コード例 #1
 function init()
     if ($this->is_action('su-export')) {
         header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
         header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="SEO Ultimate Settings (' . date('Y-m-d') . ').dat"');
         $export = array();
         $psdata = (array) get_option('seo_ultimate', array());
         //Module statuses
         $export['modules'] = apply_filters('su_modules_export_array', $psdata['modules']);
         //Module settings
         $modules = array_keys($psdata['modules']);
         $module_settings = array();
         foreach ($modules as $module) {
             if (!$this->plugin->call_module_func($module, 'get_settings_key', $key) || !$key) {
                 $key = $module;
             $msdata = (array) get_option("seo_ultimate_module_{$key}", array());
             if ($msdata) {
                 $module_settings[$key] = $msdata;
         $export['settings'] = apply_filters('su_settings_export_array', $module_settings);
         $export = base64_encode(serialize($export));
         echo $export;
     } elseif ($this->is_action('su-import')) {
         if (strlen($_FILES['settingsfile']['name'])) {
             $file = $_FILES['settingsfile']['tmp_name'];
             if (is_uploaded_file($file)) {
                 $import = base64_decode(file_get_contents($file));
                 if (is_serialized($import)) {
                     $import = unserialize($import);
                     //Module statuses
                     $psdata = (array) get_option('seo_ultimate', array());
                     $psdata['modules'] = array_merge($psdata['modules'], $import['modules']);
                     update_option('seo_ultimate', $psdata);
                     //Module settings
                     $module_settings = apply_filters('su_settings_import_array', $import['settings']);
                     foreach ($module_settings as $key => $module_settings) {
                         $msdata = (array) get_option("seo_ultimate_module_{$key}", array());
                         $msdata = array_merge($msdata, $module_settings);
                         update_option("seo_ultimate_module_{$key}", $msdata);
                     $this->queue_message('success', __('Settings successfully imported.', 'seo-ultimate'));
                 } else {
                     $this->queue_message('error', __('The uploaded file is not in the proper format. Settings could not be imported.', 'seo-ultimate'));
             } else {
                 $this->queue_message('error', __('The settings file could not be uploaded successfully.', 'seo-ultimate'));
         } else {
             $this->queue_message('warning', __('Settings could not be imported because no settings file was selected. Please click the “Browse” button and select a file to import.', 'seo-ultimate'));
     } elseif ($this->is_action('su-reset')) {
         $psdata = (array) get_option('seo_ultimate', array());
         $modules = array_keys($psdata['modules']);
         foreach ($modules as $module) {
             if (!$this->plugin->call_module_func($module, 'get_settings_key', $key) || !$key) {
                 $key = $module;
         update_option('seo_ultimate', $psdata);
     } elseif ($this->is_action('dj-export')) {
         header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Deeplink Juggernaut Content Links (' . date('Y-m-d') . ').csv"');
         $djlinks = $this->get_setting('links', array(), 'autolinks');
         $csv_headers = array('anchor' => 'Anchor', 'to_type' => 'Destination Type', 'to_id' => 'Destination', 'title' => 'Title', 'sitewide_lpa' => 'Site Cap', 'nofollow' => 'Nofollow', 'target' => 'Target');
         if (is_array($djlinks) && count($djlinks)) {
             $djlinks = suarr::key_replace($djlinks, $csv_headers, true, true);
         } else {
             $djlinks = array(array_fill_keys($csv_headers, ''));
     } elseif ($this->is_action('dj-import')) {
         if (strlen($_FILES['settingsfile']['name'])) {
             $file = $_FILES['settingsfile']['tmp_name'];
             if (is_uploaded_file($file)) {
                 $import = suio::import_csv($file);
                 if ($import === false) {
                     $this->queue_message('error', __('The uploaded file is not in the proper format. Links could not be imported.', 'seo-ultimate'));
                 } else {
                     $import = suarr::key_replace($import, array('Anchor' => 'anchor', 'Destination Type' => 'to_type', 'Destination' => 'to_id', 'URL' => 'to_id', 'Title' => 'title', 'Site Cap' => 'sidewide_lpa', 'Nofollow' => 'nofollow', 'Target' => 'target'), true, true);
                     $import = suarr::value_replace($import, array('No' => false, 'Yes' => true, 'URL' => 'url'), true, false);
                     $djlinks = array();
                     foreach ($import as $link) {
                         //Validate destination type
                         if ($link['to_type'] != 'url' && !sustr::startswith($link['to_type'], 'posttype_') && !sustr::startswith($link['to_type'], 'taxonomy_')) {
                             $link['to_type'] = 'url';
                         //Validate nofollow
                         if (!is_bool($link['nofollow'])) {
                             $link['nofollow'] = false;
                         //Validate target
                         $link['target'] = ltrim($link['target'], '_');
                         if (!in_array($link['target'], array('self', 'blank'))) {
                             //Only _self or _blank are supported  right now
                             $link['target'] = 'self';
                         //Add link!
