コード例 #1
ファイル: 91.php プロジェクト: cedwards-reisys/nexus-web
 protected function buildOutputFromItems($items, $options)
     parent::buildOutputFromItems($items, $options);
     $xml = new vB_Xml_Builder();
     $xml->add_group('rss', array('version' => '0.91'));
     $xml->add_tag('title', $this->rssinfo['title']);
     $xml->add_tag('link', $this->rssinfo['link'] . '/', array(), false, true);
     $xml->add_tag('description', $this->rssinfo['description']);
     $xml->add_tag('language', $this->defaultLang['languagecode']);
     $xml->add_tag('url', $this->rssinfo['icon']);
     $xml->add_tag('title', $this->rssinfo['title']);
     $xml->add_tag('link', $this->rssinfo['link'] . '/', array(), false, true);
     $dateformat = vB::getDatastore()->getOption('dateformat');
     $timeformat = vB::getDatastore()->getOption('timeformat');
     // gather channel info
     $channelsInfo = $this->getItemsChannelInfo($items);
     $items = $this->formatItems($items, $options);
     foreach ($items as $id => $item) {
         $item = $item['content'];
         $xml->add_tag('title', $item['external_prefix_plain'] . vB_String::htmlSpecialCharsUni($item['external_title']));
         $xml->add_tag('link', vB_Api::instanceInternal('route')->getAbsoluteNodeUrl($item['external_nodeid']), array(), false, true);
         $xml->add_tag('description', vB_Phrase::fetchSinglePhrase('rss_91_forum_w_posted_by_x_post_time_y_at_z', array($channelsInfo[$item['channelid']]['htmltitle'], $item['authorname'], $this->callvBDate($dateformat, $item['publishdate']), $this->callvBDate($timeformat, $item['publishdate']))));
     $output .= '<!DOCTYPE rss PUBLIC "-//RSS Advisory Board//DTD RSS 0.91//EN" "http://www.rssboard.org/rss-0.91.dtd">' . "\r\n";
     $output .= $xml->output();
     return $xml->fetch_xml_tag() . $output;
コード例 #2
ファイル: chatcat.php プロジェクト: xzdaniels/Chatcat
 public function get_admin_detail_chat()
     global $vbulletin;
     // Get the settings options and the user's info
     $options = vB::getDatastore()->getValue('options');
     $userinfo = vB::getCurrentSession()->fetch_userinfo();
     // Api Key and Secret
     $api = $options['chat_cat_messenger_api'];
     $secret = $options['chat_cat_messenger_secret'];
     $login_url = $options['chat_cat_messenger_login_url'];
     $register_url = $options['chat_cat_messenger_register_url'];
     $primary_domain = $options['chat_cat_messenger_primary_url'];
     // 		echo $primary_domain;
     // 		die();
     // User info
     $uname = $userinfo['username'];
     $uid = $userinfo['userid'];
     $desc = $userinfo['field1'];
     $src = '';
     $home = $options['bburl'] . '/member/' . $uid;
     //echo $home;die;
     $location = $userinfo['field2'];
     $bod = $userinfo['birthday'];
     if (!empty($bod)) {
         $year = explode("-", $bod);
         $bod = $year['2'];
     $profilepic = $vbulletin->db->query_first("\n\t\t\tSELECT userid, dateline, height, width\n\t\t\tFROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "customavatar\n\t\t\tWHERE userid = " . $uid);
     if ($profilepic['dateline']) {
         $img = $options['bburl'] . '/image.php?userid=' . $uid . '&thumb=1&dateline=' . $profilepic[dateline] . '&type=avtar';
     } else {
         $img = null;
     $src = urlencode($img);
     $home = urlencode($home);
     //$src = urldecode($img);
     $chatdata = array();
     $chatdata['sinonurl'] = '';
     if (isset($api) && $api != '') {
         $chatdata['sinonurl'] = '/ajaxchat.php?uid=' . $uid . '&api=' . $api . '&secret=' . $secret . '&uname=' . $uname . '&desc=' . $desc . '&src=' . $src . '&home=' . $home . '&birthday=' . $bod . '&location=' . $location;
     $chatdata['primaryurl'] = $primary_domain;
     if ($login_url != '') {
