コード例 #1
 if ($sisaPkOut > 0) {
     $rpPkOut += $sisaPkOut * $pkPriceMutasi;
 //exit("error jam:".$sisaCpoOut."___".$cpoPriceMutasi."___".$rpCpoOut."___".$qtyCpo1."__".$cpoOut);
  * CPO & PK - Saldo Akhir
 $cpoQtyAkhir = $cpoAwal + $cpoIn - $cpoOut;
 $cpoRpAkhir = $cpoRpAwal + ($cpoRpOlah + $cpoRpInt + $cpoRpEks + $cpoRpAf + $cpoOverhead) - $rpCpoOut;
 $pkQtyAkhir = $pkAwal + $pkIn - $pkOut;
 $pkRpAkhir = $pkRpAwal + ($pkRpOlah + $pkRpInt + $pkRpEks + $pkRpAf + $kerOverhead) - $rpPkOut;
  ** Jurnal *****************************************************************
 // Init Param
 $zJ = new zJournal();
 $lastDay = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, $bulan, $tahun);
 $nojurnal = $tahunbulan . $lastDay . '/' . $unit . '/HPP/001';
 $kodeJurnal = 'HPP';
 $tanggalJurnal = $param['periode'] . '-' . $lastDay;
 $noUrut = 1;
 $noRef = $kodeJurnal . '/' . $unit . '/' . $tahunbulan;
 // Default Segment
 $defSegment = colDefaultValue($dbname, 'keu_5segment', 'kodesegment');
 // Delete Jurnal
 $qDel = deleteQuery($dbname, 'keu_jurnalht', "nojurnal = '" . $nojurnal . "'");
 if (!mysql_query($qDel)) {
     exit("Delete Error: " . mysql_error());
 // Prepare Data Header
 $dataResHPP['header'] = array('nojurnal' => $nojurnal, 'kodejurnal' => $kodeJurnal, 'tanggal' => $tanggalJurnal, 'tanggalentry' => date('Ymd'), 'posting' => '0', 'totaldebet' => '0', 'totalkredit' => '0', 'amountkoreksi' => '0', 'noreferensi' => $noRef, 'autojurnal' => '1', 'matauang' => 'IDR', 'kurs' => '1', 'revisi' => '0');
コード例 #2
         $handle = fopen("tempExcel/" . $nop_ . ".xls", 'w');
         if (!fwrite($handle, $tab)) {
             echo "<script language=javascript1.2>\n\t\t        parent.window.alert('Can't convert to excel format');\n\t\t        </script>";
         } else {
             echo "<script language=javascript1.2>\n\t\t        window.location='tempExcel/" . $nop_ . ".xls';\n\t\t        </script>";
 case 'post':
     // Init
     $zJ = new zJournal();
     $kodeJurnal = 'SLE';
     $scek = "select noreferensi from " . $dbname . ".keu_jurnalht where noreferensi='" . $param['notiket'] . "'";
     $qcek = mysql_query($scek) or die(mysql_error($conn));
     $rcek = mysql_num_rows($qcek);
     if ($rcek != 0) {
         exit('warning: ' . $param['notiket'] . " Sudah terposting");
     // Validasi Back Date Periode
     if (tanggalsystem($param['tanggal']) < $_SESSION['org']['period']['start']) {
         exit("Warning: Tanggal Pengakuan tidak boleh lebih kecil dari periode aktif");
     // Default Segment
     $defSegment = colDefaultValue($dbname, 'keu_5segment', 'kodesegment');
     // Get Data
     $qData = "SELECT * FROM " . $dbname . ".pabrik_timbangan a\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN " . $dbname . ".pmn_kontrakjual d on a.nokontrak = d.nokontrak \n\t\t\tWHERE a.notransaksi='" . $param['notiket'] . "' and a.millcode='" . $param['millcode'] . "'";
コード例 #3
     $tab .= "</tbody></table>";
     echo $tab;
 case 'proses':
     include_once 'lib/zJournal.php';
     // Var
     $kodeJurnal = 'ALB';
     $tmpPeriod = explode('-', $param['periode']);
     $tgl = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, $tmpPeriod[1], $tmpPeriod[0]);
     $tglFull = $param['periode'] . '-' . $tgl;
     $unitSumber = substr($param['sumber'], 0, 4);
     // Default Segment
     $defSegment = colDefaultValue($dbname, 'keu_5segment', 'kodesegment');
     // Init Class
     $zJ = new zJournal();
     // Get Parameter Jurnal
     $paramJ = $zJ->getParam($_SESSION['org']['induk'], 'ALK', $kodeJurnal);
      * Validasi
     // Cek apakah Unit yang sama
     $sameUnit = false;
     if ($param['unit'] == $unitSumber) {
         $sameUnit = true;
     // Cek apakah PT yang sama
     $sameComp = false;
     $qPT = selectQuery($dbname, 'organisasi', 'kodeorganisasi,induk', "kodeorganisasi in ('" . $param['kebun'] . "','" . $unitSumber . "')");
