コード例 #1
ファイル: websites.php プロジェクト: NavigateCMS/Navigate-CMS
function websites_form($item)
    global $user;
    global $DB;
    global $layout;
    global $events;
    $navibars = new navibars();
    $naviforms = new naviforms();
    // we want to use media browser in this function
    $theme = new theme();
    if (!empty($item->theme)) {
    if (empty($item->id)) {
        $navibars->title(t(241, 'Websites') . ' / ' . t(38, 'Create'));
    } else {
        $navibars->title(t(241, 'Websites') . ' / ' . t(170, 'Edit') . ' [' . $item->id . ']');
    if ($user->permission('websites.edit') == 'true') {
        $navibars->add_actions(array('<a href="#" onclick="javascript: navigate_media_browser();" title="Ctrl+m">
					<img height="16" align="absmiddle" width="16" src="img/icons/silk/images.png"> ' . t(36, 'Media') . '</a>'));
        $extra_actions = array();
        $extra_actions[] = '<a href="#" action="navigate_reset_statistics" onclick="javascript: navigate_reset_statistics();"><img height="16" align="absmiddle" width="16" src="img/icons/silk/chart_line.png"> ' . t(429, 'Reset statistics') . '</a>';
            function navigate_reset_statistics()
                            "?fid=websites&act=reset_statistics&website=' . $item->id . '",
                    "<div>' . t(430, 'Do you really want to remove all statistics of this website?') . '</div>" 
        if (!empty($item->id)) {
            $extra_actions[] = '<a href="#" action="navigate_replace_urls" onclick="javascript: navigate_replace_urls();"><img height="16" align="absmiddle" width="16" src="img/icons/silk/database_refresh.png"> ' . t(603, 'Replace URLs') . '</a>';
            // try to find the OLD url for NAVIGATE_DOWNLOAD
            $old_url_guessed = "";
				SELECT text
				  FROM nv_webdictionary
				  WHERE node_type = "item"
				    AND website = ' . $item->id . '
				    AND text LIKE ' . protect("%navigate_download.php%") . '
			    LIMIT 1
            $rs = $DB->result('text');
            preg_match("/<img .*?(?=src)src=\"([^\"]+)\"/si", $rs[0], $old_url_guessed);
            $old_url_guessed = @$old_url_guessed[1];
            $old_url_guessed = substr($old_url_guessed, 0, strpos($old_url_guessed, NAVIGATE_FOLDER));
		        <div id="navigate_replace_urls_dialog" style="display: none;">
		            <div id="" class="navigate-form-row">
						<label>' . t(604, "Old") . '</label>
						<input type="text" style=" width: 300px;" id="replace_urls_old" name="replace_urls_old" value="' . $old_url_guessed . '/" />
					<div id="" class="navigate-form-row">
						<label>' . t(605, "New") . '</label>
						<input type="text" style=" width: 300px;" id="replace_urls_new" name="replace_urls_new" value="' . NAVIGATE_PARENT . '/" />
					<div class="navigate-form-row">
						<div class="subcomment">' . t(523, "This action can NOT be undone.") . '</div>
	            function navigate_replace_urls()
	                        resizable: true,
	                        height: 180,
	                        width: 520,
	                        modal: true,
	                        title: "' . t(603, 'Replace URLs') . '",
	                        buttons: {
	                            "' . t(190, 'Ok') . '": function()
	                                        old: $("#replace_urls_old").val(),
	                                        new: $("#replace_urls_new").val(),
	                                        website: ' . $item->id . '
					                            navigate_notification("' . t(56, "Unexpected error.") . '");
					                            navigate_notification("' . t(53, "Data saved successfully") . '", false, "fa fa-check");
	                            "' . t(58, 'Cancel') . '": function()
            $extra_actions[] = '<a href="#" action="navigate_remove_website_data" onclick="javascript: navigate_remove_website_data();"><img height="16" align="absmiddle" width="16" src="img/icons/silk/cross.png"> ' . t(208, 'Remove all content') . '</a>';
            function navigate_remove_website_data()
                var confirmation = "<div>";
                confirmation += "<br /><div><strong>' . t(497, 'Do you really want to erase this data?') . '</strong> (' . t(16, "Structure") . ', ' . t(22, "Elements") . ', ' . t(23, "Blocks") . ', ' . t(250, "Comments") . '...)</div><br />";
                confirmation += "<form action=\\"?\\" onSubmit=\\"return false;\\"><div class=\\"navigate-form-row\\"><label>' . t(2, "Password") . '</label></div><input type=\\"password\\" id=\\"navigate_remove_website_data_password\\" style=\\"width: 90%;\\" /></form></div>";
                confirmation += "</div>";

                        resizable: true,
                        height: 250,
                        width: 400,
                        modal: true,
                        title: "' . t(59, 'Confirmation') . '",
                        buttons: {
                            "' . t(190, 'Ok') . '": function()

