コード例 #1
ファイル: HasMany.php プロジェクト: SerdarSanri/admin
  * Filters a query object with this item's data given a model
  * @param Query		$query
  * @param Eloquent	$model
  * @return void
 public function filterQuery(&$query, $model)
     //run the parent method
     parent::filterQuery($query, $model);
     //if there is no value, return
     if (!$this->value) {
     //if the table hasn't been joined yet, join it
     if (!Column::isJoined($query, $this->table)) {
         $query->join($this->table, $model->table() . '.' . $model::$key, '=', $this->table . '.' . $this->column);
     $query->where_in($this->table . '.id', is_array($this->value) ? $this->value : array($this->value));
コード例 #2
ファイル: ModelHelper.php プロジェクト: ajb/rfpez
  * Helper that builds a results array (with results and pagination info)
  * @param object	$model
  * @param array		$sortOptions (with 'field' and 'direction' keys)
  * @param array		$filters (see getFilters helper for the value types)
 public static function getRows($model, $sortOptions, $filters = null)
     //get the columns and sort options
     $columns = Column::getColumns($model, false);
     $sort = Sort::get($model, $sortOptions['field'], $sortOptions['direction']);
     //get things going by grouping the set
     $query = $model::group_by($model->table() . '.' . $model::$key);
     //set up initial array states for the selects
     $selects = array(DB::raw($model->table() . '.' . $model::$key), DB::raw($model->table() . '.*'));
     //then we set the filters
     if ($filters && is_array($filters)) {
         foreach ($filters as $filter) {
             if (!($fieldObject = Field::get($filter['field'], $filter, $model))) {
             $fieldObject->filterQuery($query, $model);
     //determines if the sort should have the table prefixed to it
     $sortOnTable = true;
     //iterate over the columns to check if we need to join any values or add any extra columns
     foreach ($columns['columns'] as $field => $column) {
         //if this is a related column, we'll need to add some joins
         $column->filterQuery($query, $selects, $model);
         //if this is a related field or
         if (($column->isRelated || $column->select) && $column->field === $sort->field) {
             $sortOnTable = false;
     //if the sort is on the model's table, prefix the table name to it
     if ($sortOnTable) {
         $sort->field = $model->table() . '.' . $sort->field;
     //if there is a global per page limit set, make sure the paginator uses that
     $per_page = $model->per_page() ? $model->per_page() : 20;
     $global_per_page = Config::get('administrator::administrator.global_per_page', NULL);
     if ($global_per_page && is_numeric($global_per_page)) {
         $per_page = $global_per_page;
      * We need to do our own pagination since there is a bug (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) in the L3 paginator when using groupings :(
      * When L4 is released, this problem will go away and we'll be able to use the paginator again
      * Trust me, I understand how ghetto this is. I also understand that it may not work too well on other drivers. Let me know...
     //first get the sql sans selects
     $sql = $query->table->grammar->select($query->table);
     //then we need to round out the inner select
     $sql = "SELECT {$model->table()}.{$model::$key} " . $sql;
     //then wrap the inner table and perform the count
     $sql = "SELECT COUNT({$model::$key}) AS aggregate FROM ({$sql}) AS agg";
     //then perform the count query
     $results = $query->table->connection->query($sql, $query->table->bindings);
     $num_rows = $results[0]->aggregate;
     $page = (int) \Input::get('page', 1);
     $last = (int) ceil($num_rows / $per_page);
     //if the current page is greater than the last page, set the current page to the last page
     $page = $page > $last ? $last : $page;
     //now we need to limit and offset the rows in remembrance of our dear lost friend paginate()
     $query->skip($per_page * ($page === 0 ? $page : $page - 1));
     //order the set by the model table's id
     $query->order_by($sort->field, $sort->direction);
     //then retrieve the rows
     $rows = $query->distinct()->get($selects);
     $results = array();
     //convert the resulting set into arrays
     foreach ($rows as $item) {
         //iterate over the included and related columns
         $onTableColumns = array_merge($columns['includedColumns'], $columns['relatedColumns']);
         $arr = array();
         foreach ($onTableColumns as $field => $col) {
             $arr[$field] = $item->get_attribute($field);
         //then grab the computed, unsortable columns
         foreach ($columns['computedColumns'] as $col) {
             $arr[$col] = $item->{$col};
         $results[] = $arr;
     return array('page' => $page, 'last' => $last, 'total' => $num_rows, 'results' => $results);
コード例 #3
ファイル: viewComposers.php プロジェクト: ajb/rfpez

use Admin\Libraries\ModelHelper;
use Admin\Libraries\Fields\Field;
use Admin\Libraries\Column;
use Admin\Libraries\Sort;
//View Composers
//admin index view
View::composer('administrator::index', function ($view) {
    //get a model instance that we'll use for constructing stuff
    $modelInstance = ModelHelper::getModel($view->modelName);
    $columns = Column::getColumns($modelInstance);
    $editFields = Field::getEditFields($modelInstance);