         $chatdata['loginurl'] = $login_url;
         if (!preg_match("@^[hf]tt?ps?://@", $chatdata['loginurl'])) {
             $chatdata['loginurl'] = "http://" . $chatdata['loginurl'];
     } else {
         $chatdata['loginurl'] = '';
     if ($register_url != '') {
         $chatdata['registerurl'] = $register_url;
         if (!preg_match("@^[hf]tt?ps?://@", $chatdata['registerurl'])) {
             $chatdata['registerurl'] = "http://" . $chatdata['registerurl'];
     } else {
         $chatdata['registerurl'] = $options['frontendurl'] . '/register';
     return $chatdata;
コード例 #3
 protected function __construct()
     $this->storage = vB::getDatastore()->getOption('attachfile');
     $this->filePath = vB::getDatastore()->getOption('attachpath');
     $this->assertor = vB::getDbAssertor();
コード例 #4
ファイル: runtime.php プロジェクト: cedwards-reisys/nexus-web
 public static function time($timestamp)
     if (empty($timestamp)) {
         $timestamp = 0;
     return vbdate(vB::getDatastore()->getOption('timeformat'), $timestamp);
コード例 #5
* Callback function for convert_url_to_bbcode
*	Should only be called from convert_url_to_bbcode
* @param	string	Message text
* @param	string	Text to prepend
* @return	string
function convert_url_to_bbcode_callback($messagetext, $prepend)
    $datastore = vB::getDatastore();
    $bbcodecache = $datastore->getValue('bbcodecache');
    $bbcodeoptions = $datastore->getValue('bf_misc_bbcodeoptions');
    // the auto parser - adds [url] tags around neccessary things
    $messagetext = str_replace('\\"', '"', $messagetext);
    $prepend = str_replace('\\"', '"', $prepend);
    static $urlSearchArray, $urlReplaceArray, $emailSearchArray, $emailReplaceArray;
    if (empty($urlSearchArray)) {
        $taglist = '\\[b|\\[i|\\[u|\\[left|\\[center|\\[right|\\[indent|\\[quote|\\[highlight|\\[\\*' . '|\\[/b|\\[/i|\\[/u|\\[/left|\\[/center|\\[/right|\\[/indent|\\[/quote|\\[/highlight';
        foreach ($bbcodecache as $customtag) {
            if (!(intval($customtag['options']) & $bbcodeoptions['disable_urlconversion'])) {
                $customtag_quoted = preg_quote($customtag['bbcodetag'], '#');
                $taglist .= '|\\[' . $customtag_quoted . '|\\[/' . $customtag_quoted;
        // Legacy Hook 'url_to_bbcode_callback' Removed //
        $urlSearchArray = array('#(^|(?<=[^_a-z0-9-=\\]"\'/@]|(?<=' . $taglist . ')\\]))((https?|ftp|gopher|news|telnet)://|www\\.)((\\[(?!/)|[^\\s[^$`"{}<>])+)(?!\\[/url|\\[/img)(?=[,.!\')]*(\\)\\s|\\)$|[\\s[]|$))#siU');
        $urlReplaceArray = array("[url]\\2\\4[/url]");
        $emailSearchArray = array('/([ \\n\\r\\t])([_a-z0-9-+]+(\\.[_a-z0-9-+]+)*@[^\\s]+(\\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\\.[a-z]{2,6}))/si', '/^([_a-z0-9-+]+(\\.[_a-z0-9-+]+)*@[^\\s]+(\\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\\.[a-z]{2,6}))/si');
        $emailReplaceArray = array("\\1[email]\\2[/email]", "[email]\\0[/email]");
    $text = preg_replace($urlSearchArray, $urlReplaceArray, $messagetext);
    if (strpos($text, "@")) {
        $text = preg_replace($emailSearchArray, $emailReplaceArray, $text);
    return $prepend . $text;
コード例 #6
ファイル: report.php プロジェクト: cedwards-reisys/nexus-web
  * Adds a new node.
  * @param  mixed            $data Array of field => value pairs which define the record.
  * @param  array            Array of options for the content being created.
  *                          Understands skipTransaction, skipFloodCheck, floodchecktime, skipDupCheck, skipNotification, nl2br, autoparselinks.
  *                          - nl2br: if TRUE, all \n will be converted to <br /> so that it's not removed by the html parser (e.g. comments).
  *                          - wysiwyg: if true convert html to bbcode.  Defaults to true if not given.