                                        website: $("#id").val(),
                                        password: $("#navigate_remove_website_data_password").val()
                                            navigate_notification("' . t(419, "Process complete") . '");
                                            navigate_notification("' . t(56, "Unexpected error.") . ' " + data, true);
                            "' . t(58, 'Cancel') . '": function()
        // we attach an event to "websites" which will be fired by navibars to put an extra button
        $events->add_actions('websites', array('website' => &$item, 'navibars' => &$navibars), $extra_actions);
        if (empty($item->id)) {
            $navibars->add_actions(array('<a href="#" onclick="navigate_tabform_submit(1);" title="Ctrl+s">
						<img height="16" align="absmiddle" width="16" src="img/icons/silk/accept.png"> ' . t(34, 'Save') . '</a>'));
        } else {
            $navibars->add_actions(array('<a href="#" onclick="navigate_tabform_submit(1);" title="Ctrl+s">
						<img height="16" align="absmiddle" width="16" src="img/icons/silk/accept.png"> ' . t(34, 'Save') . '</a>', $user->permission('websites.delete') == 'true' ? '<a href="#" onclick="navigate_delete_dialog();">
							<img height="16" align="absmiddle" width="16" src="img/icons/silk/cancel.png"> ' . t(35, 'Delete') . '</a>' : ''));
            $delete_html = array();
            $delete_html[] = '<div id="navigate-delete-dialog" class="hidden">' . t(57, 'Do you really want to delete this item?') . '</div>';
            $delete_html[] = '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">';
            $delete_html[] = 'function navigate_delete_dialog()';
            $delete_html[] = '{';
            $delete_html[] = '$("#navigate-delete-dialog").removeClass("hidden");';
            $delete_html[] = '$("#navigate-delete-dialog").dialog({
                                resizable: true,
                                height: 150,
                                width: 300,
                                modal: true,
                                title: "' . t(59, 'Confirmation') . '",
                                buttons: {
                                    "' . t(35, 'Delete') . '": function() {
                                        window.location.href = "?fid=' . $_REQUEST['fid'] . '&act=4&id=' . $item->id . '";
                                    "' . t(58, 'Cancel') . '": function() {
            $delete_html[] = '}';
            $delete_html[] = '</script>';
            $navibars->add_content(implode("\n", $delete_html));
        $layout->add_script("\r\n            \$(document).on('keydown.ctrl_s', function (evt) { navigate_items_tabform_submit(1); return false; } );\r\n            \$(document).on('keydown.ctrl_m', function (evt) { navigate_media_browser(); return false; } );\r\n        ");
    $navibars->add_actions(array($user->permission('websites.edit') == 'true' && !empty($item->id) ? '<a href="?fid=websites&act=2"><img height="16" align="absmiddle" width="16" src="img/icons/silk/add.png"> ' . t(38, 'Create') . '</a>' : '', '<a href="?fid=websites&act=0"><img height="16" align="absmiddle" width="16" src="img/icons/silk/application_view_list.png"> ' . t(39, 'List') . '</a>', 'search_form'));
    $navibars->add_tab(t(7, "Settings"));
    $navibars->add_tab_content($naviforms->hidden('form-sent', 'true'));
    $navibars->add_tab_content($naviforms->hidden('id', $item->id));
    $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(67, 'Title') . '</label>', $naviforms->textfield('title', $item->name)));
    $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(287, 'Protocol') . '</label>', $naviforms->selectfield('protocol', array(0 => 'http://', 1 => 'https://'), array(0 => 'HTTP', 1 => 'HTTPS [' . t(288, 'Secured site (requires certificate)') . ']'), $item->protocol)));
    $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(228, 'Subdomain') . '</label>', $naviforms->textfield('subdomain', $item->subdomain), '<span class="navigate-form-row-info">' . t(230, 'Ex.') . ' www</span>'));
    $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(229, 'Domain') . '</label>', $naviforms->textfield('domain', $item->domain), '<span class="navigate-form-row-info">' . t(230, 'Ex.') . ' naviwebs.net</span>'));
    $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(141, 'Folder') . '</label>', $naviforms->textfield('folder', $item->folder), '<span class="navigate-form-row-info">' . t(230, 'Ex.') . ' /new-website</span>'));
    $homepage_url = "";
    if (!empty($item->homepage)) {
        $homepage_url = $item->homepage_from_structure();
    $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(187, 'Homepage') . '</label>', $naviforms->hidden('homepage_from_structure', is_numeric($item->homepage) ? $item->homepage : ""), $naviforms->autocomplete('homepage', $homepage_url, '?fid=' . $_REQUEST['fid'] . '&wid=' . $item->id . '&act=5'), '<span class="navigate-form-row-info">' . t(230, 'Ex.') . ' /en/home</span>'));
    $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<div class="subcomment"><img src="img/icons/silk/house.png" align="absmiddle" /> <span id="navigate-website-home-url"></span></div>'));
		<div id="homepage_change_dialog" style="display: none;">
			' . t(595, "Right now the homepage is set from a structure element which allows multilanguage redirecting.") . '
			<br /><br />
			' . t(596, "Do you want to enter a fixed path for the homepage?") . '
		$("#homepage").on("click keydown", function(ev)
					title: "' . t(59, "Confirmation") . '",
					modal: true,
					width: 400,
					height: 150,
					buttons: [
					      text: "' . t(190, "Ok") . '",
					      icons: {  primary: "ui-icon-check"    },
					      click: function()
					      text: "' . t(58, "Cancel") . '",
					      icons: { primary: "ui-icon-close" },
					      click: function()
		                        }, 100

