コード例 #1
 public function execute()
     $order_id = waRequest::request('order_id', 0, 'int');
     $id = waRequest::request('id', 0, 'int');
     $to = waRequest::request('to');
     $nm = new shopNotificationModel();
     $n = $nm->getById($id);
     if (!$n) {
         $this->errors = sprintf_wp('%s entry not found', _w('Notification'));
     $om = new shopOrderModel();
     $o = $om->getById($order_id);
     if (!$o) {
         $this->errors = _w('Order not found');
     shopHelper::workupOrders($o, true);
     $opm = new shopOrderParamsModel();
     $o['params'] = $opm->get($order_id);
     try {
         $contact = $o['contact_id'] ? new shopCustomer($o['contact_id']) : wa()->getUser();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $contact = new shopCustomer(wa()->getUser()->getId());
     $cm = new shopCustomerModel();
     $customer = $cm->getById($contact->getId());
     if (!$customer) {
         $customer = $cm->getEmptyRow();
     $workflow = new shopWorkflow();
     // send notifications
     shopNotifications::sendOne($id, array('order' => $o, 'customer' => $contact, 'status' => $workflow->getStateById($o['state_id'])->getName()), $to);
 public function execute()
     $order_id = waRequest::post('order_id', null, waRequest::TYPE_INT);
     if ($order_id) {
         $order_model = new shopOrderModel();
         $order = $order_model->getOrder($order_id);
         $customer_model = new shopCustomerModel();
         $customer = $customer_model->getById($order['contact_id']);
         $customer_model->updateById($order['contact_id'], array('is_spamer' => 1));
         $plugin = waSystem::getInstance()->getPlugin('orderantispam');
         $action_id = $plugin->getSettings('action_id');
         $workflow = new shopWorkflow();
         $action = $workflow->getActionById($action_id);
         // counters
         $state_counters = $order_model->getStateCounters();
         $pending_counters = (!empty($state_counters['new']) ? $state_counters['new'] : 0) + (!empty($state_counters['processing']) ? $state_counters['processing'] : 0) + (!empty($state_counters['paid']) ? $state_counters['paid'] : 0);
         // update app coutner
         $script = "<script>";
         $script .= "\$.order_list.updateCounters(" . json_encode(array('state_counters' => $state_counters, 'common_counters' => array('pending_counters' => $pending_counters))) . ");";
         $script .= "\$.order.reload();</script>";
         $this->response['script'] = $script;
コード例 #3
 public function execute()
     if (!shopAffiliate::isEnabled()) {
         throw new waException(_w('Unknown page'), 404);
     $scm = new shopCustomerModel();
     $customer = $scm->getById(wa()->getUser()->getId());
     $atm = new shopAffiliateTransactionModel();
     $affiliate_history = $atm->getByContact(wa()->getUser()->getId());
     $url_tmpl = wa()->getRouteUrl('/frontend/myOrder', array('id' => '%ID%'));
     foreach ($affiliate_history as &$row) {
         if ($row['order_contact_id'] == $row['contact_id']) {
             $row['order_url'] = str_replace('%ID%', $row['order_id'], $url_tmpl);
     $this->view->assign('customer', $customer);
     $this->view->assign('affiliate_history', $affiliate_history);
     // Set up layout and template from theme
     $this->view->assign('my_nav_selected', 'affiliate');
     if (!waRequest::isXMLHttpRequest()) {
         $this->setLayout(new shopFrontendLayout());
         $this->getResponse()->setTitle(_w('Affiliate program'));
         $this->view->assign('breadcrumbs', self::getBreadcrumbs());
         $this->layout->assign('nofollow', true);
      * @event frontend_my_affiliate
      * @return array[string]string $return[%plugin_id%] html output
     $this->view->assign('frontend_my_affiliate', wa()->event('frontend_my_affiliate'));
コード例 #4
 protected function getCustomerData($name = null)
     if ($this->customer_data == null) {
         $customer_model = new shopCustomerModel();
         $this->customer_data = $customer_model->getById($this->getId());
     if ($name) {
         return isset($this->customer_data[$name]) ? $this->customer_data[$name] : null;
     return $this->customer_data;
コード例 #5
 public function orderActionCreate($params)
     if ($this->getSettings('status') && waRequest::cookie('uuid')) {
         $customer_model = new shopCustomerModel();
         $is_spamer = $customer_model->getByField(array('uuid' => waRequest::cookie('uuid'), 'is_spamer' => 1));
         $update = array();
