public static function frontend_css() { if (!self::is_page()) { return false; } wp_enqueue_style(__CLASS__, theme_features::get_theme_addons_css(__DIR__), 'frontend', theme_file_timestamp::get_timestamp()); }
/** * CSS */ public static function frontend_enqueue_css() { $css = ['frontend' => ['deps' => ['awesome'], 'url' => theme_features::get_theme_css('frontend/frontend')], 'awesome' => ['deps' => [], 'url' => '', 'version' => null]]; foreach ($css as $k => $v) { wp_enqueue_style($k, $v['url'], isset($v['deps']) ? $v['deps'] : [], self::get_version($v)); } }
public static function frontend_seajs_alias(array $alias = []) { $datas = apply_filters('js_cache_request', []); $datas['action'] = self::$iden; $alias[self::$iden] = theme_features::get_process_url($datas); return $alias; }
public static function frontend_seajs_alias(array $alias = []) { if (self::is_enabled() && theme_cache::is_singular()) { $alias[self::$iden] = theme_features::get_theme_addons_js(__DIR__); } return $alias; }
/** * frontend css */ public static function frontend_enqueue_css() { $frontend_css = theme_cache::is_user_logged_in() ? 'frontend-logged' : 'frontend'; $css = ['frontend' => ['deps' => ['awesome'], 'url' => theme_features::get_theme_css($frontend_css)], 'awesome' => ['deps' => [], 'url' => '//', 'version' => null]]; foreach ($css as $k => $v) { wp_enqueue_style($k, $v['url'], isset($v['deps']) ? $v['deps'] : [], self::get_version($v)); } }
public static function display($args = []) { global $post; $opt = self::get_options(); $img_url = theme_features::get_thumbnail_src($post->ID); $defaults = array('post_title_text' => theme_cache::get_the_title($post->ID), 'post_url' => theme_cache::get_permalink($post->ID), 'blog_name' => theme_cache::get_bloginfo('name'), 'blog_url' => theme_cache::home_url(), 'img_url' => esc_url($img_url), 'post_excerpt' => esc_attr(mb_substr(html_minify(strip_tags(get_the_excerpt())), 0, 120)), 'post_content' => esc_attr(mb_substr(html_minify(strip_tags(get_the_content())), 0, 120)), 'author' => theme_cache::get_the_author_meta('display_name', $post->post_author)); $output_keywords = array_merge($defaults, $args); $tpl_keywords = array('%post_title_text%', '%post_url%', '%blog_name%', '%blog_url%', '%img_url%', '%post_excerpt%', '%post_content%', '%author%'); $post_share_code = stripslashes(str_ireplace($tpl_keywords, $output_keywords, $opt['code'])); echo $post_share_code; }
public static function init() { $default_headers = []; $img_names = array('banner-01.png'); $args = array('default-text-color' => 'fff', 'default-image' => theme_features::get_theme_addons_image(__DIR__, $img_names[0]), 'wp-head-callback' => __CLASS__ . '::header_style', 'admin-head-callback' => __CLASS__ . '::admin_header_style', 'admin-preview-callback' => __CLASS__ . '::admin_header_image', 'random-default' => true); foreach ($img_names as $img_name) { $basename = explode('.', $img_name); $default_headers[$img_name] = array('url' => theme_features::get_theme_addons_image(__DIR__, $img_name), 'thumbnail_url' => theme_features::get_theme_addons_image(__DIR__, $basename[0] . '-thumbnail.' . $basename[1])); } add_theme_support('custom-header', $args); register_default_headers($default_headers); }
function admin_enqueues($hook_suffix) { if ($hook_suffix != $this->menu_id) { return; } // WordPress 3.1 vs older version compatibility if (wp_script_is('jquery-ui-widget', 'registered')) { wp_enqueue_script('jquery-ui-progressbar', theme_features::get_theme_addons_js(__FILE__, 'jquery-ui/jquery.ui.progressbar.min'), array('jquery-ui-core', 'jquery-ui-widget'), '1.8.6'); } else { wp_enqueue_script('jquery-ui-progressbar', theme_features::get_theme_addons_js(__DIR__, 'jquery-ui/jquery.ui.progressbar.min.1.7.2'), array('jquery-ui-core'), '1.7.2'); } wp_enqueue_style('jquery-ui-regenthumbs', theme_features::get_theme_addons_css(__DIR__, 'jquery-ui-1.7.2.custom'), [], '1.7.2'); }
