コード例 #1
    function send()
        $db = JFactory::getDBO();
        ## Making the query for getting the orders
        $sql = 'SELECT  a.*, c.name, c.emailaddress, c.firstname, e.eventname,  t.ticket_size, t.ticket_orientation, t.combine_multitickets
			  FROM #__ticketmaster_orders AS a, #__ticketmaster_clients AS c, #__ticketmaster_events AS e, #__ticketmaster_tickets AS t 
			  WHERE a.userid = c.userid
			  AND a.eventid = e.eventid
			  AND t.ticketid = a.ticketid
			  AND ordercode = ' . (int) $this->eid . '';
        $info = $db->loadObjectList();
        $k = 0;
        $row =& $info[0];
        if ($row->combine_multitickets && count($info) > 1) {
            $fname = $this->combinetickets($info);
            $attachment[] = $fname;
            $name = $row->name;
            $email = $row->emailaddress;
            $event = $row->eventname;
        } else {
            for ($i = 0, $n = count($info); $i < $n; $i++) {
                $row =& $info[$i];
                ## Tickets are saved as: eTicket-1000
                ## Create attachments the same as saved
                $attachment[] = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_ticketmaster' . DS . 'tickets' . DS . 'eTicket-' . $row->orderid . '.pdf';
                $name = $row->name;
                $email = $row->emailaddress;
                $event = $row->eventname;
                $k = 1 - $k;
        ## We do now need to get the mail that wil send the ticket.
        ## Using email ID: #1
        ## We need to select all information.
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM #__ticketmaster_emails WHERE emailid = 1 ";
        $mail = $db->loadObject();
        #### NEW FOR 3.0.2 - EXTRA DATA IN THE EMAIL FOR TICKETS! ####
        $path_include = JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_ticketmaster' . DS . 'assets' . DS . 'functions.php';
        include_once $path_include;
        ## Loading the configuration table.
        $sql = 'SELECT * FROM #__ticketmaster_config WHERE configid = 1';
        $configuration = $db->loadObject();
        $sql = 'SELECT  a.*, t.*, e.eventname, c.*, 
			  t.ticketdate, t.starttime, t.location, t.locationinfo, a.paid, e.groupname, t.eventcode
			  FROM #__ticketmaster_orders AS a, #__ticketmaster_clients AS c,
			  #__ticketmaster_events AS e, #__ticketmaster_tickets AS t
			  WHERE a.userid = c.userid
			  AND a.eventid = e.eventid
			  AND a.ticketid = t.ticketid
			  AND ordercode = ' . $this->eid . '
			  GROUP BY a.orderid';
        $data = $db->loadObjectList();
        include_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_ticketmaster' . DS . 'classes' . DS . 'special.tickets.class.php';
        if ($configuration->send_multi_ticket_only == 1) {
            ## Create the new multi ticket.
            $multi = new special((int) $this->eid);
            ## Clearing the old fashion PDF:
            ## Send the multi ticket only as attachment: multi-[ordercode]
            $attachment[] = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_ticketmaster' . DS . 'tickets' . DS . 'multi-' . (int) $this->eid . '.pdf';
            $attachment_admin[] = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_ticketmaster' . DS . 'tickets' . DS . 'multi-' . (int) $this->eid . '.pdf';
        $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(orderid) AS total 
		      FROM #__ticketmaster_orders 
			  WHERE ordercode = ' . (int) $this->eid . '
			  AND paid = 0';
        $ordering_code = $this->eid;
        $status = $db->loadObjectList();
        if ($status->total > 0) {
            $paymentstatus = '<font color="#FF0000">' . JText::_('COM_TICKETMASTER_ORDERSTATUS_UNPAID') . '</font>';
        } else {
            $paymentstatus = '<font color="#006600">' . JText::_('COM_TICKETMASTER_ORDERSTATUS_PAID') . '</font>';
        $orders = '<ul>';
        $k = 0;
        for ($i = 0, $n = count($data); $i < $n; $i++) {
            $row = $data[$i];
            $price = showprice($configuration->priceformat, $row->ticketprice, $configuration->valuta);
            $ticketdate = date($configuration->dateformat, strtotime($row->ticketdate));
            if ($row->firstname != '') {
                $customer = $row->firstname . ' ' . $row->name;
            } else {
                $customer = $row->name;
            $recipient = $row->emailaddress;
            $userid = $row->userid;
            $orders .= '<li>[ ' . $row->orderid . ' ] - [ ' . $ticketdate . ' ] - <strong>' . $row->ticketname . '</strong> [ ' . $price . ' ]</li>';
            $k = 1 - $k;
        $orders .= '</ul>';
