コード例 #1
ファイル: setup.php プロジェクト: viniciusbudines/sisnuss
 public function remove()
     $q = new w2p_Database_Query();
     return null;
コード例 #2
 public function store($object_id)
     global $db;
     $object_id = (int) $object_id;
     if ($object_id) {
         $this->value_intvalue = (int) $this->value_intvalue;
         $ins_charvalue = $this->value_charvalue == null ? '' : stripslashes($this->value_charvalue);
         $q = new w2p_Database_Query();
         if ($this->value_id) {
             $q->addUpdate('value_charvalue', $ins_charvalue);
             $q->addUpdate('value_intvalue', $this->value_intvalue);
             $q->addWhere('value_id = ' . $this->value_id);
         } else {
             $q->addInsert('value_module', '');
             $q->addInsert('value_field_id', $this->field_id);
             $q->addInsert('value_object_id', $object_id);
             $q->addInsert('value_charvalue', $ins_charvalue);
             $q->addInsert('value_intvalue', $this->value_intvalue);
         $rs = $q->exec();
         if (!$rs) {
             return $db->ErrorMsg() . ' | SQL: ';
     } else {
         return 'Error: Cannot store field (' . $this->field_name . '), associated id not supplied.';
コード例 #3
 public function bind($hash)
     if (!is_array($hash)) {
         return get_class($this) . "::bind failed";
     } else {
         $q = new w2p_Database_Query();
         $q->bindHashToObject($hash, $this);
         return null;
コード例 #4
ファイル: SQL.class.php プロジェクト: viniciusbudines/sisnuss
 public function authenticate($username, $password)
     global $db, $AppUI;
     $this->username = $username;
     $q = new w2p_Database_Query();
     $q->addQuery('user_id, user_password');
     $q->addWhere('user_username = \'' . $username . '\'');
     if (!($rs = $q->exec())) {
         return false;
     if (!($row = $q->fetchRow())) {
         return false;
     $this->user_id = $row['user_id'];
     if (MD5($password) == $row['user_password']) {
         return true;
     return false;
コード例 #5
 public function load()
     global $db;
     $q = new w2p_Database_Query();
     $q->addWhere('field_id = ' . $this->field_id);
     if (!($rs = $q->exec())) {
         return $db->ErrorMsg();
     while ($opt_row = $q->fetchRow()) {
         $this->options[$opt_row['list_option_id']] = $opt_row['list_value'];
コード例 #6
 public function canDelete($msg, $oid = 0, $joins = null)
     $msg = array();
     $q = new w2p_Database_Query();
     $q->addQuery('COUNT(DISTINCT file_folder_id) AS num_of_subfolders');
     $q->addWhere('file_folder_parent=' . $oid);
     $res1 = $q->loadResult();
     if ($res1) {
         $msg[] = "Can't delete folder, it has subfolders.";
         //') . ': ' . implode(', ', $msg);
     $q = new w2p_Database_Query();
     $q->addQuery('COUNT(DISTINCT file_id) AS num_of_files');
     $q->addWhere('file_folder=' . $oid);
     $res2 = $q->loadResult();
     if ($res2) {
         $msg[] = "Can't delete folder, it has files within it.";
         //') . ': ' . implode(', ', $msg);
     return $msg;
コード例 #7
ファイル: tasks.php プロジェクト: eureka2/web2project
$q->addQuery('usernames.user_username, usernames.user_id');
$q->addQuery('assignees.user_username as assignee_username');
$q->addQuery('count(distinct assignees.user_id) as assignee_count');
$q->addQuery('co.contact_first_name, co.contact_last_name');
$q->addQuery('CONCAT(co.contact_first_name,\' \', co.contact_last_name) AS owner');
$q->addQuery('count(distinct f.file_task) as file_count');
//subquery the parent state
$sq = new w2p_Database_Query();
$sq->addTable('tasks', 'stasks');
$sq->addWhere('stasks.task_id <> tasks.task_id AND stasks.task_parent = tasks.task_id');
$subquery = $sq->prepare();
$q->addQuery('(' . $subquery . ') AS task_nr_of_children');
$mods = $AppUI->getActiveModules();
if (!empty($mods['history']) && canView('history')) {
    $q->addQuery('MAX(history_date) as last_update');
    $q->leftJoin('history', 'h', 'history_item = tasks.task_id AND history_table=\'tasks\'');
$q->addJoin('projects', 'p', 'p.project_id = task_project', 'inner');
$q->leftJoin('users', 'usernames', 'task_owner = usernames.user_id');
$q->leftJoin('user_tasks', 'ut', 'ut.task_id = tasks.task_id');
$q->leftJoin('users', 'assignees', 'assignees.user_id = ut.user_id');
$q->leftJoin('contacts', 'co', 'co.contact_id = usernames.user_contact');
$q->leftJoin('task_log', 'tlog', 'tlog.task_log_task = tasks.task_id AND tlog.task_log_problem > 0');
$q->leftJoin('files', 'f', 'tasks.task_id = f.file_task');
$q->leftJoin('project_departments', 'project_departments', 'p.project_id = project_departments.project_id OR project_departments.project_id IS NULL');
コード例 #8
 public function indexStrings()
     global $w2Pconfig;
     $nwords_indexed = 0;
     /* Workaround for indexing large files:
