コード例 #1
ファイル: CacheProviderAPC.php プロジェクト: alphadevx/alpha
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function get($key)
     self::$logger->debug('>>get(key=[' . $key . '])');
     try {
         $value = apc_fetch($key);
         self::$logger->debug('<<get: [' . print_r($value, true) . '])');
         return $value;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         self::$logger->error('Error while attempting to load a business object from APC cache: [' . $e->getMessage() . ']');
         self::$logger->debug('<<get: [false])');
         return false;
コード例 #2
  * Handle GET requests.
  * @param Alpha\Util\Http\Request $request
  * @return Alpha\Util\Http\Response
  * @since 1.0
 public function doGET($request)
     self::$logger->debug('>>doGET($request=[' . var_export($request, true) . '])');
     $params = $request->getParams();
     $body = View::displayPageHead($this);
     $sequence = new Sequence();
     // make sure that the Sequence tables exist
     if (!$sequence->checkTableExists()) {
         $body .= View::displayErrorMessage('Warning! The Sequence table do not exist, attempting to create it now...');
     // set the start point for the list pagination
     if (isset($params['start']) ? $this->startPoint = $params['start'] : ($this->startPoint = 1)) {
     $records = $sequence->loadAll($this->startPoint);
     $this->BOCount = $sequence->getCount();
     $body .= View::renderDeleteForm($this->request->getURI());
     foreach ($records as $record) {
         $view = View::getInstance($record);
         $body .= $view->listView(array('URI' => $request->getURI()));
     $body .= View::displayPageFoot($this);
     return new Response(200, $body, array('Content-Type' => 'text/html'));
コード例 #3
ファイル: LoginController.php プロジェクト: alphadevx/alpha
  * Login the user and re-direct to the defined destination.
  * @param string $password The password supplied by the user logging in
  * @throws Alpha\Exception\ValidationException
  * @return Alpha\Util\Http\Response
  * @since 1.0
 protected function doLoginAndRedirect($password)
     self::$logger->debug('>>doLoginAndRedirect(password=[' . $password . '])');
     $config = ConfigProvider::getInstance();
     if (!$this->personObject->isTransient() && $this->personObject->get('state') == 'Active') {
         if (password_verify($password, $this->personObject->get('password'))) {
             $sessionProvider = $config->get('session.provider.name');
             $session = SessionProviderFactory::getInstance($sessionProvider);
             $session->set('currentUser', $this->personObject);
             self::$logger->debug('Logging in [' . $this->personObject->get('email') . '] at [' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ']');
             $response = new Response(301);
             if ($this->getNextJob() != '') {
                 $response->redirect(FrontController::generateSecureURL('act=' . $this->getNextJob()));
             } else {
             return $response;
         } else {
             throw new ValidationException('Failed to login user ' . $this->personObject->get('email') . ', the password is incorrect!');
コード例 #4
ファイル: TCPDF.php プロジェクト: alphadevx/alpha
  * Overrides the TCPDF::Image method to decrypt encrypted $file paths from the Image widget, then pass
  * them to the normal TCPDF::Image along with all of the other (unmodified) parameters.
  * @param string $file    Name of the file containing the image.
  * @param float  $x       Abscissa of the upper-left corner.
  * @param float  $y       Ordinate of the upper-left corner.
  * @param float  $w       Width of the image in the page. If not specified or equal to zero, it is automatically calculated.
  * @param float  $h       Height of the image in the page. If not specified or equal to zero, it is automatically calculated.
  * @param string $type    Image format. Possible values are (case insensitive): JPEG and PNG (whitout GD library) and all images supported by GD: GD, GD2, GD2PART, GIF, JPEG, PNG, BMP, XBM, XPM;. If not specified, the type is inferred from the file extension.
  * @param mixed  $link    URL or identifier returned by AddLink().
  * @param string $align   Indicates the alignment of the pointer next to image insertion relative to image height. The value can be:<ul><li>T: top-right for LTR or top-left for RTL</li><li>M: middle-right for LTR or middle-left for RTL</li><li>B: bottom-right for LTR or bottom-left for RTL</li><li>N: next line</li></ul>
  * @param bool   $resize  If true resize (reduce) the image to fit $w and $h (requires GD library).
