コード例 #1
				           onclick="WFAD.reloadConfigPage = true; return true;"/> This option enables live traffic
				<td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td>
				<th class="wfConfigEnable">Advanced Comment Spam Filter<a
						target="_blank" class="wfhelp"></a></th>
				<td><input type="checkbox" id="advancedCommentScanning" class="wfConfigElem"
				           name="advancedCommentScanning" value="1" <?php 
if (!wfConfig::get('isPaid')) {
onclick="alert('This is a paid feature because it places significant additional load on our servers.'); jQuery('#advancedCommentScanning').attr('checked', false); return false;" <?php 
						style="color: #F00;">Premium Feature</span> In addition to free comment filtering (see below)
					this option filters comments against several additional real-time lists of known spammers and
					infected hosts.
				<th class="wfConfigEnable">Check if this website is being "Spamvertised"<a
						target="_blank" class="wfhelp"></a></th>
コード例 #2
				<td><input type="checkbox" id="liveTrafficEnabled" class="wfConfigElem" name="liveTrafficEnabled"
				           value="1" <?php $w->cb( 'liveTrafficEnabled' ); ?>
				           onclick="WFAD.reloadConfigPage = true; return true;"/>&nbsp;This option enables live traffic
				<td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td>
				<th class="wfConfigEnable">Advanced Comment Spam Filter<a
						target="_blank" class="wfhelp"></a></th>
				<td><input type="checkbox" id="advancedCommentScanning" class="wfConfigElem"
				           name="advancedCommentScanning" value="1" <?php $w->cbp( 'advancedCommentScanning' );
					if ( ! wfConfig::get( 'isPaid' )){ ?>onclick="alert('This is a paid feature because it places significant additional load on our servers.'); jQuery('#advancedCommentScanning').attr('checked', false); return false;" <?php } ?> />&nbsp;<span
						style="color: #F00;">Premium Feature</span> In addition to free comment filtering (see below)
					this option filters comments against several additional real-time lists of known spammers and
					infected hosts.
				<th class="wfConfigEnable">Check if this website is being "Spamvertised"<a
						target="_blank" class="wfhelp"></a></th>
				<td><input type="checkbox" id="spamvertizeCheck" class="wfConfigElem" name="spamvertizeCheck" value="1"
				           <?php $w->cbp( 'spamvertizeCheck' );
				           if ( ! wfConfig::get( 'isPaid' )){ ?>onclick="alert('This is a paid feature because it places significant additional load on our servers.'); jQuery('#spamvertizeCheck').attr('checked', false); return false;" <?php } ?> />&nbsp;<span
						style="color: #F00;">Premium Feature</span> When doing a scan, Wordfence will check with spam
					services if your site domain name is appearing as a link in spam emails.