         if ($is_spamer && $this->getSettings('action_id')) {
             $update['is_spamer'] = 1;
             $action_id = $this->getSettings('action_id');
             $workflow = new shopWorkflow();
             $action = $workflow->getActionById($action_id);
         $customer = $customer_model->getById($params['contact_id']);
         if (!$customer['uuid']) {
             $update['uuid'] = waRequest::cookie('uuid');
             $customer_model->updateById($params['contact_id'], $update);
コード例 #6
 public function execute()
     $order_id = waRequest::request('order_id', 0, 'int');
     $followup_id = waRequest::request('followup_id', 0, 'int');
     $email = waRequest::request('email');
     $fm = new shopFollowupModel();
     $f = $fm->getById($followup_id);
     if (!$f) {
         $this->errors = sprintf_wp('%s entry not found', _w('Follow-up'));
     $om = new shopOrderModel();
     $o = $om->getById($order_id);
     if (!$o) {
         $this->errors = _w('Order not found');
     shopHelper::workupOrders($o, true);
     $opm = new shopOrderParamsModel();
     $o['params'] = $opm->get($order_id);
     try {
         $contact = $o['contact_id'] ? new shopCustomer($o['contact_id']) : wa()->getUser();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $contact = new shopCustomer(wa()->getUser()->getId());
     $cm = new shopCustomerModel();
     $customer = $cm->getById($contact->getId());
     if (!$customer) {
         $customer = $cm->getEmptyRow();
     $to = array($email => $contact->getName());
     if (!shopFollowupCli::sendOne($f, $o, $customer, $contact, $to)) {
         $this->errors = "Unable to send follow-up #{$f['id']} for order #{$o['id']}: waMessage->send() returned FALSE.";
     $this->response = 'ok';
コード例 #7
 /** Discounts by amount of money previously spent by this customer. */
 protected static function byCustomerTotal($order, $contact, $apply)
     if (!$contact || !$contact->getId()) {
         return 0;
     $cm = new shopCustomerModel();
     $customer = $cm->getById($contact->getId());
     if ($customer && $customer['total_spent'] > 0) {
         $dbsm = new shopDiscountBySumModel();
         return max(0.0, min(100.0, (double) $dbsm->getDiscount('customer_total', $customer['total_spent']))) * $order['total'] / 100.0;
     return 0.0;
コード例 #8
 public function cart()
     $this->getResponse()->addHeader("Cache-Control", "no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
     $this->getResponse()->addHeader("Expires", date("r"));
     if (waRequest::method() == 'post') {
         $data = wa()->getStorage()->get('shop/checkout', array());
         if ($coupon_code = waRequest::post('coupon_code')) {
             $data['coupon_code'] = $coupon_code;
         } elseif (isset($data['coupon_code'])) {
         if (($use = waRequest::post('use_affiliate')) !== null) {
             if ($use) {
                 $data['use_affiliate'] = 1;
             } elseif (isset($data['use_affiliate'])) {
         if ($coupon_code || $use) {
             wa()->getStorage()->set('shop/checkout', $data);
     $cart_model = new shopCartItemsModel();
     $cart = new shopCart();
     $code = $cart->getCode();
     $errors = array();
     if (waRequest::post('checkout')) {
         $saved_quantity = $cart_model->select('id,quantity')->where("type='product' AND code = s:code", array('code' => $code))->fetchAll('id');
         $quantity = waRequest::post('quantity');
         foreach ($quantity as $id => $q) {
             if ($q != $saved_quantity[$id]) {
                 $cart->setQuantity($id, $q);
         $not_available_items = $cart_model->getNotAvailableProducts($code, !wa()->getSetting('ignore_stock_count'));
         foreach ($not_available_items as $row) {
             if ($row['sku_name']) {
                 $row['name'] .= ' (' . $row['sku_name'] . ')';
             if ($row['available']) {
                 $errors[$row['id']] = sprintf(_w('Only %d pcs of %s are available, and you already have all of them in your shopping cart.'), $row['count'], $row['name']);
             } else {
                 $errors[$row['id']] = _w('Oops! %s is not available for purchase at the moment. Please remove this product from your shopping cart to proceed.');
         if (!$errors) {
     $items = $cart_model->where('code= ?', $code)->order('parent_id')->fetchAll('id');
     $product_ids = $sku_ids = $service_ids = $type_ids = array();
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         $product_ids[] = $item['product_id'];
