public function getAccount() { if (null === $this->oAccount) { $this->oAccount = \afterlogic\DAV\Utils::GetAccountByLogin(basename($this->principalUri)); } return $this->oAccount; }
/** * Deletes the calendar. * * @return void */ public function delete() { $sTenantPrincipalUri = \Afterlogic\DAV\Utils::getTenantPrincipalUri($this->principalInfo['uri']); if ($sTenantPrincipalUri !== $this->calendarInfo['principaluri']) { $this->caldavBackend->updateShares($this->calendarInfo['id'], array(), array(basename($this->principalInfo['uri']))); } }
/** * Validates a username and password * * This method should return true or false depending on if login * succeeded. * * @return bool */ protected function validateUserPass($sUserName, $sPassword) { if (class_exists('CApi') && \CApi::IsValid()) { /* @var $oApiCalendarManager \CApiCalendarManager */ $oApiCalendarManager = \CApi::Manager('calendar'); /* @var $oApiCapabilityManager \CApiCapabilityManager */ $oApiCapabilityManager = \CApi::Manager('capability'); if ($oApiCalendarManager && $oApiCapabilityManager) { $oAccount = \afterlogic\DAV\Utils::GetAccountByLogin($sUserName); if ($oAccount && $oAccount->IsDisabled) { return false; } $bIsOutlookSyncClient = \afterlogic\DAV\Utils::ValidateClient('outlooksync'); $bIsMobileSync = false; $bIsOutlookSync = false; $bIsDemo = false; if ($oAccount) { $bIsMobileSync = $oApiCapabilityManager->IsMobileSyncSupported($oAccount); $bIsOutlookSync = $oApiCapabilityManager->IsOutlookSyncSupported($oAccount); \CApi::Plugin()->RunHook('plugin-is-demo-account', array(&$oAccount, &$bIsDemo)); } if ($oAccount && $oAccount->IncomingMailPassword === $sPassword && ($bIsMobileSync && !$bIsOutlookSyncClient || $bIsOutlookSync && $bIsOutlookSyncClient) || $bIsDemo || $sUserName === $oApiCalendarManager->GetPublicUser()) { \afterlogic\DAV\Utils::CheckPrincipals($sUserName); return true; } } } return false; }
public function getDigestHash($sRealm, $sUserName) { if (class_exists('CApi') && \CApi::IsValid()) { /* @var $oApiCapabilityManager \CApiCapabilityManager */ $oApiCapabilityManager = \CApi::GetSystemManager('capability'); if ($oApiCapabilityManager) { $oAccount = \Afterlogic\DAV\Utils::GetAccountByLogin($sUserName); if ($oAccount && $oAccount->IsDisabled) { return null; } $bIsOutlookSyncClient = \Afterlogic\DAV\Utils::ValidateClient('outlooksync'); $bIsMobileSync = false; $bIsOutlookSync = false; $bIsDemo = false; if ($oAccount) { $bIsMobileSync = $oApiCapabilityManager->isMobileSyncSupported($oAccount); $bIsOutlookSync = $oApiCapabilityManager->isOutlookSyncSupported($oAccount); \CApi::Plugin()->RunHook('plugin-is-demo-account', array(&$oAccount, &$bIsDemo)); } if ($oAccount && ($bIsMobileSync && !$bIsOutlookSyncClient || $bIsOutlookSync && $bIsOutlookSyncClient) || $bIsDemo || $sUserName === \CApi::ExecuteMethod('Dav::GetPublicUser')) { return md5($sUserName . ':' . $sRealm . ':' . ($bIsDemo ? 'demo' : $oAccount->IncomingMailPassword)); } } } return null; }
public function getUser() { if (null === $this->iUserId) { $this->iUserId = \Afterlogic\DAV\Utils::GetAccountByLogin(basename($this->principalUri)); } return $this->iUserId; }
public function getAccount() { if ($this->oAccount == null) { $sUser = \afterlogic\DAV\Auth\Backend::getInstance()->getCurrentUser(); $this->oAccount = \afterlogic\DAV\Utils::GetAccountByLogin($sUser); } return $this->oAccount; }
