<?php session_start(); require_once "conf/db_connection.php"; require_once "PrintEstimate_model.php"; require_once "functions.php"; $image = 'images/logo.png'; $estimaterefno = $_SESSION['estimaterefno']; $sqlwo_mst = new v_service_master(); $qrywo_mst = mysql_query($sqlwo_mst->Query("WHERE estimate_refno = '{$estimaterefno}'")); $numwo_mst = mysql_num_rows($qrywo_mst); while ($rowwo_mst = mysql_fetch_array($qrywo_mst)) { $remarks = $rowwo_mst['remarks']; $plateno = $rowwo_mst['plate_no']; $model = $rowwo_mst['model_desc']; $variant = $rowwo_mst['variant']; $make = $rowwo_mst['make_desc']; $color = $rowwo_mst['color_desc']; $year = $rowwo_mst['year_desc']; $porefno = $rowwo_mst['po_refno']; $transdate = $rowwo_mst['transaction_date']; $customername = $rowwo_mst['customername']; $customeraddress = $rowwo_mst['cust_address']; $customerfax = $rowwo_mst['fax']; $customermobile = $rowwo_mst['mobile']; $customernumber = $rowwo_mst['landline']; $discount = $rowwo_mst['discount']; $labordiscount = $rowwo_mst['labor_discount']; $partsdiscount = $rowwo_mst['parts_discount']; $lubricantdiscount = $rowwo_mst['lubricant_discount']; $materialdiscount = $rowwo_mst['material_discount'];
<?php session_start(); $ses_id = session_id(); require_once "conf/db_connection.php"; require_once "functions.php"; chkMenuAccess('workorder_approval', $_SESSION['username'], 'workorder_list.php'); $estimaterefno = $_GET['estimaterefno']; $qryestimate = new v_service_master(); $resestimate = $dbo->query($qryestimate->Query("WHERE estimate_refno = '{$estimaterefno}'")); foreach ($resestimate as $rowestimate) { $custid = $rowestimate['customer_id']; $custname = $rowestimate['customername']; $address = $rowestimate['cust_address']; $vehicleid = $rowestimate['vehicle_id']; $remarks = $rowestimate['remarks']; $paymentmode = $rowestimate['payment_mode']; $payment = $rowestimate['payment_id']; $discount = $rowestimate['discount']; $porefno = $rowestimate['po_refno']; $worefno = $rowestimate['wo_refno']; $transstatus = $rowestimate['trans_status']; $empid = $rowestimate['emp_id']; $empname = $rowestimate['tech_name']; $promisetime = $rowestimate['promise_time']; $promisedate = $rowestimate['promise_date']; $plateno = $rowestimate['plate_no']; $makedesc = $rowestimate['make_desc']; $yeardesc = $rowestimate['year_desc']; $modeldesc = $rowestimate['model_desc']; $colordesc = $rowestimate['color_desc'];
} // $user = $_SESSION['username']; $sql_billing = "SELECT tbl_billing.*,tbl_service_master.estimate_refno \n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM tbl_billing JOIN tbl_service_master\n\t\t\t\t\t\tON tbl_billing.wo_refno = tbl_service_master.wo_refno \n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE billing_refno = '{$billingrefno}' ORDER BY billing_refno"; $qry_billing = mysql_query($sql_billing); $wo_refno = null; while ($row_billing = mysql_fetch_array($qry_billing)) { $wo_refno .= $row_billing['wo_refno'] . ','; $est_refno .= $row_billing['estimate_refno'] . ','; } $wo_refno = str_replace(",", "','", rtrim($wo_refno, ",")); $est_refno = str_replace(",", "','", rtrim($est_refno, ",")); $num_billing = mysql_num_rows($qry_billing); if ($num_billing == 0 || empty($user)) { echo '<script>window.location="billing_main.php"</script>'; } $sql_wo = new v_service_master(); $qry_wo = mysql_query($sql_wo->Query("WHERE wo_refno IN('{$wo_refno}')")); while ($row_wo = mysql_fetch_array($qry_wo)) { $custid = $row_wo['customer_id']; $vehicleid = $row_wo['vehicle_id']; $total_amount += $row_wo['total_amount']; $total_discount += $row_wo['discount']; $creaby = $row_wo['created_by']; $odometer = $row_wo['odometer']; $senior = $row_wo['senior_citizen']; $senior_no = $row_wo['senior_citizen_no']; } $sql_adviser = "SELECT * FROM v_users WHERE username = '******'"; $qry_adviser = mysql_query($sql_adviser); while ($row_adviser = mysql_fetch_array($qry_adviser)) { $adviser = $row_adviser['name'];