         $sku_ids[] = $item['sku_id'];
     $product_ids = array_unique($product_ids);
     $sku_ids = array_unique($sku_ids);
     $product_model = new shopProductModel();
     if (waRequest::param('url_type') == 2) {
         $products = $product_model->getWithCategoryUrl($product_ids);
     } else {
         $products = $product_model->getById($product_ids);
     $sku_model = new shopProductSkusModel();
     $skus = $sku_model->getByField('id', $sku_ids, 'id');
     $image_model = new shopProductImagesModel();
     $delete_items = array();
     foreach ($items as $item_id => &$item) {
         if (!isset($skus[$item['sku_id']])) {
             $delete_items[] = $item_id;
         if ($item['type'] == 'product') {
             $item['product'] = $products[$item['product_id']];
             $sku = $skus[$item['sku_id']];
             if ($sku['image_id'] && $sku['image_id'] != $item['product']['image_id']) {
                 $img = $image_model->getById($sku['image_id']);
                 if ($img) {
                     $item['product']['image_id'] = $sku['image_id'];
                     $item['product']['ext'] = $img['ext'];
             $item['sku_name'] = $sku['name'];
             $item['sku_code'] = $sku['sku'];
             $item['price'] = $sku['price'];
             $item['compare_price'] = $sku['compare_price'];
             $item['currency'] = $item['product']['currency'];
             $type_ids[] = $item['product']['type_id'];
             if (isset($errors[$item_id])) {
                 $item['error'] = $errors[$item_id];
                 if (strpos($item['error'], '%s') !== false) {
                     $item['error'] = sprintf($item['error'], $item['product']['name'] . ($item['sku_name'] ? ' (' . $item['sku_name'] . ')' : ''));
     if ($delete_items) {
         $cart_model->deleteByField(array('code' => $code, 'id' => $delete_items));
     $type_ids = array_unique($type_ids);
     // get available services for all types of products
     $type_services_model = new shopTypeServicesModel();
     $rows = $type_services_model->getByField('type_id', $type_ids, true);
     $type_services = array();
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $service_ids[] = $row['service_id'];
         $type_services[$row['type_id']][$row['service_id']] = true;
     // get services for all products
     $product_services_model = new shopProductServicesModel();
     $rows = $product_services_model->getByProducts($product_ids);
     $product_services = $sku_services = array();
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         if ($row['sku_id'] && !in_array($row['sku_id'], $sku_ids)) {
         $service_ids[] = $row['service_id'];
         if (!$row['sku_id']) {
             $product_services[$row['product_id']][$row['service_id']]['variants'][$row['service_variant_id']] = $row;
         if ($row['sku_id']) {
             $sku_services[$row['sku_id']][$row['service_id']]['variants'][$row['service_variant_id']] = $row;
     $service_ids = array_unique($service_ids);
     $service_model = new shopServiceModel();
     $variant_model = new shopServiceVariantsModel();
     $services = $service_model->getByField('id', $service_ids, 'id');
     foreach ($services as &$s) {
     $rows = $variant_model->getByField('service_id', $service_ids, true);
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $services[$row['service_id']]['variants'][$row['id']] = $row;
     foreach ($items as $item_id => $item) {
         if ($item['type'] == 'product') {
             $p = $item['product'];
             $item_services = array();
             // services from type settings
             if (isset($type_services[$p['type_id']])) {
                 foreach ($type_services[$p['type_id']] as $service_id => &$s) {
                     $item_services[$service_id] = $services[$service_id];
             // services from product settings
             if (isset($product_services[$item['product_id']])) {
                 foreach ($product_services[$item['product_id']] as $service_id => $s) {
                     if (!isset($s['status']) || $s['status']) {
                         if (!isset($item_services[$service_id])) {
                             $item_services[$service_id] = $services[$service_id];
                         // update variants
                         foreach ($s['variants'] as $variant_id => $v) {
                             if ($v['status']) {
                                 if ($v['price'] !== null) {
