/** * Sets Dublin Core Meta Tags * @author Howard <*****@*****.**> * @return boolean */ public function dublincore() { $settings = wpl_global::get_settings(); $dc_status = isset($settings['dc_status']) ? $settings['dc_status'] : false; /** check status of geo tags **/ if (!$dc_status) { return false; } $current_link_url = wpl_global::get_full_url(); $html = wpl_html::getInstance(); /** WPL views and WordPress views (Page/Post) **/ if (trim($this->view) != '' and $dc_status == 2 or $dc_status == 1) { if (trim($settings['dc_coverage']) != '') { $html->set_custom_tag('<meta name="DC.coverage" content="' . $settings['dc_coverage'] . '" />'); } if (trim($settings['dc_contributor']) != '') { $html->set_custom_tag('<meta name="DC.contributor" content="' . $settings['dc_contributor'] . '" />'); } if (trim($settings['dc_publisher']) != '') { $html->set_custom_tag('<meta name="DC.publisher" content="' . $settings['dc_publisher'] . '" />'); } if (trim($settings['dc_copyright']) != '') { $html->set_custom_tag('<meta name="DC.rights" content="' . $settings['dc_copyright'] . '" />'); } if (trim($settings['dc_source']) != '') { $html->set_custom_tag('<meta name="DC.source" content="' . $settings['dc_source'] . '" />'); } if (trim($settings['dc_relation']) != '') { $html->set_custom_tag('<meta name="DC.relation" content="' . $settings['dc_relation'] . '" />'); } $html->set_custom_tag('<meta name="DC.type" content="Text" />'); $html->set_custom_tag('<meta name="DC.format" content="text/html" />'); $html->set_custom_tag('<meta name="DC.identifier" content="' . $current_link_url . '" />'); $locale = apply_filters('plugin_locale', get_locale(), WPL_TEXTDOMAIN); $html->set_custom_tag('<meta name="DC.language" scheme="RFC1766" content="' . $locale . '" />'); } if ($this->view == 'property_show') { $proeprty_id = wpl_request::getVar('pid'); $property_data = wpl_property::get_property_raw_data($proeprty_id); $user_data = (array) wpl_users::get_user($property_data['user_id']); $html->set_custom_tag('<meta name="DC.title" content="' . $this->property_page_title . '" />'); $html->set_custom_tag('<meta name="DC.subject" content="' . $this->property_page_title . '" />'); $html->set_custom_tag('<meta name="DC.description" content="' . $this->property_description . '" />'); $html->set_custom_tag('<meta name="DC.date" content="' . $property_data['add_date'] . '" />'); $html->set_custom_tag('<meta name="DC.creator" content="' . $user_data['data']->user_login . '" />'); } elseif ($this->view == 'profile_show') { $user_id = wpl_request::getVar('uid'); $user_data = (array) wpl_users::get_user($user_id); $html->set_custom_tag('<meta name="DC.title" content="' . $this->user_title . '" />'); $html->set_custom_tag('<meta name="DC.subject" content="' . $this->user_title . '" />'); $html->set_custom_tag('<meta name="DC.description" content="' . $this->user_description . '" />'); $html->set_custom_tag('<meta name="DC.date" content="' . $user_data['data']->user_registered . '" />'); $html->set_custom_tag('<meta name="DC.creator" content="' . $user_data['data']->user_login . '" />'); } elseif (is_single()) { $post_author_id = wpl_global::get_post_field('post_author'); $author_username = wpl_global::get_the_author_meta('user_login', $post_author_id); $html->set_custom_tag('<meta name="DC.title" content="' . wpl_global::get_the_title() . '" />'); $html->set_custom_tag('<meta name="DC.subject" content="' . wpl_global::get_the_title() . '" />'); $html->set_custom_tag('<meta name="DC.date" content="' . wpl_global::get_the_date() . '" />'); $html->set_custom_tag('<meta name="DC.creator" content="' . $author_username . '" />'); } }