コード例 #1
  * Creates a new version of a page including content and possible subpages.
  * @param integer $uid Page uid to create new version of.
  * @param string $label Version label
  * @param integer $versionizeTree Indicating "treeLevel" - "page" (0) or "branch" (>=1) ["element" type must call versionizeRecord() directly]
  * @param t3lib_TCEmain $tcemainObj TCEmain object
  * @return void
  * @see copyPages()
 protected function versionizePages($uid, $label, $versionizeTree, t3lib_TCEmain $tcemainObj)
     global $TCA;
     $uid = intval($uid);
     // returns the branch
     $brExist = $tcemainObj->doesBranchExist('', $uid, $tcemainObj->pMap['show'], 1);
     // Checks if we had permissions
     if ($brExist != -1) {
         // Make list of tables that should come along with a new version of the page:
         $verTablesArray = array();
         $allTables = array_keys($TCA);
         foreach ($allTables as $tableName) {
             if ($tableName != 'pages' && ($versionizeTree > 0 || $TCA[$tableName]['ctrl']['versioning_followPages'])) {
                 $verTablesArray[] = $tableName;
         // Remove the possible inline child tables from the tables to be versioniozed automatically:
         $verTablesArray = array_diff($verTablesArray, $this->getPossibleInlineChildTablesOfParentTable('pages'));
         // Begin to copy pages if we're allowed to:
         if ($tcemainObj->BE_USER->workspaceVersioningTypeAccess($versionizeTree)) {
             // Versionize this page:
             $theNewRootID = $tcemainObj->versionizeRecord('pages', $uid, $label, FALSE, $versionizeTree);
             if ($theNewRootID) {
                 $this->rawCopyPageContent($uid, $theNewRootID, $verTablesArray, $tcemainObj);
                 // If we're going to copy recursively...:
                 if ($versionizeTree > 0) {
                     // Get ALL subpages to copy (read permissions respected - they should NOT be...):
                     $CPtable = $tcemainObj->int_pageTreeInfo(array(), $uid, intval($versionizeTree), $theNewRootID);
                     // Now copying the subpages
                     foreach ($CPtable as $thePageUid => $thePagePid) {
                         $newPid = $tcemainObj->copyMappingArray['pages'][$thePagePid];
                         if (isset($newPid)) {
                             $theNewRootID = $tcemainObj->copyRecord_raw('pages', $thePageUid, $newPid);
                             $this->rawCopyPageContent($thePageUid, $theNewRootID, $verTablesArray, $tcemainObj);
                         } else {
                             $tcemainObj->newlog('Something went wrong during copying branch (for versioning)', 1);
                 // else the page was not copied. Too bad...
             } else {
                 $tcemainObj->newlog('The root version could not be created!', 1);
         } else {
             $tcemainObj->newlog('Versioning type "' . $versionizeTree . '" was not allowed in workspace', 1);
     } else {
         $tcemainObj->newlog('Could not read all subpages to versionize.', 1);