コード例 #1
  * Add a column
  * @param $label  Field Label
  * @param $object Field Object
  * @param $size   Field Size
 public function addQuickColumn($label, $name, $align = 'left', $size = 200, TAction $action = NULL, $param = NULL)
     // creates a new column
     $object = new TDataGridColumn($name, $label, $align, $size);
     if ($action instanceof TAction) {
         // create ordering
         $action->setParameter($param[0], $param[1]);
     // add the column to the datagrid
     return $object;
コード例 #2
ファイル: TMessage.php プロジェクト: kiibe/linkERP
  * Class Constructor
  * @param $type    Type of the message (info, error)
  * @param $message Message to be shown
  * @param $action  Action to be processed when closing the dialog
  * @param $title_msg  Dialog Title
 public function __construct($type, $message, TAction $action = NULL, $title_msg = '')
     $this->id = 'tmessage_' . mt_rand(1000000000, 1999999999);
     $modal_wrapper = new TElement('div');
     $modal_wrapper->{'class'} = 'modal';
     $modal_wrapper->{'id'} = $this->id;
     $modal_wrapper->{'style'} = 'padding-top: 10%; z-index:4000';
     $modal_wrapper->{'tabindex'} = '-1';
     $modal_dialog = new TElement('div');
     $modal_dialog->{'class'} = 'modal-dialog';
     $modal_content = new TElement('div');
     $modal_content->{'class'} = 'modal-content';
     $modal_header = new TElement('div');
     $modal_header->{'class'} = 'modal-header';
     if ($type == 'info') {
         $image = new TImage("fa:fa fa-info-circle fa-5x blue");
     } else {
         $image = new TImage("fa:fa fa-exclamation-circle fa-5x red");
     $image->{'style'} = 'float:left; margin-right: 10px;';
     $close = new TElement('button');
     $close->{'type'} = 'button';
     $close->{'class'} = 'close';
     $close->{'data-dismiss'} = 'modal';
     $close->{'aria-hidden'} = 'true';
     $title = new TElement('h4');
     $title->{'class'} = 'modal-title';
     $title->{'style'} = 'display:inline';
     $title->add($title_msg ? $title_msg : ($type == 'info' ? AdiantiCoreTranslator::translate('Information') : AdiantiCoreTranslator::translate('Error')));
     $body = new TElement('div');
     $body->{'style'} = 'text-align:left';
     $body->{'class'} = 'modal-body';
     $span = new TElement('span');
     $button = new TElement('button');
     $button->{'class'} = 'btn btn-default';
     $button->{'data-dismiss'} = 'modal';
     $button->{'onclick'} = "\$( '.modal-backdrop' ).last().remove(); \$('#{$this->id}').modal('hide'); \$('body').removeClass('modal-open');";
     if ($action) {
         $button->{'onclick'} .= "__adianti_load_page('{$action->serialize()}');";
         $button->{'data-toggle'} = "modal";
     $footer = new TElement('div');
     $footer->{'class'} = 'modal-footer';
     $callback = 'function () {' . $button->{'onclick'} . '}';
     TScript::create("tdialog_start( '#{$this->id}', {$callback} );");
コード例 #3
ファイル: TDBSeekButton2.php プロジェクト: edurbs/sobcontrole
  * Class Constructor
  * @param  $name name of the form field
  * @param  $database name of the database connection
  * @param  $form name of the parent form
  * @param  $model name of the Active Record to be searched
  * @param  $display_field name of the field to be searched and shown
  * @param  $receive_key name of the form field to receive the primary key
  * @param  $receive_display_field name of the form field to receive the "display field"
  * @param  $display_field2 name of the #2 field to be searched and shown
 public function __construct($name, $database, $form, $model, $display_field, $receive_key, $receive_display_field, TCriteria $criteria = NULL, $display_field2 = NULL)
     if (empty($database)) {
         throw new Exception(AdiantiCoreTranslator::translate('The parameter (^1) of ^2 is required', 'database', __CLASS__));
     if (empty($model)) {
         throw new Exception(AdiantiCoreTranslator::translate('The parameter (^1) of ^2 is required', 'model', __CLASS__));
     if (empty($display_field)) {
         throw new Exception(AdiantiCoreTranslator::translate('The parameter (^1) of ^2 is required', 'display_field', __CLASS__));
     $obj = new TStandardSeek2();
     // define the action parameters