      ** Based on the value defined in config data,
      ** files with file_size greater than specified limit
      ** are not indexed for searching.
      ** Negative value :<=> no filesize limit
     $index_max_file_size = w2PgetConfig('index_max_file_size', 0);
     if ($this->file_size > 0 && ($index_max_file_size < 0 || (int) $this->file_size <= $index_max_file_size * 1024)) {
         // get the parser application
         $parser = $w2Pconfig['parser_' . $this->file_type];
         if (!$parser) {
             $parser = $w2Pconfig['parser_default'];
         if (!$parser) {
             return false;
         // buffer the file
         $this->_filepath = W2P_BASE_DIR . '/files/' . $this->file_project . '/' . $this->file_real_filename;
         if (file_exists($this->_filepath)) {
             $fp = fopen($this->_filepath, 'rb');
             $x = fread($fp, $this->file_size);
             // parse it
             $parser = $parser . ' ' . $this->_filepath;
             $pos = strpos($parser, '/pdf');
              * TODO: I *really* hate using error surpression here and I would
              *   normally just detect if safe_mode is on and if it was, skip
              *   this call. Unfortunately, safe_mode has been deprecated in
              *   5.3 and will be removed in 5.4
             if (false !== $pos) {
                 $x = @shell_exec(`{$parser} -`);
             } else {
                 $x = @shell_exec(`{$parser}`);
             // if nothing, return
             if (strlen($x) < 1) {
                 return 0;
             // remove punctuation and parse the strings
             $x = str_replace(array('.', ',', '!', '@', '(', ')'), ' ', $x);
             $warr = explode(' ', $x);
             $wordarr = array();
             $nwords = count($warr);
             for ($x = 0; $x < $nwords; $x++) {
                 $newword = $warr[$x];
                 if (!preg_match('[!"#$%&\'()*+,\\-./:;<=>?@[\\\\]^_`{|}~]', $newword) && mb_strlen(mb_trim($newword)) > 2 && !preg_match('[0-9]', $newword)) {
                     $wordarr[$newword] = $x;
             // filter out common strings
             $ignore = w2PgetSysVal('FileIndexIgnoreWords');
             $ignore = str_replace(' ,', ',', $ignore);
             $ignore = str_replace(', ', ',', $ignore);
             $ignore = explode(',', $ignore);
             foreach ($ignore as $w) {
             $nwords_indexed = count($wordarr);
             // insert the strings into the table
             while (list($key, $val) = each($wordarr)) {
                 $q = new w2p_Database_Query();
                 $q->addReplace('file_id', $this->file_id);
                 $q->addReplace('word', $key);
                 $q->addReplace('word_placement', $val);
         } else {
             //TODO: if the file doesn't exist.. should we delete the db record?
     $q = new w2p_Database_Query();
     $q->addUpdate('file_indexed', 1);
     $q->addWhere('file_id = ' . $this->file_id);
     return $nwords_indexed;
コード例 #9
ファイル: overall.php プロジェクト: viniciusbudines/sisnuss
function showcompany($company, $restricted = false)
    global $AppUI, $allpdfdata, $log_start_date, $log_end_date, $log_all;
    $q = new w2p_Database_Query();
    $q->addQuery('project_id, project_name');
    $q->addWhere('project_company = ' . (int) $company);
    $projects = $q->loadHashList();
    $q->addWhere('company_id = ' . (int) $company);
    $company_name = $q->loadResult();
    $table = '<h2>Company: ' . $company_name . '</h2>
    	<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" border="0" class="tbl">';
    $project_row = '
                <th>' . $AppUI->_('Project') . '</th>';
    $pdfth[] = $AppUI->_('Project');
    $project_row .= '<th>' . $AppUI->_('Total') . '</th></tr>';
    $pdfth[] = $AppUI->_('Total');
    $pdfdata[] = $pdfth;
    $hours = 0.0;
    $table .= $project_row;
    foreach ($projects as $project => $name) {
        $pdfproject = array();
        $pdfproject[] = $name;
        $project_hours = 0;
        $project_row = '<tr><td>' . $name . '</td>';
        $q->addQuery('task_log_costcode, SUM(task_log_hours) as hours');
        $q->addWhere('project_id = ' . (int) $project);
        $q->addWhere('project_active = 1');
        if (($template_status = w2PgetConfig('template_projects_status_id')) != '') {
            $q->addWhere('project_status <> ' . (int) $template_status);
        if ($log_start_date != 0 && !$log_all) {
            $q->addWhere('task_log_date >=' . $log_start_date);
        if ($log_end_date != 0 && !$log_all) {
            $q->addWhere('task_log_date <=' . $log_end_date);
        if ($restricted) {
            $q->addWhere('task_log_creator = ' . (int) $AppUI->user_id);
        $q->addWhere('project_id = task_project');
        $q->addWhere('task_id = task_log_task');
        $task_logs = $q->loadHashList();
        foreach ($task_logs as $task_log) {
            $project_hours += $task_log;
        $project_row .= '<td style="text-align:right;">' . sprintf('%.2f', round($project_hours, 2)) . '</td></tr>';
        $pdfproject[] = round($project_hours, 2);
        $hours += $project_hours;
        if ($project_hours > 0) {
            $table .= $project_row;
            $pdfdata[] = $pdfproject;
    if ($hours > 0) {
        $pdfdata[] = array($AppUI->_('Total'), round($hours, 2));
        $allpdfdata[$company_name] = $pdfdata;
        echo $table;
        echo '<tr><td>' . $AppUI->_('Total') . '</td><td style="text-align:right;">' . sprintf('%.2f', round($hours, 2)) . '</td></tr></table>';
    return $hours;
コード例 #10
 public function hook_cron()
     if (w2PgetConfig('system_update_check', true)) {
         $lastCheck = w2PgetConfig('system_update_last_check', '');
         $nowDate = new DateTime("now");
         if ('' == $lastCheck) {
             $checkForUpdates = true;
         } else {
             $systemDate = new DateTime($lastCheck);