} } } if (!empty($plateno)) { $where .= " AND plate_no LIKE '{$plateno}%'"; } if (!empty($custname)) { $where .= " AND customername LIKE '{$custname}%'"; } if (!empty($worefno)) { $where .= " AND wo_refno = '{$worefno}'"; } if (!empty($estimateno)) { $where .= " AND estimate_refno = '{$estimateno}'"; } $qryservices = new v_service_master(); $resservices = $dbo->query($qryservices->Query($where)); } ?> <html> <head> <title></title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style/cal.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style/forms.css" /> </head> <?php require_once 'inc/datepicker.php'; ?> <style type="text/css"> div.divEstimateList{ overflow:scroll; height: 400px; width: 800px; border-left: 1px solid #ddd; border-top: 1px solid #ddd; } div.divEstimateList table{ border: 1px solid #ccc; font-size: 12px; }
<?php session_start(); require_once "conf/db_connection.php"; require_once "functions.php"; $worefno = $_GET['worefno']; $getempqry = new v_service_master(); $getempres = $dbo->query($getempqry->Query("WHERE wo_refno = '{$worefno}'")); foreach ($getempres as $rowEMP) { $empid = $rowEMP['emp_id']; $estimaterefno = $rowEMP['estimate_refno']; if ($rowEMP['po_refno'] != '0') { $po_refno = $rowEMP['po_refno']; } else { $po_refno = '0'; } } $billing_refno = getNewNum('BILLING'); $check_date = dateFormat($today, "Y-m-d H:i"); $qry = null; $qry .= "UPDATE tbl_jobclock_checkin_checkout SET check_out = '{$check_date}' WHERE wo_refno = '{$worefno}'; "; $qry .= "UPDATE tbl_jobclock_master SET job_end = '{$today}', job_status = '2' WHERE wo_refno = '{$worefno}'; "; $qry .= "UPDATE tbl_service_master SET trans_status = '5' WHERE wo_refno = '{$worefno}'; "; $qry .= "UPDATE tbl_po_master SET trans_status = '2' WHERE wo_refno = '{$worefno}'; "; $res = $dbo->query($qry); // GET DATA OF JOBCLOCK MASTER $qryidletimehistorymst = "SELECT * FROM v_jobclock_master WHERE wo_refno = '{$worefno}'"; $residletimehistorymst = mysql_query($qryidletimehistorymst); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($residletimehistorymst)) { $jobstatus = $row['job_status']; $jobstart = $row['job_start'];
<?php session_start(); $ses_id = session_id(); require_once "conf/db_connection.php"; require_once "functions.php"; chkMenuAccess('jobclock', $_SESSION['username'], 'jobclock_list.php'); $worefno = $_GET['worefno']; $qryservices = new v_service_master(); $resservices = $dbo->query($qryservices->Query("WHERE wo_refno = '{$worefno}'")); foreach ($resservices as $rowSERVICES) { $estimaterefno = $rowSERVICES['estimate_refno']; $customerid = $rowSERVICES['customer_id']; $customername = $rowSERVICES['customername']; $plateno = $rowSERVICES['plate_no']; $yeardesc = $rowSERVICES['year_desc']; $makedesc = $rowSERVICES['make_desc']; $modeldesc = $rowSERVICES['model_desc']; $colordesc = $rowSERVICES['color_desc']; $variant = $rowSERVICES['variant']; $engineno = $rowSERVICES['engine_no']; $chassisno = $rowSERVICES['chassis_no']; $serialno = $rowSERVICES['serial_no']; $techid = $rowSERVICES['emp_id']; $technician = $rowSERVICES['tech_name']; $transstatus = $rowSERVICES['trans_status']; $promisedate = $rowSERVICES['promise_date']; $promisetime = $rowSERVICES['promise_time']; } $qryidletimehistorymst = "SELECT * FROM v_jobclock_master WHERE wo_refno = '{$worefno}'"; $residletimehistorymst = $dbo->query($qryidletimehistorymst);