  * @throws vB_Exception_Api
  * @return integer          the new nodeid
 public function add($data, $options = array())
     $vboptions = vB::getDatastore()->getValue('options');
     if (!empty($data['pagetext'])) {
         $strlen = vB_String::vbStrlen($this->library->parseAndStrip($data['pagetext']), true);
         if ($strlen < $vboptions['postminchars']) {
             throw new vB_Exception_Api('please_enter_message_x_chars', $vboptions['postminchars']);
         if ($vboptions['postmaxchars'] != 0 and $strlen > $vboptions['postmaxchars']) {
             throw new vB_Exception_Api('maxchars_exceeded_x_y', array($vboptions['postmaxchars'], $strlen));
     } else {
         if (!empty($data['rawtext'])) {
             $strlen = vB_String::vbStrlen($this->library->parseAndStrip($data['rawtext']), true);
             if ($strlen < $vboptions['postminchars']) {
                 throw new vB_Exception_Api('please_enter_message_x_chars', $vboptions['postminchars']);
             if ($vboptions['postmaxchars'] != 0 and $strlen > $vboptions['postmaxchars']) {
                 throw new vB_Exception_Api('maxchars_exceeded_x_y', array($vboptions['postmaxchars'], $strlen));
         } else {
             throw new vB_Exception_Api('invalid_data');
     $wysiwyg = true;
     if (isset($options['wysiwyg'])) {
         $wysiwyg = (bool) $options['wysiwyg'];
     $result = $this->library->add($data, $options, $wysiwyg);
     return $result['nodeid'];
コード例 #7
ファイル: list.php プロジェクト: cedwards-reisys/nexus-web
 public function __construct(&$routeInfo, &$matches, &$queryString = '')
     if (isset($matches['params']) and !empty($matches['params'])) {
         $paramString = strpos($matches['params'], '/') === 0 ? substr($matches['params'], 1) : $matches['params'];
         $params = explode('/', $paramString);
         if (count($params) >= 2) {
             $this->pagenum = $params[1];
             $this->folderid = $params[0];
         } else {
             if (!empty($params)) {
                 $this->pagenum = $params[1];
     if (!empty($matches['pagenum']) and intval($matches['pagenum'])) {
         $this->pagenum = $matches['pagenum'];
     if (!empty($matches['folderid']) and intval($matches['folderid'])) {
         $this->folderid = $matches['folderid'];
     $routeInfo['arguments']['subtemplate'] = $this->subtemplate;
     $userid = vB::getCurrentSession()->get('userid');
     $pmquota = vB::getUserContext($userid)->getLimit('pmquota');
     $vboptions = vB::getDatastore($userid)->getValue('options');
     $canUsePmSystem = ($vboptions['enablepms'] and $pmquota);
     if (!$canUsePmSystem and !$this->overrideDisable) {
         throw new vB_Exception_NodePermission('privatemessage');
コード例 #8
ファイル: test.php プロジェクト: cedwards-reisys/nexus-web
 public function createSession($userid = 1)
     //$this->session = vB_Session_Web::getSession(1);
     $this->session = new vB_Session_Cli(vB::getDbAssertor(), vB::getDatastore(), vB::getConfig(), $userid);
     $this->timeNow = time();
コード例 #9
ファイル: options.php プロジェクト: cedwards-reisys/nexus-web
  * This function updates specified settings
  * @param array $values
  *	'varname' => $vbulletin->GPC['varname'],
  *	'grouptitle' => $vbulletin->GPC['grouptitle'],
  *	'optioncode' => $vbulletin->GPC['optioncode'],
  *	'defaultvalue' => $vbulletin->GPC['defaultvalue'],
  *	'displayorder' => $vbulletin->GPC['displayorder'],
  *	'volatile' => $vbulletin->GPC['volatile'],
  *	'datatype' => $vbulletin->GPC['datatype'],
  *	'validationcode' => $vbulletin->GPC['validationcode'],
  *	'product' => $vbulletin->GPC['product'],
  *	'blacklist' => $vbulletin->GPC['blacklist'],
  *	'title' => $vbulletin->GPC['title'],
