コード例 #1
  * This method needs to be changed to allow the script to know how to create more references.
  * @param WikibaseFactory $wikibaseFactory
  * @param SparqlQueryRunner $sparqlQueryRunner
  * @return array like array( 'Schema.org_type' => Referencer[] )
 public function getReferencerMap(WikibaseFactory $wikibaseFactory, SparqlQueryRunner $sparqlQueryRunner)
     return array('Book' => array(new ThingReferencer($wikibaseFactory, array('P50' => 'author', 'P110' => 'illustrator', 'P123' => 'publisher', 'P136' => 'genre')), new DateReferencer($wikibaseFactory, array('P577' => 'datePublished'))), 'Person' => array(new ThingReferencer($wikibaseFactory, array('P7' => 'sibling', 'P9' => 'sibling', 'P19' => 'birthPlace', 'P20' => 'deathPlace', 'P21' => 'gender', 'P22' => 'parent', 'P25' => 'parent', 'P26' => 'spouse', 'P40' => 'children', 'P27' => 'nationality', 'P734' => 'familyName', 'P735' => 'givenName')), new DateReferencer($wikibaseFactory, array('P569' => 'birthDate', 'P570' => 'deathDate'))), 'Movie' => array(new ThingReferencer($wikibaseFactory, array('P57' => 'director', 'P161' => 'actor', 'P162' => 'producer', 'P1040' => 'editor', 'P58' => 'author', 'P272' => array('creator', 'productionCompany'), 'P364' => 'inLanguage', 'P674' => 'character', 'P840' => 'contentLocation', 'P166' => 'award', 'P1657' => 'contentRating', 'P2360' => 'audience')), new MultiTextReferencer($wikibaseFactory, array('P136' => 'genre'), array('P136' => function () use($sparqlQueryRunner) {
         $filmGenreData = $sparqlQueryRunner->getItemIdStringsAndLabelsFromInstanceOf('Q201658');
         $filmGenreRegexMap = array();
         foreach ($filmGenreData as $itemIdString => $label) {
             if (preg_match('/ films?/i', $label)) {
                 $regex = '/^' . preg_replace('/ films?/i', '( film)?', $label) . '$/i';
             } else {
                 $regex = '/^' . $label . '( film)?' . '$/i';
             $regex = preg_replace('/science ?fiction/i', '(science ?fiction|sci-fi)', $regex);
             $filmGenreRegexMap[$itemIdString] = $regex;
         return $filmGenreRegexMap;
     })), new DateReferencer($wikibaseFactory, array('P577' => 'datePublished'))));
コード例 #2
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     if (is_string($input->getOption('tmpDir'))) {
         $this->tmpDir = $input->getOption('tmpDir');
     } else {
         $this->tmpDir = sys_get_temp_dir();
     if (!is_writable($this->tmpDir)) {
         throw new RuntimeException('Temp dir: ' . $this->tmpDir . ' is not writable');
     /** @var FormatterHelper $formatter */
     $formatter = $this->getHelper('formatter');
     $output->writeln($formatter->formatBlock(array('Wikidata Referencer', 'This script is in development, If something goes wrong while you use it it is your fault!', 'Temp file: ' . $this->getProcessedListPath()), 'info'));
     // Get options
     $user = $input->getOption('user');
     $userDetails = $this->appConfig->offsetGet('users.' . $user);
     if ($userDetails === null) {
         throw new RuntimeException('User not found in config');
     $sparqlQueryParts = $input->getOption('sparql');
     $item = $input->getOption('item');
     $force = false;
     // Get a list of ItemIds
     if ($item !== null) {
         $output->writeln($formatter->formatSection('Init', 'Using item passed in item parameter'));
         $itemIds = array(new ItemId($item));
         // Force if explicitly passed an ItemId
         $force = true;
     } elseif (!empty($sparqlQueryParts)) {
         $output->writeln($formatter->formatSection('Init', 'Using items from SPARQL QUERY (running)'));
         $itemIds = $this->sparqlQueryRunner->getItemIdsForSimpleQueryParts($sparqlQueryParts);
     } else {
         throw new RuntimeException('You must pass an instance id or an item');
     $output->writeln($formatter->formatSection('Init', 'Got ' . count($itemIds) . ' items to investigate'));
     // Log in to Wikidata
     $loggedIn = $this->wikibaseApi->login(new ApiUser($userDetails['username'], $userDetails['password']));