public static function display_backend() { ?> <fieldset> <legend><?php echo ___('File timestamp'); ?> </legend> <p class="description"><?php echo ___('All theme js, css and images static files are output with timestamp, you can refresh these files after theme updates or when you want.'); ?> </p> <table class="form-table"> <tbody> <tr> <th><?php echo ___('Control'); ?> </th> <td> <?php if (isset($_GET[self::$iden])) { echo status_tip('success', ___('The file timestamp has been refresh.')); } ?> <a href="<?php echo esc_url(theme_features::get_process_url(['action' => self::$iden])); ?> " class="button button-primary"><?php echo ___('Refresh now'); ?> </a> <span class="description"><i class="fa fa-warning"></i> <?php echo ___('Save your settings before click'); ?> </span> <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo self::$iden; ?> " value="<?php echo self::get_timestamp(); ?> "> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </fieldset> <?php }
public static function frontend_js_config(array $config) { if (!self::is_enabled()) { return $config; } global $post, $page, $numpages; if ($page < 1) { $page = 1; } if ($page > $numpages) { $page = $numpages; } $config[__CLASS__] = ['process_url' => theme_features::get_process_url(['action' => __CLASS__, 'post-id' => $post->ID]), 'post_id' => $post->ID, 'numpages' => $numpages, 'page' => $page, 'url_tpl' => theme_features::get_link_page_url(9999), 'lang' => ['M02' => ___('Content loaded.'), 'M03' => ___('Already first page.'), 'M04' => ___('Already last page.'), 'E01' => ___('Sorry, server is busy now, can not respond your request, please try again later.')]]; return $config; }
public static function get_count($key, $user_id) { $cache_id = 'user-count-' . $user_id; $caches = (array) wp_cache_get($cache_id); switch ($key) { case 'works': if (!isset($caches['works'])) { $caches['works'] = (int) count_user_posts($user_id); wp_cache_set($cache_id, $caches, null, self::$cache_expire); } return $caches['works']; case 'comments': if (!isset($caches['comments'])) { $caches['comments'] = (int) theme_features::get_user_comments_count($user_id); wp_cache_set($cache_id, $caches, null, self::$cache_expire); } return $caches['comments']; case 'followers_count': return (int) get_user_meta($user_id, self::$user_meta_key['followers_count'], true); case 'following_count': return (int) get_user_meta($user_id, self::$user_meta_key['following_count'], true); } }
public static function frontend_js_config(array $config) { if (!self::is_page()) { return $config; } $config[__CLASS__] = ['process_url' => theme_features::get_process_url(array('action' => __CLASS__)), 'lang' => ['M01' => ___('Target locking...'), 'M02' => ___('Bombing, please wait...')]]; return $config; }
/** * show the options settings for admin theme setting page. * * @return string html string for options * @version 3.2.0 * */ public static function display_backend() { ?> <div class="wrap"> <?php if (isset($_GET['updated'])) { ?> <div id="settings-updated"> <?php echo status_tip('success', ___('Your settings were saved successfully.')); ?> </div> <?php } ?> <form id="backend-options-frm" method="post" action="<?php echo theme_features::get_process_url(['action' => __CLASS__]); ?> "> <div class="backend-tab-loading"><?php echo status_tip('loading', ___('Loading your settings, please wait...')); ?> </div> <div id="backend-tab" class="backend-tab"> <nav class="tab-header"> <a href="<?php echo theme_functions::theme_meta_translate()['theme_url']; ?> " target="_blank" title="<?php echo ___('Visit the official of theme'); ?> " class="tab-title"> <?php echo theme_functions::theme_meta_translate()['name']; ?> </a> <span class="tab-item" title="<?php echo ___('The theme common basic settings.'); ?> "> <i class="fa fa-fw fa-cog"></i> <span class="tx"><?php echo ___('Basic settings'); ?