  * @param int    $dpi     dot-per-inch resolution used on resize
  * @param string $palign  Allows to center or align the image on the current line. Possible values are:<ul><li>L : left align</li><li>C : center</li><li>R : right align</li><li>'' : empty string : left for LTR or right for RTL</li></ul>
  * @param bool   $ismask  true if this image is a mask, false otherwise
  * @param mixed  $imgmask image object returned by this function or false
  * @param mixed  $border  Indicates if borders must be drawn around the image. The value can be either a number:<ul><li>0: no border (default)</li><li>1: frame</li></ul>or a string containing some or all of the following characters (in any order):<ul><li>L: left</li><li>T: top</li><li>R: right</li><li>B: bottom</li></ul>
  * @since 1.0
 public function Image($file, $x = '', $y = '', $w = 0, $h = 0, $type = '', $link = '', $align = '', $resize = false, $dpi = 300, $palign = '', $ismask = false, $imgmask = false, $border = 0)
     if (self::$logger == null) {
         self::$logger = new Logger('TCPDF');
     $config = ConfigProvider::getInstance();
     self::$logger->debug('Processing image file URL [' . $file . ']');
     try {
         if (mb_strpos($file, '/tk/') !== false) {
             $start = mb_strpos($file, '/tk/') + 3;
             $end = mb_strlen($file);
             $tk = mb_substr($file, $start + 1, $end - ($start + 1));
             $decoded = FrontController::getDecodeQueryParams($tk);
             parent::Image($decoded['source'], $x, $y, $w, $h, $type, $link, $align, $resize, $dpi, $palign, $ismask, $imgmask, $border);
         } else {
             // it has no query string, so threat as a regular image URL
             if (Validator::isURL($file)) {
                 parent::Image($config->get('app.root') . '/' . Image::convertImageURLToPath($file), $x, $y, $w, $h, $type, $link, $align, $resize, $dpi, $palign, $ismask, $imgmask, $border);
             } else {
                 parent::Image($file, $x, $y, $w, $h, $type, $link, $align, $resize, $dpi, $palign, $ismask, $imgmask, $border);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         self::$logger->error('Error processing image file URL [' . $file . '], error [' . $e->getMessage() . ']');
         throw $e;
コード例 #5
ファイル: CronManager.php プロジェクト: alphadevx/alpha
  * Loops over the /tasks directory and builds an array of all of the task
  * class names in the system.
  * @return array
  * @since 1.0
 public static function getTaskClassNames()
     $config = ConfigProvider::getInstance();
     if (self::$logger == null) {
         self::$logger = new Logger('CronManager');
         self::$logger->setLogFile($config->get('app.file.store.dir') . 'logs/tasks.log');
     $classNameArray = array();
     if (file_exists($config->get('app.root') . 'Task')) {
         $handle = opendir($config->get('app.root') . 'Task');
         // loop over the custom task directory
         while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
             if (preg_match('/Task.php/', $file)) {
                 $classname = mb_substr($file, 0, -4);
                 array_push($classNameArray, $classname);
     if (file_exists($config->get('app.root') . 'Alpha/Task')) {
         $handle = opendir($config->get('app.root') . 'Alpha/Task');
         // loop over the custom task directory
         while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
             if (preg_match('/Task.php/', $file)) {
                 $classname = mb_substr($file, 0, -4);
                 array_push($classNameArray, $classname);
     self::$logger->debug('<<getTaskClassNames [' . var_export($classNameArray, true) . ']');
     return $classNameArray;
コード例 #6
ファイル: ArticleController.php プロジェクト: alphadevx/alpha
  * Method to handle DELETE requests.
  * @param Alpha\Util\Http\Request
  * @return Alpha\Util\Http\Response
  * @since 2.0
 public function doDELETE($request)
     self::$logger->debug('>>doDELETE($request=[' . var_export($request, true) . '])');
     return parent::doDELETE($request);
コード例 #7
  * Parses a MySQL error for the value that violated a unique constraint.
  * @param string $error The MySQL error string.
  * @since 1.1
 private function findOffendingValue($error)
     self::$logger->debug('>>findOffendingValue(error=[' . $error . '])');
     $singleQuote1 = mb_strpos($error, "'");
     $singleQuote2 = mb_strrpos($error, "'");
     $value = mb_substr($error, $singleQuote1, $singleQuote2 - $singleQuote1 + 1);
     self::$logger->debug('<<findOffendingValue [' . $value . '])');
     return $value;
コード例 #8
  * A static method that attempts to return a CacheProviderInterface instance
  * based on the name of the provider class supplied.
  * @param $providerName The class name of the provider class (fully qualified).
  * @throws Alpha\Exception\IllegalArguementException
  * @return Alpha\Util\Cache\CacheProviderInterface
  * @since 1.1
 public static function getInstance($providerName)
     if (self::$logger == null) {
         self::$logger = new Logger('CacheProviderFactory');
     self::$logger->debug('>>getInstance(providerName=[' . $providerName . '])');
     if (class_exists($providerName)) {
         $instance = new $providerName();
         if (!$instance instanceof CacheProviderInterface) {
             throw new IllegalArguementException('The class [' . $providerName . '] does not implement the expected CacheProviderInterface intwerface!');
         self::$logger->debug('<<getInstance: [Object ' . $providerName . ']');
         return $instance;
     } else {
         throw new IllegalArguementException('The class [' . $providerName . '] is not defined anywhere!');
コード例 #9
  * A static method that attempts to return a RendererProviderInterface instance
  * based on the name of the provider class supplied.
