コード例 #1
ファイル: rss.php プロジェクト: BackupTheBerlios/sotf-svn
 $properties = array();
 $properties["description"] = "New programmes at StreamOnTheFly";
 $properties["link"] = $config['rootUrl'] . "";
 $properties["title"] = "StreamOnTheFly";
 $properties["dc:date"] = getW3CDate();
 //  If your channel has a logo, before adding any channel items, specify the logo details this way.
 $properties = array();
 $properties["url"] = $config['rootUrl'] . "/static/sotflogosmall.gif";
 $properties["link"] = $config['rootUrl'] . "";
 $properties["title"] = "StreamOnTheFly logo";
 $properties["description"] = "World wide network of radio archives";
 //  Then add your channel items one by one.
 $newProgs = sotf_Programme::getNewProgrammes($fromDay, $count);
 if (!empty($newProgs)) {
     foreach ($newProgs as $prog) {
         $properties = array();
         $properties["description"] = $prog['abstract'];
         $properties["link"] = $config['rootUrl'] . "/get.php?id=" . $prog['id'];
         $properties["title"] = $prog['title'];
         $properties["dc:date"] = $prog['production_date'];
 } else {
     $properties = array();
     $properties["description"] = '';
     $properties["link"] = $config['rootUrl'];
     $properties["title"] = "no new items";
     //$properties["dc:date"]= ;
コード例 #2
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: BackupTheBerlios/sotf-svn
    // check if user has default query
    $advsearch = new sotf_AdvSearch();
    $prefs = $user->getPreferences();
    $defQuery = $prefs->getDefaultQuery();
// show default query or new programmes
$maxItemsIndexPage = $sotfVars->get("maxItemsIndexPage", 10);
if ($defQuery) {
    $smarty->assign("DEF_QUERY", 1);
    debug("default query", $defQuery);
    $query = $advsearch->GetSQLCommand();
    debug("query", $query);
    //get the number of results
    $max = $db->getOne("SELECT count(*) FROM ( {$query} ) as foo ");
    $smarty->assign("DEF_QUERY_MAX", $max);
    $res = $db->limitQuery($query, 0, $maxItemsIndexPage);
    $hits = '';
    while (DB_OK === $res->fetchInto($row)) {
        $row['icon'] = sotf_Blob::cacheIcon2($row);
        $hits[] = $row;
    $smarty->assign("NEWS", $hits);
} else {
    // get new programmes
    $smarty->assign('NEWS', sotf_Programme::getNewProgrammes($fromDay, $maxItemsIndexPage));
// get topics with most content
$smarty->assign('TOPICS', $vocabularies->getTopTopics(5));
コード例 #3
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: BackupTheBerlios/sotf-svn
    while (DB_OK === $res->fetchInto($row)) {
        $row['icon'] = sotf_Blob::cacheIcon2($row);
        $hits[] = $row;
    $smarty->assign("NEWS", $hits);
} else {
    // get new programmes
    if (nodeConfig('payableMode')) {
        $mode = 'free';
    } else {
        $mode = 'all';
    $smarty->assign('NEWS', sotf_Programme::getNewProgrammes($fromDay, $maxItemsIndexPage, $mode));
if (nodeConfig('payableMode')) {
    $fromDayPremium = date('Y-m-d', time() - 60 * 60 * 24 * 90);
    $maxItemsPremium = 7;
    $smarty->assign('PREMIUM', sotf_Programme::getNewProgrammes($fromDayPremium, $maxItemsPremium, 'premium'));
    $smarty->assign('PROMOTED', sotf_Programme::getPromotedProgrammes());
// get topics with most content
$smarty->assign('TOPICS', $vocabularies->getTopTopics(5));
// online counter for statistics
if ($config['counterMode']) {
    $chCounter_status = 'active';
    $chCounter_visible = 0;
    $chCounter_page_title = 'Hauptseite - index.php';
    include $config['counterURL'];
コード例 #4
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: BackupTheBerlios/sotf-svn

require "init.inc.php";
if ($_REQUEST['select_station']) {