     $action = new TAction(array($obj, 'onSetup'));
     $action->setParameter('database', $database);
     $action->setParameter('parent', $form);
     $action->setParameter('model', $model);
     $action->setParameter('display_field', $display_field);
     $action->setParameter('receive_key', $receive_key);
     $action->setParameter('receive_field', $receive_display_field);
     $action->setParameter('criteria', base64_encode(serialize($criteria)));
     $action->setParameter('display_field2', $display_field2);
コード例 #4
ファイル: TSpinner.php プロジェクト: kiibe/linkERP
  * Define the action to be executed when the user leaves the form field
  * @param $action TAction object
 function setExitAction(TAction $action)
     if ($action->isStatic()) {
         $this->exitAction = $action;
     } else {
         $string_action = $action->toString();
         throw new Exception(AdiantiCoreTranslator::translate('Action (^1) must be static to be used in ^2', $string_action, __METHOD__));
コード例 #5
ファイル: TQuestion.php プロジェクト: klausetgeton/esales-gtk
  * Class Constructor
  * @param  $message    A string containint the question
  * @param  $action_yes Action taken for YES response
  * @param  $action_no  Action taken for NO  response
 public function __construct($message, TAction $action_yes, TAction $action_no = NULL)
     $buttons = array(Gtk::STOCK_YES, Gtk::RESPONSE_YES);
     if ($action_no instanceof TAction) {
         $buttons[] = Gtk::STOCK_NO;
         $buttons[] = Gtk::RESPONSE_NO;
     $buttons[] = Gtk::STOCK_CANCEL;
     $buttons[] = Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL;
     parent::__construct('', NULL, Gtk::DIALOG_MODAL, $buttons);
     parent::set_size_request(500, 300);
     $textview = new GtkTextView();
     $textbuffer = $textview->get_buffer();
     $tagtable = $textbuffer->get_tag_table();
     $customTag = new GtkTextTag();
     $customTag->set_property('foreground', '#525252');
     $tagBegin = $textbuffer->create_mark('tagBegin', $textbuffer->get_end_iter(), true);
     $textbuffer->insert_at_cursor("\n   " . $message);
     $tagEnd = $textbuffer->create_mark('tagEnd', $textbuffer->get_end_iter(), true);
     $start = $textbuffer->get_iter_at_mark($tagBegin);
     $end = $textbuffer->get_iter_at_mark($tagEnd);
     $textbuffer->apply_tag($customTag, $start, $end);
     $pango = new PangoFontDescription('Sans 14');
     $image = GtkImage::new_from_stock(Gtk::STOCK_DIALOG_QUESTION, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_DIALOG);
     $scroll = new GtkScrolledWindow();
     $scroll->set_policy(Gtk::POLICY_NEVER, Gtk::POLICY_ALWAYS);
     $hbox = new GtkHBox();
     $hbox->pack_start($image, FALSE, FALSE);
     $hbox->pack_start($scroll, TRUE, TRUE);
     $result = parent::run();
     if ($result == Gtk::RESPONSE_YES) {
         call_user_func_array($action_yes->getAction(), array($action_yes->getParameters()));
     } else {
         if ($result == Gtk::RESPONSE_NO) {
             call_user_func_array($action_no->getAction(), array($action_no->getParameters()));
         } else {
コード例 #6
ファイル: TMessage.php プロジェクト: klausetgeton/esales-gtk
  * Class Constructor
  * @param $type    Type of the message (info, error)
  * @param $message Message to be shown
  * @param $action  Action to be processed when closing the dialog
 public function __construct($type, $message, TAction $action = NULL)
     parent::__construct('', NULL, Gtk::DIALOG_MODAL, array(Gtk::STOCK_OK, Gtk::RESPONSE_OK));
     parent::set_size_request(500, 300);
     $textview = new GtkTextView();
     $textbuffer = $textview->get_buffer();
     $tagtable = $textbuffer->get_tag_table();
     $customTag = new GtkTextTag();
     $customTag->set_property('foreground', '#525252');
     $message = "\n   " . str_replace('<br>', "\n   ", $message);
     $tagBegin = $textbuffer->create_mark('tagBegin', $textbuffer->get_end_iter(), true);
     $tagEnd = $textbuffer->create_mark('tagEnd', $textbuffer->get_end_iter(), true);
     $start = $textbuffer->get_iter_at_mark($tagBegin);
     $end = $textbuffer->get_iter_at_mark($tagEnd);
     $textbuffer->apply_tag($customTag, $start, $end);
     $pango = new PangoFontDescription('Sans 14');