  * @param $providerName The fully-qualified class name of the provider class, must implement Alpha\View\Renderer\RendererProviderInterface.
  * @param $BO The Alpha\Model\ActiveRecord instance to pass to the renderer provider for passing data.
  * @throws Alpha\Exception\IllegalArguementException
  * @return Alpha\View\Renderer\RendererProviderInterface
  * @since 1.2
 public static function getInstance($providerName, $BO = null)
     if (self::$logger == null) {
         self::$logger = new Logger('RendererProviderFactory');
     self::$logger->debug('>>getInstance(providerName=[' . $providerName . '])');
     if (!class_exists($providerName)) {
         throw new IllegalArguementException('The class [' . $providerName . '] is not defined anywhere!');
     $instance = new $providerName();
     if (isset($BO)) {
     if (!$instance instanceof RendererProviderInterface) {
         throw new IllegalArguementException('The class [' . $providerName . '] does not implement the expected AlphaRendererProviderInterface interface!');
     self::$logger->debug('<<getInstance: [Object ' . $providerName . ']');
     return $instance;
コード例 #10
ファイル: TagController.php プロジェクト: alphadevx/alpha
  * Handle DELETE requests.
  * @param Alpha\Util\Http\Request $request
  * @return Alpha\Util\Http\Response
  * @throws Alpha\Exception\SecurityException
  * @throws Alpha\Exception\IllegalArguementException
  * @since 2.0
 public function doDELETE($request)
     self::$logger->debug('>>doDELETE($request=[' . var_export($request, true) . '])');
     $config = ConfigProvider::getInstance();
     $this->setName($config->get('app.url') . $this->request->getURI());
     $this->setUnitOfWork(array($config->get('app.url') . $this->request->getURI(), $config->get('app.url') . $this->request->getURI()));
     $request->addParams(array('ActiveRecordType' => 'Alpha\\Model\\Tag'));
     return parent::doDELETE($request);
コード例 #11
ファイル: EmailProviderPHP.php プロジェクト: alphadevx/alpha
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function send($to, $from, $subject, $body, $isHTML = false)
     self::$logger->debug('>>send(to=[' . $to . '], from=[' . $from . '], subject=[' . $subject . '], body=[' . $body . '], isHTML=[' . $isHTML . '])');
     $config = ConfigProvider::getInstance();
     $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\n";
     if ($isHTML) {
         $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\n";
     $headers .= 'From: ' . $from . "\n";
     if ($config->getEnvironment() != 'dev') {
         try {
             mb_send_mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers);
         } catch (PHPException $e) {
             throw new MailNotSentException('Error sending a mail to [' . $to . ']');
     } else {
         self::$logger->info("Sending email:\n" . $headers . "\n" . $body);
コード例 #12
  * Handles get requests.
  * @param Alpha\Util\Http\Request $request
  * @return Alpha\Util\Http\Response
  * @since 1.0
  * @throws Alpha\Exception\ResourceNotFoundException
 public function doGet($request)
     self::$logger->debug('>>doGet(request=[' . var_export($request, true) . '])');
     $params = $request->getParams();
     $relationObject = new Relation();
     $body = '';
     try {
         $relationType = $params['relationType'];
         $ActiveRecordOID = $params['ActiveRecordOID'];
         $field = $params['field'];
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         self::$logger->error('Required param missing for RecordSelectorController controller[' . $e->getMessage() . ']');
         throw new ResourceNotFoundException('File not found');
     if ($relationType == 'MANY-TO-MANY') {
         try {
             $relatedClassLeft = urldecode($params['relatedClassLeft']);
             $relatedClassLeftDisplayField = $params['relatedClassLeftDisplayField'];
             $relatedClassRight = urldecode($params['relatedClassRight']);
             $relatedClassRightDisplayField = $params['relatedClassRightDisplayField'];
             $accessingClassName = urldecode($params['accessingClassName']);
             $lookupOIDs = $params['lookupOIDs'];
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             self::$logger->error('Required param missing for RecordSelectorController controller[' . $e->getMessage() . ']');
             throw new ResourceNotFoundException('File not found');
         $relationObject->setRelatedClass($relatedClassLeft, 'left');
         $relationObject->setRelatedClassDisplayField($relatedClassLeftDisplayField, 'left');
         $relationObject->setRelatedClass($relatedClassRight, 'right');
         $relationObject->setRelatedClassDisplayField($relatedClassRightDisplayField, 'right');
         $recSelector = new RecordSelector($relationObject, '', $field, $accessingClassName);
         $body .= $recSelector->renderSelector($field, explode(',', $lookupOIDs));
     } else {
         try {
             $relatedClass = urldecode($params['relatedClass']);
             $relatedClassField = $params['relatedClassField'];
             $relatedClassDisplayField = $params['relatedClassDisplayField'];
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             self::$logger->error('Required param missing for RecordSelectorController controller[' . $e->getMessage() . ']');
             throw new ResourceNotFoundException('File not found');
         $recSelector = new RecordSelector($relationObject);
         $body .= $recSelector->renderSelector($field);
     return new Response(200, $body, array('Content-Type' => 'text/html'));
コード例 #13
  * A static method that attempts to return a ActiveRecordProviderInterface instance
  * based on the name of the provider class supplied.