  *	'username' => $vbulletin->userinfo['username'],
  *	'description' => $vbulletin->GPC['description']
  * @return array, $response
 public function updateSetting($values)
     require_once DIR . '/includes/class_xml.php';
     require_once DIR . '/includes/functions_file.php';
     require_once DIR . '/includes/adminfunctions_options.php';
     require_once DIR . '/includes/adminfunctions.php';
     $response = array();
     $langid = $values['volatile'] ? -1 : 0;
     if (defined('DEV_AUTOEXPORT') and DEV_AUTOEXPORT) {
         $old_setting = vB::getDbAssertor()->getRow('setting', array(vB_dB_Query::TYPE_KEY => vB_dB_Query::QUERY_SELECT, 'varname' => $values['varname']));
     vB::getDbAssertor()->assertQuery('setting', array(vB_dB_Query::TYPE_KEY => vB_dB_Query::QUERY_UPDATE, 'grouptitle' => $values['grouptitle'], 'optioncode' => $values['optioncode'], 'defaultvalue' => $values['defaultvalue'], 'displayorder' => $values['displayorder'], 'volatile' => $values['volatile'], 'datatype' => $values['datatype'], 'validationcode' => $values['validationcode'], 'product' => $values['product'], 'blacklist' => $values['blacklist'], 'ispublic' => $values['ispublic'], 'adminperm' => isset($values['adminperm']) ? $values['adminperm'] : '', vB_dB_Query::CONDITIONS_KEY => array(array('field' => 'varname', 'value' => $values['varname'], 'operator' => vB_dB_Query::OPERATOR_EQ))));
     $phrases = vB::getDbAssertor()->assertQuery('vBForum:phrase', array(vB_dB_Query::TYPE_KEY => vB_dB_Query::QUERY_SELECT, 'languageid' => array(-1, 0), 'fieldname' => 'vbsettings', 'varname' => array("setting_" . $values['varname'] . "_title", "setting_" . $values['varname'] . "_desc")));
     $full_product_info = fetch_product_list(true);
     $product_version = $full_product_info[$values['product']]['version'];
     if ($phrases and $phrases->valid()) {
         foreach ($phrases as $phrase) {
             if ($phrase['varname'] == "setting_" . $values['varname'] . "_title") {
                 vB::getDbAssertor()->assertQuery('vBForum:phrase', array(vB_dB_Query::TYPE_KEY => vB_dB_Query::QUERY_UPDATE, 'languageid' => $langid, 'text' => $values['title'], 'product' => $values['product'], 'username' => $values['username'], 'dateline' => TIMENOW, 'version' => $product_version, vB_dB_Query::CONDITIONS_KEY => array(array('field' => 'languageid', 'value' => $phrase['languageid'], 'operator' => vB_dB_Query::OPERATOR_EQ), array('field' => 'varname', 'value' => "setting_" . $values['varname'] . "_title", 'operator' => vB_dB_Query::OPERATOR_EQ))));
             } else {
                 if ($phrase['varname'] == "setting_" . $values['varname'] . "_desc") {
                     vB::getDbAssertor()->assertQuery('vBForum:phrase', array(vB_dB_Query::TYPE_KEY => vB_dB_Query::QUERY_UPDATE, 'languageid' => $langid, 'text' => $values['description'], 'product' => $values['product'], 'username' => $values['username'], 'dateline' => TIMENOW, 'version' => $product_version, vB_dB_Query::CONDITIONS_KEY => array(array('field' => 'languageid', 'value' => $phrase['languageid'], 'operator' => vB_dB_Query::OPERATOR_EQ), array('field' => 'varname', 'value' => "setting_" . $values['varname'] . "_desc", 'operator' => vB_dB_Query::OPERATOR_EQ))));
     $response['update'] = true;
     return $response;
コード例 #10
ファイル: modcp.php プロジェクト: cedwards-reisys/nexus-web
 public static function resolvePath($path)
     $currentDir = getcwd();
     chdir(DIR . '/' . vB::getDatastore()->getValue('modcpdir'));
     $path = realpath($path);
     return $path;
コード例 #11
* Log errors to a file
* @param	string	The error message to be placed within the log
* @param	string	The type of error that occured. php, database, security, etc.
