/** * Run langpack update */ public function execute() { $controller = new \tool_langimport\controller(); if ($controller->update_all_installed_languages()) { foreach ($controller->info as $message) { mtrace($message); } return true; } else { foreach ($controller->errors as $message) { mtrace($message); } return false; } }
/** * Run langpack update */ public function execute() { global $CFG; if (!empty($CFG->skiplangupgrade)) { mtrace('Langpack update skipped. ($CFG->skiplangupgrade set)'); return; } $controller = new \tool_langimport\controller(); if ($controller->update_all_installed_languages()) { foreach ($controller->info as $message) { mtrace($message); } return true; } else { foreach ($controller->errors as $message) { mtrace($message); } return false; } }
require_sesskey(); get_string_manager()->reset_caches(); redirect($PAGE->url); } if (!empty($CFG->skiplangupgrade)) { echo $OUTPUT->header(); echo $OUTPUT->box(get_string('langimportdisabled', 'tool_langimport')); echo $OUTPUT->single_button(new moodle_url($PAGE->url, array('purgecaches' => 1)), get_string('purgestringcaches', 'tool_langimport')); echo $OUTPUT->footer(); die; } define('INSTALLATION_OF_SELECTED_LANG', 2); define('DELETION_OF_SELECTED_LANG', 4); define('UPDATE_ALL_LANG', 5); get_string_manager()->reset_caches(); $controller = new tool_langimport\controller(); if ($mode == INSTALLATION_OF_SELECTED_LANG and confirm_sesskey() and !empty($pack)) { core_php_time_limit::raise(); $controller->install_languagepacks($pack); } if ($mode == DELETION_OF_SELECTED_LANG and (!empty($uninstalllang) or !empty($confirmtounistall))) { // Actually deleting languages, languages to delete are passed as GET parameter as string // ...need to populate them to array. if (empty($uninstalllang)) { $uninstalllang = explode('-', $confirmtounistall); } if (in_array('en', $uninstalllang)) { // TODO. $controller->errors[] = get_string('noenglishuninstall', 'tool_langimport'); } else { if (empty($confirmtounistall) and confirm_sesskey()) {