  * @param $providerName The fully-qualified class name of the provider class.
  * @param $BO The (optional) active record instance to pass to the persistance provider for mapping.
  * @throws Alpha\Exception\IllegalArguementException
  * @return Alpha\Model\ActiveRecordProviderInterface
  * @since 1.1
 public static function getInstance($providerName, $BO = null)
     if (self::$logger == null) {
         self::$logger = new Logger('ActiveRecordProviderFactory');
     self::$logger->debug('>>getInstance(providerName=[' . $providerName . '], BO=[' . print_r($BO, true) . '])');
     $config = ConfigProvider::getInstance();
     if (class_exists($providerName)) {
         $instance = new $providerName();
         if (!$instance instanceof ActiveRecordProviderInterface) {
             throw new IllegalArguementException('The class [' . $providerName . '] does not implement the expected ActiveRecordProviderInterface interface!');
         if ($BO instanceof ActiveRecord) {
         self::$logger->debug('<<getInstance: [Object ' . $providerName . ']');
         return $instance;
     } else {
         throw new IllegalArguementException('The class [' . $providerName . '] is not defined anywhere!');
コード例 #14
ファイル: PhpinfoController.php プロジェクト: alphadevx/alpha
  * Handle GET requests.
  * @param Alpha\Util\Http\Request $request
  * @return Alpha\Util\Http\Response
  * @since 2.0.3
 public function doGET($request)
     self::$logger->debug('>>doGET($request=[' . var_export($request, true) . '])');
     if ($request->getParam('displayphpinfo') != null) {
         $body = ob_get_contents();
     } else {
         $body = View::displayPageHead($this);
         $url = FrontController::generateSecureURL('act=Alpha\\Controller\\PhpinfoController&displayphpinfo=true');
         $body .= '<iframe src="' . $url . '" style="border:none; overflow-x: scroll; overflow-y: scroll; width:100%; height:100vh;"></iframe>';
         $body .= View::displayPageFoot($this);
     return new Response(200, $body, array('Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'X-Frame-Options' => 'SAMEORIGIN'));
コード例 #15
ファイル: MetricController.php プロジェクト: alphadevx/alpha
  * Handle GET requests.
  * @param Alpha\Util\Http\Request $request
  * @return Alpha\Util\Http\Response
  * @since 1.0
 public function doGET($request)
     self::$logger->debug('>>doGET($request=[' . var_export($request, true) . '])');
     $config = ConfigProvider::getInstance();
     $body = View::displayPageHead($this);
     if ($request->getParam('dir')) {
         $dir = $request->getParam('dir');
     } else {
         $dir = $config->get('app.root');
     $metrics = new Inspector($dir);
     $body .= $metrics->resultsToHTML();
     $body .= View::displayPageFoot($this);
     return new Response(200, $body, array('Content-Type' => 'text/html'));
コード例 #16
  * (non-PHPdoc).
  * @see Alpha\Model\ActiveRecordProviderInterface::rollback()
 public static function rollback()
     if (self::$logger == null) {
         self::$logger = new Logger('ActiveRecordProviderSQLite');
     try {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         if (mb_strpos($e->getMessage(), 'cannot rollback - no transaction is active') === false) {
             // just filtering out errors where the rollback failed due to no current transaction
             throw new AlphaException('Error rolling back a transaction, error is [' . self::getLastDatabaseError() . ']');
コード例 #17
  * Handle POST requests.
  * @param Alpha\Util\Http\Request $request
  * @return Alpha\Util\Http\Response
  * @since 1.0
 public function doPOST($request)
     self::$logger->debug('>>doPOST($request=[' . var_export($request, true) . '])');
     $config = ConfigProvider::getInstance();
     $params = $request->getParams();
     $body = View::displayPageHead($this);
     $body .= '<p class="alert alert-success">';
     if (isset($params['QS'])) {
         $body .= FrontController::generateSecureURL($params['QS']);
         self::$logger->action('Generated the secure URL in admin: ' . FrontController::generateSecureURL($params['QS']));
     $body .= '</p>';
     $body .= $this->renderForm();
     $body .= View::displayPageFoot($this);
     return new Response(200, $body, array('Content-Type' => 'text/html'));
コード例 #18
ファイル: IndexController.php プロジェクト: alphadevx/alpha
  * Handle GET requests.
