コード例 #1
    $strict_cert_validation = $janus_config->getBoolean('cert.strict.validation', true);
    $cert_allowed_warnings = $janus_config->getArray('cert.allowed.warnings', array());
    $cert_time_limit = $janus_config->getInteger('notify.cert.expiring.before', 30);
$notify_meta_expiring_before = $janus_config->getInteger('notify.meta.expiring.before', 5);
$meta_time_limit = $now + $notify_meta_expiring_before * 86400;
$workflowstates = $janus_config->getValue('workflowstates');
foreach ($util->getEntities() as $entity) {
    $entry = array();
    $eid = $entity['eid'];
    // Get Entity controller
    $mcontroller = new sspmod_janus_EntityController($janus_config);
    // Grab some basic fields
    $metadata = $mcontroller->getMetadata();
    $entity_id = $mcontroller->getEntity()->getEntityid();
    $entity_type = $mcontroller->getEntity()->getType();
    $prettyname = $mcontroller->getEntity()->getPrettyname();
    $entity_workflow = $mcontroller->getEntity()->getWorkflow();
    $metaArray = $mcontroller->getMetaArray();
    $entry['entityid'] = $entity_id;
    $entry['entitytype'] = $entity_type;
    $entry['prettyname'] = $prettyname;
    $entry['workflow'] = $entity_workflow;
    // Check if the entity has all the required fields
    $metadata_alowed = $janus_config->getArray('metadatafields.' . $entity_type, array());
    $metadata_required = array();
    foreach ($metadata_alowed as $k => $v) {
        if (array_key_exists('required', $v) && $v['required'] === true) {
            $metadata_required[] = $k;
コード例 #2
 private static function getMetadata($eid, $revision, $type = null, array $option = null)
     $janus_config = SimpleSAML_Configuration::getConfig('module_janus.php');
     $econtroller = new sspmod_janus_EntityController($janus_config);
     if (!($entity = $econtroller->setEntity($eid, $revision))) {
         self::$_error = array('Entity could not be loaded - Eid: ' . $eid . ' Revisionid: ' . $revisionid);
         return false;
     $metadata_raw = $econtroller->getMetadata();
     // Get metadata fields
     $nm_mb = new sspmod_janus_MetadatafieldBuilder($janus_config->getArray('metadatafields.' . $entity->getType()));
     $metadatafields_required = $nm_mb->getMetadatafields();
     // Get required metadata fields
     $required = array();
     foreach ($metadatafields_required as $mf) {
         if (isset($mf->required) && $mf->required === true) {
             $required[] = $mf->name;
     // Get metadata to me tested
     $metadata = array();
     foreach ($metadata_raw as $k => $v) {
         // Metadata field not defined
         if (!isset($metadatafields_required[$v->getKey()])) {
         // Value not set for metadata
         if (is_string($v->getValue()) && $v->getValue() == '') {
         // Compute is the default values is allowed
         $default_allow = false;
         if (isset($metadatafield_required[$v->getKey()]->default_allow) && is_bool($metadata_required[$v->getKey()]->default_allow)) {
             $default_allow = $metadata_required[$v->getKey()]->default_allow;
          * Do not include metadata if value is set to default and default
          * is not allowed.
         if (!$default_allow && (isset($metadata_required[$v->getKey()]->default) && $v->getValue() == $metadata_required[$v->getKey()]->default)) {
         $metadata[] = $v->getKey();
     // Compute missing metadata that is required
     $missing_required = array_diff($required, $metadata);
     $entityid = $entity->getEntityid();
     if (empty($missing_required)) {
         try {
             $metaArray = $econtroller->getMetaArray();
             $metaArray['eid'] = $eid;
             $blocked_entities = $econtroller->getBlockedEntities();
             $allowed_entities = $econtroller->getAllowedEntities();
             $disable_consent = $econtroller->getDisableConsent();
             $metaflat = '// Revision: ' . $entity->getRevisionid() . "\n";
             $metaflat .= var_export($entityid, TRUE) . ' => ' . var_export($metaArray, TRUE) . ',';
             // Add authproc filter to block blocked entities
             if (!empty($blocked_entities) || !empty($allowed_entities)) {
                 $metaflat = substr($metaflat, 0, -2);
                 if (!empty($blocked_entities)) {
                     $metaflat .= "  'blocked' => array(\n";
                     foreach ($blocked_entities as $bentity => $value) {
                         $metaflat .= "    '" . $bentity . "',\n";
                     $metaflat .= "  ),\n";
                 if (!empty($allowed_entities)) {
                     $metaflat .= "  'allowed' => array(\n";
