コード例 #1
  * Do the output rendering.
  * As this is a generic view which can be called by
  * many different actions we need the actionConfId in
  * $viewData in order to read its special configuration,
  * including redirection options etc.
  * @param string $template
  * @param ArrayObject	$viewData
  * @param tx_rnbase_configurations	$configurations
  * @param tx_rnbase_util_FormatUtil	$formatter
  * @return mixed Ready rendered output or HTTP redirect
 public function createOutput($template, &$viewData, &$configurations, &$formatter)
     //View-Daten abholen
     $items = $viewData->offsetGet(self::VIEWDATA_ITEMS);
     $filter = $viewData->offsetGet(self::VIEWDATA_FILTER);
     $markerData = $viewData->offsetGet(self::VIEWDATA_MARKER);
     $confId = $this->getController()->getConfId();
     $markerArray = $formatter->getItemMarkerArrayWrapped($markerData, $confId . 'markers.');
     $subpartArray = array();
     $itemPath = $this->getItemPath($configurations, $confId);
     if ($filter && $filter->hideResult()) {
         $subpartArray['###' . strtoupper($itemPath) . 'S###'] = '';
         $items = array();
         $template = $filter->getMarker()->parseTemplate($template, $formatter, $confId . $itemPath . '.filter.', strtoupper($itemPath));
     } else {
         $markerClass = $this->getMarkerClass($configurations, $confId);
         //Liste generieren
         $listBuilder = tx_rnbase::makeInstance('tx_rnbase_util_ListBuilder');
         $template = $listBuilder->render($items, $viewData, $template, $markerClass, $confId . $itemPath . '.', strtoupper($itemPath), $formatter);
     $template = tx_rnbase_util_Templates::substituteMarkerArrayCached($template, $markerArray, $subpartArray);
     //, $wrappedSubpartArray);
     return $template;
コード例 #2
  * Links vorbereiten
  * @param Tx_Rnbase_Domain_Model_DataInterface $item
  * @param string $marker
  * @param array $markerArray
  * @param array $wrappedSubpartArray
  * @param string $confId
  * @param tx_rnbase_util_FormatUtil $formatter
 protected function prepareLinks($item, $marker, &$markerArray, &$subpartArray, &$wrappedSubpartArray, $confId, $formatter, $template)
     $configurations = $formatter->getConfigurations();
     $pluginData = $configurations->getCObj()->data;
     $configurations->getCObj()->data = $item->getProperty();
     $linkIds = $configurations->getKeyNames($confId . 'links.');
     for ($i = 0, $cnt = count($linkIds); $i < $cnt; $i++) {
         $linkId = $linkIds[$i];
         // Check if link is defined in template
         if (!self::checkLinkExistence($linkId, $marker, $template)) {
         $linkConfId = $confId . 'links.' . $linkId;
         // Die Parameter erzeugen
         $params = array();
         $paramMap = (array) $configurations->get($linkConfId . '._cfg.params.');
         foreach ($paramMap as $paramName => $colName) {
             if (is_scalar($colName) && array_key_exists($colName, $item->getProperty())) {
                 $params[$paramName] = $item->getProperty($colName);
             } elseif (is_array($colName)) {
                 $paramName = substr($paramName, 0, strlen($paramName) - 1);
                 $params[$paramName] = $this->createParam($paramName, $colName, $item);
         // check for charbrowser config and add the parameter
         if ($configurations->getBool($linkConfId . '._cfg.charbrowser')) {
             $cbId = $configurations->get($linkConfId . '._cfg.charbrowser.cbid');
             $cbId = empty($cbId) ? 'charpointer' : $cbId;
             $cbColname = $configurations->get($linkConfId . '._cfg.charbrowser.colname');
             $cbColname = empty($cbColname) ? 'uid' : $cbColname;
             $params[$cbId] = strtoupper(substr((string) $item->getProperty($cbColname), 0, 1));
         // @TODO: that only works on Tx_Rnbase_Domain_Model_DomainInterface!