                         $djlinks[] = $link;
                     $this->update_setting('links', $djlinks, 'autolinks');
                     $this->queue_message('success', __('Links successfully imported.', 'seo-ultimate'));
             } else {
                 $this->queue_message('error', __('The CSV file could not be uploaded successfully.', 'seo-ultimate'));
         } else {
             $this->queue_message('warning', __('Links could not be imported because no CSV file was selected. Please click the “Browse” button and select a file to import.', 'seo-ultimate'));
コード例 #2
  * Finds and loads all modules. Runs the activation functions of newly-uploaded modules.
  * Updates the modules list and saves it in the database. Removes the cron jobs of deleted modules.
  * SEO Ultimate uses a modular system that allows functionality to be added and removed on-the-fly.
  * @since 0.1
  * @uses $plugin_dir_path
  * @uses $modules Stores module classes in this array.
  * @uses $disabled_modules
  * @uses module_sort_callback() Passes this function to uasort() to sort the $modules array.
  * @uses remove_cron_jobs()
 function load_modules()
     $this->disabled_modules = array();
     $this->modules = array();
     $psdata = (array) get_option('seo_ultimate', array());
     //The plugin_dir_path variable must be set before calling this function!
     if (!$this->plugin_dir_path) {
         return false;
     //If no modules list is found, then create a new, empty list.
     if (!isset($psdata['modules'])) {
         $psdata['modules'] = array();
     //Get the modules list from last time the plugin was loaded.
     $oldmodules = $psdata['modules'];
     //The modules are in the "modules" subdirectory of the plugin folder.
     $dirpath = $this->plugin_dir_path . 'modules';
     $dir = opendir($dirpath);
     //This loop will be repeated as long as there are more folders to inspect
     while ($folder = readdir($dir)) {
         //If the item is a folder...
         if (suio::is_dir($folder, $dirpath)) {
             //Open the subfolder
             $subdirpath = $dirpath . '/' . $folder;
             $subdir = opendir($subdirpath);
             //Scan the files in the subfolder (seo-ultimate/modules/???/*)
             while ($file = readdir($subdir)) {
                 //Modules are non-directory files with the .php extension
                 //We need to exclude index.php or else we'll get 403s galore
                 if (suio::is_file($file, $subdirpath, 'php') && $file != 'index.php') {
                     $filepath = $subdirpath . '/' . $file;
                     //Figure out the module's array key and class name
                     $module = strval(strtolower(substr($file, 0, -4)));
                     $class = 'SU_' . str_replace(' ', '', ucwords(str_replace('-', ' ', $module)));
                     //Load the module's code
                     include_once $filepath;
                     //If this is actually a module...
                     if (class_exists($class)) {
                         if (($module_parent = call_user_func(array($class, 'get_parent_module'))) && !call_user_func(array($class, 'is_independent_module'))) {
                             $module_disabled = isset($oldmodules[$module_parent]) && $oldmodules[$module_parent] == SU_MODULE_DISABLED;
                         } else {
                             $module_disabled = isset($oldmodules[$module]) && $oldmodules[$module] == SU_MODULE_DISABLED;
                         //if (!isset($oldmodules[$module]) && call_user_func(array($class, 'get_default_status')) == SU_MODULE_DISABLED)
                         //$module_disabled = true;
                         if (!isset($oldmodules[$module]) && call_user_func(array($class, 'get_default_status') == SU_MODULE_DISABLED)) {
                         $module_disabled = false;
                         if (in_array($module, $this->get_invincible_modules())) {
                             $module_disabled = false;
                             $oldmodules[$module] = SU_MODULE_ENABLED;
                         //If this module is disabled...
