コード例 #1
  * Get locations grouped by Organization id
  * @return array
 protected function getVendors()
     $organizations = $this->_em->getRepository('CoreBundle:Organization')->createQueryBuilder('org')->leftJoin('org.locations', 'l')->where('org.customer = :cust AND org.customerCode IS NOT NULL')->setParameter('cust', $this->customer->getId())->getQuery()->getResult();
     $groupByOrganization = [];
      * @var Entity\Organization $org
      * @var Entity\OrganizationLocation $loc
     foreach ($organizations as $org) {
         if (!isset($groupByOrganization[$org->getCustomerCode()])) {
             $groupByOrganization[$org->getCustomerCode()]['org'] = $org;
             $groupByOrganization[$org->getCustomerCode()]['locs'] = [];
         foreach ($org->getLocations() as $loc) {
             $groupByOrganization[$org->getCustomerCode()]['locs'][$loc->getCustomerCode()] = $loc;
     return $groupByOrganization;
コード例 #2
  * import data for containers without ATA (shipments, line items, flows)
 private function syncContainerWithoutAta($fetchType)
     $i = 0;
     $flowStorage = $shipmentStorage = [];
     //container flow
     $query = "SELECT c.*, so.PBL, po.Name as PoName, so.Status, SUM(soi.QTY_PCS) as QTY_PCS,\n                       SUM(soi.QTY_CNTS) as QTY_CNTS, SUM(soi.NetWeight) as NetWeight, SUM(soi.GrossWeight) as GrossWeight, SUM(soi.Volume) as Volume\n                       FROM container c\n                       JOIN so ON so.ContainerID = c.ID\n                       JOIN so_items soi ON soi.SOID = so.ID\n                       JOIN po ON po.ID = soi.POID\n                       WHERE trim(c.Name) != '' AND c.ATA = '0000-00-00'\n                             AND c.ShippingLine IN (:maersk, :cma, :fesco, :hmm, :apl)";
     if ($fetchType == self::FETCH_TYPE_DAILY) {
         $query .= $this->dailyCondition;
     $query .= " GROUP BY so.ID, po.ID";
     $stmt = $this->pdo->prepare($query);
     $stmt->execute(['apl' => self::APL, 'maersk' => self::MAERSK, 'cma' => self::CMA, 'fesco' => self::FESCO, 'hmm' => self::HMM]);
     $subcontractorMap = [self::CMA => $this->_em->getRepository('CoreBundle:Subcontractor')->findOneBy(['code' => self::CMA_CODE]), self::MAERSK => $this->_em->getRepository('CoreBundle:Subcontractor')->findOneBy(['code' => self::MAERSK_CODE]), self::FESCO => $this->_em->getRepository('CoreBundle:Subcontractor')->findOneBy(['code' => self::FESCO_CODE]), self::HMM => $this->_em->getRepository('CoreBundle:Subcontractor')->findOneBy(['code' => self::HMM_CODE]), self::APL => $this->_em->getRepository('CoreBundle:Subcontractor')->findOneBy(['code' => self::APL_CODE])];
     $uomQty = $this->_em->getRepository('CoreBundle:UOM')->findOneBy(['code' => 'PC']);
     $uomPlaces = $this->_em->getRepository('CoreBundle:UOM')->findOneBy(['code' => 'CT']);
     $uomWeight = $this->_em->getRepository('CoreBundle:UOM')->findOneBy(['code' => 'KG']);
     $uomVolume = $this->_em->getRepository('CoreBundle:UOM')->findOneBy(['code' => 'CBM']);
     $qb = $this->_em->getRepository('CoreBundle:ContainerFlow')->createQueryBuilder('cf');
     $qbl = $this->_em->getRepository('CoreBundle:BookingLineItem')->createQueryBuilder('l');
     $poBuilder = $this->_em->getRepository('CoreBundle:PO')->createQueryBuilder('po');
     $statusCancel = $this->_em->getRepository('CoreBundle:Status')->findOneBy(['code' => 'CXL']);
     $statusPublished = $this->_em->getRepository('CoreBundle:Status')->findOneBy(['code' => 'PBV']);
     while (($row = $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) == true) {
         $container = $this->_em->getRepository('CoreBundle:Container')->findOneBy(['name' => $row['Name']]);
         if (!$container) {
         /** @var Subcontractor $subcontractor */
         $subcontractor = $subcontractorMap[$row['ShippingLine']];
         if (($subcontractor->getService() && $subcontractor->getService()->getCode() == 'CONTAINERLEASING') == false) {
             $prefixString = substr($row['Name'], 0, 4);
             /** @var ContainerPrefix $prefix */
             $prefix = $this->_em->getRepository('CoreBundle:ContainerPrefix')->findOneBy(['name' => $prefixString]);
