function _get_mail_body($template_path) { $template = new template($template_path); $locale =& locale::instance(); $date = new date(); $template->set('date', $date->format($locale->get_short_date_format())); $cart =& cart::instance(); $list =& $template->find_child('cart_items'); $list->register_dataset($cart->get_items_array_dataset()); $template->set('name', $this->dataspace->get('name')); $template->set('notes', $this->dataspace->get('notes')); $template->set('phone', $this->dataspace->get('phone')); $template->set('address', $this->dataspace->get('address')); $template->set('email', $this->dataspace->get('email')); ob_start(); $template->display(); $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $content; }
function send_template_mail($to, $subject, $template, $headers = null) { $this->using('template'); $param =& $this->using('param'); $tpl = new template(); $template = explode('/', $template); $tpl->load(TM_TEMPLATES_DIR . C_TEMPLATE . '/layout/views/' . $template[0] . '/' . $template[1]); $tpl->set($param->get_params(), true); $message = $tpl->output(); $this->send_mail($to, $subject, $message, null, $headers); }
function ModificarExtrasTemplate($id, $comentario, $paginas) { $oTemplate = new template(); if (!$oTemplate->Load($id)) { error(__FILE__ . __LINE__, "W: no pudo mostrareditar '{$id}'"); return false; } $nombreoriginal = $oTemplate->get("Nombre"); $oTemplate->set("Comentario", $comentario, FORCE); $oTemplate->set("Paginas", $paginas, FORCE); if ($oTemplate->Save()) { if (isVerbose()) { echo gas("aviso", _("Datos extra cambiados")); } $_SESSION["Template_{$nombreoriginal}"] = false; //invalida copia de sesion de template } else { echo gas("problema", _("No se puede cambiar dato")); } }
/** * Processes a template and display the output. * * @param string $view_file * @param array $tpl_vars (Optional) * @return string */ public function display($view_file, $tpl_vars = null) { if (file_exists($this->_P . $view_file)) { $body = file_get_contents($this->_P . $view_file); $body = str_replace('/VIEW_PATH/', $this->_P, $body); $this->_T->load($body); if (is_array($tpl_vars)) { $this->_T->set($tpl_vars); } $this->_T->display(); } }
public function setShootAction() { $oBattle = new Battle(); $oBattle->createMatrix(); $sCoord = tools::getParametr('coord'); $sRow = ucfirst(substr($sCoord, 0, 1)); $iRow = ord($sRow) - $this->iFirstLetter; $iColumn = substr($sCoord, 1) - 1; template::set('status', $oBattle->setFire($iColumn, $iRow)); $oBattle->saveField(); template::set('matrix', $oBattle->printMatrix()); template::show('layout'); }
protected function render($overwrite = false) { $param =& $this->using('param'); if ($overwrite || !isset($this->rendered)) { $this->rendered = ''; } if (file_exists($this->template_file . '.tpl')) { $tpl = new template(); $tpl->load($this->template_file); $tpl->set($param->get_params(), null, false); $this->rendered .= $tpl->output(); } else { trigger_error('Block template \'' . $this->template_file . '\' is missing.', E_USER_ERROR); } return $this->rendered; }
