コード例 #1
                [b][/b] Bold. Example: [b]<b>This text will be bold</b>[/b]<br />
                [i][/i] Italic. Example: [i]<i>This text will be in italic</i>[/i]<br />
                [u][/u] Underlined. Example: [u]<u>This text will be underlined</u>[/u]<br />
                [s][/s] Scratched. Example: [s]<del>This text will be scratched</del>[/s]<br />
                [sub][/sub] Subscript. Example: [sub]<sub>This text will be subscript</sub>[/sub]<br />
                [sup][/sup] Superscript. Example: [sup]<sup>This text will be superscript</sup>[/sup]<br />
                [email][/email] Email Address. Example: [email]my@mail.net[/email]<br />
                [color=color_name][/color] Colorized Text. Example: [color=blue]I am Blue[/color]<br />
                [size=size_value][/size], [font=font_name][/font] and [align=left|center|right][align] Format Text. Example: [align=right]I am on the Right[/align]<br />
                [url=url_address][/url] Link. Example: [url=http://web2project.net]web2Project[/url]<br />
                [list][/list],[ulist][/ulist] and [li][/li] Lists.<br />
                [quote][/quote] Quoted Text. Example: [quote]<q>This text will be superscript</q>[/quote]<br />
                [code][/code] Text in code format. Example: [code]//This is a code comment;[/code]<br />
            <td align="right">