public function postExecute($order_id = null, $result = null) { $data = parent::postExecute($order_id, $result); $log_model = new waLogModel(); $log_model->add('order_complete', $order_id); $order_model = new shopOrderModel(); if (is_array($order_id)) { $order = $order_id; $order_id = $order['id']; } else { $order = $order_model->getById($order_id); } shopCustomers::recalculateTotalSpent($order['contact_id']); if ($order !== null) { $log_model = new shopOrderLogModel(); $state_id = $log_model->getPreviousState($order_id); $app_settings_model = new waAppSettingsModel(); $update_on_create = $app_settings_model->get('shop', 'update_stock_count_on_create_order'); if (!$update_on_create && $state_id == 'new') { // jump through 'processing' state - reduce // for logging changes in stocks shopProductStocksLogModel::setContext(shopProductStocksLogModel::TYPE_ORDER, 'Order %s was completed', array('order_id' => $order_id)); $order_model = new shopOrderModel(); $order_model->reduceProductsFromStocks($order_id); shopProductStocksLogModel::clearContext(); } $order_model->recalculateProductsTotalSales($order_id); } return $data; }
public function postExecute($order_id = null, $result = null) { if (!$result) { return; } $order_model = new shopOrderModel(); if (is_array($order_id)) { $order = $order_id; $order_id = $order['id']; } else { $order = $order_model->getById($order_id); } $data = is_array($result) ? $result : array(); $data['order_id'] = $order_id; $data['action_id'] = $this->getId(); $data['before_state_id'] = $order['state_id']; if ($this->state_id) { $data['after_state_id'] = $this->state_id; } else { $data['after_state_id'] = $order['state_id']; } $order_log_model = new shopOrderLogModel(); $data['id'] = $order_log_model->add($data); $update = isset($result['update']) ? $result['update'] : array(); $update['update_datetime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $data['update'] = $update; if ($this->state_id) { $update['state_id'] = $this->state_id; } $order_model->updateById($order['id'], $update); $order_params_model = new shopOrderParamsModel(); if (isset($update['params'])) { $order_params_model->set($order['id'], $update['params'], false); } $order['params'] = $order_params_model->get($order_id); // send notifications shopNotifications::send('order.' . $this->getId(), array('order' => $order, 'customer' => new waContact($order['contact_id']), 'status' => $this->getWorkflow()->getStateById($data['after_state_id'])->getName(), 'action_data' => $data)); /** * @event order_action.callback * @event * @event order_action.ship * @event order_action.process * @event order_action.delete * @event order_action.restore * @event order_action.complete * @event order_action.comment * * @param array[string]mixed $data * @param array[string]int $data['order_id'] * @param array[string]int $data['action_id'] * @param array[string]int $data['before_state_id'] * @param array[string]int $data['after_state_id'] * @param array[string]int $data['id'] Order log record id */ wa('shop')->event('order_action.' . $this->getId(), $data); return $data; }
public function execute($oder_id = null) { // Restore previous state $log_model = new shopOrderLogModel(); $params = array(); $this->state_id = $log_model->getPreviousState($oder_id, $params); // Restore order.paid_*, customer.total_spent and customer.affiliation_bonus $paid_date = ifset($params['paid_date']); if ($paid_date) { $t = strtotime($paid_date); $result['update'] = array('paid_year' => date('Y', $t), 'paid_quarter' => floor((date('n', $t) - 1) / 3) + 1, 'paid_month' => date('n', $t), 'paid_date' => date('Y-m-d', $t)); return $result; } return true; }
public function postExecute($params = null, $result = null) { if (is_array($params)) { $order_id = $params['order_id']; } else { $order_id = $params; } $data = parent::postExecute($order_id, $result); $log_model = new waLogModel(); $log_model->add('order_ship', $order_id); $log_model = new shopOrderLogModel(); $state_id = $log_model->getPreviousState($order_id); $app_settings_model = new waAppSettingsModel(); $update_on_create = $app_settings_model->get('shop', 'update_stock_count_on_create_order'); if (!$update_on_create && $state_id == 'new') { // for logging changes in stocks shopProductStocksLogModel::setContext(shopProductStocksLogModel::TYPE_ORDER, 'Order %s was shipped', array('order_id' => $order_id)); // jump through 'processing' state - reduce $order_model = new shopOrderModel(); $order_model->reduceProductsFromStocks($order_id); shopProductStocksLogModel::clearContext(); } return $data; }