    $bundleConfig = Bundle::get('administrator');
    //add the view fields
    $view->modelTitle = Config::get('administrator::administrator.models.' . $view->modelName . '.title', $view->modelName);
    $view->modelSingle = Config::get('administrator::administrator.models.' . $view->modelName . '.single', $view->modelTitle);
    $view->columns = $columns['columns'];
    $view->includedColumns = $columns['includedColumns'];
    $view->primaryKey = $modelInstance::$key;
    $view->sort = Sort::get($modelInstance)->toArray();
    $view->rows = ModelHelper::getRows($modelInstance, $view->sort);
    $view->editFields = $editFields['arrayFields'];
    $view->dataModel = $editFields['dataModel'];
    $view->filters = ModelHelper::getFilters($modelInstance);
    $view->baseUrl = URL::to_route('admin_index');
    $view->bundleHandles = $bundleConfig['handles'];
    $view->expandWidth = ModelHelper::getExpandWidth($modelInstance);
    $view->modelInstance = $modelInstance;
    $view->model = isset($view->model) ? $view->model : false;
コード例 #4
ファイル: ModelConfig.php プロジェクト: SerdarSanri/admin
  * The constructor takes a field, column array, and the associated Eloquent model
  * @param array		$config 	//the array of options provide in each model's config
 public function __construct($config)
     //set the class properties for the items which we know to exist
     $this->title = array_get($config, 'title');
     $this->single = array_get($config, 'single');
     $this->model = array_get($config, 'model');
     $this->columns = array_get($config, 'columns');
     $this->actions = array_get($config, 'actions');
     $this->edit = array_get($config, 'edit_fields');
     $this->filters = array_get($config, 'filters', array());
     $this->name = array_get($config, 'model_name');
     //fetch the meaningful information for columns and actions
     //we won't do the same for edit fields and filters because that information is not always persistent across a request
     $this->columns = Column::getColumns($this);
     $this->actions = Action::getActions($this);
     //copy $this->model because of php syntax issues
     $model = $this->model;
     //now set the properties for other items
     //form width option
     $formWidth = array_get($config, 'form_width', $this->formWidth);
     if (!is_int($formWidth) || $formWidth < $this->formWidth) {
         $formWidth = $this->formWidth;
     $this->formWidth = $formWidth;
     //sort options
     $this->sort = array_get($config, 'sort', array());
     //get the rows per page
     //grab the model link callback
     $linkCallback = array_get($config, 'link');
     $this->linkCallback = is_callable($linkCallback) ? $linkCallback : null;
     //grab the action permissions, if supplied
     $actionPermissions = array_get($config, 'action_permissions', array());
     $create = array_get($actionPermissions, 'create');
     $delete = array_get($actionPermissions, 'delete');
     $update = array_get($actionPermissions, 'update');
     $this->actionPermissions['create'] = is_callable($create) ? $create() : true;
     $this->actionPermissions['delete'] = is_callable($delete) ? $delete() : true;
     $this->actionPermissions['update'] = is_callable($update) ? $update() : true;
コード例 #5
  * Constrains a query by a given set of constraints
  * @param  Query 		$query
  * @param  Eloquent 	$model
  * @param  array 		$constraints
  * @return void
 public function constrainQuery(&$query, $model, $constraints)
     //if the column hasn't been joined yet, join it
     if (!Column::isJoined($query, $this->table)) {
         $query->join($this->table, $model->table() . '.' . $model::$key, '=', $this->column2);
     $query->where($this->column, '=', $constraints);
コード例 #6
ファイル: Column.php プロジェクト: TahsinGokalp/L3-Sozluk
  * Gets a model's columns given the a model's config
  * @param ModelConfig		$config
  * @return array(
  *			'columns' => array(detailed..),
  *			'includedColumns' => array(field => full_column_name, ...)),
  *			'computedColumns' => array(key, key, key)
 public static function getColumns($config)
     $model = $config->model;
     $return = array('columns' => array(), 'columnArrays' => array(), 'columnObjects' => array(), 'includedColumns' => array(), 'computedColumns' => array(), 'relatedColumns' => array());
     //check if there are columns to iterate over
     if (count($config->columns) > 0) {
         $columns = array();
         foreach ($config->columns as $field => $column) {
             //get the column object
             if (!($columnObject = Column::get($field, $column, $config))) {
             //save the column object with a $field-based key, as a simple array (to use in knockout), and as a simple array of arrays
             $return['columnObjects'][$field] = $columnObject;
             $return['columns'][] = $columnObject;
             $return['columnArrays'][] = $columnObject->toArray();
             //categorize the columns
             if ($columnObject->isRelated) {
                 $return['relatedColumns'][$columnObject->field] = $columnObject->field;
                 if ($fk = $columnObject->relationshipField->foreignKey) {
                     $return['includedColumns'][$fk] = $model->table() . '.' . $fk;
             } else {
                 if ($columnObject->isComputed) {
                     $return['computedColumns'][$columnObject->field] = $columnObject->field;