plugin_runphp('logoutprocess'); define('isLogout', 1); setcookie('userid', '', time() - 3600); setcookie('userpsw', '', time() - 3600); catchsuccess($lnc[168], "{$lnc[163]}|index.php"); } if ($job == 'applylink') { checkpermission('ApplyLink'); $mycode1 = "<a href=\"{$config['blogurl']}\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"{$config['blogname']}\">{$config['blogname']}</a>"; $mycode2 = "<a href=\"{$config['blogurl']}\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"{$config['bloglogo']}\" title=\"{$config['blogname']}\" alt=\"{$config['blogname']}\" border=\"0\"/></a>"; $mycode1 = htmlspecialchars($mycode1); $mycode2 = htmlspecialchars($mycode2); $t = new template(); $actionnow = $lnc[109]; $jobs = "login.php?job=doapplylink"; $formbody .= $t->set('form_eachline', array('text' => "*{$lnc[169]}", 'formelement' => "<input type='text' class='text' size='20' name='sitename' />")); $formbody .= $t->set('form_eachline', array('text' => "*{$lnc[170]}", 'formelement' => "<input type='text' class='text' size='30' name='siteurl' />")); $formbody .= $t->set('form_eachline', array('text' => $lnc[171], 'formelement' => "<input type='text' class='text' size='30' name='sitelogo' /> {$lnc[172]}")); $formbody .= $t->set('form_eachline', array('text' => $lnc[173], 'formelement' => "<input type='text' class='text' size='30' name='siteintro' /> {$lnc[174]}")); $formbody .= $t->set('form_eachline', array('text' => $lnc[175], 'formelement' => "{$lnc[176]}<br/><ul><li>{$lnc[177]}<br/><textarea class='text' cols='40' rows='2' name='sitemycode1'>{$mycode1}</textarea></li><li>{$lnc[178]}<br/><textarea class='text' cols='40' rows='2' name='sitemycode2'>{$mycode2}</textarea></li></ul>")); if ($config['applylinkvalidation'] == 1) { $rand = rand(0, 100000); $formbody .= $t->set('form_eachline', array('text' => $lnc[249], 'formelement' => "<span id='securityimagearea'><img src='inc/securitycode.php?rand={$rand}' alt='' title='{$lnc[250]}'/></span> <input name='securitycode' type='text' id='securitycode' size='16' class='text' /> {$lnc[251]} [<a href=\"javascript: refreshsecuritycode('securityimagearea', 'securitycode');\">{$lnc[283]}</a>]")); } $section_body_main = $t->set('register', array('title' => $actionnow, 'job' => $jobs, 'registerbody' => $formbody)); announcebar(); $bodymenu = $t->set('mainpage', array('pagebar' => $pagebar, 'iftoppage' => 'none', 'ifbottompage' => 'none', 'ifannouncement' => $ifannouncement, 'topannounce' => $topannounce, 'mainpart' => $section_body_main, 'currentpage' => '', 'previouspageurl' => '', 'nextpageurl' => '', 'turningpages' => '', 'totalpages' => '', 'previouspageexists' => '', 'nextpageexists' => '')); } if ($job == 'doapplylink') { checkpermission('ApplyLink'); acceptrequest('sitename,siteurl,sitelogo,siteintro');
} $tag_show[] = "<a href=\"{$urlref}\" title=\"{$lnc[188]}{$alltags['tagcounter'][$i]}\"><span style=\"font-size: {$bit_tag_size}px;\">{$eachtag}</span></a>"; } if (is_array($tag_show)) { if ($mbcon['tagorder'] == '0') { shuffle($tag_show); } $tagshow = @implode(" ", $tag_show); } else { $tagshow = "{$lnc[189]}"; } $m_b = new getblogs(); $returnurl = "tag.php?page=%s"; $pagebar = $m_b->make_pagebar($page, $mbcon['pagebaritems'], $returnurl, $alltagcounter, $tagperpage, 1); $t = new template(); $section_tag = $t->set('taglist', array('tagcategory' => $lnc[190], 'tagcontent' => $tagshow, 'tagextra' => "<div align='right'>{$lnc[191]}</div>")); $section_body_main = $t->set('contentpage', array('title' => 'Tags', 'contentbody' => $section_tag)); announcebar(); $iftoppage = $mbcon['pagebarposition'] == 'down' ? 