             $difference = 0;
             $checkForUpdates = $difference >= 7 ? true : false;
         if ($checkForUpdates) {
             $AppUI = new w2p_Core_CAppUI();
             $configList = array();
             $moduleList = $AppUI->getLoadableModuleList();
             foreach ($moduleList as $module) {
                 $configList[$module['mod_directory']] = $module['mod_version'];
             $configList['w2p_ver'] = $AppUI->getVersion();
             $configList['php_ver'] = PHP_VERSION;
             $configList['database'] = $this->_w2Pconfig['dbtype'];
             $configList['server'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'];
             $configList['connector'] = php_sapi_name();
             $configList['database_ver'] = mysql_get_client_info();
             $libraries = array('tidy', 'json', 'libxml', 'mysql');
             foreach ($libraries as $library) {
                 $configList[$library . '_extver'] = phpversion($library);
             if (function_exists('gd_info')) {
                 $lib_version = gd_info();
                 $configList['gd_extver'] = $lib_version['GD Version'];
             if (function_exists('curl_version')) {
                 $lib_version = curl_version();
                 $configList['curl_extver'] = $lib_version['version'];
             $request = new w2p_Utilities_HTTPRequest('http://stats.web2project.net');
             $result = $request->processRequest();
             $data = json_decode($result);
             $q = new w2p_Database_Query();
             if ('' == w2PgetConfig('available_version', '')) {
                 $q->addInsert('config_name', 'available_version');
                 $q->addInsert('config_value', $data->w2p_ver);
                 $q->addInsert('config_group', 'admin_system');
                 $q->addInsert('config_type', 'text');
             } else {
                 $q->addUpdate('config_value', $data->w2p_ver);
                 $q->addWhere("config_name  = 'available_version'");
             $q->addUpdate('config_value', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
             $q->addWhere("config_name  = 'system_update_last_check'");
コード例 #11
 public function setContactMethods(array $methods)
     $q = new w2p_Database_Query();
     $q->addWhere('contact_id=' . (int) $this->contact_id);
     if (!empty($methods)) {
         $q = new w2p_Database_Query();
         $q->addInsert('contact_id', (int) $this->contact_id);
         foreach ($methods as $name => $value) {
             if (!empty($value)) {
                 $q->addInsert('method_name', $name);
                 $q->addInsert('method_value', $value);
コード例 #12
 public function delete()
     $q = new w2p_Database_Query();
     $q->addWhere('pref_user = '******'pref_name = \'' . $this->pref_name . '\'');
     if (!$q->exec()) {
         return db_error();
     } else {
         return null;
コード例 #13
 public function createsqluser($username, $password, $email, $first, $last)
     global $db, $AppUI;
     $c = new CContact();
     $c->contact_first_name = $first;
     $c->contact_last_name = $last;
     $c->contact_order_by = $first . ' ' . $last;
     $c->contact_email = $email;
     $q = new w2p_Database_Query();
     $q->addInsert('user_username', $username);
     $q->addInsert('user_password', $password);
     $q->addInsert('user_type', '1');
     $q->addInsert('user_contact', $c->contact_id);
     if (!$q->exec()) {
         die($AppUI->_('Failed to create user credentials'));
     $user_id = $db->Insert_ID();
     $this->user_id = $user_id;
     $acl =& $AppUI->acl();
     $acl->insertUserRole($acl->get_group_id('anon'), $this->user_id);
コード例 #14
 * @param $module
 * @param $mod_data
 * @return Value
function __extract_from_role_perms($module, $mod_data)
    $q = new w2p_Database_Query();
    $q->addWhere($module['permissions_item_field'] . '=' . $mod_data['name']);
    $data = $q->loadResult();
    return $data;
コード例 #15
ファイル: tasks.class.php プロジェクト: victorrod/web2project
  * @param w2p_Core_CAppUI $AppUI
  * @param CProject $project_id
  * The point of this function is to create/update a task to represent a
  *   subproject.
 public static function storeTokenTask(w2p_Core_CAppUI $AppUI, $project_id)
     $subProject = new CProject();
     //TODO: We need to convert this from static to use ->overrideDatabase() for testing.
     if ($subProject->project_parent > 0 && $subProject->project_id != $subProject->project_parent) {
         $q = new w2p_Database_Query();
         $q->addQuery('MIN(task_start_date) AS min_task_start_date');
         $q->addQuery('MAX(task_end_date) AS max_task_end_date');
         $q->addWhere('task_project = ' . $subProject->project_id);
         $q->addWhere('task_status <> -1');
         $projectDates = $q->loadList();
         $q->addWhere('task_represents_project = ' . $subProject->project_id);
         $task_id = (int) $q->loadResult();
         $task = new CTask();
         //TODO: We need to convert this from static to use ->overrideDatabase() for testing.
         if ($task_id) {
         } else {
             $task->task_description = $task->task_name;
             $task->task_priority = $subProject->project_priority;
             $task->task_project = $subProject->project_parent;
             $task->task_represents_project = $subProject->project_id;
             $task->task_owner = $AppUI->user_id;
         $task->task_name = $AppUI->_('Subproject') . ': ' . $subProject->project_name;
         $task->task_duration_type = 1;
         $task->task_duration = $subProject->project_scheduled_hours;
         $task->task_start_date = $projectDates[0]['min_task_start_date'];
         $task->task_end_date = $projectDates[0]['max_task_end_date'];
         $task->task_percent_complete = $subProject->project_percent_complete;
         //TODO: we should do something with this store result?
