コード例 #1
// This parts gets a little confusing because of the different notations.
// xfCriterionRange uses the mathematical: [] is inclusive, () is exclusive
// Lucene syntax uses its own: [] is inclusive, {} is exclusive
$p->pass('{1 to 3}', 'RANGE {(1,3)}');
$p->pass('[1 to 3]', 'RANGE {[1,3]}');
$p->pass('{1 to 3]', 'RANGE {(1,3]}');
$p->pass('[1 to 3}', 'RANGE {[1,3)}');
$p->pass('foo: [1 to 40]', 'FIELD {foo IS RANGE {[1,40]}}');
$p->pass('foo [1 to 40] bar', 'BOOLEAN {[foo] AND [RANGE {[1,40]}] AND [bar]}');
$p->fail('[1 to');
$p->fail('[1 to 3');
$p->pass('m*n', 'WILDCARD {m*n}');
$p->pass('m?n', 'WILDCARD {m?n}');
$p->pass('t*s?', 'WILDCARD {t*s?}');
$t->diag('Special Characters');
$p->pass('\\+foo', '+foo');
$p->pass('\\-foo', '-foo');
$t->diag('Default Slop');
$t->is($parser->getPhraseSlop(), 0, '->getPhraseSlop() returns the default phrase slop');
$t->is($parser->getPhraseSlop(), 2, '->setPhraseSlop() changes the default phrase slop');
$p->pass('"foo bar"', 'PHRASE {"foo bar" SLOP 2}');
$p->pass('"foo bar"~1', 'PHRASE {"foo bar" SLOP 1}');
$p->pass('"foo bar"~0', 'PHRASE {"foo bar"}');