     if (!$loggedIn) {
         throw new RuntimeException('Failed to log in to wikibase wiki');
     $this->executeForItemIds($output, $itemIds, $force);
     return 0;
コード例 #3
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     // Get options
     $user = $input->getOption('user');
     $userDetails = $this->appConfig->offsetGet('users.' . $user);
     if ($userDetails === null) {
         throw new RuntimeException('User not found in config');
     $items = $input->getOption('item');
     if (empty($items)) {
         $output->writeln('Running SPARQL query to find items to check');
         $queryBuilder = new QueryBuilder(array('prov' => 'http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#', 'wd' => 'http://www.wikidata.org/entity/', 'wikibase' => 'http://wikiba.se/ontology#', 'prv' => 'http://www.wikidata.org/prop/reference/value/'));
         $itemIds = $this->sparqlQueryRunner->getItemIdsFromQuery($queryBuilder->select('?item')->where('?ref', 'prv:P813', '?value')->also('?value', 'wikibase:timeCalendarModel', 'wd:Q1985786')->also('?st', 'prov:wasDerivedFrom', '?ref')->also('?item', '?pred', '?st')->limit(10000)->__toString());
     } else {
         /** @var ItemId[] $itemIds */
         $itemIds = array();
         foreach (array_unique($items) as $itemIdString) {
             $itemIds[] = new ItemId($itemIdString);
     $itemIds = array_unique($itemIds);
     $output->writeln('Running for ' . count($itemIds) . ' items');
     // Log in to Wikidata
     $loggedIn = $this->wikibaseApi->login(new ApiUser($userDetails['username'], $userDetails['password']));
     if (!$loggedIn) {
         $output->writeln('Failed to log in to wikidata wiki');
         return -1;
     $itemLookup = $this->wikibaseFactory->newItemLookup();
     foreach ($itemIds as $itemId) {
         $output->write($itemId->getSerialization() . ' ');
         $item = $itemLookup->getItemForId($itemId);
         foreach ($item->getStatements()->getIterator() as $statement) {
             foreach ($statement->getReferences() as $reference) {
                 /** @var Reference $reference */
                 foreach ($reference->getSnaks()->getIterator() as $snak) {
                     if ($snak instanceof PropertyValueSnak) {
                         if ($snak->getPropertyId()->getSerialization() == 'P813') {
                             /** @var TimeValue $dataValue */
                             $dataValue = $snak->getDataValue();
                             // We can assume ALL retrieval dates should be Gregorian!
                             if ($dataValue->getCalendarModel() === TimeValue::CALENDAR_JULIAN) {
                                 $oldRefHash = $reference->getHash();
                                 $statementGuid = $statement->getGuid();
                                 $snakList = $reference->getSnaks();
                                 $snakList = new SnakList($snakList->getArrayCopy());
                                 $fixedTimestamp = $this->getFixedTimestamp($dataValue->getTime());
                                 if ($fixedTimestamp) {
                                     $snakList->addSnak(new PropertyValueSnak(new PropertyId('P813'), new TimeValue($fixedTimestamp, $dataValue->getTimezone(), $dataValue->getBefore(), $dataValue->getAfter(), $dataValue->getPrecision(), TimeValue::CALENDAR_GREGORIAN)));
                                     $editSummary = 'Fix reference retrieval date';
                                 } else {
                                     //TODO optionally remove rather than always doing so?
                                     $editSummary = 'Removing bad reference retrieval date';
                                 try {
                                     $this->wikibaseFactory->newReferenceSetter()->set(new Reference($snakList), $statementGuid, $oldRefHash, new EditInfo($editSummary));
                                 } catch (UsageException $e) {
     return 0;