    $page->redirect("listStation.php?station=" . $_POST['station']);
/* defaults for main "index" page   */
define("MAX_ITEMS_IN_INDEX", 10);
$data['numNodes'] = sotf_Node::numNodes();
if ($data['numNodes'] == 0) {
    $data['numNodes'] = 1;
$data['numStations'] = sotf_Station::numStations();
$data['numProgs'] = sotf_Programme::numProgrammes();
$smarty->assign('STATIONS', sotf_Station::listStationNames());
$searchLangs = $languages;
array_unshift($searchLangs, "any_language");
for ($i = 0; $i < count($searchLangs); $i++) {
    $langNames[$i] = $page->getlocalized($searchLangs[$i]);
$smarty->assign('searchLangs', $searchLangs);
$smarty->assign('langNames', $langNames);
$now = getDate();
$yesterday = mktime(0, 0, 0, $now['mon'], $now['mday'] - 2, $now['year']);
$fromDay = date('Y-m-d', $yesterday);
$smarty->assign(array('LOCAL_NEWS' => sotf_Programme::getNewProgrammes(true, $fromDay, MAX_ITEMS_IN_INDEX), 'OTHER_NEWS' => sotf_Programme::getNewProgrammes(false, $fromDay, MAX_ITEMS_IN_INDEX)));
コード例 #5
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: BackupTheBerlios/sotf-svn
    $playlist = new sotf_Playlist();
    $smarty->assign('PLAYLIST', $playlist->load());
    // check if user has default query
    $advsearch = new sotf_AdvSearch();
    $prefs = $user->getPreferences();
    $defQuery = $prefs->getDefaultQuery();
// show default query instead of new programmes
if ($defQuery) {
    $smarty->assign("DEF_QUERY", 1);
    debug("default query", $defQuery);
    $query = $advsearch->GetSQLCommand();
    debug("query", $query);
    //get the number of results
    $max = $db->getOne("SELECT count(*) FROM ( {$query} ) as foo ");
    $smarty->assign("DEF_QUERY_MAX", $max);
    $res = $db->limitQuery($query, 0, MAX_ITEMS_IN_INDEX);
    $hits = '';
    while (DB_OK === $res->fetchInto($row)) {
        $row['icon'] = sotf_Blob::cacheIcon($row['id']);
        $hits[] = $row;
    $smarty->assign("NEWS", $hits);
} else {
    // get new programmes
    $smarty->assign('NEWS', sotf_Programme::getNewProgrammes($fromDay, MAX_ITEMS_IN_INDEX));
// get topics with most content
$smarty->assign('TOPICS', $repository->getTopTopics(5));
コード例 #6
ファイル: rss.php プロジェクト: BackupTheBerlios/sotf-svn
 $properties["description"] = "New programmes at StreamOnTheFly";
 $properties["link"] = $config['rootUrl'] . "";
 $properties["title"] = "StreamOnTheFly";
 $properties["dc:date"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
 // "2002-05-06T00:00:00Z";
 //  If your channel has a logo, before adding any channel items, specify the logo details this way.
 $properties = array();
 $properties["url"] = $config['rootUrl'] . "/static/sotflogosmall.gif";
 $properties["link"] = $config['rootUrl'] . "";
 $properties["title"] = "StreamOnTheFly logo";
 $properties["description"] = "World wide network of radio archives";
 //  Then add your channel items one by one.
 $newProgs = sotf_Programme::getNewProgrammes($fromDay, ITEMS_IN_RSS);
 foreach ($newProgs as $prog) {
     $properties = array();
     $properties["description"] = $prog['abstract'];
     $properties["link"] = $config['rootUrl'] . "/get.php?id=" . $prog['id'];
     $properties["title"] = $prog['title'];
     $properties["dc:date"] = $prog['production_date'];
 //  If your channel has a search page, after adding the channel items, specify a search form details this way.
 $properties = array();
 // The name property if the name of the text input form field
 $properties["name"] = "pattern";
 $properties["link"] = $config['rootUrl'] . "/search.php?language=any_language";
 $properties["title"] = "Search for:";
 $properties["description"] = "Search in StreamOnTheFly";