<td class=""><?php echo $adDetail['ad_original_amt']; ?> </td> </tr> <?php $makecal = 'makepayment();'; } ?> <?php $cop_dis = 0; if (!empty($adDetail['ad_coupon'])) { // get payment HTML JLoader::import('showad', JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_socialads' . DS . 'models'); $showadmodel = new socialadsModelShowad(); $adcop = $showadmodel->getcoupon($adDetail['ad_coupon']); if ($adcop) { if ($adcop[0]->val_type == 1) { $cop_dis = $adcop[0]->value / 100 * $adDetail['ad_original_amt']; } else { $cop_dis = $adcop[0]->value; } } else { $cop_dis = 0; } } $discountedPrice = $adDetail['ad_original_amt'] - $cop_dis; ?>
<?php // no direct access defined('_JEXEC') or die(';)'); JHtml::_('behavior.formvalidation'); $document = JFactory::getDocument(); // get ad preview // get payment HTML //JLoader::import('showad',JPATH_SITE.DS.'components'.DS.'com_socialads'.DS.'models'); JLoader::import('showad', JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_socialads' . DS . 'models'); $showadmodel = new socialadsModelShowad(); $preview = $showadmodel->getAds($ad_id); $this->preview = $preview; ?> <div class="techjoomla-bootstarp ad_reviewAdmainContainer"> <?php $user = JFactory::getUser(); if (!$user->id) { ?> <div class="alert alert-success"> <?php echo JText::_('BUILD_LOGIN'); ?> </div> </div><!--techjoomla bootstrap ends if not logged in--> <?php return false; } require JPATH_SITE . DS . "administrator" . DS . "components" . DS . "com_socialads" . DS . "config" . DS . "config.php";
function saveOrder($data, $orderid, $pg_nm) { $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $paymentdata = new stdClass(); $paymentdata->id = $orderid; $paymentdata->transaction_id = $data['transaction_id']; if ($data['status'] == 'C') { $paymentdata->status = 'C'; if (!empty($data['payment_type'])) { if ($data['payment_type'] == 'recurring') { $paymentdata->subscription_id = $data['subscription_id']; if (empty($data['payment_number'])) { $paymentdata->status = 'P'; } } } $query = "SELECT subscription_id,ad_credits_qty,ad_id FROM #__ad_payment_info WHERE id =" . $orderid; $db->setQuery($query); $result = $db->loadObject(); if (!$result->ad_credits_qty) { $result->ad_credits_qty = 0; } //added for date type ads $adid = $result->ad_id; $query = "SELECT ad_payment_type FROM #__ad_data WHERE ad_id =" . $adid; $db->setQuery($query); $ad_payment_type = $db->loadResult(); if ($ad_payment_type == 2) { socialadshelper::adddays($adid, $result->ad_credits_qty); } else { $query = "UPDATE #__ad_data SET ad_credits = ad_credits + {$result->ad_credits_qty}, ad_credits_balance = ad_credits_balance + {$result->ad_credits_qty} WHERE ad_id=" . $result->ad_id; $db->setQuery($query); $db->execute(); } } $paymentdata->extras = $data['raw_data']; if (!$db->updateObject('#__ad_payment_info', $paymentdata, 'id')) { echo $db->stderr(); return false; } if ($paymentdata->status == 'C') { // added by VM: $socialadsModelShowad = new socialadsModelShowad(); $sendmail = $socialadsModelShowad->SendOrderMAil($orderid, $pg_nm, 1); // end Vm return true; } else { return false; } }
function savePricingData($post) { $response = array(); $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $session = JFactory::getSession(); require JPATH_SITE . DS . "administrator" . DS . "components" . DS . "com_socialads" . DS . "config" . DS . "config.php"; $app = JFactory::getApplication(); //.. do Back End Stuff if ($app->isAdmin()) { $ad_creator_id = $post->get('ad_creator_id'); $user = JFactory::getUser($ad_creator_id); $userid = $user->id; } else { $user = JFactory::getUser(); $userid = $user->id; } if (!