* @return	boolean
function log_vbulletin_error($errstring, $type = 'database')
    global $vbulletin;
    $options = vB::getDatastore()->getValue('options');
    // do different things depending on the error log type
    switch ($type) {
        // log PHP E_USER_ERROR, E_USER_WARNING, E_WARNING to file
        case 'php':
            if (!empty($options['errorlogphp'])) {
                $errfile = $options['errorlogphp'];
                $errstring .= "\r\nDate: " . date('l dS \\o\\f F Y h:i:s A') . "\r\n";
                $errstring .= "Username: {$vbulletin->userinfo['username']}\r\n";
                $errstring .= 'IP Address: ' . IPADDRESS . "\r\n";
            // log database error to file
        // log database error to file
        case 'database':
            if (!empty($options['errorlogdatabase'])) {
                $errstring = preg_replace("#(\r\n|\r|\n)#s", "\r\n", $errstring);
                $errfile = $options['errorlogdatabase'];
            // log admin panel login failure to file
        // log admin panel login failure to file
        case 'security':
            if (!empty($options['errorlogsecurity'])) {
                $errfile = $options['errorlogsecurity'];
                $username = $errstring;
                $errstring = 'Failed admin logon in ' . $vbulletin->db->appname . ' ' . $vbulletin->options['templateversion'] . "\r\n\r\n";
                $errstring .= 'Date: ' . date('l dS \\o\\f F Y h:i:s A') . "\r\n";
                $errstring .= "Script: http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}" . unhtmlspecialchars($vbulletin->scriptpath) . "\r\n";
                $errstring .= 'Referer: ' . REFERRER . "\r\n";
                $errstring .= "Username: {$username}\r\n";
                $errstring .= 'IP Address: ' . IPADDRESS . "\r\n";
                $errstring .= "Strikes: {$GLOBALS['strikes']}/5\r\n";
    // if no filename is specified, exit this function
    if (!isset($errfile) or !($errfile = trim($errfile)) or defined('DEMO_MODE') and DEMO_MODE == true) {
        return false;
    // rotate the log file if filesize is greater than $vbulletin->options[errorlogmaxsize]
    if ($vbulletin->options['errorlogmaxsize'] != 0 and $filesize = @filesize("{$errfile}.log") and $filesize >= $vbulletin->options['errorlogmaxsize']) {
        @copy("{$errfile}.log", $errfile . TIMENOW . '.log');
    // write the log into the appropriate file
    if ($fp = @fopen("{$errfile}.log", 'a+')) {
        @fwrite($fp, "{$errstring}\r\n=====================================================\r\n\r\n");
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;
コード例 #12
  * Check whether paid subscriptions system is active or not
  * @throws vB_Exception_Api
  * @return void
 public function checkStatus()
     if (empty($this->subobj->subscriptioncache) or empty($this->apicache) or !vB::getDatastore()->getOption('subscriptionmethods')) {
         // Paid Subscription is disabled.
         throw new vB_Exception_Api('nosubscriptions');
コード例 #13
 protected function typeEnabledForUser($user)
     static $bf_masks;
     if (empty($bf_masks)) {
         $bf_masks = vB::getDatastore()->getValue('bf_misc_usernotificationoptions');
     // The original mapping was taken from vB_Library_Privatemessage->userReceivesNotification()
     return (bool) ($user['notification_options'] & $bf_masks['general_followrequest']);
コード例 #14
ファイル: webapi.php プロジェクト: cedwards-reisys/nexus-web
  *	Create a session for this page load
  *	Should only be called from the Request code.
  *	Will use a reexisting session that matches the session hash
  *	@param string $sessionhash -- the token given to the client for session handling.  If the client has this token they
  *		can use the session.
  *	@param array $restoreSessionInfo -- Information to handle "remember me" logic.
  *		* remembermetoken -- Token value for "remember me".  Stored in the "password" cookie for legacy reasons.  There are
  *			so special values to indicate that we should reauthentic via a method other than the internal vB remember me
  *			system.
  *		* userid -- user we are remembering
  *		* fbsr_{appid} (optional) -- Only valid if facebook is enabled, and only used if "remembermetoken" is "facebook".
 public static function createSessionNew($sessionhash, $restoreSessionInfo = array())
     $assertor = vB::getDbAssertor();
     $datastore = vB::getDatastore();
     $config = vB::getConfig();
     //this looks weird but its valid.  Will create the an instance of whatever session class this was called
     //on.  So vB_Session_Web::createSessionNew() will do the expected thing.
     $session = new vB_Session_WebApi($assertor, $datastore, $config, $sessionhash, $restoreSessionInfo);
     return $session;
コード例 #15
ファイル: api.php プロジェクト: cedwards-reisys/nexus-web
 public static function createSession($vbApiParamsToVerify, $vBApiRequests)
     self::$vBApiParamsToVerify = $vbApiParamsToVerify;
     self::$vBApiRequests = $vBApiRequests;
     $assertor = vB::getDbAssertor();
     $datastore = vB::getDatastore();
     $config = vB::getConfig();
     $session = new vB_Session_Api($assertor, $datastore, $config, '', $vbApiParamsToVerify, $vBApiRequests);
     return $session;
コード例 #16
ファイル: web.php プロジェクト: cedwards-reisys/nexus-web
 public static function getSession($userId, $sessionHash = '', &$dBAssertor = null, &$datastore = null, &$config = null)
     $dBAssertor = $dBAssertor ? $dBAssertor : vB::getDbAssertor();
     $datastore = $datastore ? $datastore : vB::getDatastore();
     $config = $config ? $config : vB::getConfig();
     $restoreSessionInfo = array('userid' => $userId);
     $session = new vB_Session_Web($dBAssertor, $datastore, $config, $sessionHash, $restoreSessionInfo);
     $session->set('userid', $userId);
     return $session;
コード例 #17
ファイル: channel.php プロジェクト: cedwards-reisys/nexus-web
 /** Rebuilds the map of channel to channel type.
