} set_time_limit(30); list($passed, $phpvalid, $phpcasstring, $error, $casvalid, $caserrors, $casdisplay, $casvalue, $answernote) = stack_inputvalidation_test_data::run_test($test); $allpassed = $allpassed && $passed; if ($passed) { $class = 'pass'; $passedcol = stack_string('testsuitepass'); } else { $class = 'fail'; $passedcol = stack_string('testsuitefail'); } $display = ''; if ('' != $casdisplay) { $display = '\\(' . $casdisplay . '\\)'; } $row = array('passed' => $passedcol, 'studentanswer' => s($test->rawstring), 'phpvalid' => s($phpvalid), 'phpcasstring' => s($phpcasstring), 'answernote' => $answernote, 'error' => $error, 'casvalid' => s($casvalid), 'casvalue' => $casvalue, 'casdisplay' => format_text(stack_maths::process_lang_string(s($display))) . html_writer::tag('pre', s($casdisplay)), 'caserrors' => $caserrors); $table->add_data_keyed($row, $class); flush(); } $table->finish_output(); // Overall summary. $took = microtime(true) - $start; $rtook = round($took, 5); $pertest = round($took / $notests, 5); echo '<p>' . stack_string('testsuitenotests', array('no' => $notests)); echo '<br/>' . stack_string('testsuiteteststook', array('time' => $rtook)); echo '<br/>' . stack_string('testsuiteteststookeach', array('time' => $pertest)); echo '</p>'; $config = get_config('qtype_stack'); echo html_writer::tag('p', stack_string('healthcheckcache_' . $config->casresultscache)); // Overall summary.
/** * Equivalent to get_string($key, 'qtype_stack', $a), but this method ensure that * any equations in the string are displayed properly. * @param string $key the string name. * @param mixed $a (optional) any values to interpolate into the string. * @return string the language string */ function stack_string($key, $a = null) { return stack_maths::process_lang_string(get_string($key, 'qtype_stack', $a)); }