コード例 #1
$http_status = $wdc->move($target_path, $new_target_path, true);
print 'webdav server returns ' . $http_status . '<br>';
// ---
print 'Let\'s move/rename a collection<br>';
$new_target_folder = '/wdc test 2 folder renamed';
$http_status = $wdc->move($test_folder, $new_target_folder, true);
print 'webdav server returns ' . $http_status . '<br>';
// ---
print 'Let\'s lock this moved collection<br>';
$http_status_array = $wdc->lock($new_target_folder);
print 'webdav server returns ' . $http_status_array['status'] . '<br>';
print 'locktocken is ' . $http_status_array[0]['locktoken'] . '<br>';
print 'Owner of lock is ' . $http_status_array[0]['owner'] . '<br>';
// ---
print 'Let\'s unlock this collection with a wrong locktoken<br>';
$http_status = $wdc->unlock($new_target_folder, 'wrongtoken');
print "webdav server returns {$http_status}<br>";
print 'Let\'s unlock this collection with the right locktoken<br>';
$http_status = $wdc->unlock($new_target_folder, $http_status_array[0]['locktoken']);
print 'webdav server returns ' . $http_status . '<br>';
// --
print 'Let\'s remove/delete the moved collection ' . $new_target_folder . '<br>';
$http_status_array = $wdc->delete($new_target_folder);
print 'webdav server returns ' . $http_status_array['status'] . '<br>';
// --
print 'Publishes the file to Yandeks.Disk...<br>';
$target_path = $test_folder . '/picture.jpg';
$http_status = $wdc->public_file($target_path);
print 'Link to a file on Yandex.Disk ' . $http_status . '<br>';
// --
print 'Closes access to the link to the file in Yandeks.Disk...<br>';