コード例 #1
$project = $obj;
include $AppUI->getTheme()->resolveTemplate('projects/view');
$module = new w2p_System_Module();
$fields = $module->loadSettings('projectdesigner', 'task_list_print');
if (0 == count($fields)) {
    // TODO: This is only in place to provide an pre-upgrade-safe
    //   state for versions earlier than v3.0
    //   At some point at/after v4.0, this should be deprecated
    $fieldList = array('task_name', 'task_percent_complete', 'task_owner', 'task_start_date', 'task_duration', 'task_end_date');
    $fieldNames = array('Task Name', 'Work', 'Owner', 'Start', 'Duration', 'Finish');
    $module->storeSettings('projectdesigner', 'task_list_print', $fieldList, $fieldNames);
    $fields = array_combine($fieldList, $fieldNames);
$taskobj = new CTask();
$taskTree = $taskobj->getTaskTree($project_id);
$listTable = new w2p_Output_HTML_TaskTable($AppUI);
echo $listTable->startTable();
echo $listTable->buildHeader($fields);
echo $listTable->buildRows($taskTree);
echo $listTable->endTable();
<table class="tbl" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="0" width="100%">
        <td align="center">
echo '<strong>Gantt Chart</strong>';
        <td align="center" colspan="20">
コード例 #2
if (!defined('W2P_BASE_DIR')) {
    die('You should not access this file directly.');
global $AppUI, $m, $project_id;
$task = new CTask();
$tasks = $task->loadAll('task_start_date, task_end_date', 'task_status = -1 AND task_project = ' . $project_id);
$module = new w2p_System_Module();
$fields = $module->loadSettings($m, 'tasklist');
if (0 == count($fields)) {
    // TODO: This is only in place to provide an pre-upgrade-safe
    //   state for versions earlier than v3.0
    //   At some point at/after v4.0, this should be deprecated
    $fieldList = array('task_percent_complete', 'task_priority', 'user_task_priority', 'task_name', 'task_owner', 'task_assignees', 'task_start_date', 'task_duration', 'task_end_date');
    $fieldNames = array('Percent', 'P', 'U', 'Task Name', 'Owner', 'Assignees', 'Start Date', 'Duration', 'Finish Date');
    $module->storeSettings($m, 'tasklist', $fieldList, $fieldNames);
    $fields = array_combine($fieldList, $fieldNames);
$fieldList = array_keys($fields);
$fieldNames = array_values($fields);
$listTable = new w2p_Output_HTML_TaskTable($AppUI, $task);
$listTable->setFilters($f, $user_id);
$listTable->df .= ' ' . $AppUI->getPref('TIMEFORMAT');
$listTable->addBefore('edit', 'task_id');
$listTable->addBefore('pin', 'task_id');
$listTable->addBefore('log', 'task_id');
echo $listTable->startTable();
echo $listTable->buildHeader($fields, false, $m);
echo $listTable->buildRows($tasks, $customLookups);
echo $listTable->endTable();
include $AppUI->getTheme()->resolveTemplate('task_key');
コード例 #3
$types = array('' => '(Task Type Filter)') + w2PgetSysVal('TaskType');
echo arraySelect($types, 'task_type', 'class="text" onchange="document.form_buttons.submit()"', $task_type, true);
$module = new w2p_System_Module();
$fields = $module->loadSettings('tasks', 'todo');
if (0 == count($fields)) {
    // TODO: This is only in place to provide an pre-upgrade-safe
    //   state for versions earlier than v3.0
    //   At some point at/after v4.0, this should be deprecated
    $fieldList = array('task_percent_complete', 'task_priority', 'user_task_priority', 'task_name', 'task_project', 'task_start_datetime', 'task_duration', 'task_end_datetime', 'task_due_in');
    $fieldNames = array('', 'P', 'U', 'Task Name', 'Project Name', 'Start Date', 'Duration', 'Finish Date', 'Due In');
    $module->storeSettings('tasks', 'todo', $fieldList, $fieldNames);
    $fields = array_combine($fieldList, $fieldNames);
$fieldNames = array_values($fields);
$listTable = new w2p_Output_HTML_TaskTable($AppUI);
$listTable->df .= ' ' . $AppUI->getPref('TIMEFORMAT');
$listTable->addBefore('edit', 'task_id');
$listTable->addBefore('pin', 'task_id');
$listTable->addBefore('log', 'task_id');
echo $listTable->startTable();
echo $listTable->buildHeader($fields);
echo $listTable->buildRows($tasks);
echo $listTable->endTable();
include $AppUI->getTheme()->resolveTemplate('task_key');