  * @param Alpha\Util\Http\Request $request
  * @return Alpha\Util\Http\Response
  * @since 1.0
 public function doGET($request)
     self::$logger->debug('>>doGET(request=[' . var_export($request, true) . '])');
     $config = ConfigProvider::getInstance();
     if ($config->get('app.check.installed') && !ActiveRecord::isInstalled()) {
         $response = new Response(301);
         $response->redirect($config->get('app.url') . '/install');
         self::$logger->warn('App not installed so re-directing to the install controller');
         return $response;
     $params = $request->getParams();
     $body = View::loadTemplateFragment('html', 'head.phtml', array('title' => $config->get('app.title'), 'description' => 'Welcome to our site', 'allowCSSOverrides' => true));
     $body .= View::loadTemplateFragment('html', 'index.phtml');
     $body .= View::loadTemplateFragment('html', 'footer.phtml');
     return new Response(200, $body, array('Content-Type' => 'text/html'));
コード例 #19
ファイル: LogoutController.php プロジェクト: alphadevx/alpha
  * Handle GET requests.
  * @param Alpha\Util\Http\Request $request
  * @return Alpha\Util\Http\Response
  * @since 1.0
 public function doGET($request)
     self::$logger->debug('>>doGET($request=[' . var_export($request, true) . '])');
     $params = $request->getParams();
     $config = ConfigProvider::getInstance();
     if ($this->record instanceof Person) {
         self::$logger->debug('Logging out [' . $this->record->get('email') . '] at [' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ']');
     $sessionProvider = $config->get('session.provider.name');
     $session = SessionProviderFactory::getInstance($sessionProvider);
     $body = View::displayPageHead($this);
     $body .= View::displayUpdateMessage('You have successfully logged out of the system.');
     $body .= '<div align="center"><a href="' . $config->get('app.url') . '">Home Page</a></div>';
     $body .= View::displayPageFoot($this);
     return new Response(200, $body, array('Content-Type' => 'text/html'));
コード例 #20
  * Load the tag search matches from the cache.
  * @since 1.2.4
 private function loadFromCache($key)
     $config = ConfigProvider::getInstance();
     try {
         $cache = CacheProviderFactory::getInstance($config->get('cache.provider.name'));
         $matches = $cache->get($key);
         if (!$matches) {
             self::$logger->debug('Cache miss on key [' . $key . ']');
             return array();
         } else {
             self::$logger->debug('Cache hit on key [' . $key . ']');
             return $matches;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         self::$logger->error('Error while attempting to load a search result from [' . $config->get('cache.provider.name') . '] 
          instance: [' . $e->getMessage() . ']');
         return array();
コード例 #21
ファイル: CacheController.php プロジェクト: alphadevx/alpha
  * Handle POST requests.
  * @param Alpha\Util\Http\Response $request
  * @throws Alpha\Exception\SecurityException
  * @throws Alpha\Exception\IllegalArguementException
  * @return Alpha\Util\Http\Response
  * @since 1.0
 public function doPOST($request)
     self::$logger->debug('>>doPOST($request=[' . var_export($request, true) . '])');
     $params = $request->getParams();
     try {
         // check the hidden security fields before accepting the form POST data
         if (!$this->checkSecurityFields()) {
             throw new SecurityException('This page cannot accept post data from remote servers!');
         if (!is_array($params)) {
             throw new IllegalArguementException('Bad $params [' . var_export($params, true) . '] passed to doPOST method!');
         if (isset($params['clearCache']) && $params['clearCache'] == 'true') {
             try {
                 FileUtils::deleteDirectoryContents($this->dataDir, array('.htaccess', 'html', 'images', 'pdf', 'xls'));
                 $this->setStatusMessage(View::displayUpdateMessage('Cache contents deleted successfully.'));
                 $config = ConfigProvider::getInstance();
                 $sessionProvider = $config->get('session.provider.name');
                 $session = SessionProviderFactory::getInstance($sessionProvider);
                 self::$logger->info('Cache contents deleted successfully by user [' . $session->get('currentUser')->get('displayName') . '].');
             } catch (AlphaException $e) {
         return $this->doGET($request);
     } catch (SecurityException $e) {
     } catch (IllegalArguementException $e) {
     $body = View::displayPageHead($this);
     $message = $this->getStatusMessage();
     if (!empty($message)) {
         $body .= $message;
     $body .= View::displayPageFoot($this);
     return new Response(200, $body, array('Content-Type' => 'text/html'));
コード例 #22
ファイル: TagCloud.php プロジェクト: alphadevx/alpha
  * Constructor.
  * @param $limit The maximum amount of tags to include in the cloud.
  * @param $cacheKey Set this optional value to attempt to store the tag cloud array in the available cache for 24hrs (cache.provider.name).