コード例 #16
function projects_list_data($user_id = false)
    global $AppUI, $addPwOiD, $buffer, $company, $company_id, $company_prefix, $deny, $department, $dept_ids, $w2Pconfig, $orderby, $orderdir, $tasks_problems, $owner, $projectTypeId, $search_text, $project_type;
    $addProjectsWithAssignedTasks = $AppUI->getState('addProjWithTasks') ? $AppUI->getState('addProjWithTasks') : 0;
    // get any records denied from viewing
    $obj = new CProject();
    $deny = $obj->getDeniedRecords($AppUI->user_id);
    // Let's delete temproary tables
    $q = new w2p_Database_Query();
    // support task problem logs
    $q->addQuery('task_project, task_log_problem');
    $q->addJoin('task_log', 'tl', 'tl.task_log_task = task_id', 'inner');
    $q->addWhere('task_log_problem = 1');
    $tasks_problems = $q->exec();
    if ($addProjectsWithAssignedTasks) {
        // support users tasks
        $q->addJoin('user_tasks', 'ut', 'ut.task_id = tasks.task_id');
        if ($user_id) {
            $q->addWhere('ut.user_id = ' . (int) $user_id);
        $q->addOrder('task_end_date DESC');
        $tasks_users = $q->exec();
    // add Projects where the Project Owner is in the given department
    if ($addPwOiD && isset($department)) {
        $owner_ids = array();
        $q->addJoin('contacts', 'c', 'c.contact_id = user_contact', 'inner');
        $q->addWhere('c.contact_department = ' . (int) $department);
        $owner_ids = $q->loadColumn();
    if (isset($department)) {
        //If a department is specified, we want to display projects from the department, and all departments under that, so we need to build that list of departments
        $dept_ids = array();
        $q->addQuery('dept_id, dept_parent');
        $rows = $q->loadList();
        addDeptId($rows, $department);
        $dept_ids[] = isset($department->dept_id) ? $department->dept_id : 0;
        $dept_ids[] = $department > 0 ? $department : 0;
    // retrieve list of records
    // modified for speed
    // by Pablo Roca (pabloroca@mvps.org)
    // 16 August 2003
    // get the list of permitted companies
    $obj = new CCompany();
    $companies = $obj->getAllowedRecords($AppUI->user_id, 'companies.company_id,companies.company_name', 'companies.company_name');
    if (count($companies) == 0) {
        $companies = array();
    $q->addTable('projects', 'pr');
    $q->addQuery('pr.project_id, project_status, project_color_identifier,
		project_type, project_name, project_description, project_scheduled_hours as project_duration,
		project_parent, project_original_parent, project_percent_complete,
		project_color_identifier, project_company,
        company_name, project_status, project_last_task as critical_task,
        tp.task_log_problem, user_username, project_active');
    $fields = w2p_Core_Module::getSettings('projects', 'index_list');
    // added as an alias below
    foreach ($fields as $field => $text) {
    $q->addQuery('CONCAT(ct.contact_first_name, \' \', ct.contact_last_name) AS owner_name');
    $q->addJoin('users', 'u', 'pr.project_owner = u.user_id');
    $q->addJoin('contacts', 'ct', 'ct.contact_id = u.user_contact');
    $q->addJoin('tasks_problems', 'tp', 'pr.project_id = tp.task_project');
    if ($addProjectsWithAssignedTasks) {
        $q->addJoin('tasks_users', 'tu', 'pr.project_id = tu.task_project');
    if (!isset($department) && $company_id && !$addPwOiD) {
        $q->addWhere('pr.project_company = ' . (int) $company_id);
    if ($project_type > -1) {
        $q->addWhere('pr.project_type = ' . (int) $project_type);
    if (isset($department) && !$addPwOiD) {
        $q->addWhere('project_departments.department_id in ( ' . implode(',', $dept_ids) . ' )');
    if ($user_id && $addProjectsWithAssignedTasks) {
        $q->addWhere('(tu.user_id = ' . (int) $user_id . ' OR pr.project_owner = ' . (int) $user_id . ' )');
    } elseif ($user_id) {
        $q->addWhere('pr.project_owner = ' . (int) $user_id);
    if ($owner > 0) {
        $q->addWhere('pr.project_owner = ' . (int) $owner);
    if (mb_trim($search_text)) {
        $q->addWhere('pr.project_name LIKE \'%' . $search_text . '%\' OR pr.project_description LIKE \'%' . $search_text . '%\'');
    // Show Projects where the Project Owner is in the given department
    if ($addPwOiD && !empty($owner_ids)) {
        $q->addWhere('pr.project_owner IN (' . implode(',', $owner_ids) . ')');
    $orderby = 'project_company' == $orderby ? 'company_name' : $orderby;
    $q->addOrder($orderby . ' ' . $orderdir);
    $prj = new CProject();
    $prj->setAllowedSQL($AppUI->user_id, $q, null, 'pr');
    $dpt = new CDepartment();
    $projects = $q->loadList();
    // get the list of permitted companies
    $companies = arrayMerge(array('0' => $AppUI->_('All')), $companies);
    $company_array = $companies;
    //get list of all departments, filtered by the list of permitted companies.
    $q->addQuery('company_id, company_name, dep.*');
    $q->addJoin('departments', 'dep', 'companies.company_id = dep.dept_company');
    $obj->setAllowedSQL($AppUI->user_id, $q);
    $dpt->setAllowedSQL($AppUI->user_id, $q);
    $rows = $q->loadList();
    //display the select list
    $buffer = '<select name="department" id="department" onChange="document.pickCompany.submit()" class="text" style="width: 200px;">';
    $company = '';
    foreach ($company_array as $key => $c_name) {
        $buffer .= '<option value="' . $company_prefix . $key . '" style="font-weight:bold;"' . ($company_id == $key ? 'selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $c_name . '</option>' . "\n";
        foreach ($rows as $row) {
            if ($row['dept_parent'] == 0) {
                if ($key == $row['company_id']) {
                    if ($row['dept_parent'] != null) {
                        findchilddept($rows, $row['dept_id']);
    $buffer .= '</select>';
    return $projects;
コード例 #17
     * w2Pacl::recalcPermissions()
     * @param mixed $user_id
     * @param mixed $user_aro_id
     * @param mixed $role_id
     * @param mixed $module
     * @return
    public function recalcPermissions($user_id = null, $user_aro_id = null, $role_id = null, $module = '', $method = 1)
        $q = new w2p_Database_Query();
        $q->addTable($this->_db_acl_prefix . 'aco_sections', 'a');