     $image = $type == 'info' ? GtkImage::new_from_stock(Gtk::STOCK_DIALOG_INFO, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_DIALOG) : GtkImage::new_from_stock(Gtk::STOCK_DIALOG_ERROR, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_DIALOG);
     $scroll = new GtkScrolledWindow();
     $scroll->set_policy(Gtk::POLICY_NEVER, Gtk::POLICY_ALWAYS);
     $hbox = new GtkHBox();
     $hbox->pack_start($image, FALSE, FALSE);
     $hbox->pack_start($scroll, TRUE, TRUE);
     parent::connect('key_press_event', array($this, 'onClose'));
     $result = parent::run();
     if ($result == Gtk::RESPONSE_OK) {
         if ($action) {
             $parameters = $action->getParameters();
             call_user_func_array($action->getAction(), array($parameters));
コード例 #7
  * Add an action
  * @param $title  Title
  * @param $action Action
  * @param $icon   Icon
 public function addAction($title, TAction $action, $icon = NULL)
     $li = new TElement('li');
     $link = new TElement('a');
     // if ($action instanceof TScriptAction) => don't __load_page...
     $link->{'onclick'} = "__adianti_load_page('{$action->serialize()}');";
     $link->{'style'} = 'cursor: pointer';
     if ($icon) {
         $image = new TImage($icon);
         $image->{'style'} = 'padding: 4px';
     $span = new TElement('span');
コード例 #8
  * Class Constructor
  * @param  $message    A string containint the question
  * @param  $action_yes Action taken for YES response
  * @param  $action_no  Action taken for NO  response
  * @param  $title_msg  Dialog Title
 public function __construct($message, TAction $action_yes = NULL, TAction $action_no = NULL, $title_msg = '')
     $this->id = uniqid();
     $modal_wrapper = new TElement('div');
     $modal_wrapper->{'class'} = 'modal';
     $modal_wrapper->{'id'} = $this->id;
     $modal_wrapper->{'style'} = 'padding-top: 10%; z-index:4000';
     $modal_wrapper->{'tabindex'} = '-1';
     $modal_dialog = new TElement('div');
     $modal_dialog->{'class'} = 'modal-dialog';
     $modal_content = new TElement('div');
     $modal_content->{'class'} = 'modal-content';
     $modal_header = new TElement('div');
     $modal_header->{'class'} = 'modal-header';
     $image = new TImage("lib/adianti/images/question.png");
     $image->{'style'} = 'float:left';
     $close = new TElement('button');
     $close->{'type'} = 'button';
     $close->{'class'} = 'close';
     $close->{'data-dismiss'} = 'modal';
     $close->{'aria-hidden'} = 'true';
     $title = new TElement('h4');
     $title->{'class'} = 'modal-title';
     $title->{'style'} = 'display:inline';
     $title->add($title_msg ? $title_msg : AdiantiCoreTranslator::translate('Question'));
     $body = new TElement('div');
     $body->{'class'} = 'modal-body';
     $span = new TElement('span');
     $span->{'style'} = 'margin-left:20px;float:left; display:inline-block';
     $footer = new TElement('div');
     $footer->{'class'} = 'modal-footer';
     if ($action_yes) {
         $button = new TElement('button');
         $button->{'class'} = 'btn btn-default';
         $button->{'data-toggle'} = "modal";
         $button->{'data-dismiss'} = 'modal';
         $button->{'onclick'} = '__adianti_load_page(\'' . $action_yes->serialize() . '\')';
     if ($action_no) {
         $button = new TElement('button');
         $button->{'class'} = 'btn btn-default';
         $button->{'data-toggle'} = "modal";
         $button->{'data-dismiss'} = 'modal';
         $button->{'onclick'} = '__adianti_load_page(\'' . $action_no->serialize() . '\')';
     } else {
         $button = new TElement('button');
         $button->{'class'} = 'btn btn-default';
         $button->{'data-dismiss'} = 'modal';
     $button = new TElement('button');
     $button->{'class'} = 'btn btn-default';
     $button->{'data-dismiss'} = 'modal';
     TScript::create("tdialog_start( '#{$this->id}' );");
コード例 #9
  * Converts the action into an URL
  * @param  $format_action = format action with document or javascript (ajax=no)
 public function serialize($format_action = TRUE)
     if (is_array($this->action) and is_object($this->action[0])) {
         if (isset($_REQUEST['offset'])) {
             $this->setParameter('offset', $_REQUEST['offset']);