  * @since 1.0
 public function __construct($limit, $cacheKey = '')
     $config = ConfigProvider::getInstance();
     self::$logger = new Logger('TagCloud');
     if ($cacheKey != '' && $config->get('cache.provider.name') != '') {
         $cache = CacheProviderFactory::getInstance($config->get('cache.provider.name'));
         $this->popTags = $cache->get($cacheKey);
         // cache look-up failed, so add it for the next time
         if (!$this->popTags) {
             self::$logger->debug('Cache lookup on the key [' . $cacheKey . '] failed, regenerating popular tags...');
             $this->popTags = Tag::getPopularTagsArray($limit);
             $cache->set($cacheKey, $this->popTags, 86400);
         } else {
             $this->popTags = array_slice($this->popTags, 0, $limit);
             self::$logger->debug('Cache lookup on the key [' . $cacheKey . '] succeeded');
     } else {
         $this->popTags = Tag::getPopularTagsArray($limit);
コード例 #23
ファイル: SearchController.php プロジェクト: alphadevx/alpha
  * Handle GET requests.
  * @param Alpha\Util\Http\Request $request
  * @return Alpha\Util\Http\Response
  * @since 1.0
  * @throws Alpha\Exception\IllegalArguementException
 public function doGET($request)
     self::$logger->debug('>>doGET($request=[' . var_export($request, true) . '])');
     $params = $request->getParams();
     if (isset($params['start']) ? $this->startPoint = $params['start'] : ($this->startPoint = 0)) {
     $config = ConfigProvider::getInstance();
     $KPI = new KPI('search');
     $body = '';
     if (isset($params['query'])) {
         $this->query = $params['query'];
         // replace any %20 on the URL with spaces
         $params['query'] = str_replace('%20', ' ', $params['query']);
         $this->setTitle('Search results - ' . $params['query']);
         $body .= View::displayPageHead($this);
         // log the user's search query in a log file
         $log = new LogProviderFile();
         $log->setPath($config->get('app.file.store.dir') . 'logs/search.log');
         $log->writeLine(array($params['query'], date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $request->getUserAgent(), $request->getIP()));
         $KPI->logStep('log search query');
         $provider = SearchProviderFactory::getInstance('Alpha\\Util\\Search\\SearchProviderTags');
         // if a BO name is provided, only search tags on that class, otherwise search all BOs
         if (isset($params['ActiveRecordType'])) {
             $results = $provider->search($params['query'], $params['bo'], $this->startPoint);
         } else {
             $results = $provider->search($params['query'], 'all', $this->startPoint);
         $this->resultCount = $provider->getNumberFound();
         $KPI->logStep('search completed using SearchProviderTags provider');
         $body .= $this->renderResultList($results, $params['query']);
     } else {
         $this->setTitle('Search results');
         $body .= View::displayPageHead($this);
         self::$logger->debug('No search query provided!');
     $body .= View::displayPageFoot($this);
     return new Response(200, $body, array('Content-Type' => 'text/html'));
コード例 #24
  * Returns the output as an Excel spreadsheet.
  * @param bool $renderHeaders Set to false to supress headers in the spreadsheet (defaults to true).
  * @return string
  * @since 1.0
 public function render($renderHeaders = true)
     //define separator (tabbed character)
     $sep = "\t";
     $output = '';
     // get the class attributes
     $reflection = new \ReflectionClass(get_class($this->BO));
     $properties = $reflection->getProperties();
     // print headers
     if ($renderHeaders) {
         $output .= $this->BO->getDataLabel('OID') . $sep;
         foreach ($properties as $propObj) {
             $propName = $propObj->name;
             if (!in_array($propName, $this->BO->getTransientAttributes()) && !in_array($propName, $this->BO->getDefaultAttributes())) {
                 $output .= $this->BO->getDataLabel($propName) . $sep;
         $output .= "\n";
     // print values
     $output .= $this->BO->getOID() . $sep;
     foreach ($properties as $propObj) {
         $propName = $propObj->name;
         $prop = $this->BO->getPropObject($propName);
         if (!in_array($propName, $this->BO->getTransientAttributes()) && !in_array($propName, $this->BO->getDefaultAttributes())) {
             if (get_class($prop) == 'DEnum') {
                 $output .= $prop->getDisplayValue() . $sep;
             } elseif (get_class($prop) == 'Relation') {
                 $output .= $prop->getRelatedClassDisplayFieldValue() . $sep;
             } else {
                 $output .= preg_replace("/[\n\r]/", '', $prop->getValue()) . $sep;
     $output .= "\n";
     return $output;
コード例 #25
ファイル: InstallController.php プロジェクト: alphadevx/alpha
  * Custom version of the check rights method that only checks for a session for the config admin username/password,
  * when the system database is not set-up.
  * @return bool
  * @since 1.0
 public function checkRights()
     $config = ConfigProvider::getInstance();
     $sessionProvider = $config->get('session.provider.name');
     $session = SessionProviderFactory::getInstance($sessionProvider);
     if ($this->getVisibility() == 'Public') {
         self::$logger->debug('<<checkRights [true]');
         return true;
     if (ActiveRecord::isInstalled()) {
         self::$logger->debug('<<checkRights [false]');
         return false;
     // the person is logged in?
     if ($session->get('currentUser') !== false) {
         if ($session->get('currentUser')->get('email') == $config->get('app.install.username')) {
             self::$logger->debug('<<checkRights [true]');
             return true;
コード例 #26
ファイル: LogController.php プロジェクト: alphadevx/alpha
  * Handle GET requests.