'none' : 'block'; $ifbottompage = $mbcon['pagebarposition'] == 'up' ? 'none' : 'block'; $bodymenu = $t->set('mainpage', array('pagebar' => $pagebar, 'iftoppage' => $iftoppage, 'ifbottompage' => $ifbottompage, 'ifannouncement' => $ifannouncement, 'topannounce' => $topannounce, 'mainpart' => $section_body_main, 'currentpage' => $pageitems['currentpage'], 'previouspageurl' => $pageitems['previouspageurl'], 'nextpageurl' => $pageitems['nextpageurl'], 'turningpages' => $pageitems['turningpages'], 'totalpages' => $pageitems['totalpages'], 'previouspageexists' => $pageitems['previouspageexists'], 'nextpageexists' => $pageitems['nextpageexists'])); $pagetitle = "Tags - "; } if ($job == 'show') { acceptrequest('mode'); if ($mode == 1 || $mode == 2) { $mbcon['tag_list'] = $mode - 1; } else { $mode = $mbcon['tag_list'] + 1; } $m_b = new getblogs();
function output_page($entry) { global $mbcon, $section_body, $permission, $adminlist, $userdetail, $config, $categories, $weather, $t, $section_bodys, $part, $template, $lnc; if (!@is_a($t, 'template')) { $t = new template(); } $entrytitle = $entry['pagetitle']; $entrydate = zhgmdate("{$mbcon['timeformat']}", $entry['pagetime'] + 3600 * $config['timezone']); $entrytime = gmdate('H:i', $entry['pagetime'] + 3600 * $config['timezone']); list($entrydatey, $entrydatem, $entrydated) = explode('/', gmdate('Y/n/j', $entry['pagetime'] + 3600 * $config['timezone'])); $entrydatemnamefull = gmdate('F', $entry['pagetime'] + 3600 * $config['timezone']); $entrydatemnameshort = gmdate('M', $entry['pagetime'] + 3600 * $config['timezone']); $tmp = $entry['pageauthor']; $entryauthor = $adminlist[$tmp]; $entryauthor = "<a href=\"" . getlink_user($tmp) . "\" >{$entryauthor}</a>"; $iftags = "none"; $entry['pagecontent'] = @str_replace('[separator]', '', $entry['pagecontent']); $entrycontent = $this->getcontent($entry['pagecontent'], $entry['htmlstat'], $entry['ubbstat'], $entry['emotstat'], 1); $entrycontent = $this->keep_htmlcode_matches($entrycontent); //Start Template $section_bodys[] = $t->set('viewpage', array('entrytitle' => $entrytitle, 'entrydate' => $entrydate, 'entrytime' => $entrytime, 'entryauthor' => $entryauthor, 'entrycontent' => $entrycontent, 'entrytitletext' => $entry['pagetitle'], 'entrydatey' => $entrydatey, 'entrydatem' => $entrydatem, 'entrydated' => $entrydated)); return $section_bodys; }
public function init($total_items, $order = null) { $this->using('template'); $param =& $this->using('param'); if (!is_array($order)) { $order = $order ? array($order) : array(); } $sel_order = array(); foreach ($order as $i => $v) { if (is_int($i)) { $o = explode(' ', $v); $sel_order[$o[0]] = $o[0]; } else { $o = explode(' ', $i); $sel_order[$o[0]] = $v; } } reset($order); while (list($i) = each($order)) { if (is_int($i)) { $tmp = explode(' ', $order[$i]); } else { $tmp = explode(' ', $i); } $order[$i] = array('order_by' => $tmp[0], 'order_mode' => isset($tmp[1]) ? $tmp[1] : 'ASC'); } $page = (int) $param->raw('page'); if ($page < 1) { $page = 1; } $page--; $order_by = null; if ($param->raw('order_by')) { $raw_order_by = $param->raw('order_by'); foreach ($order as $o) { if ($raw_order_by == $o['order_by']) { $order_by = $raw_order_by; } } } if (!