$userid) { $userid = 0; return false; } $ad_id = $session->get('ad_id'); $ad_data = new stdClass(); $ad_data->ad_id = $ad_id; $ad_data->ad_startdate = $post->get('datefrom', '', 'STRING'); $ad_data->ad_payment_type = $post->get('chargeoption'); $ad_data->ad_noexpiry = $post->get('unlimited_ad', '', 'INT'); if ($ad_data->ad_noexpiry == 1) { $ad_data->ad_approved = 1; } $camp_id = ''; if ($socialads_config['select_campaign'] == 1) { $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $camp_id = $post->get('camp', '0', 'STRING'); $camp_name = $post->get('camp_name', '', 'STRING'); $camp_amount = $post->get('camp_amount', '0', 'FLOAT'); if (!$camp_id && !empty($camp_name) && !empty($camp_amount)) { $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $obj = new stdclass(); $obj->camp_id = ''; $obj->user_id = $userid; $obj->campaign = $post->get('camp_name', '', 'STRING'); $obj->daily_budget = $post->get('camp_amount', '0', 'FLOAT'); $obj->camp_published = 1; if ($obj->camp_id) { if (!$db->updateObject('#__ad_campaign', $obj, 'camp_id')) { echo $db->stderr(); return false; } } else { if (!$db->insertObject('#__ad_campaign', $obj, 'camp_id')) { echo $db->stderr(); return false; } $response['camp_id'] = $camp_id = $db->insertid(); } } $ad_data->camp_id = $camp_id; $ad_data->ad_payment_type = $post->get('pricing_opt', '', 'STRING'); if ($socialads_config['bidding'] == 1) { $ad_data->bid_value = $post->get('bid_value', '', 'STRING'); } } if (!$db->updateObject('#__ad_data', $ad_data, 'ad_id')) { echo $db->stderr(); return false; } //If campaign is selected then there is no need to place order So need to skip oreder code //If unlimited ad then there is no need to save payment info so return from here itself if ($ad_data->ad_noexpiry == 1) { //Delete Price data if already exist $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $query = " DELETE FROM `#__ad_payment_info`\n\t\t\t\t\t WHERE ad_id = " . $ad_id . " AND status ='P' "; $db->setQuery($query); $db->execute(); return true; } //NO campaign option is not selected then only place order if ($socialads_config['select_campaign'] == 0) { $paymentdata = new stdClass(); $paymentdata->id = ''; //Get ad id if ($ad_id) { $paymentdata->ad_id = $ad_id; //Get order id // @params $value,$field_name,$tableName //$orderid = $this->getIdFromAnyFieldValue($paymentdata->ad_id, 'ad_id', '#__ad_payment_info'); $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $query = " SELECT id FROM `#__ad_payment_info`\n\t\t\t\t\t\t WHERE ad_id = " . $paymentdata->ad_id . " AND status ='P' "; $db->setQuery($query); $orderid = $db->loadResult(); if ($orderid) { $paymentdata->id = $orderid; } } else { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $app->enqueueMessage('Session Expire', 'error'); return false; } $paymentdata->cdate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $paymentdata->processor = ''; $ad_chargeoption = $post->get('chargeoption', '', 'INT'); if ($ad_chargeoption >= 2) { $credits = $post->get('totaldays', '', 'INT'); } else { $credits = $post->get('totaldisplay', '', 'INT'); } $paymentdata->ad_credits_qty = $credits; //Need $paymentdata->ad_amount = $post->get('totalamount', '', 'FLOAT'); $paymentdata->ad_original_amt = $post->get('totalamount', '', 'FLOAT'); $paymentdata->status = 'P'; //Need $paymentdata->ad_coupon = ''; $paymentdata->payee_id = $userid; $paymentdata->ip_address = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; jimport('joomla.application.component.model'); JLoader::import('showad', JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_socialads' . DS . 'models'); //@ VM CHECK FOR COUPON $coupon = $post->get('sa_cop', '', 'RAW'); //JLoader::import('controller', JPATH_SITE.DS.'components'.DS.'com_socialads'); $socialadsModelShowad = new socialadsModelShowad(); $adcop = $socialadsModelShowad->getcoupon($coupon); if (!empty($adcop)) { if ($adcop[0]->val_type == 1) { $val = $adcop[0]->value / 100 * $paymentdata->ad_original_amt; } else { $val = $adcop[0]->value; } if (!empty($val)) { $paymentdata->ad_coupon = $coupon; } } else { $val = 0; } $discountedPrice = $paymentdata->ad_original_amt - $val; if ($discountedPrice <= 0) { $discountedPrice = 0; } //<!