        $q->addQuery('a.value AS a_value, a.name AS a_name,
					b.value AS b_value, b.name AS b_name,
					c.value AS c_value, c.name AS c_name,
					d.value AS d_value, d.name AS d_name,
					e.value AS e_value, e.name AS e_name,
					f.value AS f_value, f.name AS f_name
        $q->leftJoin($this->_db_acl_prefix . 'aco', 'b', 'a.value=b.section_value,' . w2PgetConfig('dbprefix') . $this->_db_acl_prefix . 'aro_sections c');
        $q->leftJoin($this->_db_acl_prefix . 'aro', 'd', 'c.value=d.section_value,' . w2PgetConfig('dbprefix') . $this->_db_acl_prefix . 'axo_sections e');
        $q->leftJoin($this->_db_acl_prefix . 'axo', 'f', 'e.value=f.section_value');
        if ($user_id) {
            $q->addWhere('d.value = \'' . $user_id . '\'');
        } elseif ($user_aro_id) {
            $q->addWhere('d.id = \'' . $user_aro_id . '\'');
        } else {
            //only recalculate permissions for users able to login (that have at least one role)
            $active_users = $this->getUsersWithRole();
            $q->addWhere('d.id IN (' . implode(',', array_keys($active_users)) . ')');
        if ($role_id) {
            $role_users = $this->getRoleUsers($role_id);
            if ($role_users) {
                $q->addWhere('d.value IN (' . implode(',', array_keys($role_users)) . ')');
            } else {
                //If there are no users affected then make it so nothing is recalculated
                $q->addWhere('d.value = 0');
        if ($module) {
            $q->addWhere('f.value = \'' . $module . '\'');
        //Make sure things without axos are not ported, this would make addon modules to carry wrong soft denials affecting visible addon modules
        $q->addWhere('f.value IS NOT NULL');
        $rows = $q->loadList();
        $total_rows = count($rows);
        $acls = array();
        while (list(, $row) = @each($rows)) {
            $aco_section_value = $row['a_value'];
            $aco_value = $row['b_value'];
            $aro_section_value = $row['c_value'];
            $aro_value = $row['d_value'];
            $aro_name = $row['d_name'];
            $axo_section_value = $row['e_value'];
            $axo_value = $row['f_value'];
            $acl_result = $this->acl_query($aco_section_value, $aco_value, $aro_section_value, $aro_value, $axo_section_value, $axo_value);
            $acl_id =& $acl_result['acl_id'];
            $access =& $acl_result['allow'];
            $acls[] = array('aco_section_value' => $aco_section_value, 'aco_value' => $aco_value, 'aro_section_value' => $aro_section_value, 'aro_value' => $aro_value, 'aro_name' => $aro_name, 'axo_section_value' => $axo_section_value, 'axo_value' => $axo_value, 'acl_id' => $acl_id, 'access' => $access);
        $user_permissions = array();
        foreach ($acls as $key => $acl) {
            $user_permissions[$acl['aro_value']][$key]['user_id'] = $acl['aro_value'];
            $user_permissions[$acl['aro_value']][$key]['user_name'] = $acl['aro_name'];
            $user_permissions[$acl['aro_value']][$key]['module'] = $acl['axo_section_value'] == 'app' || $acl['axo_section_value'] == 'sys' ? $acl['axo_value'] : $acl['axo_section_value'];
            $user_permissions[$acl['aro_value']][$key]['item_id'] = $acl['axo_section_value'] == 'app' || $acl['axo_section_value'] == 'sys' ? 0 : $acl['axo_value'];
            $user_permissions[$acl['aro_value']][$key]['action'] = $acl['aco_value'];
            $user_permissions[$acl['aro_value']][$key]['access'] = $acl['access'] ? 1 : 0;
            $user_permissions[$acl['aro_value']][$key]['acl_id'] = $acl['acl_id'];
        // Now that we have the users permissions lets delete the existing ones and insert the new ones
        $q = new w2p_Database_Query();
        $q->setDelete($this->_db_acl_prefix . 'permissions');
        if ($user_id) {
            $q->addWhere('user_id = \'' . $user_id . '\'');
        if ($user_aro_id) {
            $qui = new w2p_Database_Query();
            $qui->addTable($this->_db_acl_prefix . 'aro');
            $qui->addWhere('id = \'' . $user_aro_id . '\'');
            $id = $qui->loadResult();
            if ($id) {
                $q->addWhere('user_id = \'' . $id . '\'');
        if ($role_id) {
            $role_users = $this->getRoleUsers($role_id);
            if ($role_users) {
                $q->addWhere('user_id IN (' . implode(',', array_keys($role_users)) . ')');
            } else {
                //If there are no users affected then don not delete anything
                $q->addWhere('user_id = 0');
        if ($module) {
            $q->addWhere('module = \'' . $module . '\'');
        $q = new w2p_Database_Query();
        foreach ($user_permissions as $user => $permissions) {
            foreach ($permissions as $permission) {
                //Only show permissions with acl_id and item_id when item permissions are to show
                //Don't show login ACOs
                if (!($permission['item_id'] && !$permission['acl_id']) && $permission['action'] != 'login') {
                    $q->addTable($this->_db_acl_prefix . 'permissions');
                    $q->addInsert('user_id', $permission['user_id']);
                    $q->addInsert('user_name', $permission['user_name']);
                    $q->addInsert('module', $permission['module']);
                    $q->addInsert('item_id', $permission['item_id'] ? $permission['item_id'] : 0);
                    $q->addInsert('action', $permission['action']);
                    $q->addInsert('access', $permission['access']);
                    $q->addInsert('acl_id', $permission['acl_id'] ? $permission['acl_id'] : 0);
        return true;
コード例 #18
 public function deleteField($field_id)
     global $db;
     $q = new w2p_Database_Query();
     $q->addWhere('field_id = ' . $field_id);
     if (!$q->exec()) {
         return $db->ErrorMsg();
コード例 #19
 public function userId($username)
     global $db;
     $q = new w2p_Database_Query();
     $q->addWhere('user_username = \'' . $username . '\'');
     $rs = $q->exec();
     $row = $rs->FetchRow();
     return $row['user_id'];
コード例 #20
 public function upgrade($old_version)
     switch ($old_version) {
         case '0.1':
             // There is no way to change the name of database field with w2p_Database_Query().
