コード例 #1
  * Constructor
  * @return	void
 function tx_crawler_cli_im()
     // Running parent class constructor
     if (version_compare(TYPO3_version, '4.6.0', '>=')) {
     } else {
     // Adding options to help archive:
      * We removed the "proc" option as it seemd not to be working any more. But as the complete handling of the crawler has changed regarding the configuration
      * this is completely ok. Since configuration records were introduced to configure "what should be done" additionally to page ts the way to setup jobs
      * has drifted from selecting filtering processing instructions to selecting/filtering configuration keys (you can configure the processing instructions there).
      * This is also reflected in the backend modules and allows you a much clearer and powerful way to work with the crawler extension.
     // $this->cli_options[] = array('-proc listOfProcInstr', 'Comma list of processing instructions. These are the "actions" carried out when crawling and you must specify at least one. Depends on third-party extensions. Examples are "tx_cachemgm_recache" from "cachemgm" extension (will recache pages), "tx_staticpub_publish" from "staticpub" (publishing pages to static files) or "tx_indexedsearch_reindex" from "indexed_search" (indexes pages).');
     // TODO: cleanup here!
     $this->cli_options[] = array('-d depth', 'Tree depth, 0-99', "How many levels under the 'page_id' to include.");
     $this->cli_options[] = array('-o mode', 'Output mode: "url", "exec", "queue"', "Specifies output modes\nurl : Will list URLs which wget could use as input.\nqueue: Will put entries in queue table.\nexec: Will execute all entries right away!");
     $this->cli_options[] = array('-n number', 'Number of items per minute.', 'Specifies how many items are put in the queue per minute. Only valid for output mode "queue"');
     $this->cli_options[] = array('-conf configurationkeys', 'List of Configuration Keys', 'A commaseperated list of crawler configurations');
     #		$this->cli_options[] = array('-v level', 'Verbosity level 0-3', "The value of level can be:\n  0 = all output\n  1 = info and greater (default)\n  2 = warnings and greater\n  3 = errors");
     // Setting help texts:
     $this->cli_help['name'] = 'crawler CLI interface -- Submitting URLs to be crawled via CLI interface.';
     $this->cli_help['synopsis'] = 'page_id ###OPTIONS###';
     $this->cli_help['description'] = "Works as a CLI interface to some functionality from the Web > Info > Site Crawler module; It can put entries in the queue from command line options, return the list of URLs and even execute all entries right away without having to queue them up - this can be useful for immediate re-cache, re-indexing or static publishing from command line.";
     $this->cli_help['examples'] = "/.../cli_dispatch.phpsh crawler_im 7 -d=2 -conf=<configurationKey> -o=exec\nWill re-cache pages from page 7 and two levels down, executed immediately.\n";
     $this->cli_help['examples'] .= "/.../cli_dispatch.phpsh crawler_im 7 -d=0 -conf=<configurationKey> -n=4 -o=queue\nWill put entries for re-caching pages from page 7 into queue, 4 every minute.\n";
     $this->cli_help['author'] = 'Kasper Skaarhoj, Daniel Poetzinger, Fabrizio Branca, Tolleiv Nietsch, Timo Schmidt - AOE media 2009';
コード例 #2
 public function __construct()
     // Set basic information about the script.
     $this->cli_help = array('name' => 'Command Line Interface for Goobi.Presentation', 'synopsis' => '###OPTIONS###', 'description' => 'Currently the only task available is "index".' . LF . 'Try "/PATH/TO/TYPO3/cli_dispatch.phpsh dlf index" to view more options.', 'examples' => '/PATH/TO/TYPO3/cli_dispatch.phpsh dlf TASK -ARG1=VALUE1 -ARG2=VALUE2', 'options' => '', 'license' => 'GNU GPL - free software!', 'author' => 'Goobi. Digitalisieren im Verein e.V. <*****@*****.**>');
     // Run parent constructor.
コード例 #3
ファイル: Dispatcher.php プロジェクト: punktDe/solr
  * Constructor.
  * Initializes the help parameters.