<?php session_start(); require_once "conf/db_connection.php"; require_once "functions.php"; $worefno = $_GET['worefno']; // QUERY GET ESTIMATE REF NO $qrygetestimaterefno = new v_service_master(); $resgetestimaterefno = $dbo->query($qrygetestimaterefno->Query("WHERE wo_refno = '{$worefno}'")); foreach ($resgetestimaterefno as $rowgetestimaterefno) { $est_refno = $rowgetestimaterefno['estimate_refno']; } // GET STANDARD WORKING HOURS $qrygetstdhr = "SELECT SUM(stdworkinghr) as stdhr FROM v_service_detail_job WHERE estimate_refno = '{$est_refno}'"; $resgetstdhr = $dbo->query($qrygetstdhr); foreach ($resgetstdhr as $rowgetstdhr) { $stdhr = $rowgetstdhr['stdhr']; } $check_date = dateFormat($today, "Y-m-d H:i"); $qry = null; $qry .= "INSERT INTO tbl_jobclock_checkin_checkout(wo_refno,check_date,check_in) VALUES('{$worefno}','{$check_date}','{$check_date}'); "; $qry .= "UPDATE tbl_jobclock_master SET job_start = '{$today}', std_working_hrs = '{$stdhr}' WHERE wo_refno = '{$worefno}'; "; $qry .= "UPDATE tbl_service_master SET trans_status = '8' WHERE wo_refno = '{$worefno}'; "; $qry .= "UPDATE tbl_po_master SET trans_status = '2' WHERE wo_refno = '{$worefno}'; "; $res = $dbo->query($qry); // GET DATA OF JOBCLOCK MASTER $qryidletimehistorymst = "SELECT * FROM v_jobclock_master WHERE wo_refno = '{$worefno}'"; $residletimehistorymst = mysql_query($qryidletimehistorymst); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($residletimehistorymst)) { $jobstatus = $row['job_status']; $jobstart = $row['job_start'];
<?php session_start(); $ses_id = session_id(); require_once "conf/db_connection.php"; require_once "functions.php"; $estimaterefno = $_GET['estimaterefno']; $qryestimate = new v_service_master(); $resestimate = $dbo->query($qryestimate->Query("WHERE tbl_service_master.estimate_refno = '{$estimaterefno}'")); $qrytempjob = new v_service_detail_job(); $restempjob = $dbo->query($qrytempjob->Query("WHERE estimate_refno = '{$estimaterefno}'")); $qrytempparts = new v_service_detail_parts(); $restempparts = $dbo->query($qrytempparts->Query("WHERE estimate_refno = '{$estimaterefno}'")); $numparts = count($restempparts); $qrytempaccessory = new v_service_detail_accessory(); $restempaccessory = $dbo->query($qrytempaccessory->Query("WHERE estimate_refno = '{$estimaterefno}'")); $numlubricant = count($restempaccessory); $qrytempmaterial = new v_service_detail_material(); $restempmaterial = $dbo->query($qrytempmaterial->Query("WHERE estimate_refno = '{$estimaterefno}'")); $nummaterial = count($restempmaterial); foreach ($resestimate as $rowestimate) { $custid = $rowestimate['customer_id']; $custname = $rowestimate['customername']; $address = $rowestimate['cust_address']; $vehicleid = $rowestimate['vehicle_id']; $odometer = $rowestimate['odometer']; $remarks = $rowestimate['remarks']; $paymentmode = $rowestimate['payment_mode']; $discount = $rowestimate['discount']; $worefno = $rowestimate['wo_refno']; $transstatus = $rowestimate['trans_status'];
foreach ($qrywo_mst1 as $rowwo_mst) { $customerid = $rowwo_mst['customer_id']; $worefno = $rowwo_mst['wo_refno']; $creaby = $rowwo_mst['created_by']; } $sql_cust = "SELECT * FROM tbl_customer WHERE cust_id = '{$customerid}'"; $qry_cust = mysql_query($sql_cust); $sql_jc = "SELECT * FROM v_jobclock_master WHERE wo_refno = '{$worefno}'"; $qry_jc = mysql_query($sql_jc); $row_jc = mysql_fetch_array($qry_jc); $sql_user = "******"; $qry_user = mysql_query($sql_user); while ($row_user = mysql_fetch_array($qry_user)) { $user_fullname = $row_user['name']; } $sql_histmst = new v_service_master(); $qry_histmst = mysql_query($sql_histmst->Query("WHERE customer_id = '{$customerid}' AND trans_status = '6' ORDER BY transaction_date DESC LIMIT 0,3")); foreach ($qry_histmst as $row_histmst) { if (!empty($row_histmst)) { $historymst[] = array("rono" => $row_histmst['wo_refno'], "rodate" => dateFormat($row_histmst['transaction_date'], "Y-m-d h:i:s"), "odometer" => $row_histmst['odometer']); } } $sql_histdtl = new v_job_history(); $qry_histdtl = $dbo->query($sql_histdtl->Query("WHERE customer_id = '{$customerid}'")); for ($i = 0; $i < count($historymst); $i++) { foreach ($qry_histdtl as $row_histdtl) { if ($row_histdtl['wo_refno'] == $historymst[$i]['rono']) { $job[] = $row_histdtl['job']; } } $jobhistory[] = $job;