コード例 #1
 function sync($console = false)
     global $db, $page, $config;
     $remoteId = $this->get('node_id');
     if (!$console && $this->get('use_for_outgoing') != 't') {
         debug("node {$remoteId} is not used for outgoing sync");
     debug("SYNCing with ", $this->get("node_id"));
     $rpc = new rpc_Utils();
     if ($config['debug']) {
         $rpc->debug = true;
     $timestamp = $db->getTimestampTz();
     $url = $this->getUrl();
     // remove trailing '/'
     while (substr($url, -1) == '/') {
         $url = substr($url, 0, -1);
     // collect local data to send
     $localNode = sotf_Node::getLocalNode();
     // check if url is correct...
     if ($localNode->get('url') != $config['rootUrl']) {
         $localNode->set('url', $config['rootUrl']);
     //debug("localNode", $localNode);
     //debug("neighbour", $this);
     $localNodeData = $localNode->getAll();
     // calculate chunking
     $thisChunk = 1;
     // do XML-RPC conversation
     $objectsSent = 0;
     $more = sotf_NodeObject::countModifiedObjects($remoteId);
     if (!$more) {
         debug("No new objects to send");
     while ($more) {
         $modifiedObjects = sotf_NodeObject::getModifiedObjects($remoteId, $this->objectsPerRPCRequest);
         $remaining = sotf_NodeObject::countModifiedObjects($remoteId);
         if (count($modifiedObjects) == 0 && $remaining > 0) {
             logError("DATA integrity problem", "{$remaining} objects remained in sotf_object_status after sync");
         if ($remaining == 0 || count($modifiedObjects) == 0) {
             $more = false;
         } else {
             $more = true;
         $chunkInfo = array('this_chunk' => $thisChunk, 'node' => $localNodeData, 'objects_remaining' => $remaining);
         debug("chunk info", $chunkInfo);
         debug("number of sent objects", count($modifiedObjects));
         $objectsSent = $objectsSent + count($modifiedObjects);
         $objs = array($chunkInfo, $modifiedObjects);
         $response = $rpc->call($url . "/xmlrpcServer.php/sync/{$thisChunk}", 'sotf.sync', $objs);
         // error handling
         $replyInfo = $response[0];
         debug("replyInfo", $replyInfo);
         if (is_null($response) || $replyInfo['error']) {
             $this->set('errors', $this->get('errors') + 1);
         // save received data
     debug("total number of objects sent", $objectsSent);
     //$this->log($console, "number of updated objects: " .count($updatedObjects));
     // save node and neighbour stats
     if ($error) {
         $this->set('errors', $this->get('errors') + 1);
     } else {
         $this->set('success', $this->get('success') + 1);
     $this->set('last_sync_out', $timestamp);
     $localNode->set('last_sync_out', $timestamp);
     // take out from pending nodes
     if ($this->get('pending_url')) {
         $remoteNode = sotf_Node::getNodeById($remoteId);
         // TODO: problem is that if this is first sync or one-way connection, then object fro remote node may not exist
         if ($remoteNode) {
             $this->set('pending_url', '');
         $localNode->set('neighbours', $this->getNeighbourString());
コード例 #2
 function syncResponse($chunkInfo, $nodeData, $objects)
     global $sotfVars;
     $timestamp = $this->db->getTimestampTz();
     // save modified objects
     $updatedObjects = sotf_NodeObject::saveModifiedObjects($objects);
     debug("number of updatd objects", count($updatedObjects));
     $remoteId = $this->get('node_id');
     $currentStamp = $sotfVars->get('sync_stamp', 0);
     $lastSyncStamp = $this->lastSyncStamp();
     $chunkInfo['old_stamp'] = $lastSyncStamp;
     $chunkInfo['current_stamp'] = $currentStamp;
     $count = sotf_NodeObject::countModifiedObjects($remoteId, $lastSyncStamp);
     if ($count > 0) {
         if ($chunkInfo['this_chunk'] == $chunkInfo['num_chunks']) {
             // last chunk: no limits
             $objectsPerPage = 1000000;
         } else {
             $objectsPerPage = ceil($count / $chunkInfo['num_chunks']);
         $from = $objectsPerPage * ($chunkInfo['this_chunk'] - 1) + 1;
         debug("chunk info", $chunkInfo);
         // get new objects to send as reply
         $objects = sotf_NodeObject::getModifiedObjects($this->get('node_id'), $lastSyncStamp, $from, $objectsPerPage, $updatedObjects);
     } else {
         $objects = array();
     // save time of this sync
     $this->saveSyncStatus($timestamp, $currentStamp);
     return array($chunkInfo, $objects);