                 } else {
                     $return['includedColumns'][$columnObject->field] = $model->table() . '.' . $columnObject->field;
     } else {
         throw new Exception("Administrator: you must provide a valid 'columns' array in each model's config");
     //make sure the table key is included
     if (!array_get($return['includedColumns'], $model::$key)) {
         $return['includedColumns'][$model::$key] = $model->table() . '.' . $model::$key;
     return $return;
コード例 #7
ファイル: Column.php プロジェクト: SerdarSanri/admin
  * Gets a model's columns given the a model's config
  * @param ModelConfig		$config
  * @return array(
  *			'columns' => array(detailed..),
  *			'includedColumns' => array(field => full_column_name, ...)),
  *			'computedColumns' => array(key, key, key)
 public static function getColumns($config)
     $model = $config->model;
     $return = array('columns' => array(), 'columnArrays' => array(), 'columnObjects' => array(), 'includedColumns' => array(), 'computedColumns' => array(), 'relatedColumns' => array());
     //check if there are columns to iterate over
     if (count($config->columns) > 0) {
         $columns = array();
         foreach ($config->columns as $field => $column) {
             //get the column object
             if (!($columnObject = Column::get($field, $column, $config))) {
             //save the column object with a $field-based key, as a simple array (to use in knockout), and as a simple array of arrays
             $return['columnObjects'][$field] = $columnObject;
             $return['columns'][] = $columnObject;
             $return['columnArrays'][] = $columnObject->toArray();
             //categorize the columns
             if ($columnObject->isRelated) {
                 $return['relatedColumns'][$columnObject->field] = $columnObject->field;
                 //if there are nested values, we'll want to grab the values slightly differently
                 if (sizeof($columnObject->nested)) {
                     $fk = $columnObject->nested['models'][0]->{$columnObject->nested['pieces'][0]}()->foreign;
                     $return['includedColumns'][$fk] = $model->table() . '.' . $fk;
                 } else {
                     if ($fk = $columnObject->relationshipField->foreignKey) {
                         $return['includedColumns'][$fk] = $model->table() . '.' . $fk;
             } else {
                 if ($columnObject->isComputed) {
                     $return['computedColumns'][$columnObject->field] = $columnObject->field;
                 } else {
                     $return['includedColumns'][$columnObject->field] = $model->table() . '.' . $columnObject->field;
     } else {
         throw new Exception("Administrator: you must provide a valid 'columns' array in each model's config");
     //make sure the table key is included
     if (!array_get($return['includedColumns'], $model::$key)) {
         $return['includedColumns'][$model::$key] = $model->table() . '.' . $model::$key;
     //make sure any belongs_to fields that aren't on the columns list are included
     $editFields = Field::getEditFields($config);
     foreach ($editFields['objectFields'] as $field => $info) {
         if (is_a($info, 'Admin\\Libraries\\Fields\\Relationships\\BelongsTo')) {
             $return['includedColumns'][$info->foreignKey] = $model->table() . '.' . $info->foreignKey;
     return $return;
コード例 #8
ファイル: Column.php プロジェクト: ajb/rfpez
  * Gets the model's columns
  * @param object	$model
  * @param bool		$toArray
  * @return array(
  *			'columns' => array(detailed..),
  *			'includedColumns' => array(field => full_column_name, ...)),
  *			'computedColumns' => array(key, key, key)
 public static function getColumns($model, $toArray = true)
     $return = array('columns' => array(), 'includedColumns' => array(), 'computedColumns' => array(), 'relatedColumns' => array());
     if (isset($model->columns) && count($model->columns) > 0) {
         $columns = array();
         foreach ($model->columns as $field => $column) {
             //get the column object
             if (!($columnObject = Column::get($field, $column, $model))) {
             //if $toArray is true, add the column as an array. otherwise add the column object
             if ($toArray) {
                 $return['columns'][$columnObject->field] = $columnObject->toArray();
             } else {
                 $return['columns'][$columnObject->field] = $columnObject;
             //categorize the columns
             if ($columnObject->isRelated) {
                 $return['relatedColumns'][$columnObject->field] = $columnObject->field;
                 if ($fk = $columnObject->relationshipField->foreignKey) {
                     $return['includedColumns'][$fk] = $model->table() . '.' . $fk;
             } else {
                 if ($columnObject->isComputed) {
                     $return['computedColumns'][$columnObject->field] = $columnObject->field;
                 } else {
                     $return['includedColumns'][$columnObject->field] = $model->table() . '.' . $columnObject->field;
     } else {
         //throw exception!
     //make sure the table key is included
     if (!array_get($return['includedColumns'], $model::$key)) {
         $return['includedColumns'][$model::$key] = $model->table() . '.' . $model::$key;
     return $return;