-- TAX CALCULATION--> $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance(); JPluginHelper::importPlugin('adstax'); //@TODO:need to check plugim type.. $taxresults = $dispatcher->trigger('addTax', array($discountedPrice)); //Call the plugin and get the result $appliedTax = 0; if (!empty($taxresults)) { foreach ($taxresults as $tax) { if (!empty($tax)) { $appliedTax += $tax[1]; } } } $amountAfterTax = $discountedPrice + $appliedTax; $paymentdata->ad_amount = $amountAfterTax; // if order amount is 0 due to coupon if ($paymentdata->ad_amount == 0 && !empty($paymentdata->ad_coupon)) { //$paymentdata->status = 'C'; } //@ VM CHECK FOR COUPON if (!$paymentdata->id) { if (!$db->insertObject('#__ad_payment_info', $paymentdata, 'id')) { echo $db->stderr(); return false; } } else { if (!$db->updateObject('#__ad_payment_info', $paymentdata, 'id')) { echo $db->stderr(); return false; } } } return $response; }
function processFreeOrder($adminCall = 0) { $jinput = JFactory::getApplication()->input; $order_id = $jinput->get('order_id', '', 'STRING'); $socialadshelper = new socialadshelper(); $adDetail = $socialadshelper->syncOrderDetail($order_id); // if order amount is 0 due to coupon if ($adDetail->ad_amount == 0 && !empty($adDetail->ad_coupon)) { $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $row = new stdClass(); $row->status = 'C'; $row->id = $order_id; if (!$db->updateObject('#__ad_payment_info', $row, 'id')) { echo $this->_db->stderr(); } $modelPath = JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_socialads' . DS . 'models' . DS . 'showad.php'; if (!class_exists('socialadsModelShowad')) { //require_once $path; JLoader::register('socialadsModelShowad', $modelPath); JLoader::load('socialadsModelShowad'); } $data = array(); $data['status'] = 'C'; $data['payment_type'] = ''; $data['raw_data'] = ''; $pg_nm = ''; $socialadsModelShowad = new socialadsModelShowad(); $socialadsModelShowad->saveOrder($data, $order_id, $pg_nm); } $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication(); $response['msg'] = JText::_('DETAILS_SAVE'); if ($adminCall == 1) { $link = 'index.php?option=com_socialads&view=approveads'; } else { $Itemid = $socialadshelper->getSocialadsItemid('managead'); $link = JUri::base() . substr(JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_socialads&view=managead&layout=list&Itemid=' . $Itemid, false), strlen(JUri::base(true)) + 1); } $mainframe->redirect($link, $response['msg']); }
</div><!--techjoomla bootstrap ends if not logged in--> <?php return false; } $buildadsession = JFactory::getSession(); $plugin = JPluginHelper::getPlugin('payment', $buildadsession->get('ad_gateway')); if (!isset($plugin)) { $pluginParams = json_decode($plugin->params); $arb_support = $pluginParams->arb_support; } $ad_image = $buildadsession->get('ad_image'); /////Values are taken when zone pricing Enabled //$payhtml = $model->getpayHTML($order['order_info'][0]->processor,$order_id); // added by VM JLoader::import('showad', JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_socialads' . DS . 'models'); $model = new socialadsModelShowad(); // VM : end if ($socialads_config['zone_pricing'] == '1') { $buildadsession = JFactory::getSession(); $zoneid = $buildadsession->get('adzone'); //print_r($zoneid); die('sdf'); $zonedata = $model->getzonedata($zoneid); $socialads_config['clicks_price'] = $zonedata['0']->per_click; $socialads_config['date_price'] = $zonedata['0']->per_day; $socialads_config['impr_price'] = $zonedata['0']->per_imp; } //Added by sagar hardcoded for now if ($socialads_config['select_campaign'] == 0) { /////Values are taken when zone pricing Enabled if ($this->chargeoption == 1) { $cal = $this->ad_totaldisplay * $socialads_config['clicks_price'];