        ## Including required paths to calculator.
        $path_include = JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_ticketmaster' . DS . 'assets' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'get.amount.php';
        include_once $path_include;
        ## Get the paid amount:
        $to_be_paid = _getAmount($ordering_code);
        $price = showprice($configuration->priceformat, $to_be_paid, $configuration->valuta);
        $total_tickets = count($data);
        #### END ADDONG FOR EMAIL ####
        $countattachments = count($attachment);
        $message = str_replace('%%NAME%%', $customer, $mail->mailbody);
        $subject = str_replace('%%EVENTNAME%%', $event, $mail->mailsubject);
        $message = str_replace('%%ORDERCODE%%', $this->eid, $message);
        $message = str_replace('%%TICKETS%%', $total_tickets, $message);
        $message = str_replace('%%PRICE%%', $price, $message);
        $message = str_replace('%%ORDERLIST%%', $orders, $message);
        $message = str_replace('%%PAYMENTSTATUS%%', $paymentstatus, $message);
        $message = str_replace('%%COMPANYNAME%%', $configuration->companyname, $message);
        $message = str_replace('%%COMPANYADDRESS%%', $configuration->address1, $message);
        $message = str_replace('%%COMPANYCITY%%', $configuration->city, $message);
        $message = str_replace('%%PHONENUMBER%%', $configuration->phone, $message);
        if ($countattachments > 0) {
            ## Imaport mail functions:
            ## Set the sender of the email:
            $sender[0] = $mail->from_email;
            $sender[1] = $mail->from_name;
            ## Compile mailer function:
            $obj = JFactory::getMailer();
            if ($configuration->send_pdf_tickets == 1) {
            ## Send blind copy to site admin?
            if ($mail->receive_bcc == 1) {
                if ($mail->reply_to_email != '') {
            ## Add reply to and subject:
            if ($mail->published == 1) {
                $sent = $obj->Send();
            ## Add the ordercode & userid to $vars
            $vars['ordercode'] = $this->eid;
            $vars['userid'] = $userid;
            ## TRIGGER INVOICING PLUGIN AND RELATED onAfterSendTickets
            $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
            $dispatcher->trigger('OnAfterSentTickets', array($vars));
            if ($configuration->send_multi_ticket_admin == 1) {
                ## Check if the multi ticket is there:
                $attachment = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_ticketmaster' . DS . 'tickets' . DS . 'multi-' . (int) $this->eid . '.pdf';
                if (!file_exists($attachment)) {
                    ## Create the new multi ticket.
                    $multi = new special((int) $this->eid);
                    ## Send the multi ticket only as attachment: multi-[ordercode]
                    $attachment = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_ticketmaster' . DS . 'tickets' . DS . 'multi-' . (int) $this->eid . '.pdf';
                ## Now preapre message for the admin:
                $admin = JFactory::getMailer();
                ## Set the sender of the email:
                $sender[0] = $mail->from_email;
                $sender[1] = $mail->from_name;
                ## Compile mailer function:
                $sent = $admin->Send();
        ## Updating the order, PDF sent = 1
        $query = 'UPDATE #__ticketmaster_orders' . ' SET pdfsent = 1' . ' WHERE ordercode = ' . (int) $this->eid . '';
        ## Do the query now
        ## When query goes wrong.. Show message with error.
        if (!$db->query()) {
            exit('Query went wrong in sendonpayment.class.php');
            return false;
        ## Updating the order, PDF sent = 1
        $query = 'UPDATE #__ticketmaster_tickets' . ' SET ticketssent = ticketssent+' . (int) $countattachments . '' . ' WHERE ticketid = ' . (int) $info->ticketid . '';
        ## Do the query now
        ## When query goes wrong.. Show message with error.
        if (!$db->query()) {
            return false;
コード例 #2
    function send()
        $db = JFactory::getDBO();