         if (isset($_REQUEST['limit'])) {
             $this->setParameter('limit', $_REQUEST['limit']);
         if (isset($_REQUEST['page'])) {
             $this->setParameter('page', $_REQUEST['page']);
         if (isset($_REQUEST['first_page'])) {
             $this->setParameter('first_page', $_REQUEST['first_page']);
         if (isset($_REQUEST['order'])) {
             $this->setParameter('order', $_REQUEST['order']);
         if (parent::isStatic()) {
             $this->setParameter('static', '1');
     return parent::serialize($format_action);
コード例 #10
  * Define the action to be executed when
  * the user clicks over the column header
  * @param $action A TAction object
 public function setAction(TAction $action)
     $this->connect_simple('clicked', array($this, 'onExecuteAction'), $action->getAction(), $action->getParameters());
コード例 #11
  * method onDelete()
  * executada quando o usuario clica no botao delete
  * Ask if the user really wants to delete the record
 function onDelete($param)
     // define the delete action
     $action = new TAction(array($this, 'Delete'));
     // pass the key parameter ahead
     // mostra o dialogo para o usuario
     new TQuestion('Deseja realmente excluir ?', $action);
コード例 #12
  * Class constructor
  * Creates the page, the form and the listing
 public function __construct()
     // creates the form
     $this->form = new TForm('form_search_Subelemento');
     $this->form->class = 'tform';
     // CSS class
     // creates a table
     $table = new TTable();
     $table->width = '100%';
     // add a row for the form title
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $row->class = 'tformtitle';
     $row->addCell(new TLabel('Consulta SubElemento'))->colspan = 2;
     //$table->addRowSet( new TLabel('Consulta SubElemento') ,'')->class = 'tformtitle'; // CSS class
     // create the form fields
     $descricao = new TEntry('descricao');
     // define the sizes
     // add one row for each form field
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('Descrição:'), $descricao);
     // keep the form filled during navigation with session data
     // create two action buttons to the form
     $find_button = TButton::create('find', array($this, 'onSearch'), _t('Find'), 'ico_find.png');
     $buttons_box = new THBox();
     // add a row for the form action
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $row->class = 'tformaction';
     // CSS class
     $row->addCell($buttons_box)->colspan = 2;
     // creates a Datagrid
     $this->datagrid = new TDataGrid();
     $this->datagrid->style = 'width: 100%';
     $this->datagrid->class = 'tdatagrid_table customized-table';
     // creates the datagrid columns
     $id = new TDataGridColumn('id', 'ID', 'right', 100);
     $descricao = new TDataGridColumn('descricao', 'Descrição', 'left');
     // add the columns to the DataGrid
     // creates the datagrid column actions
     $order_id = new TAction(array($this, 'onReload'));
     $order_id->setParameter('order', 'id');
     $order_descricao = new TAction(array($this, 'onReload'));
     $order_descricao->setParameter('order', 'descricao');
     // create the datagrid model
     // creates the page navigation
     $this->pageNavigation = new TPageNavigation();
     $this->pageNavigation->setAction(new TAction(array($this, 'onReload')));
     // create the page container
     $container = new TTable();
     //$container->style = 'width: 80%';
     $container->addRow()->addCell(new TXMLBreadCrumb('menu.xml', __CLASS__));
コード例 #13
ファイル: CampusList.class.php プロジェクト: andermall/tcc
  * method onDelete()
  * executed whenever the user clicks at the delete button
  * Ask if the user really wants to delete the record
 function onDelete($param)
     // define the delete action
     $action = new TAction(array($this, 'Delete'));
     // pass the key parameter ahead
     // shows a dialog to the user
     new TQuestion('Deseja realmente excluir ?', $action);
コード例 #14
ファイル: AdiantiUIBuilder.php プロジェクト: kiibe/linkERP
 public function makeTSeekButton($properties)
     $widget = new TSeekButton((string) $properties->{'name'});
     $widget->setSize((int) $properties->{'width'});