                     foreach ($allowed_entities as $aentity => $value) {
                         $metaflat .= "      '" . $aentity . "',\n";
                     $metaflat .= "  ),\n";
                 $metaflat .= '),';
             // Add disable consent
             if (!empty($disable_consent)) {
                 $metaflat = substr($metaflat, 0, -2);
                 $metaflat .= "  'consent.disable' => array(\n";
                 foreach ($disable_consent as $key => $value) {
                     $metaflat .= "    '" . $key . "',\n";
                 $metaflat .= "  ),\n";
                 $metaflat .= '),';
             $maxCache = isset($option['maxCache']) ? $option['maxCache'] : null;
             $maxDuration = isset($option['maxDuration']) ? $option['maxDuration'] : null;
             try {
                 $metaBuilder = new SimpleSAML_Metadata_SAMLBuilder($entityid, $maxCache, $maxDuration);
                 $metaBuilder->addMetadata($metaArray['metadata-set'], $metaArray);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 SimpleSAML_Logger::error('JANUS - Entity_id:' . $entityid . ' - Error generating XML metadata - ' . var_export($e, true));
                 self::$_error = array('Error generating XML metadata - ' . $e->getMessage());
                 return false;
             // Add organization info
             if (!empty($metaArray['OrganizationName']) && !empty($metaArray['OrganizationDisplayName']) && !empty($metaArray['OrganizationURL'])) {
                 $metaBuilder->addOrganizationInfo(array('OrganizationName' => $metaArray['OrganizationName'], 'OrganizationDisplayName' => $metaArray['OrganizationDisplayName'], 'OrganizationURL' => $metaArray['OrganizationURL']));
             // Add contact info
             if (!empty($metaArray['contact'])) {
                 $metaBuilder->addContact('technical', $metaArray['contact']);
             switch ($type) {
                 case self::XML:
                     return $metaBuilder->getEntityDescriptor();
                 case self::XMLREADABLE:
                     return $metaBuilder->getEntityDescriptorText();
                 case self::PHPARRAY:
                     return $metaArray;
                 case self::FLATFILE:
                     return $metaflat;
         } catch (Exception $exception) {
             $session = SimpleSAML_Session::getInstance();
             SimpleSAML_Utilities::fatalError($session->getTrackID(), 'JANUS - Metadatageneration', $exception);
     } else {
         SimpleSAML_Logger::error('JANUS - Missing required metadata fields. Entity_id:' . $entityid);
         self::$_error = $missing_required;
         return false;
コード例 #3
 protected static function _getMetadataForEntity($entity, $revisionid = NULL, $keys = array())
     $econtroller = new sspmod_janus_EntityController(SimpleSAML_Configuration::getConfig('module_janus.php'));
     /** @var $entity sspmod_janus_Entity */
     $entity = $econtroller->setEntity($entity, $revisionid);
     if (!$entity->getWorkflow()) {
         return false;
     $metadata = $econtroller->getMetadata();
     $result = array();
     foreach ($metadata as $meta) {
         if (count($keys) == 0 || in_array($meta->getKey(), $keys)) {
             $result[$meta->getKey()] = $meta->getValue();
     return $result;
コード例 #4
         $update = TRUE;
         $note .= 'Changed workflow: ' . $_POST['entity_workflow'] . '<br />';
         $addresses[] = 'ENTITYUPDATE-' . $eid . '-CHANGESTATE-' . $_POST['entity_workflow'];
 // change ARPw
 if (isset($_POST['entity_arp']) && $guard->hasPermission('changearp', $entity->getWorkflow(), $user->getType())) {
     if ($entity->setArp($_POST['entity_arp'])) {
         $update = TRUE;
         $note .= 'Changed arp: ' . $_POST['entity_arp'] . '<br />';
         $addresses[] = 'ENTITYUPDATE-' . $eid . '-CHANGEARP-' . $_POST['entity_arp'];
 // Change entity type
 if ($entity->setType($_POST['entity_type']) && $guard->hasPermission('changeentitytype', $entity->getWorkflow(), $user->getType())) {
     $old_metadata = $mcontroller->getMetadata();
     // Get metadatafields for new type
     $nm_mb = new sspmod_janus_MetadatafieldBuilder($janus_config->getArray('metadatafields.' . $_POST['entity_type']));
     $new_metadata = $nm_mb->getMetadatafields();
     // Only remove fields specific to old type
     foreach ($old_metadata as $om) {
         if (!isset($new_metadata[$om->getKey()])) {
     // Add all required fields for new type
     foreach ($new_metadata as $mf) {
         if (isset($mf->required) && $mf->required === true) {
             $mcontroller->addMetadata($mf->name, $mf->default);
             $update = true;