コード例 #1
  * Searches for links in the given HTML-chunk and adds found links the the internal link-cache.
 public function findLinksInHTMLChunk(&$html_source)
     // Check for meta-base-URL and meta-tags in top of HTML-source
     if ($this->top_lines_processed == false) {
         $meta_base_url = PHPCrawlerUtils::getBaseUrlFromMetaTag($html_source);
         if ($meta_base_url != null) {
             $base_url = PHPCrawlerUtils::buildURLFromLink($meta_base_url, $this->baseUrlParts);
             $this->baseUrlParts = PHPCrawlerUrlPartsDescriptor::fromURL($base_url);
         // Get all meta-tags
         $this->meta_attributes = PHPCrawlerUtils::getMetaTagAttributes($html_source);
         // Set flag that top-lines of source were processed
         $this->top_lines_processed = true;
     // Prepare HTML-chunk
     // Build the RegEx-part for html-tags to search links in
     $tag_regex_part = "";
     $cnt = count($this->extract_tags);
     for ($x = 0; $x < $cnt; $x++) {
         $tag_regex_part .= "|" . $this->extract_tags[$x];
     $tag_regex_part = substr($tag_regex_part, 1);
     // 1. <a href="...">LINKTEXT</a> (well formed link with </a> at the end and quotes around the link)
     // Get the link AND the linktext from these tags
     // This has to be done FIRST !!
     preg_match_all("#<\\s*a\\s[^<>]*(?<=\\s)(?:" . $tag_regex_part . ")\\s*=\\s*" . "(?|\"([^\"]+)\"|'([^']+)'|([^\\s><'\"]+))[^<>]*>" . "((?:(?!<\\s*\\/a\\s*>).){0,500})" . "<\\s*\\/a\\s*># is", $html_source, $matches);
     $cnt = count($matches[0]);
     for ($x = 0; $x < $cnt; $x++) {
         $link_raw = trim($matches[1][$x]);
         $linktext = $matches[2][$x];
         $linkcode = trim($matches[0][$x]);
         if (!empty($link_raw)) {
             $this->addLinkToCache($link_raw, $linkcode, $linktext);
     // Second regex (everything that could be a link inside of <>-tags)
     preg_match_all("#<[^<>]*\\s(?:" . $tag_regex_part . ")\\s*=\\s*" . "(?|\"([^\"]+)\"|'([^']+)'|([^\\s><'\"]+))[^<>]*># is", $html_source, $matches);
     $cnt = count($matches[0]);
     for ($x = 0; $x < $cnt; $x++) {
         $link_raw = trim($matches[1][$x]);
         $linktext = "";
         $linkcode = trim($matches[0][$x]);
         if (!empty($link_raw)) {
             $this->addLinkToCache($link_raw, $linkcode, $linktext);
     // Now, if agressive_mode is set to true, we look for some
     // other things
     $pregs = array();
     if ($this->aggressive_search == true) {
         // Links like "...:url("animage.gif")..."
         $pregs[] = "/[\\s\\.:;](?:" . $tag_regex_part . ")\\s*\\(\\s*([\"|']{0,1})([^\"'\\) ]{1,500})['\"\\)]/ is";
         // Everything like "...href="bla.html"..." with qoutes
         $pregs[] = "/[\\s\\.:;\"'](?:" . $tag_regex_part . ")\\s*=\\s*([\"|'])(.{0,500}?)\\1/ is";
         // Everything like "...href=bla.html..." without qoutes
         $pregs[] = "/[\\s\\.:;](?:" . $tag_regex_part . ")\\s*(=)\\s*([^\\s\">']{1,500})/ is";
         for ($x = 0; $x < count($pregs); $x++) {
             preg_match_all($pregs[$x], $html_source, $matches);
             $cnt = count($matches[0]);
             for ($y = 0; $y < $cnt; $y++) {
                 $link_raw = trim($matches[2][$y]);
                 $linkcode = trim($matches[0][$y]);
                 $linktext = "";
                 $this->addLinkToCache($link_raw, $linkcode, $linktext);
     $this->found_links_map = array();