public static function getTenantPrincipalUri($principalUri) { $sTenantPrincipalUri = null; $oAccount = \afterlogic\DAV\Utils::GetAccountByLogin(basename($principalUri)); if ($oAccount) { $sTenantEmail = self::getTenantUser($oAccount); $sTenantPrincipalUri = \afterlogic\DAV\Constants::PRINCIPALS_PREFIX . '/' . $sTenantEmail; } return $sTenantPrincipalUri; }
/** * Returns the id list of shared cards * * @return array */ public function getSharedChildrenIds() { $aContactIds = array(); $oAccount = \afterlogic\DAV\Utils::getCurrentAccount(); if ($oAccount) { $oContactsManager = $this->getContactsManager(); if ($oContactsManager) { $aContactIds = $oContactsManager->getSharedContactIds($oAccount->IdUser, $oAccount->IdTenant); } } return $aContactIds; }
/** * @param CAccount $oAccount */ public function Init($oAccount) { $bResult = false; if ($oAccount) { if (!$this->initialized) { \afterlogic\DAV\Auth\Backend::getInstance()->setCurrentUser($oAccount->Email); \afterlogic\DAV\Utils::CheckPrincipals($oAccount->Email); $this->initialized = true; } $bResult = true; } return $bResult; }
public function initPath() { if ($this->rootPath === null) { $sUserName = \afterlogic\DAV\Auth\Backend::getInstance()->getCurrentUser(); if (isset($sUserName)) { $oAccount = \afterlogic\DAV\Utils::GetAccountByLogin($sUserName); if ($oAccount) { $this->rootPath = $this->path . '/' . $oAccount->IdTenant; if (!file_exists($this->rootPath)) { mkdir($this->rootPath, 0777, true); } } } } $this->path = $this->rootPath; }
/** * This method is used to search for principals matching a set of * properties. * * @param string $prefixPath * @param array $searchProperties * @return array */ public function searchPrincipals($prefixPath, array $searchProperties) { $oAccount = null; foreach ($searchProperties as $property => $value) { switch ($property) { case '{}email-address': $oAccount = \afterlogic\DAV\Utils::GetAccountByLogin($value); break; default: // Unsupported property return array(); } } $principals = array(); if ($oAccount) { $principals[] = \afterlogic\DAV\Constants::PRINCIPALS_PREFIX . '/' . $oAccount->Email; } return $principals; }
/** * Validates a username and password * * This method should return true or false depending on if login * succeeded. * * @return bool */ protected function validateUserPass($sUserName, $sPassword) { $mResult = false; if (class_exists('CApi') && \CApi::IsValid()) { /* @var $oApiCapabilityManager \CApiCapabilityManager */ $oApiCapabilityManager = \CApi::GetSystemManager('capability'); if ($oApiCapabilityManager) { $oDavDecorator = \CApi::GetModuleDecorator('Dav'); if ($oDavDecorator) { $mResult = $oDavDecorator->Login($sUserName, $sPassword); } $bIsOutlookSyncClient = \Afterlogic\DAV\Utils::ValidateClient('outlooksync'); $bIsMobileSync = false; $bIsOutlookSync = false; $bIsDemo = false; // if ($mResult !== false) { // $iIdUser = isset($mResult['id']) ? $mResult['id'] : 0; // return true; /* $bIsMobileSync = $oApiCapabilityManager->isMobileSyncSupported($iIdUser); $bIsOutlookSync = $oApiCapabilityManager->isOutlookSyncSupported($iIdUser); \CApi::Plugin()->RunHook( 'plugin-is-demo-account', array(&$oAccount, &$bIsDemo) ); * */ // } /* if (($oAccount && $oAccount->IncomingMailPassword === $sPassword && (($bIsMobileSync && !$bIsOutlookSyncClient) || ($bIsOutlookSync && $bIsOutlookSyncClient))) || $bIsDemo || $sUserName === \CApi::ExecuteMethod('Dav::GetPublicUser')) { return true; } * */ } } return $mResult; }