                                     $item_services[$service_id]['variants'][$variant_id]['price'] = $v['price'];
                             } else {
                     } elseif (isset($item_services[$service_id])) {
                         // remove disabled service
             // services from sku settings
             if (isset($sku_services[$item['sku_id']])) {
                 foreach ($sku_services[$item['sku_id']] as $service_id => $s) {
                     if (!isset($s['status']) || $s['status']) {
                         // update variants
                         foreach ($s['variants'] as $variant_id => $v) {
                             if ($v['status']) {
                                 if ($v['price'] !== null) {
                                     $item_services[$service_id]['variants'][$variant_id]['price'] = $v['price'];
                             } else {
                     } elseif (isset($item_services[$service_id])) {
                         // remove disabled service
             foreach ($item_services as $s_id => &$s) {
                 if (!$s['variants']) {
                 if ($s['currency'] == '%') {
                     foreach ($s['variants'] as $v_id => $v) {
                         $s['variants'][$v_id]['price'] = $v['price'] * $item['price'] / 100;
                     $s['currency'] = $item['currency'];
                 if (count($s['variants']) == 1) {
                     $v = reset($s['variants']);
                     $s['price'] = $v['price'];
             uasort($item_services, array('shopServiceModel', 'sortServices'));
             $items[$item_id]['services'] = $item_services;
         } else {
             $items[$item['parent_id']]['services'][$item['service_id']]['id'] = $item['id'];
             if (isset($item['service_variant_id'])) {
                 $items[$item['parent_id']]['services'][$item['service_id']]['variant_id'] = $item['service_variant_id'];
     foreach ($items as $item_id => $item) {
         $price = shop_currency($item['price'] * $item['quantity'], $item['currency'], null, false);
         if (isset($item['services'])) {
             foreach ($item['services'] as $s) {
                 if (!empty($s['id'])) {
                     if (isset($s['variants'])) {
                         $price += shop_currency($s['variants'][$s['variant_id']]['price'] * $item['quantity'], $s['currency'], null, false);
                     } else {
                         $price += shop_currency($s['price'] * $item['quantity'], $s['currency'], null, false);
         $items[$item_id]['full_price'] = $price;
     $total = $cart->total(false);
     $order = array('total' => $total, 'items' => $items);
     $order['discount'] = $discount = shopDiscounts::calculate($order);
     $order['total'] = $total = $total - $order['discount'];
     $data = wa()->getStorage()->get('shop/checkout');
     $this->view->assign('cart', array('items' => $items, 'total' => $total, 'count' => $cart->count()));
     $this->view->assign('coupon_code', isset($data['coupon_code']) ? $data['coupon_code'] : '');
     if (shopAffiliate::isEnabled()) {
         $affiliate_bonus = 0;
         if ($this->getUser()->isAuth()) {
             $customer_model = new shopCustomerModel();
             $customer = $customer_model->getById($this->getUser()->getId());
             $affiliate_bonus = $customer ? round($customer['affiliate_bonus'], 2) : 0;
         $this->view->assign('affiliate_bonus', $affiliate_bonus);
         $use = !empty($data['use_affiliate']);
         $this->view->assign('use_affiliate', $use);
         if ($use) {
             $discount -= shop_currency(shopAffiliate::convertBonus($order['params']['affiliate_bonus']), $this->getConfig()->getCurrency(true), null, false);
             $this->view->assign('used_affiliate_bonus', $order['params']['affiliate_bonus']);
         $order['currency'] = $this->getConfig()->getCurrency(false);
         $add_affiliate_bonus = shopAffiliate::calculateBonus($order);
         $this->view->assign('add_affiliate_bonus', round($add_affiliate_bonus, 2));
     $this->view->assign('discount', $discount);
      * @event frontend_cart
      * @return array[string]string $return[%plugin_id%] html output
     $this->view->assign('frontend_cart', wa()->event('frontend_cart'));
     $checkout_flow = new shopCheckoutFlowModel();
     $checkout_flow->add(array('code' => $code, 'step' => 0, 'description' => null));
コード例 #9