             if (!$prefix) {
                 $this->messageService->addMessage("Unknown prefix {$prefixString} for container {$row['Name']}", Message::ERROR);
             if ($prefix->getSubcontractor()->getId() != $subcontractor->getId() && ($prefix->getSubcontractor()->getService() && $prefix->getSubcontractor()->getService()->getCode() != 'CONTAINERLEASING')) {
                 $this->messageService->addMessage("Subcontractor in spm is not equal patools for container {$row['Name']}", Message::ERROR);
         $po = $poBuilder->where('po.customer = :cust AND (po.name = :po1 OR po.customText1 = :po2)')->setParameters(['cust' => $this->sportmaster->getId(), 'po1' => $row['PoName'], 'po2' => $row['PoName']])->getQuery()->getOneOrNullResult();
         if (!$po) {
             $this->messageService->addMessage("Container name = {$row['Name']} PO {$row['PoName']} was not found, skipping", Message::ERROR);
         /** @var ContainerFlow $flow */
         $flow = isset($flowStorage[$row['ID']]) ? $flowStorage[$row['ID']] : null;
         if (!$flow) {
             $flow = $qb->where('cf.customInt1 = :number')->setParameter('number', $row['ID'])->getQuery()->getOneOrNullResult();
             //if flow has ATA, skip
             if ($flow && $flow->getATA()) {
         if (!$flow) {
             $flow = new ContainerFlow();
         if (!isset($flowStorage[$row['ID']])) {
             $flowStorage[$row['ID']] = $flow;
         $shipment = isset($shipmentStorage[$row['PBL']]) ? $shipmentStorage[$row['PBL']] : null;
         if (!$shipment) {
             $shipment = $this->_em->getRepository('CoreBundle:Shipment')->findOneBy(['hbl' => $row['PBL'], 'customer' => $this->sportmaster->getId()]);
         if (!$shipment) {
             //if deleted, skip
             if ($row['Status'] == -1) {
             $shipment = new Shipment();
         } else {
             if (!isset($shipmentStorage[$row['PBL']])) {
                 $flowShipmentLink = $this->_em->getConnection()->fetchAll("select * from container_flow_shipment where shipment_id = :id", ['id' => $shipment->getId()]);
                 if (!$flowShipmentLink) {
         $mbl = trim($row['MBL']);
         if ($row['ShippingLine'] == self::MAERSK) {
             preg_match('/(\\d{9,11})/', $mbl, $matches);
             if (isset($matches[1])) {
                 $mbl = $matches[1];
         if ($shipment->getMbl() != $mbl) {
         if (!isset($shipmentStorage[$row['PBL']])) {
             if ($shipment->getId() && $shipment->getBooking()) {
                 $qbl->update('CoreBundle:BookingLineItem', 'l')->set('l.status', '?1')->where('l.booking = ?2')->setParameter(1, $statusCancel->getId())->setParameter(2, $shipment->getBooking()->getId())->getQuery()->execute();
             $shipmentStorage[$row['PBL']] = $shipment;
         $booking = $shipment->getBooking();
         if (!$booking) {
             $booking = new Booking();
         if ($row['Status'] == -1) {
         } else {
         if ($row['Status'] == -1) {
         $line = null;
         if ($shipment->getBooking()->getId()) {
             $line = $this->_em->getRepository('CoreBundle:BookingLineItem')->findOneBy(['booking' => $shipment->getBooking()->getId(), 'po' => $po->getId()]);
         if (!$line) {
             $line = new BookingLineItem();
         if ($i % self::BATCH_SIZE == 0) {
             //                $this->_em->clear();
コード例 #3
  * @param Schema $schema
 public function up(Schema $schema)
      * @var EntityManager $em
     $em = $this->container->get('doctrine')->getManager();
     $decType = $em->getRepository('CoreBundle:DocumentType')->findOneBy(['code' => 'DeclOfConf']);
     if (!$decType) {
         $decType = new DocumentType();
         $decType->setName('Declaration of Conformity')->setCode('DeclOfConf');
     $certType = $em->getRepository('CoreBundle:DocumentType')->findOneBy(['code' => 'CertOfConf']);
     if (!$certType) {
         $certType = new DocumentType();
         $certType->setName('Certificate of Conformity')->setCode('CertOfConf');
     $customer = new Customer();
     $customer->setName('LPP S.A.')->setAbbr('lpp')->setIsActive(false)->setAddress('');