protected static function sendSms($n, $data) { $general = wa('shop')->getConfig()->getGeneralSettings(); /** * @var waContact $customer */ $customer = $data['customer']; if ($n['to'] == 'customer') { $to = $customer->get('phone', 'default'); $log = sprintf(_w("Notification <strong>%s</strong> sent to customer."), $n['name']); } elseif ($n['to'] == 'admin') { $to = $general['phone']; $log = sprintf(_w("Notification <strong>%s</strong> sent to store admin."), $n['name']); } else { $to = $n['to']; $log = sprintf(_w("Notification <strong>%s</strong> sent to %s."), $n['name'], $n['to']); } if (!$to) { return; } $view = wa()->getView(); foreach (array('shipping', 'billing') as $k) { $address = shopHelper::getOrderAddress($data['order']['params'], $k); $formatter = new waContactAddressOneLineFormatter(array('image' => false)); $address = $formatter->format(array('data' => $address)); $view->assign($k . '_address', $address['value']); } $order_id = $data['order']['id']; $data['order']['id'] = shopHelper::encodeOrderId($order_id); $view->assign('order_url', wa()->getRouteUrl('/frontend/myOrderByCode', array('id' => $order_id, 'code' => $data['order']['params']['auth_code']), true)); $view->assign($data); $text = $view->fetch('string:' . $n['text']); $sms = new waSMS(); if ($sms->send($to, $text, isset($n['from']) ? $n['from'] : null)) { $order_log_model = new shopOrderLogModel(); $order_log_model->add(array('order_id' => $order_id, 'contact_id' => null, 'action_id' => '', 'text' => '<i class="icon16 mobile"></i> ' . $log, 'before_state_id' => $data['order']['state_id'], 'after_state_id' => $data['order']['state_id'])); } }
public function execute() { $order = $this->getOrder(); if (!$order) { $this->view->assign('order', $order); return; } $workflow = new shopWorkflow(); $actions = $workflow->getStateById($order['state_id'])->getActions(); $bottom_buttons = $top_buttons = $buttons = array(); foreach ($actions as $action) { /** * @var shopWorkflowAction $action */ if ($action->getOption('top') || $action->getOption('position') == 'top') { $top_buttons[] = $action->getButton(); } elseif ($action->getOption('position') == 'bottom') { $bottom_buttons[] = $action->getButton(); } else { $buttons[] = $action->getButton(); } } $config = $this->getConfig(); $last_action_datetime = null; $log_model = new shopOrderLogModel(); $log = $log_model->getLog($order['id']); foreach ($log as &$l) { if ($l['action_id']) { $l['action'] = $workflow->getActionById($l['action_id']); } if ($order['state_id'] == $l['after_state_id']) { $last_action_datetime = $l['datetime']; } } $params = $order['params']; $tracking = ''; if (!empty($params['shipping_id'])) { try { $plugin = shopShipping::getPlugin(null, $params['shipping_id']); if (!empty($params['tracking_number'])) { $tracking = $plugin->tracking($params['tracking_number']); } if ($custom_fields = $plugin->customFields(new waOrder())) { foreach ($custom_fields as $k => $v) { if (!empty($params['shipping_params_' . $k])) { $custom_fields[$k]['value'] = $params['shipping_params_' . $k]; } else { unset($custom_fields[$k]); } } $this->view->assign('custom_fields', $custom_fields); } } catch (waException $ex) { $tracking = $ex->getMessage(); } } $this->view->assign('tracking', $tracking); $settings = wa('shop')->getConfig()->getCheckoutSettings(); $form_fields = ifset($settings['contactinfo']['fields'], array()); $formatter = new waContactAddressSeveralLinesFormatter(); $shipping_address = shopHelper::getOrderAddress($params, 'shipping'); $this->view->assign('shipping_address_text', shopHelper::getShippingAddressText($params)); $shipping_address = $formatter->format(array('data' => $shipping_address)); $shipping_address = $shipping_address['value']; if (isset($form_fields['address.billing'])) { $billing_address = shopHelper::getOrderAddress($params, 'billing'); $billing_address = $formatter->format(array('data' => $billing_address)); $billing_address = $billing_address['value']; if ($billing_address === $shipping_address) { $billing_address = null; } } else { $billing_address = null; } $customer_model = new shopCustomerModel(); $customer = $customer_model->getById($order['contact_id']); $customer_contact = new waContact($order['contact_id']); // Customer info $main_contact_info = array(); foreach (array('email', 