ファイル: shopOrder.action.php プロジェクト: Lazary/webasyst
 public function execute()
     $order = $this->getOrder();
     if (!$order) {
         $this->view->assign('order', $order);
     $workflow = new shopWorkflow();
     $actions = $workflow->getStateById($order['state_id'])->getActions();
     $bottom_buttons = $top_buttons = $buttons = array();
     foreach ($actions as $action) {
          * @var shopWorkflowAction $action
         if ($action->getOption('top') || $action->getOption('position') == 'top') {
             $top_buttons[] = $action->getButton();
         } elseif ($action->getOption('position') == 'bottom') {
             $bottom_buttons[] = $action->getButton();
         } else {
             $buttons[] = $action->getButton();
     $config = $this->getConfig();
     $last_action_datetime = null;
     $log_model = new shopOrderLogModel();
     $log = $log_model->getLog($order['id']);
     foreach ($log as &$l) {
         if ($l['action_id']) {
             $l['action'] = $workflow->getActionById($l['action_id']);
         if ($order['state_id'] == $l['after_state_id']) {
             $last_action_datetime = $l['datetime'];
     $params = $order['params'];
     $tracking = '';
     if (!empty($params['shipping_id'])) {
         try {
             $plugin = shopShipping::getPlugin(null, $params['shipping_id']);
             if (!empty($params['tracking_number'])) {
                 $tracking = $plugin->tracking($params['tracking_number']);
             if ($custom_fields = $plugin->customFields(new waOrder())) {
                 foreach ($custom_fields as $k => $v) {
                     if (!empty($params['shipping_params_' . $k])) {
                         $custom_fields[$k]['value'] = $params['shipping_params_' . $k];
                     } else {
                 $this->view->assign('custom_fields', $custom_fields);
         } catch (waException $ex) {
             $tracking = $ex->getMessage();
     $this->view->assign('tracking', $tracking);
     $settings = wa('shop')->getConfig()->getCheckoutSettings();
     $form_fields = ifset($settings['contactinfo']['fields'], array());
     $formatter = new waContactAddressSeveralLinesFormatter();
     $shipping_address = shopHelper::getOrderAddress($params, 'shipping');
     $this->view->assign('shipping_address_text', shopHelper::getShippingAddressText($params));
     $shipping_address = $formatter->format(array('data' => $shipping_address));
     $shipping_address = $shipping_address['value'];
     if (isset($form_fields['address.billing'])) {
         $billing_address = shopHelper::getOrderAddress($params, 'billing');
         $billing_address = $formatter->format(array('data' => $billing_address));
         $billing_address = $billing_address['value'];
         if ($billing_address === $shipping_address) {
             $billing_address = null;
     } else {
         $billing_address = null;
     $customer_model = new shopCustomerModel();
     $customer = $customer_model->getById($order['contact_id']);
     $customer_contact = new waContact($order['contact_id']);
     // Customer info
     $main_contact_info = array();
     foreach (array('email', 'phone', 'im') as $f) {
         if ($v = $customer_contact->get($f, 'top,html')) {
             $main_contact_info[] = array('id' => $f, 'name' => waContactFields::get($f)->getName(), 'value' => is_array($v) ? implode(', ', $v) : $v);
     $this->view->assign(array('customer' => $customer, 'customer_contact' => $customer_contact, 'main_contact_info' => $main_contact_info, 'currency' => $config->getCurrency(), 'order' => $order, 'params' => $params, 'log' => $log, 'last_action_datetime' => $last_action_datetime, 'bottom_buttons' => $bottom_buttons, 'top_buttons' => $top_buttons, 'buttons' => $buttons, 'filter_params' => $this->getParams(), 'filter_params_str' => $this->getParams(true), 'count_new' => $this->getModel()->getStateCounters('new'), 'timeout' => $config->getOption('orders_update_list'), 'printable_docs' => shopHelper::getPrintForms(array_merge($order, array('params' => $params))), 'billing_address' => $billing_address, 'shipping_address' => $shipping_address, 'shipping_id' => ifset($params['shipping_id'], '') . '.' . ifset($params['shipping_rate_id'], ''), 'offset' => $this->getModel()->getOffset($order['id'], $this->getParams(), true)));
      * Backend order profile page
      * UI hook allow extends order profile page
      * @event backend_order
      * @param array $order
      * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['title_suffix'] html output
      * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['action_button'] html output
      * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['action_link'] html output
      * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['info_section'] html output
     $this->view->assign('backend_order', wa()->event('backend_order', $order, array('title_suffix', 'action_button', 'action_link', 'info_section')));
コード例 #10
 public function execute()
     $id = waRequest::request('id', null, waRequest::TYPE_INT);
     $scm = new shopCustomerModel();
     $customer = $scm->getById($id);
     try {
         $contact = new waContact($id);
     } catch (waException $e) {
         // !!! What to do when shop_customer exists, but no wa_contact found?
         throw $e;
     $ccsm = new waContactCategoriesModel();
     $contact_categories = $ccsm->getContactCategories($id);
     $contacts_url = wa()->getAppUrl('contacts');
     // Info above tabs
     $top = array();
     foreach (array('email', 'phone', 'im') as $f) {
         if ($v = $contact->get($f, 'top,html')) {
             $top[] = array('id' => $f, 'name' => waContactFields::get($f)->getName(), 'value' => is_array($v) ? implode(', ', $v) : $v);
     // Get photo
     $photo = $contact->get('photo');
     $config = $this->getConfig();
     $use_gravatar = $config->getGeneralSettings('use_gravatar');
     $gravatar_default = $config->getGeneralSettings('gravatar_default');
     if (!$photo && $use_gravatar) {
         $photo = shopHelper::getGravatar($contact->get('email', 'default'), 96, $gravatar_default);
     } else {
         $photo = $contact->getPhoto(96);
     $contact['photo'] = $photo;
     // Customer orders
     $im = new shopOrderItemsModel();
     $orders_collection = new shopOrdersCollection('search/contact_id=' . $id);
     $total_count = $orders_collection->count();
     $orders = $orders_collection->getOrders('*,items,params', 0, $total_count);
     foreach ($orders as &$o) {
         $o['total_formatted'] = waCurrency::format('%{s}', $o['total'], $o['currency']);
         $o['shipping_name'] = ifset($o['params']['shipping_name'], '');
         $o['payment_name'] = ifset($o['params']['payment_name'], '');
         // !!! TODO: shipping and payment icons
     // Customer reviews
     $prm = new shopProductReviewsModel();
     $reviews = $prm->getList('*,is_new,product', array('escape' => false, 'where' => array('contact_id' => $id), 'limit' => false));
     // Customer affiliate transactions history
     $atm = new shopAffiliateTransactionModel();
     $affiliate_history = $atm->getByContact($id);
     $this->view->assign('top', $top);
     $this->view->assign('orders', $orders);
     $this->view->assign('reviews', $reviews);
     $this->view->assign('contact', $contact);
     $this->view->assign('customer', $customer);
     $this->view->assign('contacts_url', $contacts_url);
     $this->view->assign('affiliate_history', $affiliate_history);
     $this->view->assign('contact_categories', $contact_categories);
     $this->view->assign('def_cur_tmpl', str_replace('0', '%s', waCurrency::format('%{s}', 0, wa()->getConfig()->getCurrency())));
     $this->view->assign('point_rate', str_replace(',', '.', (double) str_replace(',', '.', wa()->getSetting('affiliate_usage_rate'))));
     $fields = waContactFields::getAll('person');
     if (isset($fields['name'])) {
     $this->view->assign('fields', $fields);
     $this->view->assign('orders_default_view', $config->getOption('orders_default_view'));
      * @event backend_customer
      * @return array[string]array $return[%plugin_id%] array of html output
      * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['info_section'] html output
      * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['name_suffix'] html output
      * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['header'] html output
      * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['action_link'] html output
     $this->view->assign('backend_customer', wa()->event('backend_customer', $customer));
コード例 #11
 public static function discount(&$order, $contact, $apply, $other_discounts)
     if (!$contact || !$contact->getId()) {
         return 0;
     $checkout_data = wa()->getStorage()->read('shop/checkout');
     if (empty($checkout_data['use_affiliate'])) {
         return 0;
         // !!! Will this fail when recalculating existing order?
