public function after() { $this->prepareViewBeforeRendering(); //var_dump($this->view->pageTitle);exit; $this->response->body = $this->view->render(); parent::after(); }
public function run($action) { try { parent::run($action); } catch (HttpException $e) { $e->setOrigin(HttpException::ORIGIN_ADMIN); throw $e; } }
public function addToCartLink($productId) { static $productsInCart; if (!$productsInCart) { $productsInCart = $this->controller->getProductsInCartIds(); } if (!in_array($productId, $productsInCart)) { ?> <a href="/cart/view" class="btn btn-primary pull-left ladda-button buy-link js-add-to-cart-shortcut" data-product-id="<?php echo $productId; ?> " data-style="contract" title="Add to Cart"><span class="ladda-label"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-shopping-cart"></span></span></a><?php } else { ?> <a href="/cart/view" class="btn btn-success btn-sm pull-left ladda-button buy-link added-to-cart" data-product-id="<?php echo $productId; ?> " data-style="contract" title="Go to Cart">Added to Cart</a> <?php } }
/** * @inheritdoc */ public function after() { $this->response->setHeader('Content-Type', $this->responseFormat . '; charset=utf-8'); if ($this->request->method == 'HEAD') { $this->response->body = ''; return; } if ($this->response->body instanceof Model) { /** @var Model $tmpData */ $tmpData = $this->response->body; $tmpData = $tmpData->as_array(); foreach ($tmpData as $key => $field) { if (!in_array($key, $this->exposedFields()) && $key != $this->model->id_field) { unset($tmpData[$key]); } } $this->response->body = $tmpData; } if ($this->isCollectionRequested) { $this->response->body = array_merge(['data' => $this->response->body], $this->meta); } if ($this->responseFormat == self::FORMAT_XML) { $this->response->body = $this->asXML(is_array($this->response->body) ? $this->response->body : []); } else { $this->response->body = $this->response->body || is_array($this->response->body) ? json_encode($this->response->body) : ''; } if (!is_string($this->response->body)) { $this->response->body = (string) $this->response->body; } //file_put_contents(__DIR__.'/../../../rest.log', date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "\n" . $this->response->body . "\n\n\n", FILE_APPEND); if (!$this instanceof ErrorController) { parent::after(); } }
public function after() { $this->response->body = $this->view->render(); parent::after(); }
/** * @inheritdoc */ public function after() { $this->response->setHeader('Content-Type', $this->responseFormat . '; charset=utf-8'); if ($this->request->method == 'HEAD') { $this->response->body = ''; return; } if ($this->response->body instanceof Model) { /** @var Model $tmpData */ $tmpData = $this->response->body; $tmpData = $tmpData->as_array(); foreach ($tmpData as $key => $field) { if (!in_array($key, $this->exposedFields()) && $key != $this->model->id_field) { unset($tmpData[$key]); } } $this->response->body = $tmpData; } if ($this->responseFormat == self::FORMAT_XML) { $this->response->body = $this->asXML(is_array($this->response->body) ? $this->response->body : []); // echo $this->response->body;exit; } else { $this->response->body = $this->response->body || is_array($this->response->body) ? json_encode($this->response->body) : ''; } if (!is_string($this->response->body)) { $this->response->body = (string) $this->response->body; } if (!$this instanceof ErrorController) { parent::after(); } }