$order_by && $order) { reset($order); list($a, $b) = each($order); $order_by = $b['order_by']; } $order_mode = null; if ($param->raw('order_mode')) { $raw_order_mode = $param->raw('order_mode'); if (preg_match('/^(desc|asc)$/i', $raw_order_mode)) { $order_mode = strtoupper($raw_order_mode); } } if (!$order_mode && $order) { reset($order); list($a, $b) = each($order); $order_mode = $b['order_mode']; } $begin = $page * $this->items_per_page; $end = $this->items_per_page; $this->sql_trailing = ($order_by ? "ORDER BY {$order_by} {$order_mode}" : null) . " LIMIT {$begin}, {$end}"; $total_pages = ceil($total_items / $this->items_per_page); $tpl = new template('pager'); $tpl->set(array('total_pages' => $total_pages, 'current_page' => $page + 1, 'page_size' => $this->items_per_page, 'order_by' => $order_by, 'order_mode' => $order_mode, 'sel_order_mode' => array('ASC' => __('Ascendent'), 'DESC' => __('Descendent')), 'sel_order_by' => $sel_order)); $this->parent->param->set('pager', $tpl->output(), false); }
unset($tmp_gp, $tmp_displayitem); $tmp_gp = $linkeachitem['linkgptoid']; if ($linkeachitem['linklogo']) { $displayitemlogo = "<img src=\"{$linkeachitem['linklogo']}\" alt=\"{$linkeachitem['linkname']}\" border=\"0\" />"; } else { $displayitemlogo = ''; } if (empty($rowcount[$tmp_gp])) { $rowcount[$tmp_gp] = 1; $alllinks[$tmp_gp] .= "<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n"; } if ($rowcount[$tmp_gp] % $mbcon['linkperpage'] == 1) { $alllinks[$tmp_gp] .= "<tr valign=\"top\">"; } $alllinks[$tmp_gp] .= "<td width=\"{$linkeachcloumn}\">\n"; $alllinks[$tmp_gp] .= $t->set('eachlink', array('logo' => $displayitemlogo, 'title' => "<a href=\"{$linkeachitem['linkurl']}\" target=\"_blank\">{$linkeachitem['linkname']}</a>", 'desc' => $linkeachitem['linkdesc'])); $alllinks[$tmp_gp] .= "</td>\n"; if ($rowcount[$tmp_gp] % $mbcon['linkperpage'] == 0) { $alllinks[$tmp_gp] .= "</tr>"; } $rowcount[$tmp_gp] += 1; } } if ($linkgp && is_array($linkgp)) { foreach ($linkgp as $linkgpeachitem) { unset($tmp_gp); $tmp_gp = $linkgpeachitem['linkgpid']; $alllinks[$tmp_gp] .= $alllinks[$tmp_gp] ? '</table>' : ''; $displaygp[$tmp_gp] = $t->set('linkdiv', array('title' => $linkgpeachitem['linkgpname'], 'tablebody' => $alllinks[$tmp_gp])); } } else {
$alltags = $blog->getarraybyquery("SELECT * FROM `{$db_prefix}tags` WHERE `tagname` in ({$result})"); for ($i = 0; $i < count($alltags['tagname']); $i++) { $eachtag_encoded = urlencode(urlencode($alltags['tagname'][$i])); $urlref = getlink_tags($eachtag_encoded); if ($mbcon['tagunderlinetospace'] == 1) { $alltags['tagname'][$i] = str_replace('_', ' ', $alltags['tagname'][$i]); } $tag_show[] = "<a href=\"{$urlref}\" title=\"{$lnc[188]}{$alltags['tagcounter'][$i]}\" rel=\"tag\">{$alltags['tagname'][$i]}</a>"; } if (is_array($tag_show)) { $tagshow = @implode(" ", $tag_show); } else { $tagshow = $lnc[189]; } $t = new template(); $section_body_main[] = $t->set('taglist', array('tagcategory' => $lnc[230], 'tagcontent' => $tagshow, 'tagextra' => '')); } $iftoppage = $mbcon['pagebarposition'] == 'down' ? 'none' : 'block'; $ifbottompage = $mbcon['pagebarposition'] == 'up' ? 