/** * * * @param unknown $params * @param unknown $bBlog (reference) */ function smarty_function_getcontent($params, &$bBlog) { // Retrieving data $bBlog->get_sections(); $sections = $bBlog->sections; foreach ($sections as $object) { $new[$object->sectionid] = $object; } $sections = $new; $current_section = $bBlog->get_template_vars("sectionid"); // Return $bBlog->assign("content", $sections[$current_section]->content); }
/** * * * @param unknown $bBlog (reference) */ function admin_plugin_rssfeedmaker_run(&$bBlog) { if (isset($_POST['sub']) && $_POST['sub'] == 'y') { $url = BLOGURL . 'rss.php?'; if ($_POST['version'] == 2) { $url .= 'ver=2'; } elseif ($_POST['version'] == 'atom03') { $url .= 'ver=atom03'; } else { $url .= 'ver=0.92'; } if (is_numeric($_POST['num'])) { $url .= '&num=' . $_POST['num']; } if ($_POST['sectionid'] > 0) { $url .= '&sectionid=' . $_POST['sectionid']; } if (is_numeric($_POST['year'])) { $url .= '&year=' . $_POST['year']; } if (is_numeric($_POST['month'])) { $url .= '&year=' . $_POST['day']; } if (is_numeric($_POST['day'])) { $url .= '&year=' . $_POST['day']; } $bBlog->assign('results', TRUE); $bBlog->assign('feedurl', $url); } $sections = $bBlog->get_sections(); $sectionlist = ''; foreach ($sections as $section) { $sectionlist .= "<option value='{$section->sectionid}'>{$section->nicename}</option>"; } $bBlog->assign('sectionlist', $sectionlist); }
/** * * * @param unknown $params * @param unknown $bBlog (reference) * @return unknown */ function smarty_function_getsections($params, &$bBlog) { if (!T_SECTIONS) { die("Some problem around the definition of T_SECTION"); } // Temporary bugtrap to see if i'm right. (lordwo) // Default values if (!isset($params['limit'])) { $params['limit'] = 'both'; } if (isset($params['separator'])) { $params['after'] = $params['separator']; $params['before'] = ''; } // Retrieving data $bBlog->get_sections(); // Generating links $i = 0; foreach ($bBlog->sections as $row) { if ($params['limit'] == 'both') { $print = TRUE; } elseif ($params['limit'] == 'content' && $row->content != '') { $print = TRUE; } elseif ($params['limit'] == 'blog' && $row->content == '') { $print = TRUE; } else { $print = FALSE; } if ($print == TRUE) { $i++; $returned_values .= $params['before'] . "<a href='?sectionid=" . $row->sectionid . "'>" . $row->nicename . "</a>" . $params['after']; } } // Return return $returned_values; }
/** * * * @param unknown $bBlog (reference) */ function admin_plugin_sections_run(&$bBlog) { // Again, the plugin API needs work. if (isset($_GET['sectdo'])) { $sectdo = $_GET['sectdo']; } elseif (isset($_POST['sectdo'])) { $sectdo = $_POST['sectdo']; } else { $sectdo = ''; } switch ($sectdo) { case 'new': // sections are being editied $bBlog->query("insert into " . T_SECTIONS . "\n\t\t\tset nicename='" . my_addslashes($_POST['nicename']) . "',\n\t\t\tname='" . my_addslashes($_POST['urlname']) . "'"); $insid = $bBlog->insert_id; $bBlog->get_sections(); // update the section cache break; case "Delete": // delete section // have to remove all references to the section in the posts $sect_id = $bBlog->sect_by_name[$_POST['sname']]; if ($sect_id > 0) { // $posts_in_section_q = $bBlog->make_post_query(array("sectionid" => $sect_id)); $posts_in_section = $bBlog->get_posts($posts_in_section_q, TRUE); if ($posts_in_section) { foreach ($posts_in_section as $post) { unset($tmpr); $tmpr = array(); $tmpsections = explode(":", $post->sections); foreach ($tmpsections as $tmpsection) { if ($tmpsection != $sect_id) { $tmpr[] = $tmpsection; } } $newsects = implode(":", $tmpr); // update the posts to remove the section $bBlog->query("update " . T_POSTS . " set sections='{$newsects}'\n \twhere postid='{$post->postid}'"); } // end foreach ($post_in_section as $post) } // end if($posts_in_section) // delete the section //$bBlog->get_results("delete from ".T_SECTIONS." where sectionid='$sect_id'"); $bBlog->query("delete from " . T_SECTIONS . " where sectionid='{$sect_id}'"); //echo "delete from ".T_SECTIONS." where sectionid='$sect_id'"; $bBlog->get_sections(); //$bBlog->debugging=TRUE; } // else show error // else show error case "Save": $sect_id = $bBlog->sect_by_name[$_POST['sname']]; if ($sect_id < 1) { break; } $bBlog->query("update " . T_SECTIONS . " set nicename='" . my_addslashes($_POST['nicename']) . "'\n where sectionid='{$sect_id}'"); $bBlog->get_sections(); // update section cache break; default: // show form break; } $bBlog->assign('esections', $bBlog->sections); }