  * @param Alpha\Util\Http\Request $request
  * @return Alpha\Util\Http\Response
  * @throws Alpha\Exception\IllegalArguementException
  * @since 1.0
 public function doGET($request)
     self::$logger->debug('>>doGET($request=[' . var_export($request, true) . '])');
     $params = $request->getParams();
     $body = '';
     try {
         // load the business object (BO) definition
         if (isset($params['logPath']) && file_exists(urldecode($params['logPath']))) {
             $logPath = urldecode($params['logPath']);
         } else {
             throw new IllegalArguementException('No log file available to view!');
         $this->logPath = $logPath;
         $body .= View::displayPageHead($this);
         $log = new LogProviderFile();
         if (preg_match('/alpha.*/', basename($this->logPath))) {
             $body .= $log->renderLog(array('Date/time', 'Level', 'Class', 'Message', 'Client', 'IP', 'Server hostname', 'URI'));
         if (preg_match('/search.*/', basename($this->logPath))) {
             $body .= $log->renderLog(array('Search query', 'Search date', 'Client Application', 'Client IP'));
         if (preg_match('/feeds.*/', basename($this->logPath))) {
             $body .= $log->renderLog(array('Business object', 'Feed type', 'Request date', 'Client Application', 'Client IP'));
         if (preg_match('/tasks.*/', basename($this->logPath))) {
             $body .= $log->renderLog(array('Date/time', 'Level', 'Class', 'Message'));
         $body .= View::displayPageFoot($this);
     } catch (IllegalArguementException $e) {
         $body .= View::displayPageHead($this);
         $body .= View::displayErrorMessage($e->getMessage());
         $body .= View::displayPageFoot($this);
     return new Response(200, $body, array('Content-Type' => 'text/html'));
コード例 #27
ファイル: View.php プロジェクト: alphadevx/alpha
  * Loads a template fragment from the Renderer/[type]/Fragments/[filename.ext] location.
  * @param string $type     Currently only html supported, later json and xml.
  * @param string $fileName The name of the fragment file
  * @param array  $fields   A hash array of field values to pass to the template fragment.
  * @return string
  * @since 1.2
  * @throws Alpha\Exception\IllegalArguementException
 public static function loadTemplateFragment($type, $fileName, $fields = array())
     if (self::$logger == null) {
         self::$logger = new Logger('View');
     self::$logger->debug('>>loadTemplateFragment(type=[' . $type . '], fileName=[' . $fileName . '], fields=[' . var_export($fields, true) . '])');
     $config = ConfigProvider::getInstance();
     // loop over the $fields array and create a local variable for each key value
     foreach (array_keys($fields) as $fieldName) {
         ${$fieldName} = $fields[$fieldName];
     $customPath = $config->get('app.root') . 'src/View/' . ucfirst($type) . '/Fragments/' . $fileName;
     $defaultPath1 = $config->get('app.root') . 'vendor/alphadevx/alpha/Alpha/View/Renderer/' . ucfirst($type) . '/Fragments/' . $fileName;
     $defaultPath2 = $config->get('app.root') . 'Alpha/View/Renderer/' . ucfirst($type) . '/Fragments/' . $fileName;
     // Check to see if a custom template exists for this BO, and if it does load that
     if (file_exists($customPath)) {
         self::$logger->debug('Loading template [' . $customPath . ']');
         require $customPath;
         $html = ob_get_clean();
         return $html;
     } elseif (file_exists($defaultPath1)) {
         self::$logger->debug('Loading template [' . $defaultPath1 . ']');
         require $defaultPath1;
         $html = ob_get_clean();
         return $html;
     } elseif (file_exists($defaultPath2)) {
         self::$logger->debug('Loading template [' . $defaultPath2 . ']');
         require $defaultPath2;
         $html = ob_get_clean();
         return $html;
     } else {
         throw new IllegalArguementException('Template fragment not found in [' . $customPath . '] or [' . $defaultPath1 . '] or [' . $defaultPath2 . ']!');
コード例 #28
ファイル: SequenceView.php プロジェクト: alphadevx/alpha
  * Custom display view.
  * @param array $fields Hash array of HTML fields to pass to the template.
  * @since 1.0
 public function detailedView($fields = array())
     self::$logger->debug('>>detailedView(fields=[' . var_export($fields, true) . '])');
     if (method_exists($this, 'before_detailedView_callback')) {
     $config = ConfigProvider::getInstance();
     // we may want to display the OID regardless of class
     $fields['OIDLabel'] = $this->BO->getDataLabel('OID');
     $fields['OID'] = $this->BO->getOID();
     // buffer form fields to $formFields
     $fields['formFields'] = $this->renderAllFields('view');
     // Back button
     $button = new Button('history.back()', 'Back', 'backBut');
     $fields['backButton'] = $button->render();
     $fields['adminButtons'] = '';
     $html = $this->loadTemplate($this->BO, 'detail', $fields);
     if (method_exists($this, 'after_detailedView_callback')) {
     return $html;
コード例 #29
  * Handle GET requests.