		$("#subdomain,#domain,#folder,#homepage").on("keyup", navigate_website_update_home_url);
		$("#protocol").on("change", navigate_website_update_home_url);

		function navigate_website_update_home_url()
			var url = $("#protocol").val();
			if($("#subdomain").val().length > 0)
				url += $("#subdomain").val() + ".";
			url += $("#domain").val();
			url += $("#folder").val();
			url += $("#homepage").val();


    if (!empty($item->theme)) {
        $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(368, 'Theme') . '</label>', '<strong>
				<a href="?fid=8&act=themes">
					<img height="16" width="16" align="absmiddle" src="img/icons/silk/rainbow.png" />
				</a> ' . $theme->title . '
    $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(515, 'Not found paths') . '...</label>', $naviforms->selectfield('wrong_path_action', array(0 => 'blank', 1 => 'homepage', 2 => 'theme_404', 3 => 'http_404', 4 => 'website_path'), array(0 => t(516, 'Show a blank page'), 1 => t(517, 'Redirect to home page'), 2 => t(518, 'Use the custom 404 template of a theme (if exists)'), 3 => t(519, 'Send a 404 HTTP error header'), 4 => t(642, 'Redirect to a website page')), $item->wrong_path_action, 'navigate_websites_wrong_path_action_change(this)', false), '<a class="uibutton nv_website_wrong_path_trigger hidden"><i class="fa fa-sitemap"></i></a>', '<span id="navigate-website-wrong-path-redirect" class="nv_website_wrong_path_info navigate-form-row-info">' . $item->wrong_path_redirect . '</span>', $naviforms->hidden('wrong_path_redirect', $item->wrong_path_redirect)));
        function navigate_websites_wrong_path_action_change(el)
        $(".nv_website_wrong_path_trigger").on("click", function()
            var trigger = this;
            // hide "replace title" when calling the dialog from the block action
            // leave it enabled when calling the dialog from the Links table
            if($(this).parents("table.box-table").length == 0)
                $("#nv_link_dialog_replace_text").parent().css("visibility", "hidden");
                title: $("#nv_link_dialog").attr("title"),
                modal: true,
                width: 620,
                height: 400,
                buttons: [
                        text: "Ok",
                        click: function(event, ui)
                            // check if there is any path selected
                                var input_path = $("#wrong_path_redirect");
                        text: "Cancel",
                        click: function(event, ui)
                close: function()
                    $("#nv_link_dialog_replace_text").parent().css("visibility", "visible");
    // when no path is given
    $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(625, 'Empty paths') . '...</label>', $naviforms->selectfield('empty_path_action', array(0 => 'homepage_redirect', 1 => 'homepage_noredirect', 2 => 'blank', 3 => 'theme_404', 4 => 'http_404'), array(0 => t(517, 'Redirect to home page'), 1 => t(626, 'Display the home page, without changing the route'), 2 => t(516, 'Show a blank page'), 3 => t(518, 'Use the custom 404 template of a theme (if exists)'), 4 => t(519, 'Send a 404 HTTP error header')), $item->empty_path_action, '', false)));
    $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(68, 'Status') . '</label>', $naviforms->selectfield('permission', array(0 => 0, 1 => 1, 2 => 2), array(0 => t(69, 'Published'), 1 => t(70, 'Private'), 2 => t(71, 'Closed')), $item->permission, '', false, array(0 => t(360, 'Visible to everybody'), 1 => t(359, 'Visible only to Navigate CMS users'), 2 => t(358, 'Hidden to everybody')))));
        $("#permission").on("change", function()
            if($(this).val() > 0)