/** * @param CAccount $oAccount */ public function InitByAccount($oAccount) { $bResult = false; if ($oAccount && (!$this->Account || $this->Account->Email !== $oAccount->Email)) { $this->Account = $oAccount; $this->aAddressBooksCache = array(); $this->aContactItemsCache = array(); $this->aGroupItemsCache = array(); $this->ContactsCache = array(); $this->GroupsCache = array(); \afterlogic\DAV\Auth\Backend::getInstance()->setCurrentUser($oAccount->Email); \afterlogic\DAV\Utils::CheckPrincipals($oAccount->Email); $aPrincipalProperties = \afterlogic\DAV\Backend::Principal()->getPrincipalByPath(\afterlogic\DAV\Constants::PRINCIPALS_PREFIX . '/' . $oAccount->Email); if ($aPrincipalProperties) { if (isset($aPrincipalProperties['uri'])) { $this->Principal = $aPrincipalProperties['uri']; } } } if ($this->Account) { $bResult = true; } return $bResult; }
protected function getSharedCalendarsForUser($sPrincipalUri, $bSharedToAll = false) { $aCalendars = array(); $sTenantPrincipalUri = null; if (!$sPrincipalUri) { return $aCalendars; } if ($sPrincipalUri) { if ($bSharedToAll) { $sTenantPrincipalUri = $sPrincipalUri; $sPrincipalUri = \Afterlogic\DAV\Utils::getTenantPrincipalUri($sPrincipalUri); } $sFields = $this->getCalendarFields(); $sShareFields = implode(', ', $this->sharesProperties); $oStmt = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT " . $sShareFields . " FROM " . $this->calendarSharesTableName . " WHERE principaluri = ?"); $oStmt->execute(array($sPrincipalUri)); $aRows = $oStmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); foreach ($aRows as $aRow) { // get the original calendar $oCalStmt = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT " . $sFields . " FROM " . $this->calendarTableName . " WHERE id = ? ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1"); $oCalStmt->execute(array($aRow['calendarid'])); while ($calRow = $oCalStmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $aComponents = isset($aRows['components']) ? explode(',', $aRows['components']) : array(); $aCalendar = array('id' => $calRow['id'], 'uri' => $calRow['uri'], 'principaluri' => $bSharedToAll ? $sTenantPrincipalUri : $sPrincipalUri, '{' . \Sabre\CalDAV\Plugin::NS_CALDAV . '}supported-calendar-component-set' => new \Sabre\CalDAV\Xml\Property\SupportedCalendarComponentSet($aComponents), '{' . \Sabre\CalDAV\Plugin::NS_CALDAV . '}schedule-calendar-transp' => new \Sabre\CalDAV\Xml\Property\ScheduleCalendarTransp($calRow['transparent'] ? 'transparent' : 'opaque')); // some specific properies for shared calendars $aCalendar['{}shared-url'] = $calRow['uri']; $aCalendar['{}owner-principal'] = $calRow['principaluri']; $aCalendar['{}read-only'] = $aRow['readonly']; $aCalendar['{}summary'] = $aRow['summary']; foreach ($this->propertyMap as $xmlName => $dbName) { if ($xmlName == '{DAV:}displayname') { $aCalendar[$xmlName] = $calRow['displayname']; //$aRow['displayname'] == null ? $calRow['displayname'] : $aRow['displayname']; } elseif ($xmlName == '{}calendar-color') { $aCalendar[$xmlName] = $aRow['color'] == null ? $calRow['calendarcolor'] : $aRow['color']; } else { $aCalendar[$xmlName] = $calRow[$dbName]; } } $aCalendars[$aCalendar['id']] = $aCalendar; } } } return $aCalendars; }