'phone', 'im') as $f) { if ($v = $customer_contact->get($f, 'top,html')) { $main_contact_info[] = array('id' => $f, 'name' => waContactFields::get($f)->getName(), 'value' => is_array($v) ? implode(', ', $v) : $v); } } $this->view->assign(array('customer' => $customer, 'customer_contact' => $customer_contact, 'main_contact_info' => $main_contact_info, 'currency' => $config->getCurrency(), 'order' => $order, 'params' => $params, 'log' => $log, 'last_action_datetime' => $last_action_datetime, 'bottom_buttons' => $bottom_buttons, 'top_buttons' => $top_buttons, 'buttons' => $buttons, 'filter_params' => $this->getParams(), 'filter_params_str' => $this->getParams(true), 'count_new' => $this->getModel()->getStateCounters('new'), 'timeout' => $config->getOption('orders_update_list'), 'printable_docs' => shopHelper::getPrintForms(array_merge($order, array('params' => $params))), 'billing_address' => $billing_address, 'shipping_address' => $shipping_address, 'shipping_id' => ifset($params['shipping_id'], '') . '.' . ifset($params['shipping_rate_id'], ''), 'offset' => $this->getModel()->getOffset($order['id'], $this->getParams(), true))); /** * Backend order profile page * UI hook allow extends order profile page * @event backend_order * @param array $order * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['title_suffix'] html output * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['action_button'] html output * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['action_link'] html output * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['info_section'] html output */ $this->view->assign('backend_order', wa()->event('backend_order', $order, array('title_suffix', 'action_button', 'action_link', 'info_section'))); }
public function postExecute($order_id = null, $result = null) { $order_id = $result['order_id']; $data = is_array($result) ? $result : array(); $data['order_id'] = $order_id; $data['action_id'] = $this->getId(); $data['before_state_id'] = ''; $data['after_state_id'] = 'new'; $order_log_model = new shopOrderLogModel(); $order_log_model->add($data); /** * @event order_action.create */ wa('shop')->event('order_action.create', $data); $order_model = new shopOrderModel(); $order = $order_model->getById($order_id); $params_model = new shopOrderParamsModel(); $order['params'] = $params_model->get($order_id); // send notifications shopNotifications::send('order.' . $this->getId(), array('order' => $order, 'customer' => new waContact($order['contact_id']), 'status' => $this->getWorkflow()->getStateById($data['after_state_id'])->getName(), 'action_data' => $data)); // Update stock count, but take into account 'update_stock_count_on_create_order'-setting $app_settings_model = new waAppSettingsModel(); if ($app_settings_model->get('shop', 'update_stock_count_on_create_order')) { // for logging changes in stocks shopProductStocksLogModel::setContext(shopProductStocksLogModel::TYPE_ORDER, 'Order %s was placed', array('order_id' => $order_id)); $order_model->reduceProductsFromStocks($order_id); shopProductStocksLogModel::clearContext(); } return $order_id; }
public function execute() { $id = waRequest::request('id', 0, 'int'); if (!$id || !wa()->getUser()->getRights('shop', 'orders')) { $this->redirect(wa()->getAppUrl()); } // Order $om = new shopOrderModel(); $order = $om->getOrder($id); shopHelper::workupOrders($order, true); $order['tax'] = (double) $order['tax']; $order['discount'] = (double) $order['discount']; // Order params $opm = new shopOrderParamsModel(); $order['params'] = $opm->get($order['id']); // Order subtotal $order_subtotal = 0; foreach ($order['items'] as $i) { $order_subtotal += $i['price'] * $i['quantity']; } // Format addresses $settings = wa('shop')->getConfig()->getCheckoutSettings(); $form_fields = ifset($settings['contactinfo']['fields'], array()); $formatter = new waContactAddressSeveralLinesFormatter(); $shipping_address = shopHelper::getOrderAddress($order['params'], 'shipping'); $shipping_address = $formatter->format(array('data' => $shipping_address)); $shipping_address = $shipping_address['value']; if (isset($form_fields['address.billing'])) { $billing_address = shopHelper::getOrderAddress($order['params'], 'billing'); $billing_address = $formatter->format(array('data' => $billing_address)); $billing_address = $billing_address['value']; if ($billing_address === $shipping_address) { $billing_address = null; } } else { $billing_address = null; } // Order history $log_model = new shopOrderLogModel(); $log = $log_model->getLog($order['id']); // Customer $contact = $customer = self::getCustomer($order); $top = array(); foreach (array('email', 'phone') as $f) { if ($v = $contact->get($f, 'top,html')) { $top[] = array('id' => $f, 'name' => waContactFields::get($f)->getName(), 'value' => is_array($v) ? implode(', ', $v) : $v); } } // Workflow stuff: actions and state $workflow = new shopWorkflow(); $workflow_state = $workflow->getStateById($order['state_id']); $workflow_buttons = array(); foreach ($workflow_state->getActions() as $a_id => $action) { if ($a_id === 'edit' || $a_id === 'delete') { continue; } $workflow_buttons[] = $action->getButton(); } $this->view->assign('top', $top); $this->view->assign('log', $log); $this->view->assign('order', $order); $this->view->assign('uniqid', uniqid('f')); $this->view->assign('customer', $customer); $this->view->assign('workflow_state', $workflow_state); $this->view->assign('workflow_buttons', $workflow_buttons); $this->view->assign('shipping_address', $shipping_address); $this->view->assign('billing_address', $billing_address); $this->view->assign('order_subtotal', $order_subtotal); $this->view->assign('currency', ifempty($order['currency'], wa()->getConfig()->getCurrency())); wa()->getResponse()->setTitle(_w('Order') . ' ' . $order['id_str']); parent::execute(); }
public function execute() { $fm = new shopFollowupModel(); $opm = new shopOrderParamsModel(); $asm = new waAppSettingsModel(); $olm = new shopOrderLogModel(); $cm = new shopCustomerModel(); $om = new shopOrderModel(); $asm->set('shop', 'last_followup_cli', time()); $view = wa()->getView(); $empty_customer = $cm->getEmptyRow(); $general = wa('shop')->getConfig()->getGeneralSettings(); foreach ($fm->getAllEnabled() as $f) { $between_from = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($f['last_cron_time']) - 24 * 3600); $between_to = date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', time() - $f['delay'] - 10 * 3600); $orders = $om->where('paid_date >= ? AND paid_date < ?', $between_from, $between_to)->fetchAll('id'); if ($orders) { $f_param_key = 'followup_' . $f['id']; // Params for all orders with one query $params = $opm->get(array_keys($orders)); // Customer data for all orders with one query $cids = array(); foreach ($orders as $o) { $cids[] = $o['contact_id']; } $customers = $cm->getById($cids); $sent_count = 0; foreach ($orders as $o) { try { // Is there a recipient in the first place? if (empty($o['contact_id'])) { if (waSystemConfig::isDebug()) { waLog::log("Unable to send follow-up #{$f['id']} for order #{$o['id']}: no contact_id"); } continue; } // Check that this is the first order of this customer if ($f['first_order_only']) { $first_order_id = $om->select('MIN(id)')->where('contact_id=? AND paid_date IS NOT NULL', $o['contact_id'])->fetchField(); if ($first_order_id != $o['id']) { if (waSystemConfig::isDebug()) { waLog::log("Skipping follow-up #{$f['id']} for order #{$o['id']}: not the first order of a customer."); } continue; } } $o['params'] = ifset($params[$o['id']], array()); $source = 'backend'; if (!empty($o['params']['storefront'])) { $source = rtrim($o['params']['storefront'], '/') . '/*'; } if ($f['source'] && $f['source'] != $source) { continue; } // Make sure we have not send follow-up for this order yet if (isset($o['params'][$f_param_key])) { if (waSystemConfig::isDebug()) { waLog::log("Skipping follow-up #{$f['id']} for order #{$o['id']}: already sent before."); } continue; } shopHelper::workupOrders($o, true); // Recipient info $customer = ifset($customers[$o['contact_id']], $empty_customer); $contact = new shopCustomer($o['contact_id']); $email = $contact->get('email', 'default'); // this with throw exception if contact does not exist; that's ok if (!