     $resPT = fetchData($qPT);
     $optPT = array();
コード例 #4
 if ($nobkm > 0) {
     exit("Error:Ada transaksi bkm yang memakai material belum terposting " . $adabkm . " ");
 if ($_SESSION['empl']['tipelokasitugas'] == 'KEBUN') {
     #pengecekan apakah user sudah melakukan intergrity cek atau belum
     $sCek = "select count(kodebarang) as jmlBrg from " . $dbname . ".kebun_pakai_material_vw where \r\n\t         tanggal between '" . $rDt['tanggalmulai'] . "' and '" . $rDt['tanggalsampai'] . "' and kodegudang like '" . $_POST['kodeorg'] . "%' and jurnal=1 ";
     $qCek = mysql_query($sCek) or die(mysql_error($conn));
     $rCek = mysql_fetch_assoc($qCek);
     $sCek2 = "select count(kodebarang) as jmlBrg from " . $dbname . ".log_transaksi_vw where \r\n\t         tanggal between '" . $rDt['tanggalmulai'] . "' and '" . $rDt['tanggalsampai'] . "' and kodegudang like '" . $_POST['kodeorg'] . "%'\r\n\t         and notransaksireferensi!='' and tipetransaksi=5";
     $qCek2 = mysql_query($sCek2) or die(mysql_error($conn));
     $rCek2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($qCek2);
     if ($rCek['jmlBrg'] != $rCek2['jmlBrg']) {
         exit("warning: Silakan jalankan Proses pada menu Pengadaan>Proses>Intergrity Check BKM");
 $zJ = new zJournal();
  ** PROSES INTEGRITY CHECK TRANSAKSI GUDANG ********************************
 //exit("Notice: Mohon maaf. Masih dalam tahap debugging.");
 // Build Query Condition
 $whrd = " and left(kodebarang,3) in (select kode from " . $dbname . ".log_5klbarang where left(noakun,3)='115') ";
 $lstDataTrns = array();
 $ader = 0;
 // 2. Get Transaksi Gudang yang sudah di posting
 $sData = "select * from " . $dbname . ".log_transaksi_vw where kodegudang like '" . $_POST['kodeorg'] . "%' " . "and (kodebarang<>'' and left(kodebarang,1)!=8)\r\n\t\t\tand (notransaksireferensi is null or \r\n\t\t\t(notransaksireferensi not like '%/TB/%'\r\n\t\t\tand notransaksireferensi not like '%/TBM/%'\r\n\t\t\tand notransaksireferensi not like '%/TM/%'\r\n\t\t\tand notransaksireferensi not like '%/BBT/%'))\r\n\t\t\t" . $whrd . " and post='1' " . $wrtgl . " \r\n\t\t\torder by notransaksi,kodebarang asc";
 $resGudang = fetchData($sData);
 foreach ($resGudang as $rData) {
     if ($rData['tipetransaksi'] > 4) {
         if ($rData['tipetransaksi'] == 7) {
             if (substr($rData['kodegudang'], 0, 4) == substr($rData['gudangx'], 0, 4)) {
コード例 #5

require_once 'master_validation.php';
require_once 'config/connection.php';
include_once 'lib/nangkoelib.php';
include_once 'lib/zLib.php';
include_once 'lib/zJournal.php';
$proses = $_POST['proses'];
$cJournal = new zJournal();
$kodeTrans = checkPostGet('kodeTrans', '');
$batchVar = checkPostGet('batchVar', '');
$kdOrg = checkPostGet('kdOrg', '');
$jmlhBibitan = checkPostGet('jmlhBibitan', '');
$ket = checkPostGet('ket', '');
$jnsBibitan = checkPostGet('jnsBibitan', '');
$supplierid = checkPostGet('supplierid', '');
$tglProduksi = tanggalsystem(checkPostGet('tglProduksi', ''));
$tglTnm = tanggalsystem(checkPostGet('tglTnm', ''));
//$where=" tahunbudget='".$thnBudget."' and kodeorg='".$kdBlok."' and tipebudget='".$tpBudget."' and kegiatan='".$kegId."' and volume='".$volKeg."' and satuanv='".$satuan."' and rotasi='".$rotThn."'";
$optnmCust = makeOption($dbname, 'pmn_4customer', 'kodecustomer,namacustomer');
$optnmSup = makeOption($dbname, 'log_5supplier', 'supplierid,namasupplier');
$optNm = makeOption($dbname, 'organisasi', 'kodeorganisasi,namaorganisasi');
$optNmkaryawan = makeOption($dbname, 'datakaryawan', 'karyawanid,namakaryawan');
$oldJenisBibit = checkPostGet('oldJenisBibit', '');
$kdOrgTjn = checkPostGet('kdOrgTjn', '');
$intexDt = checkPostGet('intexDt', '');
$kdvhc = checkPostGet('kdvhc', '');
$nmSupir = checkPostGet('nmSupir', '');