    $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(505, 'Redirect to') . '</label>', $naviforms->textfield('redirect_to', $item->redirect_to), '<span class="navigate-form-row-info">' . t(230, 'Ex.') . ' /landing_page.html</span>'));
    $navibars->add_tab(t(63, "Languages"));
    // system locales
    $locales = $item->unix_locales();
    $system = PHP_OS;
    if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN' && empty($locales)) {
        $locales = $item->windows_locales();
        $system = 'MS Windows';
    /* Languages selector */
    if (!is_array($item->languages_list)) {
        $item->languages_list = array();
    $table = new naviorderedtable("website_languages_table");
    $navibars->add_tab_content($naviforms->hidden('languages-order', implode('#', $item->languages_list)));
    $table->addHeaderColumn(t(159, 'Name'), 160);
    $table->addHeaderColumn(t(237, 'Code'), 60);
    $table->addHeaderColumn(t(471, 'Variant') . '/' . t(473, 'Region'), 120);
    $table->addHeaderColumn(t(474, 'System locale') . ' (' . $system . ')', 150);
    $table->addHeaderColumn(t(64, 'Published'), 60);
    $table->addHeaderColumn(t(35, 'Remove'), 60);
    $DB->query('SELECT code, name FROM nv_languages');
    $languages_rs = $DB->result();
    $languages = array();
    foreach ($languages_rs as $lang) {
        $languages[$lang->name] = $lang->code;
    if (empty($item->languages)) {
        // load default language settings
        $item->languages_list = array('en');
        $item->languages_published = array('en');
        $item->languages = array('en' => array('language' => 'en', 'variant' => '', 'code' => 'en', 'system_locale' => strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN' ? 'ENU_USA' : 'en_US.utf8'));
    if (empty($item->languages)) {
        $item->languages = array();
    // add previously assigned locales if they are missing
    foreach ($item->languages as $lcode => $ldef) {
        if (!in_array($ldef['system_locale'], $locales)) {
            $locales[$ldef['system_locale']] = '? [' . $ldef['system_locale'] . ']';
    $p = 0;
    foreach ($item->languages as $lcode => $ldef) {
        $published = array_search($lcode, $item->languages_published) !== false;
        $variant = !empty($ldef['variant']);
        $select_language = $naviforms->select_from_object_array('language-id[]', $languages_rs, 'code', 'name', $ldef['language'], ' width: 150px; ');
        if (empty($locales)) {
            $select_locale = $naviforms->textfield('language-locale[]', $ldef['system_locale'], '300px');
        } else {
            $select_locale = $naviforms->selectfield('language-locale[]', array_keys($locales), array_values($locales), $ldef['system_locale'], '', false, array(), 'width: 300px;');
        $uid = uniqid();
        $table->addRow($p, array(array('content' => $select_language, 'align' => 'left'), array('content' => '<div style=" white-space: nowrap; "><input type="text" name="language-code[]" value="' . $ldef['language'] . '" style="width: 30px;" /></div>', 'align' => 'left'), array('content' => '<input type="checkbox" name="language-variant[]" id="language-variant[' . $uid . ']" value="1" ' . ($variant ? 'checked="checked"' : '') . ' style="float:left;" class="raw-checkbox" /> <input type="text" name="language-variant-code[]" value="' . $ldef['variant'] . '" style="width: 75px;" />', 'align' => 'left'), array('content' => $select_locale, 'align' => 'left'), array('content' => '<input type="hidden" name="language-published[]" value="' . ($published ? '1' : '0') . '" /><input type="checkbox" id="language-published[' . $uid . ']" value="' . $lcode . '" ' . ($published ? 'checked="checked"' : '') . ' onclick=" if($(this).is(\':checked\')) { $(this).prev().val(1); } else { $(this).prev().val(0); }; " /><label for="language-published[' . $uid . ']"></label>', 'align' => 'center'), array('content' => '<img src="' . NAVIGATE_URL . '/img/icons/silk/cancel.png" onclick="navigate_websites_language_remove(this);" />', 'align' => 'center')));
    $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(63, 'Languages') . '</label>', '<div>' . $table->generate() . '</div>', '<div class="subcomment">
                <img src="img/icons/silk/information.png" align="absmiddle" /> ' . t(72, 'Drag any row to assign priorities') . '
    $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>&nbsp;</label>', '<button id="websites-languages-add"><img src="img/icons/silk/add.png" align="absmiddle" style="cursor:pointer;" /> ' . t(472, 'Add') . '</button>'));
        $("#website_languages_table tr").eq(1).find("td:last").children().hide();
        $(\'input[name="language-variant[]"]\').each(function(i, el)

        $(\'input[name="language-variant-code[]"]\').on("click", function()

        $("#website_languages_table").on("change", \'select[name="language-id[]"]\', function()
            var input = $(this).parent().next().find("input");
            $(input).effect("highlight", {}, 2000);

        $("#website_languages_table").on("change", \'input[name="language-variant[]"]\', function()

        $("#websites-languages-add").on("click", function()
            var tr = $("#website_languages_table").find("tr").eq(1).clone();            
            var tsid = new Date().getTime();
            $(tr).attr("id", tsid);
		            var new_name = ($(this).attr("id").split("["))[0];
		            $(this).attr("id", new_name + "[" + tsid + "]");
		            var new_name = ($(this).attr("for").split("["))[0];
		            $(this).attr("for", new_name + "[" + tsid + "]");

                onDrop: function(table, row)




            if($(tr).find("td").eq(3).find("select").length > 0)

            return false;

        function navigate_websites_language_remove(el)

