コード例 #1
ファイル: channel.php プロジェクト: cedwards-reisys/nexus-web
 public function update($nodeid, $data)
     // parse options array
     if (isset($data['options'])) {
         if (is_array($data['options'])) {
             $data['options'] = $this->buildChannelOptions($nodeid, $data['options']);
         } else {
             // should we accept raw ints as updates?
     $success = parent::update($nodeid, $data);
     // Update page title for the channel
     if (!empty($data['title'])) {
         $existingRouteId = (int) vB::getDbAssertor()->getField('vBForum:node', array(vB_dB_Query::TYPE_KEY => vB_dB_Query::QUERY_SELECT, vB_dB_Query::COLUMNS_KEY => array('routeid'), vB_dB_Query::CONDITIONS_KEY => array(array('field' => 'nodeid', 'value' => $nodeid, 'operator' => vB_dB_Query::OPERATOR_EQ))));
         if ($existingRouteId > 0) {
             $existingPage = vB::getDbAssertor()->getRow('page', array(vB_dB_Query::TYPE_KEY => vB_dB_Query::QUERY_SELECT, vB_dB_Query::CONDITIONS_KEY => array(array('field' => 'routeid', 'value' => $existingRouteId, 'operator' => vB_dB_Query::OPERATOR_EQ))));
             vB::getDbAssertor()->update('page', array('title' => $data['title']), array('pageid' => $existingPage['pageid']));
             vB::getDbAssertor()->update('page', array('title' => $data['title']), array('parentid' => $existingPage['pageid']));
             // Update title phrase
             $phraseLib = vB_Library::instance('phrase');
             $guidforphrase = vB_Library::instance('phrase')->cleanGuidForPhrase($existingPage['guid']);
             $phraseLib->save('pagemeta', 'page_' . $guidforphrase . '_title', array('text' => array($data['title']), 'product' => $existingPage['product'], 'oldvarname' => 'page_' . $guidforphrase . '_title', 'oldfieldname' => 'global', 'skipdebug' => 1));
             if (isset($data['description'])) {
                 $phraseLib->save('pagemeta', 'page_' . $guidforphrase . '_metadesc', array('text' => array($data['description']), 'product' => $existingPage['product'], 'oldvarname' => 'page_' . $guidforphrase . '_metadesc', 'oldfieldname' => 'global', 'skipdebug' => 1));
     return $success;
コード例 #2
ファイル: attach.php プロジェクト: cedwards-reisys/nexus-web
 public function update($nodeid, $data)
     $existing = $this->assertor->getRow('vBForum:attach', array('nodeid' => $nodeid));
     $existingNode = $this->nodeApi->getNode($nodeid);
     //todo -- lock the caption to the description until we collapse the fields.  Remove when caption goes away
     if (isset($data['caption'])) {
         $data['description'] = $data['caption'];
     } else {
         if (isset($data['description'])) {
             $data['caption'] = $data['description'];
     if (parent::update($nodeid, $data)) {
         //We need to update the filedata ref counts
         if (!empty($data['filedataid']) and $existing['filedataid'] != $data['filedataid']) {
             //Remove the existing
             $filedata = vB::getDbAssertor()->getRow('filedata', array(vB_dB_Query::TYPE_KEY => vB_dB_Query::QUERY_SELECT, 'filedataid' => $existing['filedataid']));
             if ($filedata['refcount'] > 1) {
                 $params = array(vB_dB_Query::TYPE_KEY => vB_dB_Query::QUERY_UPDATE, 'filedataid' => $existing['filedataid'], 'refcount' => $filedata['refcount'] - 1);
             } else {
                 $params = array(vB_dB_Query::TYPE_KEY => vB_dB_Query::QUERY_DELETE, 'filedataid' => $existing['filedataid']);
                 $this->assertor->assertQuery('vBForum:filedataresize', $params);
             $this->assertor->assertQuery('filedata', $params);
             //add the new
             $filedata = vB::getDbAssertor()->getRow('filedata', array(vB_dB_Query::TYPE_KEY => vB_dB_Query::QUERY_SELECT, 'filedataid' => $data['filedataid']));
             if (!empty($filedata) and empty($filedata['errors'])) {
                 $params = array(vB_dB_Query::TYPE_KEY => vB_dB_Query::QUERY_UPDATE, 'filedataid' => $data['filedataid'], 'refcount' => $filedata['refcount'] + 1);
                 $this->assertor->assertQuery('filedata', $params);
     $nodesToClear = array($nodeid, $existingNode['parentid']);
     if (isset($data['parentid']) and $data['parentid'] != $existingNode['parentid']) {
         $nodesToClear[] = $data['parentid'];
コード例 #3
ファイル: text.php プロジェクト: cedwards-reisys/nexus-web
  * Updates a text node.
  * @param	int	The node ID for the node that is being updated
  * @param	array	Array of flags and new data for this node.
  *			DATA: This array can contain new values for any of the fields
  *			in the node table, and any of the fields in any of the extended
  * 			tables for the content type for this node (see the $tablename property).