public function updateReminder($uri, $data, $user) { if (self::isCalendar($uri) && self::isEvent($uri)) { $calendarUri = trim($this->getCalendarUri($uri), '/'); $eventId = $this->getEventId($uri); $aReminder = $this->getReminder($eventId, $user); $this->deleteReminder($eventId, $user); $vCal = \Sabre\VObject\Reader::read($data); $aBaseEvents = $vCal->getBaseComponents('VEVENT'); $bAllDay = false; if (isset($aBaseEvents[0])) { $oBaseEvent = $aBaseEvents[0]; $oNowDT = new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone('UTC')); $iReminderStartTS = $oNowDT->getTimestamp(); if ($aReminder) { $iReminderStartTS = $aReminder['starttime']; } $bAllDay = !$oBaseEvent->DTSTART->hasTime(); $oStartDT = $oBaseEvent->DTSTART->getDateTime(); $oStartDT->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone('UTC')); $oEndDT = $oBaseEvent->DTEND->getDateTime(); $oEndDT->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone('UTC')); $oInterval = $oStartDT->diff($oEndDT); $oStartDT = \CCalendarHelper::getNextRepeat($oNowDT, $oBaseEvent); if ($oStartDT) { $iReminderTime = \CCalendarHelper::getActualReminderTime($oBaseEvent, $oNowDT, $oStartDT); if ($iReminderTime === false && isset($oBaseEvent->RRULE)) { $iStartTS = $oStartDT->getTimestamp(); if ($iStartTS == $iReminderStartTS) { $oStartDT->add($oInterval); $oStartDT = \CCalendarHelper::getNextRepeat($oStartDT, $oBaseEvent); } $iReminderTime = \CCalendarHelper::getActualReminderTime($oBaseEvent, $oNowDT, $oStartDT); } if ($iReminderTime !== false) { $iOffset = 0; if ($bAllDay) { $oAccount = \afterlogic\DAV\Utils::GetAccountByLogin($user); if ($oAccount) { $oClientTZ = new \DateTimeZone($oAccount->User->ClientTimeZone); $oNowDTClientTZ = new \DateTime("now", $oClientTZ); $iOffset = $oNowDTClientTZ->getOffset(); } } $iStartTS = $oStartDT->getTimestamp(); $this->addReminder($user, $calendarUri, $eventId, $iReminderTime - $iOffset, $iStartTS - $iOffset, $bAllDay); } } } } }
/** * @param string $uri * @return bool */ public function existsPrincipal($uri) { $bResult = false; $oAccount = \afterlogic\DAV\Utils::GetAccountByLogin(basename($uri)); if ($oAccount) { $bResult = true; } return $bResult; }
public static function getPrincipalByEmail($sEmail) { $sEmail = trim(str_ireplace("mailto:", "", $sEmail)); $oPrincipalBackend = Backend::Principal(); $mPrincipalPath = $oPrincipalBackend->searchPrincipals(\afterlogic\DAV\Constants::PRINCIPALS_PREFIX, array('{}email-address' => $sEmail)); if (is_array($mPrincipalPath) && count($mPrincipalPath) === 0) { \afterlogic\DAV\Utils::CheckPrincipals($sEmail); $mPrincipalPath = $oPrincipalBackend->searchPrincipals(\afterlogic\DAV\Constants::PRINCIPALS_PREFIX, array('{}email-address' => $sEmail)); if (is_array($mPrincipalPath) && count($mPrincipalPath) === 0) { throw new \Exception("Unknown email address"); } } $sPrincipal = null; foreach ($mPrincipalPath as $aPrincipal) { if ($aPrincipal === \afterlogic\DAV\Constants::PRINCIPALS_PREFIX . '/' . $sEmail) { $sPrincipal = $aPrincipal; break; } } if (!isset($sPrincipal)) { throw new \Exception("Unknown email address"); } return $oPrincipalBackend->getPrincipalByPath($sPrincipal); }