             db_exec("ALTER TABLE holiday CHANGE holiday_white holiday_type int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'");
             if (db_error()) {
                 return false;
             $q = new w2p_Database_Query();
             $q->createDefinition('index holiday_start_end_date (holiday_start_date, holiday_end_date)');
             $q->createDefinition('index holiday_start_end_date (holiday_start_date, holiday_end_date)');
             $q->createDefinition('index holiday_user (holiday_user)');
             $q->createDefinition('index holiday_type (holiday_type)');
     return true;
コード例 #21
ファイル: Task.php プロジェクト: robertbasic/web2project-api
  * Post Request Handler
  * This method is called when a request is a POST
  * @return array
 public function executePost()
      * @todo Remove this once we figure out how to reference vars in file
      * that is autoloaded
     global $tracking_dynamics;
     $valid = $this->hasRequiredParameters($this->requiredParams);
     if ($valid instanceof Frapi_Error) {
         return $valid;
     $username = $this->getParam('username');
     $password = $this->getParam('password');
     $project_id = $this->getParam('project_id', self::TYPE_INT);
     $hassign = $this->getParam('hassign');
     $hdependencies = $this->getParam('hdependencies');
     $notify = $this->getParam('task_notify');
     $comment = $this->getParam('email_comment');
     $task_id = $this->getParam('task_id');
     $adjustStartDate = $this->getParam('set_task_start_date');
     $task = new CTask();
     // Attempt to login as user, a little bit of a hack as we currently
     // require the $_POST['login'] var to be set as well as a global AppUI
     $AppUI = new CAppUI();
     $GLOBALS['AppUI'] = $AppUI;
     $_POST['login'] = '******';
     if (!$AppUI->login($username, $password)) {
         throw new Frapi_Error('INVALID_LOGIN');
     $post_data = array('task_id' => $this->getParam('task_id'), 'task_name' => $this->getParam('task_name'), 'task_status' => $this->getParam('task_status'), 'task_percent_complete' => $this->getParam('task_percent_complete'), 'task_milestone' => $this->getParam('task_milestone'), 'task_owner' => $this->getParam('task_owner'), 'task_access' => $this->getParam('task_access'), 'task_related_url' => $this->getParam('task_related_url'), 'task_parent' => $this->getParam('task_parent'), 'task_type' => $this->getParam('task_type'), 'task_target_budget' => $this->getParam('task_target_budget'), 'task_description' => $this->getParam('task_description'), 'task_start_date' => $this->getParam('task_start_date'), 'task_end_date' => $this->getParam('task_end_date'), 'task_duration' => $this->getParam('task_duration'), 'task_duration_type' => $this->getParam('task_duration_type'), 'task_dynamic' => $this->getParam('task_dynamic'), 'task_allow_other_user_tasklogs' => $this->getParam('task_allow_other_user_tasklogs'), 'task_project' => $this->getParam('task_project'), 'task_priority' => $this->getParam('task_priority'));
     // Include any files for handling module-specific requirements
     foreach (findTabModules('tasks', 'addedit') as $mod) {
         $fname = W2P_BASE_DIR . '/modules/' . $mod . '/tasks_dosql.addedit.php';
         if (file_exists($fname)) {
             require_once $fname;
     // Find the task if we are set
     $task_end_date = null;
     if ($task_id) {
         $task_end_date = new w2p_Utilities_Date($task->task_end_date);
     $task = new CTask();
     if (!$task->bind($post_data)) {
         throw new Frapi_Error('SAVE_ERROR', $task->getError());
     if ($task->task_dynamic != 1) {
         $task_dynamic_delay = $this->getParam('task_dynamic_nodelay') ? $this->getParam('task_dynamic_nodelay') : '0';
         if (in_array($task->task_dynamic, $tracking_dynamics)) {
             $task->task_dynamic = $task_dynamic_delay ? 21 : 31;
         } else {
             $task->task_dynamic = $task_dynamic_delay ? 11 : 0;
     // Let's check if task_dynamic is unchecked
     if (!$this->getParam('task_dynamic')) {
         $task->task_dynamic = false;
     // Make sure task milestone is set or reset as appropriate
     if ($this->getParam('task_milestone')) {
         $task->task_milestone = false;
     //format hperc_assign user_id=percentage_assignment;user_id=percentage_assignment;user_id=percentage_assignment;
     $tmp_ar = explode(';', $this->getParam('hperc_assign'));
     $i_cmp = sizeof($tmp_ar);
     $hperc_assign_ar = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < $i_cmp; $i++) {
         $tmp = explode('=', $tmp_ar[$i]);
         if (count($tmp) > 1) {
             $hperc_assign_ar[$tmp[0]] = $tmp[1];
         } elseif ($tmp[0] != '') {
             $hperc_assign_ar[$tmp[0]] = 100;
     // let's check if there are some assigned departments to task
     $task->task_departments = implode(',', $this->getParam('dept_ids', self::TYPE_ARRAY));
     // convert dates to SQL format first
     if ($task->task_start_date) {
         $date = new w2p_Utilities_Date($task->task_start_date);
         $task->task_start_date = $date->format(FMT_DATETIME_MYSQL);
     $end_date = null;
     if ($task->task_end_date) {
         if (strpos($task->task_end_date, '2400') !== false) {
             $task->task_end_date = str_replace('2400', '2359', $task->task_end_date);
         $end_date = new w2p_Utilities_Date($task->task_end_date);
         $task->task_end_date = $end_date->format(FMT_DATETIME_MYSQL);
     $error_array = $task->store($AppUI);
     // Return all the validation messages
     if ($error_array !== true) {
         $error_message = '';
         foreach ($error_array as $error) {
             $error_message .= $error . '. ';
         throw new Frapi_Error('SAVE_ERROR', $error_message);
     $task_parent = $this->getParam('task_parent') ? $this->getParam('task_parent', SELF::TYPE_INT) : 0;
     $old_task_parent = $this->getParam('old_task_parent') ? $this->getParam('old_task_parent', SELF::TYPE_INT) : 0;
     if ($task_parent != $old_task_parent) {
         $oldTask = new CTask();
     // How to handle custom fields? Do we support it in api?
     // Now add any task reminders
     // If there wasn't a task, but there is one now, and
     // that task date is set, we need to set a reminder.
     if (empty($task_end_date) || !empty($end_date) && $task_end_date->dateDiff($end_date)) {
     if (isset($hassign)) {
         $task->updateAssigned($hassign, $hperc_assign_ar);
     if (isset($hdependencies)) {
         // && !empty($hdependencies)) {
         // there are dependencies set!