        function navigate_naviorderedtable_website_languages_table_reorder()
            $("#website_languages_table tr").find("td:last").not(":first").children().show();
            $("#website_languages_table tr").eq(1).find("td:last").children().hide();
    $navibars->add_tab(t(485, "Aliases"));
    $table = new naviorderedtable("website_aliases_table");
    $table->addHeaderColumn(t(486, 'Alias'), 160);
    $table->addHeaderColumn('', 24);
    $table->addHeaderColumn(t(487, 'Real URL'), 60);
    $table->addHeaderColumn(t(35, 'Remove'), 60);
    $table->addRow($lang->code, array(array('content' => '<div style="width: 308px;">http://example.domain.com/demo</div>', 'align' => 'left'), array('content' => '&rarr;', 'align' => 'center'), array('content' => '<div style="width: 308px;">http://www.domain.com/example/demo</div>', 'align' => 'left'), array('content' => '', 'align' => 'left')));
    if (!is_array($item->aliases)) {
        $item->aliases = array();
    foreach ($item->aliases as $alias => $realurl) {
        $table->addRow($lang->code, array(array('content' => '<input type="text" name="website-aliases-alias[]" value="' . $alias . '" style="width: 300px;" />', 'align' => 'left'), array('content' => '&rarr;', 'align' => 'center'), array('content' => '<input type="text" name="website-aliases-real[]" value="' . $realurl . '" style="width: 300px;" />', 'align' => 'left'), array('content' => '<img src="' . NAVIGATE_URL . '/img/icons/silk/cancel.png" onclick="navigate_websites_aliases_remove(this);" />', 'align' => 'center')));
    $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(485, 'Aliases') . '</label>', '<div>' . $table->generate() . '</div>', '<div class="subcomment">
                <img src="img/icons/silk/information.png" align="absmiddle" /> ' . t(72, 'Drag any row to assign priorities') . '
    $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>&nbsp;</label>', '<button id="websites-aliases-add"><img src="img/icons/silk/add.png" align="absmiddle" style="cursor:pointer;" /> ' . t(472, 'Add') . '</button>'));
        $("#websites-aliases-add").on("click", function()
            var tr = $("<tr><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr>");
            $(tr).attr("id", new Date().getTime());
            $(tr).find("td").eq(0).html("<input type=\\"text\\" name=\\"website-aliases-alias[]\\" style=\\"width: 300px;\\" />");
            $(tr).find("td").attr("align", "center").eq(1).html("&rarr;");
            $(tr).find("td").eq(2).html("<input type=\\"text\\" name=\\"website-aliases-real[]\\" style=\\"width: 300px;\\" />");
            $(tr).find("td").attr("align", "center").eq(3).html("<img src=\\"' . NAVIGATE_URL . '/img/icons/silk/cancel.png\\" onclick=\\"navigate_websites_aliases_remove(this);\\" />");

            return false;

        function navigate_websites_aliases_remove(el)
    $navibars->add_tab(t(9, "Content"));
    // keep the default value for Navigate CMS < 2.0
    if (empty($item->word_separator)) {
        $item->word_separator = "_";
    $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(633, 'Word separator in paths') . '</label>', $naviforms->selectfield('word_separator', array(0 => '-', 1 => '_'), array(0 => t(634, "Hyphen") . " /navigate-cms", 1 => t(635, "Underscore") . " /navigate_cms"), $item->word_separator), '<span class="navigate-form-row-info">' . t(636, 'Existing paths will not be modified') . '</span>'));
    $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(50, 'Date format') . '</label>', $naviforms->selectfield('date_format', array(0 => 'd/m/Y', 1 => 'd-m-Y', 2 => 'm/d/Y', 3 => 'm-d-Y', 4 => 'Y-m-d', 5 => 'Y/m/d'), array(0 => date('d/m/Y'), 1 => date('d-m-Y'), 2 => date('m/d/Y'), 3 => date('m-d-Y'), 4 => date('Y-m-d'), 5 => date('Y/m/d')), $item->date_format)));
    $timezones = property::timezones();
    if (empty($item->default_timezone)) {
        $item->default_timezone = date_default_timezone_get();
    $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(207, 'Default timezone') . '</label>', $naviforms->selectfield("default_timezone", array_keys($timezones), array_values($timezones), $item->default_timezone)));
    $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(433, 'Resize uploaded images') . '</label>', $naviforms->selectfield('resize_uploaded_images', array(0 => 0, 1 => 600, 2 => 800, 3 => 960, 4 => 1200, 5 => 1600, 6 => 2000), array(0 => t(434, 'Keep original file'), 1 => '600 px', 2 => '800 px', 3 => '960 px', 4 => '1200 px', 5 => '1600 px', 6 => '2000 px'), $item->resize_uploaded_images), '<span class="navigate-form-row-info">' . t(435, 'Maximum width or height') . '</span>'));
    // navigate cms 2.0.2: website->tinymce_css field is DEPRECATED (will be removed in a future revision)
    if (!empty($item->tinymce_css)) {
        $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>tinyMCE CSS</label>', $naviforms->textfield('tinymce_css', $item->tinymce_css), '<span class="navigate-form-row-info">' . t(230, 'Ex.') . ' /css/style.content.css</span>'));
    $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(328, 'Favicon') . '</label>', $naviforms->dropbox('website-favicon', $item->favicon, "image")));
    $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(597, 'Share files in media browser') . '</label>', $naviforms->checkbox('share_files_media_browser', $item->share_files_media_browser == '1'), '<span class="navigate-form-row-info">(' . t(598, 'Only between websites of the current Navigate CMS installation') . ')</span>'));
    // default comment options for elements
    $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(252, 'Comments enabled for') . '</label>', $naviforms->selectfield('comments_enabled_for', array(0 => 0, 1 => 1, 2 => 2), array(0 => t(253, 'Nobody'), 1 => t(24, 'Registered users'), 2 => t(254, 'Everyone')), $item->comments_enabled_for)));
    $webuser_name = '';
    if ($item->comments_default_moderator == "c_author") {
        $webuser_name = t(545, 'Content author');
    } else {
        if (!empty($item->comments_default_moderator)) {
            $webuser_name = $DB->query_single('username', 'nv_users', ' id = ' . intval($item->comments_default_moderator));
    $moderator_id = array('c_author');
    $moderator_username = array('{' . t(545, 'Content author') . '}');
    if (!empty($item->comments_default_moderator)) {
        if ($item->comments_default_moderator != 'c_author') {
            $moderator_username[] = $DB->query_single('username', 'nv_users', ' id = ' . intval($item->comments_default_moderator));
            $moderator_id[] = $item->comments_default_moderator;
    $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(255, 'Moderator') . '</label>', $naviforms->selectfield('comments_default_moderator', $moderator_id, $moderator_username, $item->comments_default_moderator, null, false, null, null, false), '<span style="display: none;" id="comments_default_moderator-helper">' . t(535, "Find user by name") . '</span>', '<div class="subcomment"><img align="absmiddle" src="' . NAVIGATE_URL . '/img/icons/silk/information.png" /> ' . t(256, 'Leave blank to accept all comments') . '</div>'));
        // comments moderator autocomplete
            placeholder: $("#comments_default_moderator-helper").text(),
            minimumInputLength: 0,
            ajax: {
                url: "?fid=items&act=json_find_user",
                dataType: "json",
                delay: 100,
                data: function (params)
		            return {
		                username: params.term,
		                nd: new Date().getTime(),
		                page_limit: 30, // page size
		                page: params.page // page number
		        processResults: function (data, params)
		            params.page = params.page || 1;
		            data.items.unshift({id: "c_author", text: "{' . t(545, 'Content author') . '}" });
		            return {
						results: data.items,
						pagination: { more: (params.page * 30) < data.total_count }
            templateSelection: function(row)
				if(row.id && row.id != "c_author")
					return row.text + " <helper style=\'opacity: .5;\'>#" + row.id + "</helper>";
					return row.text;
			escapeMarkup: function (markup) { return markup; }, // let our custom formatter work
            triggerChange: true,
            allowClear: true