 public function __construct()
     // Setting help texts:
     $this->cli_help['name'] = 'solr -- Solr commands for TYPO3 installations';
     $this->cli_help['synopsis'] = 'command ###OPTIONS###';
     $this->cli_help['description'] = 'Dispatches to various Solr commands.';
     $this->cli_help['examples'] = "./cli_dispatch.phpsh solr updateConnections \nThis will update the Solr connections.";
     $this->cli_help['author'] = 'Ingo Renner';
コード例 #4
  * Constructor
 function tx_kesearch_cli()
     // Running parent class constructor
     // Setting help texts:
     $this->cli_help['name'] = 'ke_search Command Line Interface';
     $this->cli_help['synopsis'] = '###OPTIONS###';
     $this->cli_help['description'] = 'Start indexer for ke_search as CLI script';
     $this->cli_help['examples'] = '.../cli_dispatch.phpsh ke_search startIndexing';
     $this->cli_help['author'] = 'Andreas Kiefer, (c) 2010-2011';
コード例 #5
  * Constructor
 public function __construct()
     // Running parent class constructor
     // Setting help texts:
     $this->cli_help['name'] = 'contexts_wurfl';
     $this->cli_help['synopsis'] = 'task ###OPTIONS###';
     $this->cli_help['description'] = 'Import WURFL resource file.' . "\n" . 'import - Imports the WURFL resource file, ' . 'either from local or from remote source';
     $this->cli_help['examples'] = 'Import local WURFL resource file.' . "\n" . '    php typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh contexts_wurfl import --type local';
     $this->cli_options[] = array('--type local|remote', 'Source of resource file.');
     $this->cli_options[] = array('--force-update', 'Force update');
     $this->cli_help['author'] = 'Rico Sonntag';
     $this->cli_help['available tasks'] = 'import';
コード例 #6
  * Constructor
  * @return	void
 function tx_crawler_cli_flush()
     // Running parent class constructor
     if (version_compare(TYPO3_version, '4.6.0', '>=')) {
     } else {
     // Adding options to help archive:
     $this->cli_options[] = array('-o mode', 'Output mode: "finished", "all", "pending"', "Specifies the type queue entries which is flushed in the process.");
     #		$this->cli_options[] = array('-v level', 'Verbosity level 0-3', "The value of level can be:\n  0 = all output\n  1 = info and greater (default)\n  2 = warnings and greater\n  3 = errors");
     // Setting help texts:
     $this->cli_help['name'] = 'crawler CLI interface -- Cleaning up the queue.';
     $this->cli_help['synopsis'] = 'page_id ###OPTIONS###';
     $this->cli_help['description'] = "Works as a CLI interface to some functionality from the Web > Info > Site Crawler module; It will remove queue entires and perform a cleanup.";
     $this->cli_help['examples'] = "/.../cli_dispatch.phpsh crawler_flush 5 -o=finished\nWill remove all finished queue-entries in the sub-branch of page 5\n";
     $this->cli_help['examples'] = "/.../cli_dispatch.phpsh crawler_flush 0 -o=all\nWill remove all queue-entries for every page\n";
     $this->cli_help['author'] = 'Kasper Skaarhoj, Daniel Poetzinger, Fabrizio Branca, Tolleiv Nietsch, Timo Schmidt - AOE media 2009';
コード例 #7
  * Constructor
  * @return	void
 function tx_crawler_cli()
     // Running parent class constructor
     if (version_compare(TYPO3_version, '4.6.0', '>=')) {
     } else {
     $this->cli_options[] = array('-h', 'Show the help', '');
     $this->cli_options[] = array('--help', 'Same as -h', '');
     $this->cli_options[] = array('--countInARun count', 'Amount of pages', 'How many pages should be crawled during that run.');
     $this->cli_options[] = array('--sleepTime milliseconds', 'Millisecounds to relax system during crawls', 'Amount of millisecounds which the system should use to relax between crawls.');
     $this->cli_options[] = array('--sleepAfterFinish seconds', 'Secounds to relax system after all crawls.', 'Amount of secounds which the system should use to relax after all crawls are done.');
     // Setting help texts:
     $this->cli_help['name'] = 'crawler CLI interface -- Crawling the URLs from the queue';
     $this->cli_help['synopsis'] = '###OPTIONS###';
     $this->cli_help['description'] = "";
     $this->cli_help['examples'] = "/.../cli_dispatch.phpsh crawler\nWill trigger the crawler which starts to process the queue entires\n";
     $this->cli_help['author'] = 'Kasper Skaarhoj, Daniel Poetzinger, Fabrizio Branca, Tolleiv Nietsch, Timo Schmidt - AOE media 2010';
コード例 #8
  * Constructor
 public function __construct()
     // Running parent class constructor
     // Setting help texts:
     $this->cli_help['name'] = 'Caretaker CLI-Testrunner';
     if (t3lib_div::int_from_ver(TYPO3_version) < t3lib_div::int_from_ver('4.5.0')) {
         $this->cli_help['synopsis'] = 'update|get|wip|update-extension-list|update-typo3-latest-version-list|help ###OPTIONS###';
     } else {
         $this->cli_help['synopsis'] = 'update|get|wip|update-typo3-latest-version-list|help ###OPTIONS###';
     $this->cli_help['description'] = 'Class with basic functionality for CLI scripts';
     $this->cli_help['examples'] = '../cli_dispatch.phpsh caretaker update --root';
     $this->cli_help['author'] = 'Martin Ficzel, (c) 2008-2010';
     $this->cli_options[] = array('--root', 'update all beginning with Root Node');
     $this->cli_options[] = array('-R', 'Same as --root');
     $this->cli_options[] = array('--node', 'update all beginning with this NodeID');
     $this->cli_options[] = array('-N', 'Same as --node');
     $this->cli_options[] = array('-f', 'force Refresh of testResults');
     $this->cli_options[] = array('-r', 'Return status code');
     $this->cli_options[] = array('--options', 'Generic options for running tests, e.g. "timeout=10 reporting=off"');
     $this->cli_options[] = array('-o', 'Same as --options');
コード例 #9
  * The constructor.
 public function __construct()
     setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, 'C');
     $this->cli_help = array_merge($this->cli_help, $this->additionalHelp);
コード例 #10
  * Creates this object.
 public function __construct()
     $this->cli_help = array_merge($this->cli_help, array('name' => 'tx_t3deploy_dispatch', 'synopsis' => self::ExtKey . ' controller action ###OPTIONS###', 'description' => '', 'examples' => 'typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh ' . self::ExtKey . ' database updateStructure', 'author' => '(c) 2010 AOE media GmbH <*****@*****.**>'));