コード例 #1
ファイル: class.Main.php プロジェクト: nagyist/tao-core
  * Authentication form,
  * default page, main entry point to the user
  * @return void
 public function login()
     $params = array();
     if ($this->hasRequestParameter('redirect')) {
         $redirectUrl = $_REQUEST['redirect'];
         if (substr($redirectUrl, 0, 1) == '/' || substr($redirectUrl, 0, strlen(ROOT_URL)) == ROOT_URL) {
             $params['redirect'] = $redirectUrl;
     $myLoginFormContainer = new tao_actions_form_Login($params);
     $myForm = $myLoginFormContainer->getForm();
     if ($myForm->isSubmited()) {
         if ($myForm->isValid()) {
             $success = LoginService::login($myForm->getValue('login'), $myForm->getValue('password'));
             if ($success) {
                 \common_Logger::i("Successful login of user '" . $myForm->getValue('login') . "'.");
                 if ($this->hasRequestParameter('redirect') && tao_models_classes_accessControl_AclProxy::hasAccessUrl($_REQUEST['redirect'])) {
                 } else {
                     $this->redirect(_url('entry', 'Main'));
             } else {
                 \common_Logger::i("Unsuccessful login of user '" . $myForm->getValue('login') . "'.");
                 $this->setData('errorMessage', __('Invalid login or password. Please try again.'));
     $this->setData('form', $myForm->render());
     $this->setData('title', __("TAO Login"));
     $this->setData('messageServiceIsAvailable', MessagingService::singleton()->isAvailable());
     if ($this->hasRequestParameter('msg')) {
         $this->setData('msg', $this->getRequestParameter('msg'));
     $this->setData('content-template', array('blocks/login.tpl', 'tao'));
     $this->setView('layout.tpl', 'tao');
コード例 #2
ファイル: class.Main.php プロジェクト: oat-sa/tao-core
  * Authentication form,
  * default page, main entry point to the user
  * @return void
 public function login()
     $extension = \common_ext_ExtensionsManager::singleton()->getExtensionById('tao');
     $config = $extension->getConfig('login');
     $disableAutocomplete = !empty($config['disableAutocomplete']);
     $params = array('disableAutocomplete' => $disableAutocomplete);
     if ($this->hasRequestParameter('redirect')) {
         $redirectUrl = $_REQUEST['redirect'];
         if (substr($redirectUrl, 0, 1) == '/' || substr($redirectUrl, 0, strlen(ROOT_URL)) == ROOT_URL) {
             $params['redirect'] = $redirectUrl;
     $myLoginFormContainer = new tao_actions_form_Login($params);
     $myForm = $myLoginFormContainer->getForm();
     if ($myForm->isSubmited()) {
         if ($myForm->isValid()) {
             $success = LoginService::login($myForm->getValue('login'), $myForm->getValue('password'));
             $eventManager = $this->getServiceManager()->get(EventManager::CONFIG_ID);
             if ($success) {
                 \common_Logger::i("Successful login of user '" . $myForm->getValue('login') . "'.");
                 $eventManager->trigger(new LoginSucceedEvent($myForm->getValue('login')));
                 if ($this->hasRequestParameter('redirect') && tao_models_classes_accessControl_AclProxy::hasAccessUrl($_REQUEST['redirect'])) {
                 } else {
             } else {
                 \common_Logger::i("Unsuccessful login of user '" . $myForm->getValue('login') . "'.");
                 $eventManager->trigger(new LoginFailedEvent($myForm->getValue('login')));
                 $this->setData('errorMessage', __('Invalid login or password. Please try again.'));
     $renderedForm = $myForm->render();
     // replace the login form by a fake form that will delegate the submit to the real form
     // this will allow to prevent the browser ability to cache login/password
     if ($disableAutocomplete) {
         // make a copy of the form and replace the form attributes
         $fakeForm = preg_replace('/<form[^>]+>/', '<div class="form loginForm fakeForm">', $renderedForm);
         $fakeForm = str_replace('</form>', '</div>', $fakeForm);
         // replace the password field by a text field in the actual form,
         // so the browser won't detect it and won't be able to cache the credentials
         $renderedForm = preg_replace('/type=[\'"]+password[\'"]+/', 'type="text"', $renderedForm);
         // hide the actual form,
         // it will be submitted through javascript delegation
         $renderedForm = preg_replace_callback('/<form([^>]+)>/', function ($matches) {
             $str = $matches[0];
             if (false !== strpos($str, ' style=')) {
                 $str = preg_replace('/ style=([\'"]+)([^\'"]+)([\'"]+)/', ' style=$1$2;display:none;$3', $str);
             } else {
                 $str = '<form' . $matches[1] . ' style="display:none;">';
             return $str;
         }, $renderedForm);
         // the fake form will be displayed instead of the actual form,
         // it will behave like the actual form
         $renderedForm .= $fakeForm;
     $this->setData('form', $renderedForm);
     $this->setData('title', __("TAO Login"));
     $entryPointService = $this->getServiceManager()->getServiceManager()->get(EntryPointService::SERVICE_ID);
     $this->setData('entryPoints', $entryPointService->getEntryPoints(EntryPointService::OPTION_PRELOGIN));
     if ($this->hasRequestParameter('msg')) {
         $this->setData('msg', $this->getRequestParameter('msg'));
     $this->setData('content-template', array('blocks/login.tpl', 'tao'));
     $this->setView('layout.tpl', 'tao');