        $("#comments_default_moderator-text").on("change", function(e)
    /* TAB EMAIL */
    $navibars->add_tab(t(44, "E-Mail"));
    $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(548, "Method") . '</label>', $naviforms->buttonset('mail_mailer', array('smtp' => 'SMTP', 'sendmail' => 'Sendmail', 'mail' => 'PHP mail'), empty($item->mail_mailer) ? 'smtp' : $item->mail_mailer, "navigate_change_mail_transport(this);")));
        function navigate_change_mail_transport(el)
            var mail_mailer = "";
            if(el=="smtp" || el=="sendmail" || el=="mail")
                mail_mailer = el;
                mail_mailer = $("input#" + $(el).attr("for")).val();

            if(mail_mailer=="sendmail" || mail_mailer=="mail")

        navigate_change_mail_transport("' . (empty($item->mail_mailer) ? 'smtp' : $item->mail_mailer) . '");
    $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(231, 'Server') . '</label>', $naviforms->textfield('mail_server', $item->mail_server), '<span class="navigate-form-row-info">' . t(230, 'Ex.') . ' localhost, mail.yourdomain.com</span>'));
    $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(232, 'Port') . '</label>', $naviforms->textfield('mail_port', $item->mail_port), '<span class="navigate-form-row-info">' . t(230, 'Ex.') . ' 25</span>'));
    $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(427, 'Security protocol') . '</label>', $naviforms->selectfield('mail_security', array(0, 1, 2), array(t(581, "None"), "SSL / TLS", "STARTTLS"), $item->mail_security)));
    $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(1, 'User') . '</label>', $naviforms->textfield('mail_user', $item->mail_user), '<span class="navigate-form-row-info">' . t(230, 'Ex.') . ' web@yourdomain.com</span>'));
    $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(233, 'Address') . '</label>', $naviforms->textfield('mail_address', $item->mail_address), '<span class="navigate-form-row-info">' . t(230, 'Ex.') . ' web@yourdomain.com</span>'));
    $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(2, 'Password') . '</label>', '<input type="password" name="mail_password" id="mail_password" autocomplete="off"  value="" size="32" />', '<span class="navigate-form-row-info">' . t(48, "Leave blank to keep the current value") . '</span>'));
    // force removing the browser saved password
		setTimeout(function() {
		}, 10);
    if (empty($item->contact_emails)) {
        $item->contact_emails = array();
    $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(263, 'Support E-Mails') . '</label>', $naviforms->textarea('contact_emails', implode("\n", $item->contact_emails)), '<span class="navigate-form-row-info">' . t(264, "One entry per line") . '</span>'));
    $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>&nbsp;</label>', '<button id="mail_test"><img src="' . NAVIGATE_URL . '/img/icons/silk/email_go.png" align="absmiddle" /> ' . t(390, "Test") . '</button>'));
		$("#mail_test").on("click", function()
			navigate_status("' . t(391, "Trying to send a test e-mail…") . '", "loader", true);
			  type: "POST",
			  url: "?fid=' . $_GET['fid'] . '&act=email_test",
			  data: {
				 mail_mailer: $("input[name=\\"mail_mailer[]\\"]:checked").val(),
				 mail_server: $("#mail_server").val(),
				 mail_port: $("#mail_port").val(),
				 mail_security: $("#mail_security").is(":checked"),
				 mail_user: $("#mail_user").val(),
				 mail_address: $("#mail_address").val(),
				 mail_password: $("#mail_password").val(),
				 send_to: $("#contact_emails").val()
			  success: function(data)
				  navigate_status(navigate_lang_dictionary[42], "ready"); 
				  	navigate_notification("' . t(56, "Unexpected error.") . '");
				  	navigate_notification("' . t(392, "E-Mail sent") . '");
			  error: function(data)
			        navigate_status(navigate_lang_dictionary[42], "ready");
			        var error_message = (data.responseText).split("<br />")[0];
			            error_message = ": " + error_message;