$email) { if (waSystemConfig::isDebug()) { waLog::log("Unable to send follow-up #{$f['id']} for order #{$o['id']}: contact has no email"); } continue; } $to = array($email => $contact->getName()); if (self::sendOne($f, $o, $customer, $contact, $to, $view, $general)) { $sent_count++; // Write to order log $olm->add(array('order_id' => $o['id'], 'contact_id' => null, 'action_id' => '', 'text' => sprintf_wp("Follow-up <strong>%s</strong> (%s) sent to customer.", htmlspecialchars($f['name']), $f['id']), 'before_state_id' => $o['state_id'], 'after_state_id' => $o['state_id'])); // Write to order params $opm->insert(array('order_id' => $o['id'], 'name' => $f_param_key, 'value' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); } else { waLog::log("Unable to send follow-up #{$f['id']} for order #{$o['id']}: waMessage->send() returned FALSE."); } } catch (Exception $e) { waLog::log("Unable to send follow-up #{$f['id']} for order #{$o['id']}:\n" . $e); } } /** * Notify plugins about sending followup * @event followup_send * @param array[string]int $params['sent_count'] number of emails successfully sent * @param array[string]int $params['id'] followup_id * @return void */ $event_params = $f; $event_params['sent_count'] = $sent_count; wa()->event('followup_send', $event_params); } $fm->updateById($f['id'], array('last_cron_time' => $between_to)); } }
public function execute() { $encoded_order_id = waRequest::param('id'); $order_id = shopHelper::decodeOrderId($encoded_order_id); if (!$order_id) { // fall back to non-encoded id $order_id = $encoded_order_id; $encoded_order_id = shopHelper::encodeOrderId($order_id); } // Check that order exists and belongs to this user $om = new shopOrderModel(); $order = $om->getOrder($order_id); if (!$order || !$this->isAuth($order)) { throw new waException(_w('Order not found'), 404); } if ($order['paid_date']) { foreach ($order['items'] as &$i) { if (!empty($i['file_name'])) { $i['download_link'] = wa()->getRouteUrl('/frontend/myOrderDownload', array('id' => $order['id'], 'code' => $order['params']['auth_code'], 'item' => $i['id']), true); } } unset($i); } $workflow = new shopWorkflow(); $order_params_model = new shopOrderParamsModel(); $order['params'] = $order_params_model->get($order['id']); $order['id_str'] = $encoded_order_id; $order['state'] = $workflow->getStateById($order['state_id']); // Order subtotal $subtotal = 0; foreach ($order['items'] as $item) { $subtotal += $item['price'] * $item['quantity']; } // Order comment $lm = new shopOrderLogModel(); $l = $lm->getByField(array('action_id' => 'create', 'order_id' => $order['id'])); $order['comment'] = ifempty($l['text']); $order['payment_name'] = ifset($order['params']['payment_name'], ''); $order['shipping_name'] = ifset($order['params']['shipping_name'], ''); // Shipping and billing addresses $settings = wa('shop')->getConfig()->getCheckoutSettings(); $form_fields = ifset($settings['contactinfo']['fields'], array()); $formatter = new waContactAddressSeveralLinesFormatter(); $shipping_address = shopHelper::getOrderAddress($order['params'], 'shipping'); if ($shipping_address) { $shipping_address = $formatter->format(array('data' => $shipping_address)); $shipping_address = $shipping_address['value']; } if (isset($form_fields['address.billing'])) { $billing_address = shopHelper::getOrderAddress($order['params'], 'billing'); $billing_address = $formatter->format(array('data' => $billing_address)); $billing_address = $billing_address['value']; } else { $billing_address = null; } if (wa()->getUser()->getId() == $order['contact_id']) { $contact = wa()->getUser(); } else { $contact = new waContact($order['contact_id']); } $payment = ''; if (!empty($order['params']['payment_id']) && !$order['paid_date']) { try { $plugin = shopPayment::getPlugin(null, $order['params']['payment_id']); $payment = $plugin->payment(waRequest::post(), shopPayment::getOrderData($order, $plugin), false); } catch (waException $ex) { $payment = $ex->getMessage(); } } $this->view->assign('payment', $payment); $tracking = ''; if (!empty($order['params']['shipping_id']) && !empty($order['params']['tracking_number'])) { try { $plugin = shopShipping::getPlugin(null, $order['params']['shipping_id']); $tracking = $plugin->tracking($order['params']['tracking_number']); } catch (waException $ex) { $tracking = $ex->getMessage(); } } $this->view->assign('tracking', $tracking); $this->view->assign('order', $order); $this->view->assign('contact', $contact); $this->view->assign('shipping_address', $shipping_address); $this->view->assign('billing_address', $billing_address); $this->view->assign('subtotal', $subtotal); // Set up layout and template from theme $this->setThemeTemplate('my.order.html'); $this->view->assign('my_nav_selected', 'orders'); if (!waRequest::isXMLHttpRequest()) { $this->setLayout(new shopFrontendLayout()); $this->getResponse()->setTitle(_w('Order') . ' ' . $encoded_order_id); $this->view->assign('breadcrumbs', self::getBreadcrumbs()); $this->layout->assign('nofollow', true); } }