'none' : 'block'; $pagetitle = "{$lnc[225]} × "; $mainpart = $t->set('contentpage', array('title' => "{$lnc[224]} {$keyword}", 'contentbody' => @implode('', $section_body_main))); announcebar(); $bodymenu = $t->set('mainpage', array('pagebar' => $pagebar, 'iftoppage' => $iftoppage, 'ifbottompage' => $ifbottompage, 'ifannouncement' => $ifannouncement, 'topannounce' => $topannounce, 'mainpart' => $mainpart, 'currentpage' => $pageitems['currentpage'], 'previouspageurl' => $pageitems['previouspageurl'], 'nextpageurl' => $pageitems['nextpageurl'], 'turningpages' => $pageitems['turningpages'], 'totalpages' => $pageitems['totalpages'], 'previouspageexists' => $pageitems['previouspageexists'], 'nextpageexists' => $pageitems['nextpageexists'])); } if ($job == 'getcontentonly') { acceptrequest('blogid,blogpsw,way'); $blogid = floor($blogid); if ($permission['SeeHiddenEntry'] != 1) { $partialquery = "SELECT * FROM `{$db_prefix}blogs` WHERE `blogid`='{$blogid}' AND `property`<'2' LIMIT 1"; } else { $partialquery = "SELECT * FROM `{$db_prefix}blogs` WHERE `blogid`='{$blogid}' AND `property`<'3' LIMIT 1";
} if ($edituser['usergroup'] == 2) { $pluswarn = "<font color=red><b>{$lna[475]}</b></color><br/>"; } $jobs = "saveuser"; $t = new template(); $formbody .= $t->set('form_eachline', array('text' => $lna[464], 'formelement' => $edituser['username'] . "<input type='hidden' name='p[userid]' value='{$itemid}'/>")); $formbody .= $t->set('form_eachline', array('text' => $lna[476], 'formelement' => $lna[477])); $formbody .= $t->set('form_eachline', array('text' => $lna[478], 'formelement' => "<input type='password' class='text' size='16' name='p[newpsw]' /> {$lna[479]}")); $formbody .= $t->set('form_eachline', array('text' => $lna[480], 'formelement' => "<input type='password' class='text' size='16' name='p[confirmpsw]' /> {$lna[479]}")); $light = 'users'; $showword = $lna[481]; } else { $jobs = "savenewuser"; $t = new template(); $formbody .= $t->set('form_eachline', array('text' => $lna[464], 'formelement' => "<input type='text' class='text' size='16' name='p[username]' />")); $formbody .= $t->set('form_eachline', array('text' => $lna[482], 'formelement' => "<input type='password' class='text' size='16' name='p[password]' />")); $formbody .= $t->set('form_eachline', array('text' => $lna[483], 'formelement' => "<input type='password' class='text' size='16' name='p[confirmpsw]' />")); $light = 'add'; $showword = $lna[484]; } foreach ($usergp as $i => $value) { if ($i == 0) { continue; } $selected = $i == $edituser['usergroup'] ? ' selected' : ''; $puttingcates .= "<option value='{$i}'{$selected}>{$value}</option>"; } $formbody .= $t->set('form_eachline', array('text' => $lna[463], 'formelement' => "<select name='p[usergroup]'>{$puttingcates}</select>")); $formbody .= $t->set('form_eachline', array('text' => $lna[485], 'formelement' => "<input type='text' class='text' size='16' name='p[email]' value='" . stripslashes($edituser['email']) . "'/>")); $formbody .= $t->set('form_eachline', array('text' => $lna[486], 'formelement' => "<input type='text' class='text' size='16' name='p[homepage]' value='" . stripslashes($edituser['homepage']) . "'/>"));