			        navigate_notification("' . t(56, "Unexpected error.") . '" + error_message, true);
			  dataType: "json"
			return false;
    /* METATAGS TAB */
    if (!empty($item->id) && !empty($item->languages)) {
        $navibars->add_tab(t(513, "Metatags"));
        $website_languages_selector = $item->languages();
        $website_languages_selector = array_merge(array('' => '(' . t(443, 'All') . ')'), $website_languages_selector);
        $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(63, 'Languages') . '</label>', $naviforms->buttonset('metatags_language_selector', $website_languages_selector, '', "navigate_tabform_language_selector(this);")));
        foreach ($item->languages_list as $lang) {
            $language_info = '<span class="navigate-form-row-language-info" title="' . language::name_by_code($lang) . '"><img src="img/icons/silk/comment.png" align="absmiddle" />' . $lang . '</span>';
            $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(334, 'Description') . ' ' . $language_info . '</label>', $naviforms->textfield('metatag_description-' . $lang, $item->metatag_description[$lang]), '<span class="navigate-form-row-info">150-160</span>'), '', 'lang="' . $lang . '"');
            $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(536, 'Keywords') . ' ' . $language_info . '</label>', $naviforms->textfield('metatag_keywords-' . $lang, $item->metatag_keywords[$lang])), '', 'lang="' . $lang . '"');
                $("#metatag_keywords-' . $lang . '").tagit({
                    removeConfirmation: true,
                    allowSpaces: true,
                    singleField: true,
                    singleFieldDelimiter: ",",
                    placeholderText: "+",
                        delay: 0, 
                        minLength: 1,
                        source: "?fid=items&act=json_tags_search&lang=' . $lang . '"
                    afterTagAdded: function(event, ui)
                        var tags = $(this).tagit("assignedTags");
                        if(tags.length > 0)
                            tags = tags.join(",");
                            tags = "";
                        $("#metatag_keywords-' . $lang . '").val(tags);
            $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(514, "Additional metatags") . ' ' . $language_info . '</label>', $naviforms->scriptarea('metatags-' . $lang, $item->metatags[$lang], 'html', ' width: 75%; height: 100px; ')), '', 'lang="' . $lang . '"');
    /* SERVICES TAB */
    $navibars->add_tab(t(178, "Services"));
    $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(498, 'Additional scripts') . '</label>', $naviforms->scriptarea('additional_scripts', $item->additional_scripts, 'js', ' width: 600px; height: 250px; '), '<div style="clear: both;"><label>&nbsp;</label>&lt;script type="text/javascript"&gt;...&lt;/script&gt;</div>'));
    if (!empty($item->theme)) {
        $navibars->add_tab(t(368, 'Theme') . ': ' . $theme->title);
        if (!is_array($theme->options)) {
            $theme->options = array();
        // show a language selector (only if it's a multilanguage website and has properties)
        if (!empty($theme->options) && count($item->languages) > 1) {
            $website_languages_selector = $item->languages();
            $website_languages_selector = array_merge(array('' => '(' . t(443, 'All') . ')'), $website_languages_selector);
            $navibars->add_tab_content_row(array('<label>' . t(63, 'Languages') . '</label>', $naviforms->buttonset('language_selector', $website_languages_selector, '', "navigate_tabform_language_selector(this);")), "navigate-form-tab-theme-language_selector");
            // hide languages selector if there isn't a multilanguage property
					if($("#navigate-form-tab-theme-language_selector").parent().find(".navigate-form-row[lang]").length < 1)
						$("#navigate-form-tab-theme-language_selector").css("display", "none");
        // common property: style
        // 1: get available style IDs
        $styles_values = array_keys((array) $theme->styles);
        if (!is_array($styles_values)) {
            $styles_values = array();
        // 2: prepare array of style ID => style name
        $styles = array();
        foreach ($styles_values as $sv) {
            $styles[$sv] = $theme->styles->{$sv}->name;
            if (empty($styles[$sv])) {
                $styles[$sv] = $sv;
            $styles[$sv] = $theme->t($styles[$sv]);
        $property = new property();
        $property->id = 'style';
        $property->name = t(431, 'Style');
        $property->type = 'option';
        $property->options = serialize($styles);
        $property->value = $item->theme_options->style;
