function contenidos() { global $referencia, $urlOK, $urlNOK, $__BD, $dimThum, $dimSuperThum, $dim, $dimMedX, $dimMedY; $codigo = ''; $pathNor = "../catalogo/img_normal/" . $referencia; $pathMed = "../catalogo/img_mediana/" . $referencia; $pathThum = "../catalogo/img_thumb/" . $referencia; $pathSuperThum = "../catalogo/img_superthumb/" . $referencia; if (!file_exists($pathNor)) { mkdir($pathNor); } if (!file_exists($pathMed)) { mkdir($pathMed); } if (!file_exists($pathThum)) { mkdir($pathThum); } if (!file_exists($pathSuperThum)) { mkdir($pathSuperThum); } // we first include the upload class, as we will need it here to deal with the uploaded file if (!isset($_POST['action'])) { header($urlOK); exit; } $nomFichs = $this->leerDir($pathNor); $paso = 1; if ($nomFichs) { $paso += count($nomFichs); } $files = array(); foreach ($_FILES['my_field'] as $k => $l) { foreach ($l as $i => $v) { if (!array_key_exists($i, $files)) { $files[$i] = array(); } $files[$i][$k] = $v; } } // now we can loop through $files, and feed each element to the class $ordenSQL = "select max(id) from articulosfotos"; $orden = $__BD->db_valor($ordenSQL); $orden++; foreach ($files as $file) { $handle = new upload_eStoreQ($file); if (!$handle->uploaded) { continue; } $orden++; $handle->image_x = $dim; $handle->image_y = $dim; $handle->image_resize = true; $handle->image_ratio_no_zoom_in = true; $handle->file_new_name_body = $orden; // Foto normal $handle->Process($pathNor); // Mediana $handle->image_x = $dimMedX; $handle->image_y = $dimMedY; $handle->image_resize = true; $handle->image_ratio_no_zoom_in = true; $handle->file_new_name_body = $orden; $handle->Process($pathMed); // Thumb $handle->image_x = $dimThum; $handle->image_y = $dimThum; $handle->image_resize = true; $handle->image_ratio = true; $handle->file_new_name_body = $orden; $handle->Process($pathThum); // SuperThumb $handle->image_x = $dimSuperThum; $handle->image_y = $dimSuperThum; $handle->image_resize = true; $handle->image_ratio = true; $handle->file_new_name_body = $orden; $handle->Process($pathSuperThum); if ($handle->processed) { $nomFich = $handle->file_dst_name; $ordenSQL = "insert into articulosfotos(referencia, nomfichero, orden, id) values ('{$referencia}', '{$nomFich}', {$orden}, {$orden})"; $result = $__BD->db_query($ordenSQL); header($urlOK); } else { header($urlNOK); } } }
/** Pasa las imagenes viejas al nuevo sistema */ function actualizarObsoletos() { global $__BD; $codigo = ''; $ordenSQL = "select count(id) from articulosfotos"; if ($__BD->db_valor($ordenSQL)) { return; } $ordenSQL = "select piximages from opcionestv"; $dimThum = $__BD->db_valor($ordenSQL); $dimSuperThum = 60; $paso = 0; $ordenSQL = "select referencia,tipoimagen from articulos order by referencia"; $result = $__BD->db_query($ordenSQL); while ($row = $__BD->db_fetch_array($result)) { $referencia = $row["referencia"]; $ext = $row["tipoimagen"]; $pathNor = "../catalogo/img_normal/" . $referencia; $pathThum = "../catalogo/img_thumb/" . $referencia; $pathSuperThum = "../catalogo/img_superthumb/" . $referencia; if (!file_exists($pathNor)) { mkdir($pathNor); } if (!file_exists($pathThum)) { mkdir($pathThum); } if (!file_exists($pathSuperThum)) { mkdir($pathSuperThum); } $nomFich = $referencia . '.' . $ext; $imgNor = "../catalogo/img_normal/" . $nomFich; if (!file_exists($imgNor)) { $nomFich = $referencia . '.jpg'; $imgNor = "../catalogo/img_normal/" . $nomFich; } if (!file_exists($imgNor)) { continue; } $ordenSQL = "select id from articulosfotos where referencia='{$referencia}' and nomfichero='{$nomFich}'"; if ($__BD->db_valor($ordenSQL)) { continue; } $handle = new upload_eStoreQ($imgNor); // Foto normal $handle->Process($pathNor); // Thumb $handle->image_x = $dimThum; $handle->image_y = $dimThum; $handle->image_resize = true; $handle->image_ratio = true; $handle->file_new_name_body = $orden; $handle->Process($pathThum); // SuperThumb $handle->image_x = $dimSuperThum; $handle->image_y = $dimSuperThum; $handle->image_resize = true; $handle->image_ratio = true; $handle->file_new_name_body = $orden; $handle->Process($pathSuperThum); if ($handle->processed) { $ordenSQL = "update articulosfotos set orden = orden + 1 where referencia = '{$referencia}'"; $__BD->db_query($ordenSQL); $ordenSQL = "insert into articulosfotos(referencia, nomfichero, orden) values ('{$referencia}', '{$nomFich}', 1)"; $__BD->db_query($ordenSQL); $codigo .= "Fichero <b>{$nomFich}</b> procesado<br/>"; } else { $codigo .= '<p>Error: ' . $handle->error . ' ' . $handle->file_dst_name; } $paso++; } }