxId = sv.id " . " \twhere `" . $rellamadaColumn . "`='A1' " . "  ) and tokens_" . $sid . ".completed<>'N'" . " and tid between " . $desde . " and " . $hasta;
     $tokensRecuperables = DB::select($sqlTokensRecuperables);
     foreach ($tokensRecuperables as $tokenRecuperable) {
         //Recuperamos cada llamada
         LlamadasController::recover($sid, $tokenRecuperable->tid);
     return Redirect::to('survey/' . $sid)->with('status', 'Proceso de recuperacion de llamadas, realizado correctamente');
コード例 #3
 public function getRecallConfig($sid)
     $recallFieldData = array();
     $gid = SettingsController::getAnwswerGroup($sid);
     $tablePrefix = $sid . 'X' . $gid . 'X';
     $recallFieldData['anws_qid'] = SettingsController::getMotivoRellamarAnswer($sid);
     $recallFieldData['contact'] = $tablePrefix . SettingsController::getHaConstactadoAnswer($sid);
     $recallFieldData['motiv'] = $tablePrefix . SettingsController::getRellamadaAnswer($sid);
     $recallFieldData['anws_code'] = $tablePrefix . SettingsController::getMotivoRellamarAnswer($sid);
     return $recallFieldData;