        foreach ($theme->options as $theme_option) {
            $property = new property();
            $property->load_from_theme($theme_option, $item->theme_options->{$theme_option->id});
            $navibars->add_tab_content(navigate_property_layout_field($property, "", $item->id));
    $events->trigger('websites', 'edit', array('item' => &$item, 'navibars' => &$navibars, 'naviforms' => &$naviforms));
    return $navibars->generate();
コード例 #2
 public function load_from_webuser($property_id, $webuser_id = null)
     global $website;
     global $theme;
     global $webuser;
     $wu = $webuser;
     if (!empty($webuser_id)) {
         $wu = new webuser();
     $ws = $website;
     $ws_theme = $theme;
     if ($wu->website != $website->id) {
         $ws = new website();
         $ws_theme = new theme();
     if (empty($ws_theme->webusers['properties'])) {
         $ws_theme->webusers['properties'] = array();
     foreach ($ws_theme->webusers['properties'] as $to) {
         if ($to->id == $property_id || $to->name == $property_id) {
             $webuser_option = $to;
             $webuser_option->element = 'webuser';
     $this->id = $webuser_option->id;
     $this->website = $ws->id;
     $this->element = $webuser_option->element;
     $this->template = '';
     $this->name = $webuser_option->name;
     $this->type = $webuser_option->type;
     $this->options = (array) $webuser_option->options;
     $this->dvalue = $webuser_option->dvalue;
     // default value
     $this->width = $webuser_option->width;
     $this->multilanguage = $webuser_option->multilanguage;
     $this->helper = $webuser_option->helper;
     $this->function = $webuser_option->function;
     $this->conditional = $webuser_option->conditional;
     $this->position = 0;
     $this->enabled = 1;
     // decimal format extra fields
     $this->precision = $webuser_option->precision;
     $this->prefix = $webuser_option->prefix;
     $this->suffix = $webuser_option->suffix;
     if (substr($this->name, 0, 1) == '@') {
         // get translation from theme dictionary
         $this->name = $ws_theme->t(substr($this->name, 1));
     if (substr($this->helper, 0, 1) == '@') {
         $this->helper = $ws_theme->t(substr($this->helper, 1));
     $values = property::load_properties_associative('webuser', '', 'webuser', $wu->id);
     $this->value = $values[$this->id];
     if (is_null($this->value) && !empty($this->dvalue)) {
         $this->value = $this->dvalue;
     if (is_object($this->value)) {
         $this->value = (array) $this->value;
コード例 #3
 public function load_from_theme($id, $theme_name = null)
     global $theme;
     global $website;
     $ws_theme = $theme;
     if (empty($ws_theme) && !empty($theme_name)) {
         $ws_theme = new theme();
     $template = NULL;
     for ($t = 0; $t < count($ws_theme->templates); $t++) {
         if ($ws_theme->templates[$t]->type == $id) {
             $template = $ws_theme->templates[$t];
     if (!$template) {
     $defaults = array('sections' => array(0 => array('id' => 'main', 'name' => '#main#', 'editor' => 'tinymce', 'width' => '960')), 'gallery' => 0, 'comments' => 0, 'tags' => 0, 'statistics' => 1, 'permission' => 0, 'enabled' => 1, 'properties' => array());
     $this->id = $template->type;
     $this->website = $website->id;
     $this->title = $ws_theme->template_title($template->type);
     $this->file = NAVIGATE_PATH . '/themes/' . $ws_theme->name . '/' . $template->file;
     $this->sections = isset($template->sections) ? json_decode(json_encode($template->sections), true) : $defaults['sections'];
     $this->gallery = isset($template->gallery) ? $template->gallery : $defaults['gallery'];
     $this->comments = isset($template->comments) ? $template->comments : $defaults['comments'];
     $this->tags = isset($template->tags) ? $template->tags : $defaults['tags'];
     $this->statistics = isset($template->statistics) ? $template->statistics : $defaults['statistics'];
     $this->permission = isset($template->permission) ? $template->permission : $defaults['permission'];
     $this->enabled = isset($template->enabled) ? $template->enabled : $defaults['enabled'];
     $this->properties = isset($template->properties) ? (array) $template->properties : $defaults['properties'];
     // process properties (translate titles, etc.)
     for ($p = 0; $p < count($this->properties); $p++) {
         if ($this->properties[$p]->type == 'option') {
             $poptions = array();
             foreach ($this->properties[$p]->options as $key => $value) {
                 $poptions[$key] = $ws_theme->t($value);
             $this->properties[$p]->options = $poptions;