     $excel = \PHPExcel_IOFactory::load(__DIR__ . '/files/documents.xlsx');
     $sheets = $excel->getAllSheets();
     foreach ($sheets as $sheet) {
         $title = $sheet->getTitle();
         $documentType = preg_match('/ДС/ui', $title) ? $decType : $certType;
         preg_match('/\\((?P<tag>.+?)\\)/ui', $title, $matches);
         $tag = null;
         //add tag
         if (isset($matches['tag']) && $matches['tag']) {
             $tag = $em->getRepository('CoreBundle:Tag')->findOneBy(['name' => $matches['tag']]);
             if (!$tag) {
                 $tag = new Tag();
         $i = 0;
         $field = null;
         $mapping = [];
         while (($field = $sheet->getCellByColumnAndRow($i, 1)->getValue()) == true) {
             $mapping[$field] = $i;
         $lastColumn = $i - 1;
         $readSheet = true;
         $r = 3;
         while ($readSheet) {
             $document = new Document();
             if (isset($tag)) {
             $isEmpty = false;
             foreach ($mapping as $field => $col) {
                 $value = trim($sheet->getCellByColumnAndRow($col, $r)->getValue());
                 if (!$value && $field == 'name') {
                     $isEmpty = true;
                 if (\PHPExcel_Shared_Date::isDateTime($sheet->getCellByColumnAndRow($col, $r))) {
                     $value = \PHPExcel_Shared_Date::ExcelToPHPObject($value);
                 $method = 'set' . ucfirst($field);
                 if ($value) {
             if ($isEmpty) {
                 $readSheet = false;
             } else {
コード例 #4
  * Returns array [
  *     [
  *         'product'    => Product,
  *         'before'     => ProductStatus,
  *         'after'      => ProductStatus,
  *         'user'       => User,
  *         'customer'   => Customer,
  *     ],
  *     ...
  * ]
  * @param \DateTime $date
  * @param Customer $customer
  * @param User $user
  * @param ProductsSet $productSet
  * @return type
 public function getForProductsByDate(\DateTime $date, Customer $customer = null, User $user = null, ProductsSet $productSet = null, ProductStatus $statusAfter = null)
     $em = $this->_em;
     $connection = $em->getConnection();
     $conditions = [];
     $conditionValues = [];
     $conditions[] = 'date = :date';
     $conditionValues[':date'] = $date->format('Y-m-d');
     if (!empty($user)) {
         $conditions[] = 'user_id = :user_id';
         $conditionValues[':user_id'] = $user->getId();
     if (!empty($customer)) {
         $conditions[] = 'customer_id = :customer_id';
         $conditionValues[':customer_id'] = $customer->getId();
     if (!empty($productSet)) {
         $conditions[] = 'product_set_id = :product_set_id';
         $conditionValues[':product_set_id'] = $productSet->getId();
     if (!empty($statusAfter)) {
         $conditions[] = 'status_after_change_id = :status_after_change_id';
         $conditionValues[':status_after_change_id'] = $statusAfter->getId();
     $sql = '
         SELECT DISTINCT customer_id, product_id, status_before_change_id, status_after_change_id, user_id
         FROM statistics_product_status_changes 
         WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $conditions) . '
     $stmt = $connection->prepare($sql);
     foreach ($conditionValues as $key => $value) {
         $stmt->bindValue($key, $value);
     $rows = $stmt->fetchAll();
     $result = [];
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $result[] = ['product' => empty($row['product_id']) ? null : $em->getRepository('CoreBundle:Product')->find($row['product_id']), 'before' => empty($row['status_before_change_id']) ? null : $em->getRepository('CoreBundle:ProductStatus')->find($row['status_before_change_id']), 'after' => empty($row['status_after_change_id']) ? null : $em->getRepository('CoreBundle:ProductStatus')->find($row['status_after_change_id']), 'user' => empty($row['user_id']) ? null : $em->getRepository('UsersBundle:User')->find($row['user_id']), 'customer' => empty($row['customer_id']) ? null : $em->getRepository('CoreBundle:Customer')->find($row['customer_id'])];
     return $result;