         if ($configurations->getBool($linkConfId . '.skipPersistedCheck') || $item->isPersisted()) {
             $this->initLink($markerArray, $subpartArray, $wrappedSubpartArray, $formatter, $confId, $linkId, $marker, $params, $template);
         } else {
             $linkMarker = $marker . '_' . strtoupper($linkId) . 'LINK';
             $remove = intval($configurations->get($linkConfId . '.removeIfDisabled'));
             $this->disableLink($markerArray, $subpartArray, $wrappedSubpartArray, $linkMarker, $remove > 0);
     $configurations->getCObj()->data = $pluginData;
コード例 #3
  * Call services for single markers
  * @param string $template
  * @param array $markerArray
  * @param array $params
  * @param tx_rnbase_util_FormatUtil $formatter
 protected static function callModuleMarkers($template, &$markerArray, &$params, $formatter)
     preg_match_all('!\\<\\!--[a-zA-Z0-9 ]*###([A-Z0-9_\\-|]*)\\###[a-zA-Z0-9 ]*-->!is', $template, $match);
     $allMarkers = array_unique($match[1]);
     preg_match_all('!\\###([A-Z0-9_\\-|]*)\\###!is', $template, $match);
     $allSingleMarkers = array_unique($match[1]);
     $allSingleMarkers = array_diff($allSingleMarkers, $allMarkers);
     $suffixesToTry = self::getSuffixesToTry($formatter->getConfigurations());
     foreach ($allSingleMarkers as $marker) {
         if (preg_match('/MARKERMODULE__([A-Z0-9_\\-])*/', $marker)) {
             $module = tx_rnbase::makeInstanceService('markermodule', substr($marker, 14));
             if (is_object($module)) {
                 $subTemplate = tx_rnbase_util_Templates::getSubpart($template, '###' . $marker . '###');
                 $value = $module->getMarkerValue($params, $formatter);
                 if ($value !== FALSE) {
                     $markerArray['###' . $marker . '###'] = $value;
         } elseif (preg_match('/LABEL_.*/', $marker)) {
             $markerArray['###' . $marker . '###'] = '';
             // remove marker per default
             foreach ($suffixesToTry as $suffix) {
                 $completeKey = $marker . $suffix;
                 // Hier kommt immer ein leerer String zurück, weil T3 keinen Alternativ-String unterstützt
                 $translation = $formatter->getConfigurations()->getLL(strtolower($completeKey));
                 if ($translation !== '') {
                     $markerArray['###' . $marker . '###'] = $translation;
コード例 #4
  * Icon für den Typ hinzufügen
  * @param 	string 							$template
  * @param 	tx_mklib_model_Dam 				$item
  * @param 	tx_rnbase_util_FormatUtil 		$formatter
  * @param 	string 							$confId
  * @param 	string 							$marker
  * @return 	string
 private function addIcon($template, &$item, &$formatter, $confId, $marker)
     if (!$this->containsMarker($template, $marker . '_ICON')) {
         return $template;
     $item->record['icon'] = '';
     return $template;
     //@TODO: implement if needet
     	icon = IMAGE
     	icon {
     		### welches feld soll für das mapping genutzt werden? (file_mime_type, file_mime_subtype, file_type )
     		field = file_type
     		fileext = gif
     		## wenn kein mapping zutrifft
     		default = unknown
     		### mapping der Felder
     		###		wenn im field docx und in fileext gif steht wird doc.gif ausgegeben
     		### 	ACHTUNG: in der kommaseparierten liste dürfen keine leerzeichen sein!
     		### 				doc, docx wäre falsch und würde nicht funktionieren.
     		mapping {
     			doc = doc,docx
     			jpg = jpg,jpeg
     			dwg = dwg
     			dxf = dxf
     			pdf = pdf
     			tiff = tiff
     			xls = xls
     			zip = zip
     			video =
     	icon.file {
     		import = EXT:mkdownloads/res/fileicons/
     		import.field = icon
     $configuration = $formatter->getConfigurations();
     $field = $configuration->get($confId . 'icon.field');
     $field = $field ? $field : 'fiel_type';
     $mapping = $configuration->get($confId . 'icon.mapping');
     $type = $item->record[$field];
     $default = $configuration->get($confId . 'icon.default');
     $default = $default ? $default : $type;
     $fileExt = $configuration->get($confId . 'icon.fileext');
     $fileExt = $fileExt ? $fileExt : 'gif';
     $icon = $default . '.' . $fileExt;
     if (is_array($mapping)) {
         foreach ($mapping as $key => $value) {
             if (t3lib_div::inList($value, $type)) {
                 $icon = $key . '.' . $fileExt;