public function execute() { $modelNotifierConfig = new shopNotifierConfigModel(); $modelNotifierLog = new shopNotifierLogModel(); $n_date = array('w' => 'week', 'd' => 'days', 'm' => 'hour', 'h' => 'minute'); $all_notifications = $modelNotifierConfig->getAll(); foreach ($all_notifications as $notification) { $last_event_date = strtotime($modelNotifierLog->getLastDateByConfigId($notification['id'])); $last_event = strtotime('+' . $notification['repeat_number_time'] . ' ' . $n_date[$notification['repeat_period']], $last_event_date); if (date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $last_event) < date('Y-m-d H:i:s')) { $states = (array) json_decode($notification['state_name']); $last_time = strtotime('-' . $notification['number_time'] . ' ' . $n_date[$notification['period']], $last_event_date); $orders = array(); $orders_new = array(); foreach ($states as $s) { if ($s == 'new') { $collection = new shopOrdersCollection('search/state_id=new&create_datetime<' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $last_time)); $orders_new = $collection->getOrders('*,params,items,contact'); } else { $states_without_new[] = $s; } } $state_for_collection = is_array($states_without_new) ? implode('||', $states_without_new) : $states_without_new[0]; $collection = new shopOrdersCollection('search/state_id=' . $state_for_collection . '&update_datetime<' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $last_time)); $orders = $collection->getOrders('*,params,items,contact'); if (is_array($orders_new)) { $orders = array_merge($orders, $orders_new); } $emails = array(); $notification['data_contact'] = json_decode($notification['data_contact']); foreach ($notification['data_contact']->contact as $contact) { $user = new waContact($contact); // $email = array(); $email = $user->get('email'); $emails[$email[0]['value']] = $user->get('name'); } if (!empty($notification['data_contact']->group)) { $modelContactCategory = new waContactCategoryModel(); foreach ($notification['data_contact']->group as $group) { $contacts = $modelContactCategory->getByField('category_id', $group); // ->query("SELECT * FROM wa_contact_categories WHERE category_id = '".$gr."'")->fetchAll('contact_id'); foreach ($contacts as $key => $contact) { $user = new waContact($key); $email = array(); $email = $user->get('email'); $emails[$email[0]['value']] = $user->get('name'); } } } $view = wa()->getView(); $shop_config = $general = wa('shop')->getConfig()->getGeneralSettings(); $from = $shop_config['email']; if (!$from) { $from = '*****@*****.**'; } if (!empty($notification['send_email']) && self::isValidEmail($notification['send_email'])) { $from = $notification['send_email']; } $body = file_get_contents(shopNotifierPlugin::path($notification['template'])); //TODO: File read error if ($notification['group_senders'] == 1) { if ($notification['save_to_order_log'] == 1) { $order_log_model = new shopOrderLogModel(); foreach ($orders as $order) { $order_log_model->add(array('order_id' => $order['id'], 'contact_id' => wa()->getUser()->getId(), 'before_state_id' => $order['state_id'], 'after_state_id' => $order['state_id'], 'text' => 'Отправлено уведомление на адреса из оповещания ' . $notification['config_name'], 'action_id' => 'comment')); } } $view->clearAllAssign(); $view->assign('orders', $orders); $subject_string = 'Обратите внимание на заказы'; $subject = $view->fetch('string:' . $subject_string); $body = $view->fetch('string:' . $body); $message = new waMailMessage($subject, $body); $message->setTo($emails); $message->setFrom($from); $message->send(); } else { foreach ($orders as $order) { if ($notification['save_to_order_log'] == 1) { $order_log_model = new shopOrderLogModel(); $order_log_model->add(array('order_id' => $order['id'], 'contact_id' => wa()->getUser()->getId(), 'before_state_id' => $order['state_id'], 'after_state_id' => $order['state_id'], 'text' => 'Отослано уведомление на емайлы из оповещания ' . $notification['config_name'], 'action_id' => 'comment')); } $view->clearAllAssign(); $view->assign('order', $order); $subject_string = 'Заказ ' . shopHelper::encodeOrderId($order['id']); $subject = $view->fetch('string:' . $subject_string); $body = $view->fetch('string:' . $body); $message = new waMailMessage($subject, $body); $message->setTo($emails); $message->setFrom($from); $message->send(); } } $modelNotifierLog->add(array('config_id' => $notification['id'])); } } }