/* //$Codigo = str_replace('\\"', '"',$Codigo); //$Codigo = str_replace("\\'", "'",$Codigo ); //$Codigo = str_replace("\\\\n", "\\n",$Codigo ); //$Codigo = str_replace("\\\\t", "\\t",$Codigo ); $Codigo = str_replace("\\\\", "\\",$Codigo ); $Codigo = str_replace("\\", "",$Codigo ); //str_replace("\\\'", "\\'",$Codigo )*/ $Codigo = stripslashes($Codigo); error(0, "Info: llega del navegador '{$Codigo}'"); if ($id and $Codigo) { if ($ot->Load($id)) { error(0, "Info: text:'" . $Codigo . "'"); $oldnombre = $ot->get("Nombre"); $ot->set("Nombre", $Nombre, FORCE); $ot->setCodigo($Codigo); $idTemplate = $id; $code = $Codigo; $ot->Save(); $_SESSION["Template_{$oldnombre}"] = false; } } break; default: $id = $_GET["id"]; if ($id) { if ($ot->Load($id)) { $code = $ot->getCodigo(); $Nombre = $ot->getNombre(); $idTemplate = $id;
//Scheduled publishing scheduledpublish(); //Start Template Analyzing $t = new template(); //Start Loading Modules if (file_exists("inc/mod_{$act}.php")) { include "inc/mod_{$act}.php"; } else { $valid_plugins = @explode(',', $blogplugin['page']); if (@in_array($act, $valid_plugins) && is_file("plugin/{$act}/page.php")) { //Load whole page plugin include "plugin/{$act}/page.php"; if ($plugin_closesidebar == 1) { $elements['mainpage'] = str_replace("class=\"content\"", "class=\"content-wide\"", $elements['mainpage']); } $bodymenu = $t->set('mainpage', array('pagebar' => '', 'iftoppage' => 'none', 'ifbottompage' => 'none', 'ifannouncement' => 'none', 'topannounce' => '', 'mainpart' => $plugin_return, 'previouspageexists' => '', 'nextpageexists' => '')); } else { include "inc/mod_main.php"; } } //Section: <head>..<body> $ajax_js = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"lang/{$langfront}/jslang.js?jsver={$codeversion}\"></script>\n"; $ajax_js .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"images/js/ajax.js?jsver={$codeversion}\"></script>\n"; $ajax_js .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"images/js/swfobject.js?jsver={$codeversion}\"></script>\n"; $shutajax = $config['closeajax'] == '1' ? 1 : 0; $ajax_js .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n//<![CDATA[\nvar moreimagepath=\"{$template['moreimages']}\";\nvar shutajax={$shutajax};\nvar absbaseurl='{$config['blogurl']}/';\n//]]>\n</script>"; $ajax_js .= "<link title=\"{$lnc[128]} {$config['blogname']}\" rel=\"search\" type=\"application/opensearchdescription+xml\" href=\"inc/opensearch.php\" />\n"; $ajax_js = plugin_walk('firstheader', $ajax_js); include_once "inc/mod_basic.php"; include_once "data/mods.php"; $extraheader = $mbcon['extraheader'] . "\n" . @implode("\n", $section_prebody);
addIncludePath('./alib'); addIncludePath('./common'); addIncludePath('./php', TRUE); include_once '../alib/'; include_once './common/'; include_once './common/'; include_once './common/'; // Connect to the db: if (!is_object($db)) { $db = new idb($config->mainDB); } D::log('db'); D::v($db); $login = new $config->loginModule(); if ($login->loggedIn || $config->allowNonLoggedIn) { global $user, $broker; $broker = new broker(); } elseif (stristr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'api')) { $api = new publicAPI(); } else { $template = new template($config->loginTemplate); $template->set('title', $config->defaultTitle); $template->set('appName', $config->appName); $template->set('extLocation', $config->extLocation); $template->set('self', $config->self); if ($login->error && $login->error != 'Not logged in and not trying to log in.') { $template->set('badLogin', TRUE); $template->set('loginError', $login->error); } $template->display(); }