     if ($properties->{'database'} and $properties->{'model'}) {
         $obj = new TStandardSeek();
         $action = new TAction(array($obj, 'onSetup'));
         $action->setParameter('database', (string) $properties->{'database'});
         if (isset($this->form)) {
             if ($this->form instanceof TForm) {
                 $action->setParameter('parent', $this->form->getName());
         $action->setParameter('model', (string) $properties->{'model'});
         $action->setParameter('display_field', (string) $properties->{'display'});
         $action->setParameter('receive_key', (string) $properties->{'name'});
         $action->setParameter('receive_field', (string) $properties->{'receiver'});
     $this->fields[] = $widget;
     $this->fieldsByName[(string) $properties->{'name'}] = $widget;
     return $widget;
コード例 #15
ファイル: TText.php プロジェクト: klausetgeton/esales-gtk
  * Define the action to be executed when the user leaves the form field
  * @param $action TAction object
 function setExitAction(TAction $action)
     if ($action->isStatic()) {
         $this->exitAction = $action;
     } else {
         $string_action = $action->toString();
         throw new Exception(AdiantiCoreTranslator::translate('Action (^1) must be static to be used in ^2', $string_action, __METHOD__));
     $this->textview->connect_after('focus-out-event', array($this, 'onExecuteExitAction'));
コード例 #16
  * Prepare action for use
  * @param $action TAction
  * @param $object Data Object
 private function prepareAction(TAction $action, $object)
     $field = $action->getField();
     if (is_null($field)) {
         throw new Exception(AdiantiCoreTranslator::translate('Field for action ^1 not defined', $label) . '.<br>' . AdiantiCoreTranslator::translate('Use the ^1 method', 'setField' . '()') . '.');
     if (!isset($object->{$field})) {
         throw new Exception(AdiantiCoreTranslator::translate('Field ^1 not exists', $field));
     // get the object property that will be passed ahead
     $key = isset($object->{$field}) ? $object->{$field} : NULL;
     $action->setParameter('key', $key);
コード例 #17
 function onQuestionGerarPlanilha($param)
     if (!isset($param)) {
     $key = $param['key'];
     if (!isset($key) || !$key) {
     try {
         $Requisicao = new Requisicao($key);
         if ($Requisicao->srp->estaVencida()) {
             new TMessage('error', 'SRP já está vencida!');
         $pergunta = 'Voce realmente deseja gerar a planilha da seguinte Requisição?<br>' . 'SRP: ' . $Requisicao->srp->numeroSRP . '<br>' . 'Nº Processo: ' . $Requisicao->numeroProcesso . '<br>' . 'Emissão: ' . TDate::date2br($Requisicao->emissao);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         if ($e->getCode() == 23000) {
             new TMessage('error', '<b>Registro duplicado</b><br>Verifique os campos inseridos e tente novamente');
         } else {
             if ($e->getCode() == 0) {
                 new TMessage('error', '<b>Error</b> <br>' . $e->getMessage());
             } else {
                 new TMessage('error', '<b>Error Desconhecido</b> <br>Código: ' . $e->getCode());
         // desfazer todas as operacoes pendentes
     if (!isset($pergunta) || !$pergunta) {
     $sim = new TAction(array($this, 'onGerar'));
     //$nao = new TAction(array($this, 'onAction2'));
     // define os parâmetros de cada ação
     $sim->setParameter('requisicao', $key);
     // shows the question dialog
     new TQuestion($pergunta, $sim);
コード例 #18
ファイル: ImportForm.class.php プロジェクト: andermall/tcc
 private function checkDatabase($file)
     try {
         $criteria = new TCriteria();
         $criteria->add(new TFilter('numeroSRP', '=', $this->importacao->getNroSRP()));
         $criteria->add(new TFilter('numeroIRP', '=', $this->importacao->getNroIRP()));
         $criteria->add(new TFilter('numeroProcesso', '=', $this->importacao->getNumeroProcesso()));
         $criteria->add(new TFilter('uasg', '=', $this->importacao->getUasgGerenciadora()));
         $criteria->add(new TFilter('validade', '=', $this->importacao->getValidadeAta()));
         $repository = new TRepository('Srp');
         $count = $repository->count($criteria);
         if ($count > 0) {