 public static function rebuildChannelTypes()
     $channelQry = vB::getDbAssertor()->assertQuery('vBAdmincp:getChannelTypes', array('guids' => array_keys(self::$channelTypes)));
     $channelTypes = array();
     foreach ($channelQry as $channelType) {
         //Note that it's possible there could be more than one record for a given node. We sorted by depth descending, so the closest
         //one will be last.
         $channelTypes[$channelType['nodeid']] = self::$channelTypes[$channelType['guid']];
     vB::getDatastore()->build('vBChannelTypes', serialize($channelTypes), 1);
コード例 #18
ファイル: forward.php プロジェクト: cedwards-reisys/nexus-web
 public function __construct(&$routeInfo, &$matches, &$queryString = '')
     $userid = vB::getCurrentSession()->get('userid');
     $pmquota = vB::getUserContext($userid)->getLimit('pmquota');
     $vboptions = vB::getDatastore($userid)->getValue('options');
     $canUsePmSystem = ($vboptions['enablepms'] and $pmquota);
     if (!$canUsePmSystem) {
         throw new vB_Exception_NodePermission('privatemessage');
     parent::__construct($routeInfo, $matches, $queryString);
コード例 #19
ファイル: akismet.php プロジェクト: cedwards-reisys/nexus-web
  * Constructor
 private function __construct()
     $this->options = vB::getDatastore()->get_value('options');
     if (!isset($this->options['vb_antispam_type']) or empty($this->options['vb_antispam_key'])) {
         $this->verified = false;
     } else {
         $this->bburl = $this->options['bburl'];
         $this->akismetKey = $this->options['vb_antispam_key'];
     //validate the keys.
コード例 #20
ファイル: admincp.php プロジェクト: cedwards-reisys/nexus-web
 public function getUrl()
     //bburl isn't correct as it will create a link to core rather than admincp.  This happens to work
     //for admincp for the time being, but is the wrong url.
     //		$bburl = vB::getDatastore()->getOption('bburl');
     //		return $bburl . '/' . $this->prefix . '/' . $this->arguments['file'] . '.php';
     //user the header hack instead.
     $url = vB::getDatastore()->getOption('frontendurl') . '/' . $this->prefix . '/' . $this->arguments['file'] . '.php';
     if (strtolower(vB_String::getCharset()) != 'utf-8') {
         $url = vB_String::encodeUtf8Url($url);
     return $url;
コード例 #21
ファイル: userpic.php プロジェクト: cedwards-reisys/nexus-web
  * Fetches the appropriate subclass based on how the userpics are being stored.
  * @param	vB_Registry	Instance of the vBulletin data registry object - expected to have the database object as one of its $this->db member.
  * @param	integer		One of the ERRTYPE_x constants
  * @return	vB_DataManager_Userpic	Subclass of vB_DataManager_Userpic
 public static function &fetch_library(&$registry, $errtype = vB_DataManager_Constants::ERRTYPE_STANDARD, $classtype = 'userpic_avatar', $usefilesystem = false)
     $options = vB::getDatastore()->getValue('options');
     if ($options['usefileavatar'] or $usefilesystem) {
         $newclass = new vB_DataManager_Userpic_Filesystem($registry, $errtype);
         list($prefix, $type) = explode('_', $classtype);
     } else {
         $class = 'vB_DataManager_' . $classtype;
         $newclass = new $class($registry, $errtype);
     return $newclass;
コード例 #22
 public function editpost($postid)
     $cleaner = vB::getCleaner();
     $postid = $cleaner->clean($postid, vB_Cleaner::TYPE_UINT);
     $post = vB_Api::instance('node')->getFullContentforNodes(array($postid));
     if (empty($post)) {
         return array("response" => array("errormessage" => array("invalidid")));
     $post = $post[0];
     $prefixes = vB_Library::instance('vb4_functions')->getPrefixes($postid);
     $options = vB::getDatastore()->getValue('options');
     $out = array('show' => array('tag_option' => 1), 'vboptions' => array('postminchars' => $options['postminchars'], 'titlemaxchars' => $options['titlemaxchars']), 'response' => array('prefix_options' => $prefixes, 'poststarttime' => 0, 'posthash' => vB_Library::instance('vb4_posthash')->getNewPosthash()));
     return $out;
コード例 #23
ファイル: js.php プロジェクト: cedwards-reisys/nexus-web