> </span> </span><!-- basic settings --> <span class="tab-item" title="<?php echo ___('You can customize the theme in this label.'); ?> "> <i class="fa fa-fw fa-paint-brush"></i> <span class="tx"><?php echo ___('Page settings'); ?> </span> </span><!-- page settings --> <span class="tab-item" title="<?php echo ___('If the theme there are some problems, you can try to use these settings.'); ?> "> <i class="fa fa-fw fa-cogs"></i> <span class="tx"><?php echo ___('Advanced settings'); ?> </span> </span><!-- advanced settings --> <span class="tab-item" title="<?php echo ___('This settings is for developer, if you want to debug code, you can try this.'); ?> "> <i class="fa fa-fw fa-code"></i> <span class="tx"><?php echo ___('Developer settings'); ?> </span> </span><!-- developer mode --> <span class="tab-item" title="<?php echo ___('If you in trouble, maybe this label can help you.'); ?> "> <i class="fa fa-fw fa-question-circle"></i> <span class="tx"><?php echo ___('About & help'); ?> </span> </span><!-- about and help --> </nav> <div class="tab-body"> <div class="tab-item"> <?php do_action('base_settings'); ?> </div><!-- BASE SETTINGS --> <div class="tab-item"> <?php do_action('page_settings'); ?> </div><!-- PAGE SETTINGS --> <div class="tab-item"> <?php do_action('advanced_settings'); ?> </div><!-- ADVANCED SETTINGS --> <div class="tab-item"> <?php do_action('dev_settings'); ?> </div><!-- DEVELOPER SETTINGS --> <div class="tab-item"> <?php do_action('help_settings'); ?> </div><!-- ABOUT and HELP --> </div><!-- tab-content --> </div><!-- backend-tab --> <p> <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo __CLASS__; ?> [nonce]" value="<?php echo wp_create_nonce(__CLASS__); ?> "> <button id="submit" type="submit" class="button button-primary button-large"><i class="fa fa-check"></i> <span class="tx"><?php echo ___('Save all settings'); ?> </span></button> <label for="options-restore" class="label-options-restore" title="<?php echo ___('Something error with theme? Try to restore. Be careful, theme options will be cleared up!'); ?> "> <input id="options-restore" name="<?php echo __CLASS__; ?> [restore]" type="checkbox" value="1"/> <?php echo ___('Restore to theme default options'); ?> <i class="fa fa-question-circle"></i> </label> </p> </form> </div> <?php }
public static function display_backend() { $options = self::get_options(); $url = isset($options['url']) ? stripslashes($options['url']) : null; ?> <!-- maintenance_mode --> <fieldset> <legend><i class="fa fa-fw fa-wrench"></i> <?php echo ___('Maintenance Mode'); ?> </legend> <p class="description"><?php echo ___('If your site needs to test privately, maybe fill a URL in the redirect area that the the visitors will see the redirect page but yourself, otherwise left blank.'); ?> </p> <p class="description"><strong><?php echo ___('Attention: if theme has frontend log-in page, please DO NOT use maintenance mode, or you can not log-in to background.'); ?> </strong></p> <table class="form-table"> <tbody> <tr> <th scope="row"><label for="<?php echo self::$iden; ?> -url"><?php echo ___('Redirect URL (include http://):'); ?> </label></th> <td> <input type="url" id="<?php echo self::$iden; ?> -url" name="<?php echo self::$iden; ?> [url]" class="widefat" value="<?php echo $url; ?> "/> <p class="description"> <?php echo ___('Optional template URL: '); ?> <input type="url" class="widfat text-select" value="<?php echo theme_features::get_process_url(array('action' => self::$iden)); ?> " readonly /> </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </fieldset> <?php }