         // backup initial start and end dates
         $tsd = new w2p_Utilities_Date($task->task_start_date);
         $ted = new w2p_Utilities_Date($task->task_end_date);
         // updating the table recording the
         // dependency relations with this task
         $task->updateDependencies($hdependencies, $task_parent);
         // we will reset the task's start date based upon dependencies
         // and shift the end date appropriately
         if ($adjustStartDate && !is_null($hdependencies)) {
             // load already stored task data for this task
             $tempTask = new CTask();
             // shift new start date to the last dependency end date
             $nsd = new w2p_Utilities_Date($tempTask->get_deps_max_end_date($tempTask));
             // prefer Wed 8:00 over Tue 16:00 as start date
             $nsd = $nsd->next_working_day();
             // prepare the creation of the end date
             $ned = new w2p_Utilities_Date();
             if (empty($task->task_start_date)) {
                 // appropriately calculated end date via start+duration
                 $ned->addDuration($task->task_duration, $task->task_duration_type);
             } else {
                 // calc task time span start - end
                 $d = $tsd->calcDuration($ted);
                 // Re-add (keep) task time span for end date.
                 // This is independent from $obj->task_duration.
                 // The value returned by Date::Duration() is always in hours ('1')
                 $ned->addDuration($d, '1');
             // prefer tue 16:00 over wed 8:00 as an end date
             $ned = $ned->prev_working_day();
             $task->task_start_date = $nsd->format(FMT_DATETIME_MYSQL);
             $task->task_end_date = $ned->format(FMT_DATETIME_MYSQL);
             $q = new w2p_Database_Query();
             $q->addTable('tasks', 't');
             $q->addUpdate('task_start_date', $task->task_start_date);
             $q->addUpdate('task_end_date', $task->task_end_date);
             $q->addWhere('task_id = ' . (int) $task->task_id);
             $q->addWhere('task_dynamic <> 1');
         $task->pushDependencies($task->task_id, $task->task_end_date);
     //$task = (array)$task;
     unset($task->_query, $task->_error, $task->_tbl_prefix, $task->_tbl, $task->_tbl_key, $task->_tbl_module);
     $this->data['task'] = $task;
     $this->data['success'] = true;
     return $this->toArray();
コード例 #22
  *	Default delete method
  *	Can be overloaded/supplemented by the child class
  *	@return null|string null if successful otherwise returns and error message
 public function delete($oid = null)
     $k = $this->_tbl_key;
     if ($oid) {
         $this->{$k} = intval($oid);
     if (!$this->canDelete($msg)) {
         return $msg;
     $q = new w2p_Database_Query();
     $q->addWhere($this->_tbl_key . ' = \'' . $this->{$k} . '\'');
     $result = !$q->exec() ? db_error() : null;
     if (!$result) {
         // only record history if deletion actually occurred
         addHistory($this->_tbl, $this->{$k}, 'delete');
     return $result;
コード例 #23
 public static function updatePercentComplete($project_id)
     $working_hours = w2PgetConfig('daily_working_hours') ? w2PgetConfig('daily_working_hours') : 8;
     $q = new w2p_Database_Query();
     $q->addQuery('SUM(t1.task_duration * t1.task_percent_complete * IF(t1.task_duration_type = 24, ' . $working_hours . ', t1.task_duration_type)) / SUM(t1.task_duration * IF(t1.task_duration_type = 24, ' . $working_hours . ', t1.task_duration_type)) AS project_percent_complete');
     $q->addJoin('tasks', 't1', 'projects.project_id = t1.task_project', 'inner');
     $q->addWhere('project_id = ' . $project_id . ' AND t1.task_id = t1.task_parent');
     $project_percent_complete = $q->loadResult();
     $q->addUpdate('project_percent_complete', $project_percent_complete);
     $q->addWhere('project_id  = ' . (int) $project_id);
     global $AppUI;
     CTask::storeTokenTask($AppUI, $project_id);
コード例 #24
 public function getTotalProjectHours()
     global $w2Pconfig;
     // now milestones are summed up, too, for consistence with the tasks duration sum
     // the sums have to be rounded to prevent the sum form having many (unwanted) decimals because of the mysql floating point issue
     // more info on http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/Problems_with_float.html
     $q = new w2p_Database_Query();
     $q->addWhere('task_project = ' . (int) $this->project_id . ' AND task_duration_type = 24 AND task_dynamic <> 1');
     $days = $q->loadResult();
     $q->addWhere('task_project = ' . (int) $this->project_id . ' AND task_duration_type = 1 AND task_dynamic <> 1');
     $hours = $q->loadResult();
     $total_project_hours = $days * $w2Pconfig['daily_working_hours'] + $hours;
     return rtrim($total_project_hours, '.');
コード例 #25
ファイル: tasks.class.php プロジェクト: eureka2/web2project
 public static function updateHoursWorked($taskId, $totalHours)
     $q = new w2p_Database_Query();
     $q->addUpdate('task_hours_worked', $totalHours + 0);
     $q->addWhere('task_id = ' . $taskId);
     $q->addWhere('task_id = ' . $taskId);
     $project_id = $q->loadResult();
コード例 #26
ファイル: files.class.php プロジェクト: eureka2/web2project
 public function notifyContacts($notifyContacts)
     global $AppUI, $w2Pconfig, $locale_char_set;
     if ($notifyContacts) {
         //if no project specified than we will not do anything
         if ($this->file_project != 0) {
             $this->_project = new CProject();
             $mail = new w2p_Utilities_Mail();
             if ($this->file_task == 0) {
                 //notify all developers
                 $mail->Subject($AppUI->_('Project') . ': ' . $this->_project->project_name . '::' . $this->file_name, $locale_char_set);
             } else {
                 //notify all assigned users
                 $this->_task = new CTask();