 protected function buildOutputFromItems($items, $options)
     $output = $this->threadObj;
     $output .= "var threads = new Array(" . sizeof($items) . ");\r\n";
     $itemnum = 0;
     $items = $this->formatItems($items, $options);
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         $item = $item['content'];
         $item['title'] = vB_Library_Functions::addSlashesJs(vB_String::htmlSpecialCharsUni($item['external_prefix_plain']) . $item['external_title']);
         $item['authorname'] = vB_Library_Functions::addSlashesJs($item['authorname']);
         $output .= "\tthreads[{$itemnum}] = new thread({$item['external_nodeid']}, '{$item['title']}', '{$item['authorname']}', '" . vB_Library_Functions::addSlashesJs($this->callvBDate(vB::getDatastore()->getOption('dateformat'), $item['publishdate'])) . "', '" . vB_Library_Functions::addSlashesJs($this->callvBDate(vB::getDatastore()->getOption('timeformat'), $item['publishdate'])) . "');\r\n";
     return $output;
コード例 #24
  *  Returns all of the user groups with ismoderator set
  *  @return array usergroupids for each usergroup 
 public function getSuperModGroups()
     $datastore = vB::getDatastore();
     $groups = $datastore->getValue('usergroupcache');
     $bf_ugp_adminpermissions = $datastore->getValue('bf_ugp_adminpermissions');
     $perm = $bf_ugp_adminpermissions['ismoderator'];
     $smod_groups = array();
     foreach ($groups as $ugid => $groupinfo) {
         if ($groupinfo['adminpermissions'] & $perm) {
             // super mod group
             $smod_groups[] = $ugid;
     return $smod_groups;
コード例 #25
ファイル: smtp.php プロジェクト: cedwards-reisys/nexus-web
  * Constructor
 function __construct()
     $vboptions = vB::getDatastore()->getValue('options');
     $this->secure = $vboptions['smtp_tls'];
     // Prior to 3.8 this was a radio button so SSL is 1
     if ($vboptions['smtp_tls'] == 1) {
         $this->secure = 'ssl';
     } else {
         if ($vboptions['smtp_tls'] === 0) {
             $this->secure = 'none';
     $this->smtpHost = $vboptions['smtp_host'];
     $this->smtpPort = !empty($vboptions['smtp_port']) ? intval($vboptions['smtp_port']) : 25;
     $this->smtpUser =& $vboptions['smtp_user'];
     $this->smtpPass =& $vboptions['smtp_pass'];
     $this->delimiter = "\r\n";
コード例 #26
ファイル: image.php プロジェクト: cedwards-reisys/nexus-web
function construct_img_html($imagepath)
    global $vbulletin;
    static $smiliePath = false;
    //The handling of images is a bit convoluted, but for smiles we need to respect the datastore smiliepath.  See VBV-12255
    if ($smiliePath === false) {
        if (!empty($vbulletin->GPC['table']) and $vbulletin->GPC['table'] == 'smilie') {
            $smiliePath = vB::getDatastore()->getOption('smiliepath');
        } else {
            $smiliePath = '';
    if (substr($imagepath, 0, strlen($smiliePath)) != $smiliePath) {
        $imagepath = $smiliePath . $imagepath;
    // returns an image based on imagepath
    return '<img src="' . resolve_cp_image_url($imagepath) . "\" alt=\"{$imagepath}\" align=\"middle\" />";
コード例 #27
ファイル: xml.php プロジェクト: cedwards-reisys/nexus-web
 protected function buildOutputFromItems($items, $options)
     $xml = new vB_XML_Builder();
     $xml->add_tag('url', vB::getDatastore()->getOption('frontendurl') . '/');
     $items = $this->formatItems($items, $options);
     foreach ($items as $id => $item) {
         $item = $item['content'];
         $xml->add_group('thread', array('id' => $item['external_nodeid']));
         $xml->add_tag('title', $item['external_prefix_plain'] . vB_String::unHtmlSpecialChars($item['external_title']));
         $xml->add_tag('author', vB_String::unHtmlSpecialChars($item['authorname']));
         $xml->add_tag('date', $this->callvBDate(vB::getDatastore()->getOption('dateformat'), $item['publishdate']));
         $xml->add_tag('time', $this->callvBDate(vB::getDatastore()->getOption('timeformat'), $item['publishdate']));
     return $xml->fetch_xml();
コード例 #28
  * Singleton emulation: Select library
  * @return	object
 public static function &fetch_library(&$registry, $library = '')
     global $show;