             $continua = new TAction(array($this, 'onContinua'));
             // define os parâmetros de cada ação
             $continua->setParameter('confirma', 1);
             $continua->setParameter('file', $file);
             new TQuestion('Essa SRP já foi importada, reimportar a planilha <br>irá excluir os dados anteriores, Confirma?', $continua);
             return false;
         return true;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         if ($e->getCode() == 23000) {
             new TMessage('error', '<b>Registro duplicado</b><br>Verifique os campos inseridos e tente novamente');
         } else {
             if ($e->getCode() == 0) {
                 new TMessage('error', '<b>Error</b> <br>' . $e->getMessage());
             } else {
                 new TMessage('error', '<b>Error Desconhecido</b> <br>Código: ' . $e->getCode());
         // desfazer todas as operacoes pendentes
コード例 #19
ファイル: TSeekButton2.php プロジェクト: edurbs/sobcontrole
  * Show the widget
 public function show()
     // check if it's not editable
     if (parent::getEditable()) {
         if (!TForm::getFormByName($this->formName) instanceof TForm) {
             throw new Exception(AdiantiCoreTranslator::translate('You must pass the ^1 (^2) as a parameter to ^3', __CLASS__, $this->name, 'TForm::setFields()'));
         $serialized_action = '';
         if ($this->action) {
             // get the action class name
             if (is_array($callback = $this->action->getAction())) {
                 if (is_object($callback[0])) {
                     $rc = new ReflectionClass($callback[0]);
                     $classname = $rc->getShortName();
                 } else {
                     $classname = $callback[0];
                 $inst = new $classname();
                 $ajaxAction = new TAction(array($inst, 'onSelect'));
                 if (in_array($classname, array('TStandardSeek2'))) {
                     $ajaxAction->setParameter('parent', $this->action->getParameter('parent'));
                     $ajaxAction->setParameter('database', $this->action->getParameter('database'));
                     $ajaxAction->setParameter('model', $this->action->getParameter('model'));
                     $ajaxAction->setParameter('display_field', $this->action->getParameter('display_field'));
                     $ajaxAction->setParameter('receive_key', $this->action->getParameter('receive_key'));
                     $ajaxAction->setParameter('receive_field', $this->action->getParameter('receive_field'));
                     $ajaxAction->setParameter('criteria', $this->action->getParameter('criteria'));
                     $ajaxAction->setParameter('display_field2', $this->action->getParameter('display_field2'));
                 } else {
                     if ($actionParameters = $this->action->getParameters()) {
                         foreach ($actionParameters as $key => $value) {
                             $ajaxAction->setParameter($key, $value);
                 $ajaxAction->setParameter('form_name', $this->formName);
                 $string_action = $ajaxAction->serialize(FALSE);
                 if ($this->useOutEvent) {
                     $this->setProperty('seekaction', "__adianti_post_lookup('{$this->formName}', '{$string_action}', document.{$this->formName}.{$this->name})");
                     $this->setProperty('onBlur', $this->getProperty('seekaction'), FALSE);
             $this->action->setParameter('form_name', $this->formName);
             $serialized_action = $this->action->serialize(FALSE);
         $this->button->onclick = "javascript:serialform=(\$('#{$this->formName}').serialize());\n                  __adianti_append_page('engine.php?{$serialized_action}&'+serialform)";
         if ($this->auxiliar) {
             echo '&nbsp;';
     } else {
コード例 #20
  * method deleteCollection()
  * Delete many records
 public function deleteCollection($param)
     // decode json with record id's
     $selected = json_decode($param['selected']);
     try {
         if ($selected) {
             // delete each record from collection
             foreach ($selected as $id) {
                 $class = $this->activeRecord;
