コード例 #1
ファイル: section.php プロジェクト: hungnv0789/vhtm
	 * Fetches views from aggregated content.
	 * Uses a minimum set of collections to fetch the required info for the content
	 * types specified.
	 * @param int $viewtype						- The viewtype to aggregate
	 * @return array vB_View
	protected function aggregateContent($viewtype = self::VIEW_PREVIEW, &$page_info = null)
		if ((self::VIEW_AGGREGATE != $viewtype) AND (self::VIEW_PREVIEW != $viewtype) AND (self::VIEW_PAGE != $viewtype))
			throw (new vB_Exception_Content('Viewtype specified for section aggregation is not valid: \'' . htmlspecialchars($viewtype) . '\''));

		$this->config = $this->content->getConfig();

		// Only filter to published if section is published and user can't edit
		$filter_published = ($this->content->isPublished() AND (!$this->content->canEdit() AND !$this->content->canCreate()));
		$aggregate = new vBCms_Collection_Content_Section();

		$filter_node = $this->content->getIncludeChildren();
		//If this is a hidden section we ignore the hidden flag. Otherwise we don't show
		//hidden articles.
		$aggregate->setFilterHidden = (!$this->content->getHidden());

		if (!$this->config['pagination_links'] OR $this->config['simple_paging'])

		//This changes depending on whether we are displaying an edit or view page;
		if ($this->editing)
			if (!$filter_node)
		else //We're in view mode
			//And what content to show. If the setting is 2, then that means show
			// subsection content. Otherwise only the section will show.
			if ($this->config['contentfrom'] != 2)


		$aggregate->requireInfo(vBCms_Item_Content::INFO_BASIC | vBCms_Item_Content::INFO_NODE);

		if ($this->canPublish())

		if (!intval($this->config['section_priority']) OR (intval($this->config['section_priority'])> 20) )
			$this->config['section_priority'] = 1;

		// Let's set the order.

		if (!intval($this->config['items_perhomepage']) OR (intval($this->config['items_perhomepage'])> 20) )
			$this->config['items_perhomepage'] = 7;


		if ($this->config['simple_paging'])
			$aggregate->setMaxRecords(10 * $this->config['items_perhomepage']);

		if ($this->editing)
			$this->current_page = 1;
			//what page are we rendering?
			vB::$vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('r', array('page' => TYPE_INT	));
			$this->current_page = (vB::$vbulletin->GPC_exists['page'] AND intval(vB::$vbulletin->GPC['page'])) ?
				vB::$vbulletin->GPC['page'] : 1;
		$results = array();

		// If we only need the aggregate view then we don't need to get specific collections
		if (self::VIEW_AGGREGATE == $viewtype)
			// get info flags for generic aggregate view

			if (!$aggregate->getShown() AND $aggregate->getTotal())
				throw (new vB_Exception_404());
			$rawcount = $aggregate->getTotal();

			foreach ($aggregate AS $id => $content)
				// get the content controller
				$controller = vB_Types::instance()->getContentTypeController($content->getContentTypeId(), $content);

				// set preview length

				// get the aggregate view from the controller
				$results[$id] = $controller->getAggregateView();
				if ($this->config['simple_paging'] AND count($results) >= intval($this->config['items_perhomepage']) )
			// Aggregated collection info for individual contenttypes.
			$collection_infos = array();

			// Individual content controllers
			$controllers = array();

			// Check that there were results for the selected page
			if (!$aggregate->getShown() AND $aggregate->getTotal())
				throw (new vB_Exception_404());

			// Get the individual collections required for each contenttype
			foreach ($aggregate AS $id => $content)
				if ($this->config['simple_paging'] AND count($results) >= intval($this->config['items_perhomepage']) )

				// save an ordered space for the result
				$results[$id] = true;

				// get a controller for the specific type
				$controllers[$id] = vB_Types::instance()->getContentTypeController($content->getContentTypeId(), $content);

				// get required info flags for a preview
				$info_flags = $controllers[$id]->getViewInfoFlags(self::VIEW_PREVIEW);