*/ public static function get_comment_pages_count($comments) { static $count = null; if ($count === null) { $count = get_comment_pages_count($comments, theme_cache::get_option('comments_per_page'), theme_cache::get_option('thread_comments')); } return $count; } /** * Get all cat ID by children cat id * * @param int $cat_id Current children cat id * @param array &$all_cat_id All cats id * @return * @version 1.0.0 */ public static function get_all_cats_by_child($cat_id, array &$all_cat_id) { $cat = theme_cache::get_category($cat_id); if (!$cat) { return false; } $all_cat_id[] = $cat_id; if ($cat->parent != 0) { return self::get_all_cats_by_child(get_category($cat->parent)->term_id, $all_cat_id); } } } theme_features::init();
public static function template_include($template) { if (!self::is_enabled() || self::get_cat_id() <= 0) { return $template; } if (theme_cache::is_category() && theme_features::get_cat_root_id() == self::get_cat_id()) { return self::get_tpl_include('category'); } else { if (theme_cache::is_singular('post') && theme_features::get_cat_root_id() == self::get_cat_id()) { return self::get_tpl_include('post'); } } return $template; }
?> </h2> </div> <ul id="comment-list-<?php echo $post->ID; ?> " class="comment-list"> <li class="comment media comment-loading"> <div class="page-tip"><?php echo status_tip('loading', ___('Loading, please wait...')); ?> </div> </li> </ul> <?php if (theme_features::get_comment_pages_count($wp_query->comments) > 1) { ?> <div id="comment-pagination-container"></div> <?php } ?> <a href="#respond" class="btn btn-success btn-lg btn-block"><i class="fa fa-edit"></i> <?php echo ___('Write a comment'); ?> </a> </div><!-- /.comment-wrapper -->
public static function backend_css() { wp_register_style(__CLASS__ . '-backend', theme_features::get_theme_addons_css(__DIR__, 'backend'), false, theme_file_timestamp::get_timestamp()); wp_enqueue_style(__CLASS__ . '-backend'); }
public static function cache_request(array $output = []) { if (isset($_GET[self::$iden]) && is_array($_GET[self::$iden])) { $get = $_GET[self::$iden]; $post_id = isset($get['post-id']) && is_string($get['post-id']) ? (int) $get['post-id'] : null; $type = isset($get['type']) && is_string($get['type']) ? $get['type'] : null; switch ($type) { case 'get-comments': if (!$post_id) { return $output; } $post = theme_cache::get_post($post_id); $pages = theme_features::get_comment_pages_count(self::get_comments(['post_id' => $post->ID])); /** * cpage */ if (isset($get['capge']) && is_numeric($get['capge'])) { $cpage = (int) $get['capge']; } else { $cpage = theme_cache::get_option('default_comments_page') == 'newest' ? $pages : 1; } if (!theme_cache::is_user_logged_in()) { $commenter = wp_get_current_commenter(); $user_name = $commenter['comment_author']; $user_url = $commenter['comment_author_url']; $avatar_url = theme_cache::get_avatar_url($commenter['comment_author_email']); $user_email = $commenter['comment_author_email']; } else { global $current_user; get_currentuserinfo(); $user_name = $current_user->display_name; $user_url = theme_cache::get_author_posts_url($current_user->ID); $avatar_url = theme_cache::get_avatar_url($current_user->ID); } $output[self::$iden] = ['comments' => self::get_comments_list($post_id, $cpage), 'count' => $post ? $post->comment_count : 0, 'pages' => $pages, 'cpage' => $cpage, 'logged' => theme_cache::is_user_logged_in(), 'registration' => theme_cache::get_option('comment_registration'), 'user-name' => esc_html($user_name), 'user-url' => esc_url($user_url), 'avatar-url' => $avatar_url]; if (isset($user_email)) { $output[self::$iden]['user-email'] = $user_email; } break; } } return $output; }
/** * process */ public static function process() { if (!theme_cache::current_user_can('manage_options')) { return false; } @ini_set('max_input_nesting_level', '10000'); @ini_set('max_execution_time', 0); remove_dir(theme_features::get_stylesheet_directory() . theme_features::$basedir_js_min); theme_features::minify_force(theme_features::get_stylesheet_directory() . theme_features::$basedir_js_src); remove_dir(theme_features::get_stylesheet_directory() . theme_features::$basedir_css_min); theme_features::minify_force(theme_features::get_stylesheet_directory() . theme_features::$basedir_css_src); theme_features::minify_force(theme_features::get_stylesheet_directory() . theme_features::$basedir_addons); theme_file_timestamp::set_timestamp(); wp_redirect(add_query_arg(__CLASS__, 1, theme_options::get_url())); die; }