                 $object = new $class();
             $posAction = new TAction(array($this, 'onReload'));
             new TMessage('info', AdiantiCoreTranslator::translate('Records deleted'), $posAction);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         new TMessage('error', $e->getMessage());
コード例 #21
  * method onDelete()
  * executed whenever the user clicks at the delete button
  * Ask if the user really wants to delete the record
 function onDelete($param)
     // define the delete action
     $action = new TAction(array($this, 'Delete'));
     // pass the key parameter ahead
     // shows a dialog to the user
     new TQuestion(TAdiantiCoreTranslator::translate('Do you really want to delete ?'), $action);
コード例 #22
ファイル: TInputDialog.php プロジェクト: kiibe/linkERP
  * Class Constructor
  * @param $title_msg  Dialog Title
  * @param $form    Dialog form body
  * @param $action  Action to be processed when closing the dialog
  * @param $caption Button caption
 public function __construct($title_msg, AdiantiFormInterface $form, TAction $action = NULL, $caption = '')
     $this->id = 'tinputdialog_' . mt_rand(1000000000, 1999999999);
     $modal_wrapper = new TElement('div');
     $modal_wrapper->{'class'} = 'modal';
     $modal_wrapper->{'id'} = $this->id;
     $modal_wrapper->{'style'} = 'padding-top: 10%; z-index:2000';
     $modal_wrapper->{'tabindex'} = '-1';
     $modal_dialog = new TElement('div');
     $modal_dialog->{'class'} = 'modal-dialog';
     $modal_content = new TElement('div');
     $modal_content->{'class'} = 'modal-content';
     $modal_header = new TElement('div');
     $modal_header->{'class'} = 'modal-header';
     $close = new TElement('button');
     $close->{'type'} = 'button';
     $close->{'class'} = 'close';
     $close->{'data-dismiss'} = 'modal';
     $close->{'aria-hidden'} = 'true';
     $title = new TElement('h4');
     $title->{'class'} = 'modal-title';
     $title->{'style'} = 'display:inline';
     $title->add($title_msg ? $title_msg : AdiantiCoreTranslator::translate('Input'));
     $form_name = $form->getName();
     $wait_message = AdiantiCoreTranslator::translate('Loading');
     if ($form instanceof TQuickForm) {
         $actionButtons = $form->getActionButtons();
         if ($actionButtons) {
             foreach ($actionButtons as $key => $button) {
                 if ($button->getAction()->getParameter('stay-open') !== 1) {
                     $button->{'data-toggle'} = "modal";
                     $button->{'data-dismiss'} = 'modal';
                 $buttons[] = $button;
     } else {
         $button = new TButton(strtolower(str_replace(' ', '_', $caption)));
         if ($action->getParameter('stay-open') !== 1) {
             $button->{'data-toggle'} = "modal";
             $button->{'data-dismiss'} = 'modal';
         $buttons[] = $button;
     $footer = new TElement('div');
     $footer->{'class'} = 'modal-footer';
     if (isset($buttons) and $buttons) {
         foreach ($buttons as $button) {
     TScript::create("tdialog_start( '#{$this->id}' );");
コード例 #23
ファイル: TCombo.php プロジェクト: klausetgeton/esales-gtk
  * Define the action to be executed when the user changes the combo
  * @param $action TAction object
 function setChangeAction(TAction $action)
     if ($action->isStatic()) {
         $this->changeAction = $action;
     } else {
         $string_action = $action->toString();
         throw new Exception(AdiantiCoreTranslator::translate('Action (^1) must be static to be used in ^2', $string_action, __METHOD__));
     $this->widget->connect('changed', array($this, 'onExecuteExitAction'));
コード例 #24
  * Define the action to be executed when the user changes the combo
  * @param $action TAction object
 function setChangeAction(TAction $action)
     if ($action->isStatic()) {
         $this->changeAction = $action;
     } else {
         $string_action = $action->toString();
         throw new Exception(AdiantiCoreTranslator::translate('Action (^1) must be static to be used in ^2', $string_action, __METHOD__));
     if ($this->radios) {
         foreach ($this->radios as $key => $radio) {
             $radio->connect('clicked', array($this, 'onExecuteExitAction'));