				// get the appropriate collection class required for the preview
				$collection_class = $controllers[$id]->getCollectionClass($info_flags);

				// create the collection
				if (!isset($collection_infos[$collection_class]))
					$collection_infos[$collection_class] = array();

				// don't use the same collection where the required info differs
				if (!isset($collection_infos[$collection_class][$info_flags]))
					$collection_infos[$collection_class][$info_flags] =
						array('collection' => new $collection_class, 'items' => array());

				// add loaded content item to appropriate collection based on the class and required info
				$collection_infos[$collection_class][$info_flags]['items'][$id] = $content;

			if (!sizeof($collection_infos))
				return false;

			$nodeids = array();
			foreach ($collection_infos AS $collection_info)
				foreach ($collection_info AS $info_flags => $collection_objects)
					// add the loaded items to the collection
					$collection_objects['collection']->setCollection($collection_objects['items'], $aggregate->getLoadedInfoFlags());

					// require the rich preview info

					foreach ($collection_objects['collection'] AS $id => $item)
						$nodeids[] = $id;
						if (count($results) > $this->config['items_perhomepage'])

			// get the views from the unique collections
			foreach ($collection_infos AS $collection_info)
				foreach ($collection_info AS $info_flags => $collection_objects)
					// add the loaded items to the collection
					$collection_objects['collection']->setCollection($collection_objects['items'], $aggregate->getLoadedInfoFlags());

					// require the rich preview info

					// get the final item views
					foreach ($collection_objects['collection'] AS $id => $item)
						if (isset($results[$id]))
							// set preview length

							// theoretically the updated item should already be assigned to it's controller
							if (!($results[$id] = $controllers[$id]->getPreview($this->config['preview_length'])))


		return array('aggregate' => $aggregate, 'results' => $results) ;

コード例 #2
ファイル: navbar.php プロジェクト: hungnv0789/vhtm
	 * Prepares the navbar view so that it can be fetched and rendered.
	 * Note: Forcing the cache to be ignored is useful if the subnav has just been
	 * updated.
	 * @param vBCms_Item_Content $node			- The current node
	 * @param bool $refresh						- Forces the cache to be ignored and the view to be rebuilt.
	public static function prepareNavBar($node = false, $refresh = false)
		// Normalize node
		$node = ($node ?  $node : 1);

		if (!$node instanceof vBCms_Item_Content)
			$node = new vBCms_Item_Content($node, vBCms_Item_Content::INFO_NAVIGATION);

		$cache_key = self::getHash($node);

		if ($refresh OR !$navnodes = vB_Cache::instance()->read($cache_key, false, true))

			//The query to pull the navigation requires that the
			//parent information be available

			if ($navnodes = $node->getNavigationNodes())
				// get collection
				$collection = new vBCms_Collection_Content($navnodes, vBCms_Item_Content::INFO_NODE | vBCms_Item_Content::INFO_PARENTS);

				// check count
				if (!$collection->isValid())
					return false;

				// set original ids as keys
				$navnodes = array_flip($navnodes);
				// remap order
				foreach ($collection AS $navnode)
					$navnodes[$navnode->getNodeId()] = $navnode;

				// remove unfound entries
				foreach ($navnodes AS $id => $navnode)
					if (!$navnode instanceof vBCms_Item_Content)
				// write cache

		if (is_array($navnodes) AND !empty($navnodes))
			$perms_load = array();
			foreach($navnodes as $navnode)
				$perms_load[] = $navnode->getNodeId();


		// create navlinks for published nodes
		$links = array();
		$route = new vBCms_Route_Content();

		foreach ((array)$navnodes AS $navnode)
			if ($navnode->isPublished() AND $navnode->canView())
				$route->node = $navnode->getUrlSegment();
				$links[] = array(
					'title' => $navnode->getTitle(),
					'url' => $route->getCurrentUrl()

		if (!self::$view OR $refresh)
			self::$view = new vB_View('vbcms_navbar_link');
			self::$view->links = $links;
