コード例 #1
	public function create_shipment( $order, $shipment ) {	
		//get authoriztion key 
		//get user address info		
		$address = $this->account_info->Address;
		//check if shipment is domestic or international
		$domestic = in_array( $order->shipping_country, $this->domestic );
		//load packages 
		$packages = $shipment['_packages'];
		//set costs to zero
		$shipment['_shipping_costs'] = 0;
		//load senders as
		//$address = $this->get_sender_address();
		//loop through packages		
		foreach( $packages as $key => $package ) {
			//verify a label has been generated
			if( ! isset( $package->ShippingLabel ) ) {
				//create unique transaction ID		
				$integratorTxID = substr( md5( rand( 0, 1000000 ) ), 0, 64 );
				//set params for API call
				$params = array(  
					'Authenticator'  => $this->authenticator,
					'IntegratorTxID' => $integratorTxID,
					'Rate' 			 => $package->Rate,
					'From' 			 => $address,
					'To' 			 => $this->get_shipping_address( $order ),
				//check for memo and set params if needed
				if( isset( $POST['memo'] ) ) {
				  	$params['memo'] = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['memo'] );
					$params['printMemo'] = true;
				//international shipment
				if( ! $domestic ) {
					//load and set customs form params	
					if( isset( $shipment['_customs'] ) ) {
						$params['Customs'] = $shipment['_customs'];
					} else {
						slp_ajax_functions::get_customs_form( $order, $shipment );
				//receive create indicium response				
				$response = $this->stamps->CreateIndicium( $params );
				//handle errors	
				if( is_soap_fault( $response ) ) {			
					//save transaction id for later use
					$package->IntegratorTxID = $integratorTxID;
					//document errors
					$package->Errors = array(
						'type'  => 'processing',
						'code'  => $response->faultcode,
						'error' => $response->faultstring
					//send to error handler
					$this->error_handler( $order, $shipment, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, $response );
					//get new authenticator
					$authenticator = $this->authenticator;				
					//process next package if any				
				//update shipping costs
				$shipment['_shipping_costs']  += (float)$response->Rate->Amount;
				//check if package is trackable
				if( $this->is_trackable( $order ) ) {
					//set package tracking number
					$package->id = isset( $response->TrackingNumber ) ? $response->TrackingNumber : 'Not Trackable';
					//set initial tracking info
					$shipment['_tracking_info'] = array( 
						'status' => 'CONFIRMED',
						'timestamp' => current_time( 'm/d/Y h:m a', 'timestamp' )
				$package->ShippingCost     = (float)$response->Rate->Amount;
				$package->ShippingLabel    = $response->URL; 
				$package->StampsTxID       = $response->StampsTxID;
				$txIDs[] = $response->StampsTxID;
				$this->authenticator = $response->Authenticator;	
		$shipment['_shipment_status'] = 'CONFIRMED';
		$shipment['_shipping_date']   = $response->Rate->ShipDate;
		if( $this->settings['scanform'] ) {		
			$shipment = $this->get_scanform( $shipment );
		slp_ajax_functions::confirm_shipment( $order, $shipment, true );
コード例 #2
	public function create_shipment( $order, $shipment ) {
		//Create XML for Shipment Accept Request	
		$request  = $this->xml_header();				  					  
		$request .= 
			<ShipmentDigest>" . $shipment['_shipment_digest'] . "</ShipmentDigest>
		$request = str_replace( array( "\n", "\r" ), '', $request );

		//Send XML to UPS for processing and recieve XML Response				  
		$response = $this->xml_request( $request, $this->endpoints['production'] . 'ShipAccept' );
		unset( $shipment['_shipment_digest'] );
		$shipment['_shipping_cost']   = (string)$response->ShipmentResults->ShipmentCharges->TotalCharges->MonetaryValue;
		$shipment['_shipping_date']   = time() < strtotime( $this->settings['readytime'] ) ? date( 'm/d/Y' ) : date( 'm/d/Y', strtotime( '+1 day' ) );
		$shipment['_shipment_status'] = 'CONFIRMED';
		$rates = $response->ShipmentResults->PackageResults;
		$packages = $shipment['_packages'];
		$count = 0;
		foreach( $rates as $rate ) {
			$package = $packages[$count];
			$package->id 		    = (string)$rate->TrackingNumber;
			$package->ShippingLabel	= 'data:image/gif;base64,' . (string)$rate->LabelImage->GraphicImage;
		slp_ajax_functions::confirm_shipment( $order, $shipment, true );	