        ## Clearing!
        $this->info = '';
        $this->error = '';
        ## Making the query for getting the orders
        $sql = 'SELECT  a.*, c.name, c.emailaddress, c.firstname, e.eventname,  t.ticket_size, t.ticket_orientation, t.combine_multitickets
			  FROM #__ticketmaster_orders AS a, #__ticketmaster_clients AS c, #__ticketmaster_events AS e, #__ticketmaster_tickets AS t 
			  WHERE a.userid = c.userid
			  AND a.eventid = e.eventid
			  AND t.ticketid = a.ticketid
			  AND ordercode = ' . (int) $this->eid . '';
        $info = $db->loadObjectList();
        $k = 0;
        $row = $info[0];
        $sql = "SELECT send_multi_ticket_only FROM #__ticketmaster_config WHERE configid = 1";
        $config = $db->loadObject();
        if ($config->send_multi_ticket_only == 1) {
            $attachment[] = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_ticketmaster' . DS . 'tickets' . DS . 'multi-' . $this->eid . '.pdf';
            if (!file_exists($attachment)) {
                ## Create the new multi ticket.
                include_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_ticketmaster' . DS . 'classes' . DS . 'special.tickets.class.php';
                $multi = new special((int) $this->eid);
                ## Send the multi ticket only as attachment: multi-[ordercode]
                $attachment = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_ticketmaster' . DS . 'tickets' . DS . 'multi-' . (int) $this->eid . '.pdf';
            $name = $row->name;
            $firstname = $row->firstname;
            $email = $row->emailaddress;
        } else {
            if ($row->combine_multitickets && count($info) > 1) {
                $fname = $this->combinetickets($info);
                $attachment[] = $fname;
                $name = $row->name;
                $firstname = $row->firstname;
                $email = $row->emailaddress;
                $event = $row->eventname;
            } else {
                for ($i = 0, $n = count($info); $i < $n; $i++) {
                    $row =& $info[$i];
                    ## Tickets are saved as: eTicket-1000
                    ## Create attachments the same as saved
                    $attachment[] = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_ticketmaster' . DS . 'tickets' . DS . 'eTicket-' . $row->orderid . '.pdf';
                    $name = $row->name;
                    $firstname = $row->firstname;
                    $email = $row->emailaddress;
                    $event = $row->eventname;
                    $k = 1 - $k;
        ## We do now need to get the mail that wil send the ticket.
        ## Using email ID: #1
        ## We need to select all information.
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM #__ticketmaster_emails WHERE emailid = 8";
        $mail = $db->loadObject();
        $countattachments = count($attachment);
        $message = str_replace('%%NAME%%', $name, $mail->mailbody);
        $message = str_replace('%%FIRSTNAME%%', $firstname, $message);
        $message = str_replace('%%EVENTNAME%%', $event, $message);
        $subject = str_replace('%%EVENTNAME%%', $event, $mail->mailsubject);
        if ($countattachments > 0) {
            ## Imaport mail functions:
            ## Set the sender of the email:
            $sender[0] = $mail->from_email;
            $sender[1] = $mail->from_name;
            ## Compile mailer function:
            $obj = JFactory::getMailer();
            ## Send blind copy to site admin?
            if ($mail->receive_bcc == 1) {
                if ($mail->reply_to_email != '') {
            ## Add reply to and subject:
            if ($mail->published == 1) {
                $sent = $obj->Send();