コード例 #1
  * Creates an Apache_Solr_Document from a raw stdClass object as parsed by
  * SolrPhpClient.
  * For compatibility reasons taken from Apache_Solr_Response->_parseData()
  * @param \stdClass $rawDocument The raw document as initially returned by SolrPhpClient
  * @return \Apache_Solr_Document Apache Solr Document
 private function createApacheSolrDocument(\stdClass $rawDocument)
     $collapseSingleValueArrays = $this->search->getSolrConnection()->getCollapseSingleValueArrays();
     $document = new \Apache_Solr_Document();
     foreach ($rawDocument as $key => $value) {
         // If a result is an array with only a single value
         // then its nice to be able to access it
         // as if it were always a single value
         if ($collapseSingleValueArrays && is_array($value) && count($value) <= 1) {
             $value = array_shift($value);
         $document->{$key} = $value;
     return $document;