  * @param Alpha\Util\Http\Request $request
  * @since 1.0
  * @throws Alpha\Exception\ResourceNotFoundException
 public function doGET($request)
     self::$logger->debug('>>doGET($request=[' . var_export($request, true) . '])');
     $config = ConfigProvider::getInstance();
     $params = $request->getParams();
     try {
         if (isset($params['articleOID']) && isset($params['filename'])) {
             if (!Validator::isInteger($params['articleOID'])) {
                 throw new IllegalArguementException('The articleOID [' . $params['articleOID'] . '] provided is invalid');
             $article = new Article();
             $filePath = $article->getAttachmentsLocation() . '/' . $params['filename'];
             if (file_exists($filePath)) {
                 self::$logger->info('Downloading the file [' . $params['filename'] . '] from the folder [' . $article->getAttachmentsLocation() . ']');
                 $pathParts = pathinfo($filePath);
                 $mimeType = FileUtils::getMIMETypeByExtension($pathParts['extension']);
                 $response = new Response(200, file_get_contents($filePath));
                 $response->setHeader('Content-Type', $mimeType);
                 $response->setHeader('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="' . $pathParts['basename'] . '"');
                 $response->setHeader('Content-Length', filesize($filePath));
                 return $response;
             } else {
                 self::$logger->error('Could not access article attachment file [' . $filePath . '] as it does not exist!');
                 throw new IllegalArguementException('File not found');
         } else {
             self::$logger->error('Could not access article attachment as articleOID and/or filename were not provided!');
             throw new IllegalArguementException('File not found');
     } catch (IllegalArguementException $e) {
         throw new ResourceNotFoundException($e->getMessage());
コード例 #30
  * Handle POST requests.
  * @param alpha\Util\Http\Request $request
  * @return alpha\Util\Http\Response
  * @since 1.0
 public function doPOST($request)
     self::$logger->debug('>>doPOST($request=[' . var_export($request, true) . '])');
     $params = $request->getParams();
     $config = ConfigProvider::getInstance();
     $body = View::displayPageHead($this);
     try {
         // check the hidden security fields before accepting the form POST data
         if (!$this->checkSecurityFields()) {
             throw new SecurityException('This page cannot accept post data from remote servers!');
         if (isset($params['createTableBut'])) {
             try {
                 $classname = $params['createTableClass'];
                 $BO = new $classname();
                 self::$logger->action('Created the table for class ' . $classname);
                 $body .= View::displayUpdateMessage('The table for the class ' . $classname . ' has been successfully created.');
             } catch (AlphaException $e) {
                 $body .= View::displayErrorMessage('Error creating the table for the class ' . $classname . ', check the log!');
         if (isset($params['createHistoryTableBut'])) {
             try {
                 $classname = $params['createTableClass'];
                 $BO = new $classname();
                 self::$logger->action('Created the history table for class ' . $classname);
                 $body .= View::displayUpdateMessage('The history table for the class ' . $classname . ' has been successfully created.');
             } catch (AlphaException $e) {
                 $body .= View::displayErrorMessage('Error creating the history table for the class ' . $classname . ', check the log!');
         if (isset($params['recreateTableClass']) && $params['admin_' . stripslashes($params['recreateTableClass']) . '_button_pressed'] == 'recreateTableBut') {
             try {
                 $classname = $params['recreateTableClass'];
                 $BO = new $classname();
                 self::$logger->action('Recreated the table for class ' . $classname);
                 $body .= View::displayUpdateMessage('The table for the class ' . $classname . ' has been successfully recreated.');
             } catch (AlphaException $e) {
                 $body .= View::displayErrorMessage('Error recreating the table for the class ' . $classname . ', check the log!');
         if (isset($params['updateTableClass']) && $params['admin_' . stripslashes($params['updateTableClass']) . '_button_pressed'] == 'updateTableBut') {
             try {
                 $classname = $params['updateTableClass'];
                 $BO = new $classname();
                 $missingFields = $BO->findMissingFields();
                 $count = count($missingFields);
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) {
                 self::$logger->action('Updated the table for class ' . $classname);
                 $body .= View::displayUpdateMessage('The table for the class ' . $classname . ' has been successfully updated.');
             } catch (AlphaException $e) {
                 $body .= View::displayErrorMessage('Error updating the table for the class ' . $classname . ', check the log!');
     } catch (SecurityException $e) {
         $body .= View::displayErrorMessage($e->getMessage());
     $body .= $this->displayBodyContent();
     $body .= View::displayPageFoot($this);
     return new Response(200, $body, array('Content-Type' => 'text/html'));