                 $mail->Subject($AppUI->_('Project') . ': ' . $this->_project->project_name . '::' . $this->_task->task_name . '::' . $this->file_name, $locale_char_set);
             $body = $AppUI->_('Project') . ': ' . $this->_project->project_name;
             $body .= "\n" . $AppUI->_('URL') . ':     ' . W2P_BASE_URL . '/index.php?m=projects&a=view&project_id=' . $this->_project->project_id;
             if (intval($this->_task->task_id) != 0) {
                 $body .= "\n\n" . $AppUI->_('Task') . ':    ' . $this->_task->task_name;
                 $body .= "\n" . $AppUI->_('URL') . ':     ' . W2P_BASE_URL . '/index.php?m=tasks&a=view&task_id=' . $this->_task->task_id;
                 $body .= "\n" . $AppUI->_('Description') . ":\n" . $this->_task->task_description;
                 $q = new w2p_Database_Query();
                 $q->addTable('project_contacts', 'pc');
                 $q->addQuery('c.contact_email as contact_email, c.contact_first_name as contact_first_name, c.contact_last_name as contact_last_name');
                 $q->addJoin('contacts', 'c', 'c.contact_id = pc.contact_id');
                 $q->addWhere('pc.project_id = ' . (int) $this->_project->project_id);
                 $sql = '(' . $q->prepare() . ')';
                 $sql .= ' UNION ';
                 $q->addTable('task_contacts', 'tc');
                 $q->addQuery('c.contact_email as contact_email, c.contact_first_name as contact_first_name, c.contact_last_name as contact_last_name');
                 $q->addJoin('contacts', 'c', 'c.contact_id = tc.contact_id');
                 $q->addWhere('tc.task_id = ' . (int) $this->_task->task_id);
             } else {
                 $q = new w2p_Database_Query();
                 $q->addTable('project_contacts', 'pc');
                 $q->addQuery('pc.project_id, pc.contact_id');
                 $q->addQuery('c.contact_email as contact_email, c.contact_first_name as contact_first_name, c.contact_last_name as contact_last_name');
                 $q->addJoin('contacts', 'c', 'c.contact_id = pc.contact_id');
                 $q->addWhere('pc.project_id = ' . (int) $this->file_project);
             $this->_users = $q->loadList();
             $body .= "\n\nFile " . $this->file_name . ' was ' . $this->_message . ' by ' . $AppUI->user_first_name . ' ' . $AppUI->user_last_name;
             if ($this->_message != 'deleted') {
                 $body .= "\n" . $AppUI->_('URL') . ':     ' . W2P_BASE_URL . '/fileviewer.php?file_id=' . $this->file_id;
                 $body .= "\n" . $AppUI->_('Description') . ":\n" . $this->file_description;
             //send mail
             $mail->Body($body, isset($GLOBALS['locale_char_set']) ? $GLOBALS['locale_char_set'] : '');
             foreach ($this->_users as $row) {
                 if ($mail->ValidEmail($row['contact_email'])) {
                     $mail->To($row['contact_email'], true);
             return '';
コード例 #27
 public static function getFirstLetters($userId, $onlyUsers = false)
     $letters = '';
     $search_map = array('contact_first_name', 'contact_last_name');
     $q = new w2p_Database_Query();
     foreach ($search_map as $search_name) {
         $q->addQuery('DISTINCT SUBSTRING(' . $search_name . ', 1, 1) as L');
         if ($onlyUsers) {
             $q->addJoin('users', 'u', 'user_contact = contact_id', 'inner');
         $q->addWhere('contact_private=0 OR (contact_private=1 AND contact_owner=' . (int) $userId . ') OR contact_owner IS NULL OR contact_owner = 0');
         $arr = $q->loadList();
         foreach ($arr as $L) {
             $letters .= $L['L'];
     return strtoupper($letters);
コード例 #28
ファイル: syskeys.class.php プロジェクト: eureka2/web2project
 public function delete()
     $q = new w2p_Database_Query();
     if ($this->sysval_title) {
         $q->addWhere('sysval_title = \'' . $this->sysval_title . '\'');
         if (!$q->exec()) {
             return get_class($this) . '::delete failed <br />' . db_error();
     return null;
コード例 #29
 if ($project_id != 0) {
     $q->addWhere('task_project=' . $project_id);
 $proj = new CProject();
 $obj = new CTask();
 $allowedProjects = $proj->getAllowedSQL($AppUI->user_id, 'task_project');
 $allowedTasks = $obj->getAllowedSQL($AppUI->user_id);
 if (count($allowedProjects)) {
     $q->addWhere(implode(' AND ', $allowedProjects));
 if (count($allowedTasks)) {
     $q->addWhere(implode(' AND ', $allowedTasks));
 $task_list_hash = $q->loadHashList('task_id');
 $task_list = array();
 $task_assigned_users = array();
 $i = 0;
 foreach ($task_list_hash as $task_id => $task_data) {
     $task = new CTask();
     $task_list[$i] = $task;
     $task_assigned_users[$i] = $task->assignees($task_id);
 $Ntasks = $i;
 $user_usage = array();
 $task_dates = array();
 $actual_date = $start_date;
 $days_header = "";
コード例 #30
 public function install()
     global $AppUI;
     $q = new w2p_Database_Query();
         link_id int( 11 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,
         link_url varchar( 255 ) NOT NULL default "",
         link_project int( 11 ) NOT NULL default "0",
         link_task int( 11 ) NOT NULL default "0",
         link_name varchar( 255 ) NOT NULL default "",
         link_parent int( 11 ) default "0",
         link_description text,
         link_owner int( 11 ) default "0",
         link_date datetime default NULL ,
         link_icon varchar( 20 ) default "obj/",
         link_category int( 11 ) NOT NULL default "0",
         PRIMARY KEY ( link_id ) ,
         KEY idx_link_task ( link_task ) ,
         KEY idx_link_project ( link_project ) ,
         KEY idx_link_parent ( link_parent )
     $i = 0;
     $linkTypes = array('Unknown', 'Document', 'Application');
     foreach ($linkTypes as $linkType) {
         $q->addInsert('sysval_key_id', 1);
         $q->addInsert('sysval_title', 'LinkType');
         $q->addInsert('sysval_value', $linkType);
         $q->addInsert('sysval_value_id', $i);
     $perms = $AppUI->acl();
     return $perms->registerModule('Links', 'links');