コード例 #1
    public static function show_traffic_sources_summary()
        $total_human_hits = wp_slimstat_db::count_records('id', 'visit_id > 0 AND browser_type <> 1');
        $new_visitors = wp_slimstat_db::count_records_having('ip', 'visit_id > 0', 'COUNT(visit_id) = 1');
        $new_visitors_rate = $total_human_hits > 0 ? sprintf("%01.2f", 100 * $new_visitors / $total_human_hits) : 0;
        if (intval($new_visitors_rate) > 99) {
            $new_visitors_rate = '100';

        self::inline_help(__('A request to load a single HTML file. Slimstat logs a "pageview" each time the tracking code is executed.', 'wp-slimstat'));
        _e('Pageviews', 'wp-slimstat');
        echo number_format(self::$pageviews, 0, '', wp_slimstat_db::$formats['thousand']);
        self::inline_help(__('A referrer (or referring site) is the site that a visitor previously visited before following a link to your site.', 'wp-slimstat'));
        _e('Unique Referrers', 'wp-slimstat');
        echo number_format(wp_slimstat_db::count_records('referer', "referer NOT LIKE '%{$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}%'"), 0, '', wp_slimstat_db::$formats['thousand']);
        self::inline_help(__("Visitors who visited the site by typing the URL directly into their browser. <em>Direct</em> can also refer to the visitors who clicked on the links from their bookmarks/favorites, untagged links within emails, or links from documents that don't include tracking variables.", 'wp-slimstat'));
        _e('Direct Pageviews', 'wp-slimstat');
        echo number_format(wp_slimstat_db::count_records('id', 'resource IS NULL'), 0, '', wp_slimstat_db::$formats['thousand']);
        self::inline_help(__("Visitors who came to your site via searches on Google or some other search engine.", 'wp-slimstat'));
        _e('From a search result', 'wp-slimstat');
        echo number_format(wp_slimstat_db::count_records('id', "searchterms IS NOT NULL AND referer IS NOT NULL AND referer NOT LIKE '%" . home_url() . "%'"), 0, '', wp_slimstat_db::$formats['thousand']);
        self::inline_help(__("The first page that a user views during a session. This is also known as the <em>entrance page</em>. For example, if they search for 'Brooklyn Office Space,' and they land on your home page, it gets counted (for that visit) as a landing page.", 'wp-slimstat'));
        _e('Unique Landing Pages', 'wp-slimstat');
        echo number_format(wp_slimstat_db::count_records('resource'), 0, '', wp_slimstat_db::$formats['thousand']);
        self::inline_help(__("Number of single-page visits to your site over the selected period.", 'wp-slimstat'));
        _e('Bounce Pages', 'wp-slimstat');
        echo number_format(wp_slimstat_db::count_bouncing_pages(), 0, '', wp_slimstat_db::$formats['thousand']);
        self::inline_help(__('Percentage of single-page visits, i.e. visits in which the person left your site from the entrance page.', 'wp-slimstat'));
        _e('New Visitors Rate', 'wp-slimstat');
        echo number_format($new_visitors_rate, 2, wp_slimstat_db::$formats['decimal'], wp_slimstat_db::$formats['thousand']);
        self::inline_help(__("Visitors who visited the site in the last 5 minutes coming from a search engine.", 'wp-slimstat'));
        _e('Currently from search engines', 'wp-slimstat');
        echo number_format(wp_slimstat_db::count_records('id', "searchterms IS NOT NULL  AND referer IS NOT NULL AND referer NOT LIKE '%" . home_url() . "%' AND dt > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-300", false), 0, '', wp_slimstat_db::$formats['thousand']);
        if (defined('DOING_AJAX') && DOING_AJAX) {