     $item->record['icon'] = $icon;
コード例 #5
  * @param string $template HTML template
  * @param array $markerArray
  * @param array $subpartArray
  * @param array $wrappedSubpartArray
  * @param tx_rnbase_util_FormatUtil $formatter
  * @param string $confId
  * @param string $marker
  * @return void
 private function insertMarkersForSorting($template, &$markerArray, &$subpartArray, &$wrappedSubpartArray, &$formatter, $confId)
     $confId = $this->getConfId() . $this->sortConfId;
     $configurations = $formatter->getConfigurations();
     $sortFields = $this->getAllowedSortFields();
     if (!empty($sortFields)) {
         $token = md5(microtime());
         $markOrders = array();
         foreach ($sortFields as $field) {
             $isField = $field == $this->getSortBy();
             // sortOrder ausgeben
             $markOrders[$field . '_order'] = $isField ? $this->getSortOrder() : '';
             $fieldMarker = $this->markerPrefix . '_' . strtoupper($field) . '_LINK';
             $makeLink = tx_rnbase_util_BaseMarker::containsMarker($template, $fieldMarker);
             $makeUrl = tx_rnbase_util_BaseMarker::containsMarker($template, $fieldMarker . 'URL');
             // link generieren
             if ($makeLink || $makeUrl) {
                 // sortierungslinks ausgeben
                 $params = array('sortBy' => $field, 'sortOrder' => $isField && $this->getSortOrder() == 'asc' ? 'desc' : 'asc');
                 $link = $configurations->createLink();
                 $link->initByTS($configurations, $confId . $this->sortLinkConfId, $params);
                 if ($makeLink) {
                     $wrappedSubpartArray['###' . $fieldMarker . '###'] = explode($token, $link->makeTag());
                 if ($makeUrl) {
                     $markerArray['###' . $fieldMarker . 'URL###'] = $link->makeUrl(false);
         // die sortOrders parsen
         $markOrders = $formatter->getItemMarkerArrayWrapped($markOrders, $confId, 0, $this->markerPrefix . '_', array_keys($markOrders));
         $markerArray = array_merge($markerArray, $markOrders);
コード例 #6
  * Render an array of data entries with an html template. The html template should look like this:
  * ###DATAS###
  * ###DATA###
  * ###DATA_UID###
  * ###DATA###
  * Shown if list is empty
  * ###DATAS###
  * We have some conventions here:
  * The given parameter $marker should be named 'DATA' for this example. The the list subpart
  * is experted to be named '###'.$marker.'S###'. Please notice the trailing S!
  * If you want to render a pagebrowser add it to the $viewData with key 'pagebrowser'.
  * A filter will be detected and rendered too. It should be available in $viewData with key 'filter'.
  * @param array|Traversable $dataArr entries
  * @param string $template
  * @param string $markerClassname item-marker class
  * @param string $confId ts-Config for data entries like team.
  * @param string $marker name of marker like TEAM
  * @param tx_rnbase_util_FormatUtil $formatter
  * @param array $markerParams array of settings for itemmarker
  * @return string
 function render(&$dataArr, $viewData, $template, $markerClassname, $confId, $marker, $formatter, $markerParams = NULL)
     $viewData = is_object($viewData) ? $viewData : new ArrayObject();
     $debugKey = $formatter->getConfigurations()->get($confId . '_debuglb');
     $debug = $debugKey && ($debugKey === '1' || $_GET['debug'] && array_key_exists($debugKey, array_flip(tx_rnbase_util_Strings::trimExplode(',', $_GET['debug']))) || $_POST['debug'] && array_key_exists($debugKey, array_flip(tx_rnbase_util_Strings::trimExplode(',', $_POST['debug']))));
     if ($debug) {
         $time = microtime(TRUE);
         $mem = memory_get_usage();
         $wrapTime = tx_rnbase_util_FormatUtil::$time;
         $wrapMem = tx_rnbase_util_FormatUtil::$mem;
     $outerMarker = $this->getOuterMarker($marker, $template);
     $htmlParser = tx_rnbase_util_Typo3Classes::getHtmlParserClass();
     while ($templateList = $htmlParser::getSubpart($template, '###' . $outerMarker . 'S###')) {
         if ((is_array($dataArr) || $dataArr instanceof Traversable) && count($dataArr)) {
             /* @var $listMarker tx_rnbase_util_ListMarker */
             $listMarker = tx_rnbase::makeInstance('tx_rnbase_util_ListMarker', $this->info->getListMarkerInfo());
