public static function process() { $type = isset($_GET['dataonly-type']) ? $_GET['dataonly-type'] : NULL; if (!$type || !isset(self::$types[$type])) { utopia::UseTemplate(); utopia::PageNotFound(); return; } $qs = $_GET; unset($qs['__ajax']); unset($qs['dataonly-type']); $cm = utopia::GetCurrentModule(); if (!self::IsAllowed($cm)) { // redirect to module $obj = utopia::GetInstance($cm); header('Location: ' . $obj->GetURL($qs)); return; } try { // try to access it dataonly, if it fails for any reason, break out of , redirect call_user_func(self::$types[$type]); } catch (Exception $e) { $obj = utopia::GetInstance($cm); header('Location: ' . $obj->GetURL($qs)); return; } }
function RunModule() { $uuid = $this->GetUUID(); if (is_array($uuid)) { $uuid = reset($uuid); } $sections = utopia::GetRewriteURL(); $sections = preg_replace('/^' . preg_quote($uuid, '/') . '\\/?/', '', $sections); // shift uuid off the start if (!$sections) { utopia::PageNotFound(); } $path = urldecode(PATH_UPLOADS . '/' . $sections); $path = parse_url($path, PHP_URL_PATH); $path = realpath($path); if (stripos($path, PATH_UPLOADS) === FALSE || !file_exists($path)) { utopia::PageNotFound(); } utopia::CancelTemplate(); $cType = utopia::GetMimeType($path); $fileName = pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_BASENAME); $fileMod = filemtime($path); $fileSize = filesize($path); $w = isset($_GET['w']) ? $_GET['w'] : NULL; $h = isset($_GET['h']) ? $_GET['h'] : NULL; if (stripos($cType, 'image/') !== FALSE && ($w || $h)) { $idents = array($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $fileMod, $fileSize, $w, $h); $etag = utopia::checksum($idents); utopia::Cache_Check($etag, $cType, $fileName); $cacheFile = uCache::retrieve($idents); if ($cacheFile) { $output = file_get_contents($cacheFile); } else { $output = file_get_contents($path); } // check w and h $img = imagecreatefromstring($output); $img = utopia::constrainImage($img, $w, $h); $ext = pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); ob_start(); if (function_exists(strtolower("image{$ext}"))) { call_user_func("image{$ext}", $img); } else { imagepng($img); $cType = 'image/png'; $fileName = str_replace(".{$ext}", '.png', $fileName); } $output = ob_get_clean(); imagedestroy($img); // only need to cache the resized versions uCache::store($idents, $output); utopia::Cache_Output($output, $etag, $cType, $fileName); } else { header('Content-Type: ' . $cType); self::resumableOutput($path); } }
function RunModule() { if (!isset($_REQUEST['module']) || !class_exists($_REQUEST['module']) || !isset($_REQUEST['pk']) || !isset($_REQUEST['field'])) { utopia::PageNotFound(); } $obj = utopia::GetInstance($_REQUEST['module']); try { $rec = $obj->LookupRecord($_REQUEST['pk'], true); } catch (Exception $e) { utopia::PageNotFound(); } if (!$rec || !isset($rec[$_REQUEST['field']])) { utopia::PageNotFound(); } utopia::CancelTemplate(); $data = $rec[$_REQUEST['field']]; $table = $obj->fields[$_REQUEST['field']]['vtable']['tModule']; $tableField = $obj->fields[$_REQUEST['field']]['field']; $fieldType = $obj->GetFieldType($_REQUEST['field']); $filename = isset($_REQUEST['filename']) ? $_REQUEST['filename'] : $rec[$_REQUEST['field'] . '_filename']; $filetype = $rec[$_REQUEST['field'] . '_filetype']; $width = isset($_GET['w']) ? $_GET['w'] : NULL; $height = isset($_GET['h']) ? $_GET['h'] : NULL; $isImg = preg_match('/^image\\//', $filetype); if ($isImg && ($width || $height)) { $filetype = 'image/png'; } $idents = array($table, $tableField, strlen($data), $width, $height, $isImg); $etag = utopia::checksum($idents); $attach = 'inline'; if (isset($_REQUEST['attach'])) { $attach = $_REQUEST['attach']; } utopia::Cache_Check($etag, $filetype, $filename, 0, 2592000, $attach); $cacheFile = uCache::retrieve($idents); if ($cacheFile) { $data = file_get_contents($cacheFile); } if ($isImg && ($width || $height) && $cacheFile === FALSE) { $src = imagecreatefromstring($data); $img = utopia::constrainImage($src, $width, $height); // Image output ob_start(); imagepng($img); imagedestroy($img); $data = ob_get_clean(); // only need to cache the resized versions uCache::store($idents, $data); } utopia::Cache_Output($data, $etag, $filetype, $filename, 0, 2592000, $attach); }
public function RunModule() { uEvents::TriggerEvent('InitSitemap'); $grp = isset($_GET['group']) ? $_GET['group'] : ''; if (!isset(self::$items[$grp])) { utopia::PageNotFound(); } utopia::CancelTemplate(); header('Content-Type: application/xml', true); echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'; echo '<urlset xmlns="">'; foreach (self::$items[$grp] as $entry) { echo '<url>'; foreach ($entry as $k => $v) { echo "\t<{$k}>{$v}</{$k}>"; } echo '</url>'; } echo '</urlset>'; die; }
static function Launcher($module = NULL) { if ($module == NULL) { $module = self::GetCurrentModule(); } if (!utopia::ModuleExists($module)) { utopia::PageNotFound(); } utopia::SetVar('current_module', $module); self::QueueLauncher($module); $currentModule = reset(self::$launchers); do { $obj = utopia::GetInstance($currentModule); utopia::SetVar('title', $obj->GetTitle()); // run module timer_start('Run Module: ' . $currentModule); $obj->_RunModule(); timer_end('Run Module: ' . $currentModule); } while ($currentModule = next(self::$launchers)); }
public function RunModule() { uEvents::AddCallback('ProcessDomDocument', array($this, 'ProcessDomDocument')); if (isset($_GET['news_id'])) { $rec = $this->LookupRecord($_GET['news_id']); if (!$rec) { utopia::PageNotFound(); } utopia::SetTitle($rec['heading']); utopia::SetDescription($rec['description']); $n = array(); if ($rec['noindex']) { $n[] = 'noindex'; } if ($rec['nofollow']) { $n[] = 'nofollow'; } if ($n) { utopia::AddMetaTag('robots', implode(',', $n)); } echo '{widget.' . modOpts::GetOption('news_widget_article') . '}'; return; } if (isset($_GET['tags'])) { utopia::SetTitle('Latest ' . ucwords($_GET['tags']) . ' News'); } echo '{widget.' . modOpts::GetOption('news_widget_archive') . '}'; }
public static function assertContent() { $o = utopia::GetInstance(__CLASS__); if (self::$asserted) { return; } self::$asserted = true; $rec = self::findPage(); if (!$rec) { if (utopia::GetCurrentModule() == __CLASS__) { utopia::PageNotFound(); } return; } $canEdit = uEvents::TriggerEvent('CanAccessModule', 'uCMS_Edit') !== FALSE; if (!$canEdit && !$rec['is_published']) { utopia::PageNotFound(); } if (!isset($_GET['preview']) && !isset($_GET['edit']) && !$rec['is_published']) { utopia::PageNotFound(); } echo '<div class="cms-' . $rec['cms_id'] . '">{content}</div>'; utopia::SetVar('cms_id', $rec['cms_id']); utopia::SetVar('cms_parent_id', $rec['parent']); $path = $o->GetCmsParents($rec['cms_id']); utopia::SetVar('cms_parents', $path); utopia::SetVar('cms_root_id', reset($path)); utopia::SetDescription($rec['description']); if (!utopia::UsingTemplate() || utopia::UsingTemplate(TEMPLATE_BLANK)) { return; } utopia::UseTemplate(self::GetTemplate($rec['cms_id'])); }