                         if ($module_disabled) {
                             $this->disabled_modules[$module] = $class;
                         } else {
                             //Create an instance of the module's class and store it in the array
                             $this->modules[$module] = new $class();
                             //We must tell the module what its key is so that it can save settings
                             $this->modules[$module]->module_key = $module;
                             //Tell the module what its URLs are
                             $this->modules[$module]->module_dir_rel_url = $mdirrelurl = "modules/{$folder}/";
                             $this->modules[$module]->module_rel_url = $mdirrelurl . $file;
                             $this->modules[$module]->module_dir_url = $mdirurl = $this->plugin_dir_url . $mdirrelurl;
                             $this->modules[$module]->module_url = $mdirurl . $file;
                             //Is this module the default menu module?
                             if ($this->modules[$module]->get_menu_parent() === 'seo' && $this->modules[$module]->is_menu_default())
                             	$this->default_menu_module = $module;
                             //Give the module this plugin's object by reference
                             $this->modules[$module]->plugin =& $this;
                             //Call post-construction function
                     //If this isn't a module, then the file will simply be included as-is
     //If the loop above found modules, then sort them with our special sorting function
     //so they appear on the admin menu in the right order
     if (count($this->modules) > 0) {
         uasort($this->modules, array(&$this, 'module_sort_callback'));
     //Now we'll compare the current module set with the one from last time.
     //Construct the new modules list that'll go in the database.
     //This code block will add/activate new modules, keep existing ones, and remove (i.e. not add) deleted ones.
     foreach ($this->modules as $key => $module) {
         if (isset($oldmodules[$key])) {
             $newmodules[$key] = $oldmodules[$key];
         } else {
             $newmodules[$key] = $this->modules[$key]->get_default_status();
     foreach ($this->modules as $key => $module) {
         if (($module_parent = $this->modules[$key]->get_parent_module()) && !$this->modules[$key]->is_independent_module()) {
             $newmodules[$key] = $newmodules[$module_parent];
     //Register disabled modules as such
     foreach ($this->disabled_modules as $key => $name) {
         $newmodules[$key] = SU_MODULE_DISABLED;
     //Save the new modules list
     $psdata['modules'] = $newmodules;
     if ($newmodules != $oldmodules) {
         update_option('seo_ultimate', $psdata);
     //Remove the cron jobs of deleted modules
     //Tell the modules what their plugin page hooks are
     foreach ($this->modules as $key => $module) {
         $menu_parent_hook = $this->modules[$key]->get_menu_parent_hook();
         if ($this->modules[$key]->is_menu_default()) {
             $this->modules[$key]->plugin_page_hook = $plugin_page_hook = "toplevel_page_{$menu_parent_hook}";
         } elseif ('options-general.php' == $menu_parent_hook) {
             $this->modules[$key]->plugin_page_hook = $plugin_page_hook = 'settings_page_' . $this->key_to_hook($this->modules[$key]->get_module_or_parent_key());
         } else {
             $this->modules[$key]->plugin_page_hook = $plugin_page_hook = $menu_parent_hook . '_page_' . $this->key_to_hook($this->modules[$key]->get_module_or_parent_key());
         add_action("load-{$plugin_page_hook}", array($this->modules[$key], 'load_hook'));
     if (!$this->module_exists($this->default_menu_module)) {
         foreach ($this->modules as $key => $module) {
             if ($this->modules[$key]->get_menu_parent() === 'seo' && $this->modules[$key]->get_parent_module() == false) {
                 $this->default_menu_module = $key;
コード例 #3
  * Converts an array into a CSV file, outputs it with the appropriate HTTP header, and terminates program execution.
  * @param array $csv The array to convert and output
  * @return false Returns a value only if conversion failed
 function export_csv($csv)
     header("Content-Type: text/csv");
     $result = suio::print_csv($csv);
     if ($result) {
     } else {
         return false;