             $templateEntry = $htmlParser::getSubpart($templateList, '###' . $marker . '###');
             $offset = 0;
             $pageBrowser = $viewData->offsetGet('pagebrowser');
             if ($pageBrowser) {
                 $state = $pageBrowser->getState();
                 $offset = $state['offset'];
             $markerArray = $subpartArray = array();
             $out = $listMarker->render($dataArr, $templateEntry, $markerClassname, $confId, $marker, $formatter, $markerParams, $offset);
             $subpartArray['###' . $marker . '###'] = $out;
             $subpartArray['###' . $marker . 'EMPTYLIST###'] = '';
             // Das Menu für den PageBrowser einsetzen
             if ($pageBrowser) {
                 $subpartArray['###PAGEBROWSER###'] = tx_rnbase_util_BaseMarker::fillPageBrowser($htmlParser::getSubpart($template, '###PAGEBROWSER###'), $pageBrowser, $formatter, $confId . 'pagebrowser.');
                 $listSize = $pageBrowser->getListSize();
             } else {
                 $listSize = count($dataArr);
             $markerArray['###' . $marker . 'COUNT###'] = $formatter->wrap($listSize, $confId . 'count.');
             // charbrowser
             $pagerData = $viewData->offsetGet('pagerData');
             $charPointer = $viewData->offsetGet('charpointer');
             $subpartArray['###CHARBROWSER###'] = tx_rnbase_util_BaseMarker::fillCharBrowser(tx_rnbase_util_Templates::getSubpart($template, '###CHARBROWSER###'), $markerArray, $pagerData, $charPointer, $formatter->getConfigurations(), $confId . 'charbrowser.');
             $out = tx_rnbase_util_BaseMarker::substituteMarkerArrayCached($templateList, $markerArray, $subpartArray);
         } else {
             // Support für EMPTYLIST-Block
             if (tx_rnbase_util_BaseMarker::containsMarker($template, $marker . 'EMPTYLIST')) {
                 $out = $htmlParser::getSubpart($template, '###' . $marker . 'EMPTYLIST###');
             } else {
                 $out = $this->info->getEmptyListMessage($confId, $viewData, $formatter->getConfigurations());
         $template = tx_rnbase_util_Templates::substituteSubpart($template, '###' . $outerMarker . 'S###', $out, 0);
     $markerArray = array();
     $subpartArray = array();
     // Muss ein Formular mit angezeigt werden
     // Zuerst auf einen Filter prüfen
     $filter = $viewData->offsetGet('filter');
     if ($filter) {
         $template = $filter->getMarker()->parseTemplate($template, $formatter, $confId . 'filter.', $marker);
     // Jetzt noch die alte Variante
     $markerArray['###SEARCHFORM###'] = '';
     $seachform = $viewData->offsetGet('searchform');
     if ($seachform) {
         $markerArray['###SEARCHFORM###'] = $seachform;
     $out = tx_rnbase_util_BaseMarker::substituteMarkerArrayCached($template, $markerArray, $subpartArray);
     if ($debug) {
         $wrapTime = tx_rnbase_util_FormatUtil::$time - $wrapTime;
         $wrapMem = tx_rnbase_util_FormatUtil::$mem - $wrapMem;
         tx_rnbase_util_Debug::debug(array('Rows' => count($dataArr), 'Execustion time' => microtime(TRUE) - $time, 'WrapTime' => $wrapTime, 'WrapMem' => $wrapMem, 'Memory start' => $mem, 'Memory consumed' => memory_get_usage() - $mem), 'ListBuilder Statistics for: ' . $confId . ' Key: ' . $debugKey);
     return $out;
コード例 #7
  * Füllt ein MarkerArray mit den Datens einer DAM-Mediadatei
  * @param tx_dam_media $media : Die DAM-Datei
  * @param string $confId : Configuration to wrap data
  * @param string $mediaMarker : The marker to store the image or media. Additional data will be stored to $mediaMarker.'_'...
 function getItemMarkerArray4DAM(&$media, $confId, $mediaMarker)
     $conf = $this->configurations->get($confId);
     // Alle Metadaten auslesen und wrappen
     $meta = array();
     while (list($colname, $value) = each($media->meta)) {
         $meta[$colname] = $this->stdWrap($value, $conf[$colname . '.']);
     $markerArray = tx_rnbase_util_FormatUtil::getItemMarkerArray($meta, array('l18n_diffsource'), $mediaMarker . '_', tx_rnbase_util_FormatUtil::getDAMColumns());
     // Jetzt die eigentliche Datei einbinden
     $filePath = $media->getMeta('file_path') . $media->getMeta('file_name');
     if ($media->meta['media_type'] == TXDAM_mtype_image) {
         $markerArray['###' . $mediaMarker . '_IMGTAG###'] = $this->getDAMImage($filePath, $confId);
     return $markerArray;