  *			FLAGS: This array may also contain flags that affect behavior, but are
  *			not part of the data saved to the tables. Flags: (may not be a complete list)
  *			* nl2br - if true, converts any new lines in rawtext to <br />
  * @param	bool	Flag instructing us to convert rawtext from WYSIWYG editor markup to BBCode.
  * @return	boolean
 public function update($nodeid, $data, $convertWysiwygTextToBbcode = true)
     // html permission already checked in the api
     if (isset($data['htmlstate']) and $data['htmlstate'] == 'on' and isset($data['disable_bbcode']) and $data['disable_bbcode'] == 1) {
         // article 'static html' type
         $convertWysiwygTextToBbcode = false;
         if (isset($data['nl2br'])) {
             $data['nl2br'] = false;
     $node = $this->assertor->getRow('vBForum:node', array('nodeid' => $nodeid));
     //We may need to update the "last" counts.
     if (isset($data['publishdate']) or isset($data['unpublishdate']) or isset($data['showpublished'])) {
         $updates = array(vB_dB_Query::TYPE_KEY => vB_dB_Query::QUERY_STORED, 'lastauthorid' => $node['userid'], 'nodeid' => $nodeid);
         if (!isset($data['publishdate'])) {
             $updates['lastcontent'] = $node['publishdate'];
         } else {
             $updates['lastcontent'] = $data['publishdate'];
         if (empty($data['lastcontentauthor'])) {
             $updates['lastcontentauthor'] = $node['authorname'];
         } else {
             $updates['lastcontentauthor'] = $data['authorname'];
         if (empty($data['lastauthorid'])) {
             $updates['lastauthorid'] = $node['userid'];
     if (isset($data['rawtext']) and !empty($data['rawtext'])) {
         // Needed for converting new lines for the mobile app VBV-9886
         // Also converts new lines for the web app, when CKEditor is not in use (plain text area) VBV-11279
         if (isset($data['nl2br']) and $data['nl2br']) {
             $data['rawtext'] = nl2br($data['rawtext']);
         if ($convertWysiwygTextToBbcode) {
             $parents = vB_Library::instance('node')->getParents($node['parentid']);
             $parents = array_reverse($parents);
             $channelType = vB_Types::instance()->getContentTypeId('vBForum_Channel');
             // check if we can autoparselinks
             $options['autoparselinks'] = true;
             foreach ($parents as $parent) {
                 // currently only groups and blogs seem to disallow this
                 if (($parent['contenttypeid'] == $channelType and vB_Api::instanceInternal('socialgroup')->isSGNode($parent['nodeid']) or vB_Api::instanceInternal('blog')->isBlogNode($parent['nodeid'])) and $channelOptions = vB_Library::instance('node')->getNodeOptions($parent['nodeid'])) {
                     $options['autoparselinks'] = $channelOptions['autoparselinks'];
             $data['rawtext'] = vB_Api::instanceInternal('bbcode')->convertWysiwygTextToBbcode($data['rawtext'], $options);
             if (empty($data['description'])) {
                 $data['description'] = vB_String::getPreviewText($this->parseAndStrip($data['rawtext']), 155);
             } else {
                 $data['description'] = vB_String::getPreviewText($this->parseAndStrip($data['description']));
         if (!isset($data['pagetext'])) {
             $data['pagetext'] = '';
         if (!isset($data['previewtext'])) {
             $data['previewtext'] = '';
         //Set the "hasvideo" value;
         $filter = '~\\[video.*\\[\\/video~i';
         $matches = array();
         $count = preg_match_all($filter, $data['rawtext'], $matches);
         if ($count > 0) {
             $data['hasvideo'] = 1;
         } else {
             $data['hasvideo'] = 0;
     } else {
         if (empty($data['description'])) {
             // when editing, and title & text have not changed, rawtext, title, and description can all be empty
             if (!empty($data['title'])) {
                 $data['description'] = vB_String::getPreviewText($this->parseAndStrip($data['title']));
         } else {
             $data['description'] = vB_String::getPreviewText($this->parseAndStrip($data['description']));
     $published = $this->isPublished($data);
     // TODO: It appears that parent::update does not accept/use a third parameter?
     $result = parent::update($nodeid, $data, $published);
     if (isset($node) and $published != $node['showpublished']) {
         //We don't need to update the counts- that gets done in the parent class.
         if ($published) {
             //we might have loaded this already above, but we don't want to load it
             //if we don't need it so we can't just pull it out into global space.
             if (!isset($parents)) {
                 $parents = vB_Library::instance('node')->getParents($node['parentid']);
                 $parents = array_reverse($parents);
             $parentids = array();
             foreach ($parents as $node) {
                 $parentids[] = $node['nodeid'];
             $updates['parentlist'] = $parentids;
             $updates['lastcontentid'] = $nodeid;
             $this->assertor->assertQuery('vBForum:setLastDataParentList', $updates);
     $this->nodeApi->clearCacheEvents(array($nodeid, $node['parentid']));
     return $result;