echo (int) $author_posts_count !== 0 ? $author_posts_count : '-'; ?> </a></td> </tr> <tr> <th><?php echo ___('Comments'); ?> </th> <td> <a href="<?php echo theme_custom_author_profile::get_tabs('comments', $author)['url']; ?> "> <?php $count_comments = theme_features::get_user_comments_count($author); echo (int) $count_comments != 0 ? $count_comments : '-'; ?> </a> </td> </tr> <?php if (class_exists('theme_custom_point')) { ?> <tr> <th><?php echo theme_custom_point::get_point_name(); ?> </th> <td> <?php
public static function backend_js_config(array $config) { $config[__CLASS__] = ['process_url' => theme_features::get_process_url(['action' => __CLASS__, 'type' => 'test'])]; return $config; }
public static function js() { ?> seajs.use('<?php echo theme_features::get_theme_addons_js(__DIR__); ?> ',function(m){ /** alipay */ = '<?php echo esc_js(sprintf(___('Donate to INN STUDIO (%s)'), theme_features::get_theme_info('name'))); ?> '; = '<?php echo esc_js(___('Message for INN STUDIO:')); ?> '; /** paypal */ m.paypal.config.lang.M00001 = '<?php echo esc_js(sprintf(___('Donate to INN STUDIO (%s)'), theme_features::get_theme_info('name'))); ?> '; m.init(); }); <?php }
public static function frontend_enqueue_scripts() { $data = apply_filters('dynamic_request', []); $data['action'] = __CLASS__; wp_enqueue_script(__CLASS__, theme_features::get_process_url($data), [], theme_file_timestamp::get_timestamp(), true); }
public static function frontend_css() { if (!self::is_page()) { return false; } $tabs = self::get_tabs(); $tab_active = get_query_var('tab'); switch ($tab_active) { case 'avatar': wp_enqueue_style(__CLASS__ . '-' . $tab_active, theme_features::get_theme_addons_css(__DIR__, $tab_active), 'frontend', theme_file_timestamp::get_timestamp()); wp_enqueue_style(__CLASS__ . '-cropper', theme_features::get_theme_addons_css(__DIR__, 'cropper'), 'frontend', theme_file_timestamp::get_timestamp()); break; } }
public static function frontend_seajs_alias(array $alias = []) { if (!theme_cache::is_singular('post')) { return $alias; } $alias[__CLASS__] = theme_features::get_theme_addons_js(__DIR__); return $alias; }
/** * get_page_pagenavi * * * @return * @version 1.0.0 * */ public static function get_page_pagenavi() { // var_dump( theme_features::get_pagination()); global $page, $numpages; $output = null; if ($numpages < 2) { return; } if ($page < $numpages) { $next_page = $page + 1; $output = '<a href="' . theme_features::get_link_page_url($next_page) . '" class="next_page">' . ___('Next page') . '</a>'; } else { $prev_page = $page - 1; $output = '<a href="' . theme_features::get_link_page_url($prev_page) . '" class="prev_page">' . ___('Previous page') . '</a>'; } $output = $output ? '<div class="singular_page">' . $output . '</div>' : null; $args = array('range' => 3); $output .= theme_features::get_pagination($args); return $output; }
public static function frontend_css() { if (!theme_cache::is_singular('post') || !self::is_enabled()) { return false; } wp_enqueue_style(__CLASS__, theme_features::get_theme_addons_css(__DIR__), 'frontend', theme_file_timestamp::get_timestamp()); }
public static function frontend_seajs_alias(array $alias = []) { if (self::can_show()) { $alias[__CLASS__] = theme_features::get_theme_addons_js(__DIR__); } return $alias; }
public static function frontend_js_config(array $config) { if (!theme_cache::is_singular('post')) { return $config; } $config[__CLASS__] = ['process_url' => theme_features::get_process_url(['action' => __CLASS__, 'type' => 'incr'])]; return $config; }