     static $instance;
     if (!$instance) {
         if ($library) {
             // Override the defined vboption
             $chosenlib = $library;
         } else {
             $vboptions = vB::getDatastore()->getValue('options');
             $chosenlib = $vboptions['hv_type'] ? $vboptions['hv_type'] : 'Disabled';
         $selectclass = 'vB_HumanVerify_' . $chosenlib;
         $chosenlib = strtolower($chosenlib);
         require_once DIR . '/includes/class_humanverify_' . $chosenlib . '.php';
         $instance = new $selectclass($registry);
     return $instance;
コード例 #29
 public function newthread($forumid)
     $cleaner = vB::getCleaner();
     $forumid = $cleaner->clean($forumid, vB_Cleaner::TYPE_UINT);
     $forum = vB_Api::instance('node')->getFullContentforNodes(array($forumid));
     if (empty($forum)) {
         return array("response" => array("errormessage" => array("invalidid")));
     $forum = $forum[0];
     $foruminfo = vB_Library::instance('vb4_functions')->parseForumInfo($forum);
     $prefixes = vB_Library::instance('vb4_functions')->getPrefixes($forumid);
     $options = vB::getDatastore()->getValue('options');
     $postattachment = $forum['content']['createpermissions']['vbforum_attach'];
     $postattachment = empty($postattachment) ? 0 : intval($postattachment);
     $usercontext = vB::getUserContext($this->currentUserId);
     $maxtags = $usercontext->getChannelLimits($forumid, 'maxstartertags');
     $out = array('show' => array('tag_option' => 1), 'vboptions' => array('postminchars' => $options['postminchars'], 'titlemaxchars' => $options['titlemaxchars'], 'maxtags' => $maxtags), 'response' => array('forumrules' => array('can' => array('postattachment' => $postattachment)), 'prefix_options' => $prefixes, 'foruminfo' => $foruminfo, 'poststarttime' => vB::getRequest()->getTimeNow(), 'posthash' => vB_Library::instance('vb4_posthash')->getNewPosthash()));
     return $out;
コード例 #30
 public function newreply($threadid, $disablesmilies = false)
     $cleaner = vB::getCleaner();
     $threadid = $cleaner->clean($threadid, vB_Cleaner::TYPE_UINT);
     $thread = vB_Api::instance('node')->getFullContentforNodes(array($threadid));
     if (empty($thread)) {
         return array("response" => array("errormessage" => array("invalidid")));
     $thread = $thread[0];
     $prefixes = vB_Library::instance('vb4_functions')->getPrefixes($threadid);
     $options = vB::getDatastore()->getValue('options');
     $postattachment = $thread['content']['createpermissions']['vbforum_attach'];
     $postattachment = empty($postattachment) ? 0 : intval($postattachment);
     			additional options' checked checkboxes array...
     $checked = array('parseurl' => 1, 'signature' => "", "subscribe" => $thread['content']['subscribed']);
     // 	SIGNATURE
     $userContext = vB::getUserContext();
     $currentUserId = $userContext->fetchUserId();
     $signature = vB_Api::instanceInternal('user')->fetchSignature($currentUserId);
     if (!empty($signature)) {
         $checked['signature'] = 1;
     // getDataForParse converts channel.options into bbcodeoptions, and this is used by the
     // frontend nodetext / bbcode parsers
     $textDataArray = vB_Api::instanceInternal('content_text')->getDataForParse(array($threadid));
     $channelAllowsSmilies = $textDataArray[$threadid]['bbcodeoptions']['allowsmilies'];
     if ($channelAllowsSmilies) {
         if (!empty($disablesmilies)) {
             $checked['disablesmilies'] = 1;
         } else {
             $checked['disablesmilies'] = "";
         $show['smiliebox'] = 1;
     } else {
         $show['smiliebox'] = 0;
     $out = array('show' => array('tag_option' => 1, 'smiliebox' => $show['smiliebox']), 'vboptions' => array('postminchars' => $options['postminchars'], 'titlemaxchars' => $options['titlemaxchars']), 'response' => array('title' => '', 'forumrules' => array('can' => array('postattachment' => $postattachment)), 'prefix_options' => $prefixes, 'poststarttime' => 0, 'posthash' => vB_Library::instance('vb4_posthash')->getNewPosthash()), 'checked' => $checked);
     return $out;