     $usage_rate = (double) wa()->getSetting('affiliate_usage_rate', 0, 'shop');
     if ($usage_rate <= 0) {
         return 0;
     $cm = new shopCustomerModel();
     $customer = $cm->getById($contact->getId());
     if (!$customer || $customer['affiliate_bonus'] <= 0) {
         return 0;
     $order_total = $order['total'] - $other_discounts;
     $max_bonus = $customer['affiliate_bonus'];
     if (!empty($order['params']['affiliate_bonus'])) {
         // Recalculating existing order: take old discount into account
         $max_bonus += $order['params']['affiliate_bonus'];
     $crm = new shopCurrencyModel();
     $discount = (double) $crm->convert($max_bonus * $usage_rate, wa()->getConfig()->getCurrency(true), wa()->getConfig()->getCurrency(false));
     if ($discount > $order_total) {
         $discount = $order_total;
     if ($discount < $order_total) {
         $bonus_used = $max_bonus;
     } else {
         $bonus_used = (double) $crm->convert($discount, wa()->getConfig()->getCurrency(false), wa()->getConfig()->getCurrency(true)) / $usage_rate;
     if (empty($order['params'])) {
         $order['params'] = array();
     $order['params']['affiliate_bonus'] = $bonus_used;
     if ($apply) {
         $balance_change = $max_bonus - $bonus_used - $customer['affiliate_bonus'];
         if (abs($balance_change) > 0.0001) {
             if (!empty($order['params']['affiliate_bonus'])) {
                 $message = sprintf_wp('Recalculation of order total, new discount: %s', waCurrency::format('%{s}', $discount, wa()->getConfig()->getCurrency()));
             } else {
                 $message = sprintf_wp('Discount of %s', waCurrency::format('%{s}', $discount, wa()->getConfig()->getCurrency()));
             $atm = new shopAffiliateTransactionModel();
             $atm->applyBonus($contact->getId(), $balance_change, ifset($order['id']), $message);
     return $discount;
コード例 #12
ファイル: shopFollowup.cli.php プロジェクト: Lazary/webasyst
 public function execute()
     $fm = new shopFollowupModel();
     $opm = new shopOrderParamsModel();
     $asm = new waAppSettingsModel();
     $olm = new shopOrderLogModel();
     $cm = new shopCustomerModel();
     $om = new shopOrderModel();
     $asm->set('shop', 'last_followup_cli', time());
     $view = wa()->getView();
     $empty_customer = $cm->getEmptyRow();
     $general = wa('shop')->getConfig()->getGeneralSettings();
     foreach ($fm->getAllEnabled() as $f) {
         $between_from = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($f['last_cron_time']) - 24 * 3600);
         $between_to = date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', time() - $f['delay'] - 10 * 3600);
         $orders = $om->where('paid_date >= ? AND paid_date < ?', $between_from, $between_to)->fetchAll('id');
         if ($orders) {
             $f_param_key = 'followup_' . $f['id'];
             // Params for all orders with one query
             $params = $opm->get(array_keys($orders));
             // Customer data for all orders with one query
             $cids = array();
             foreach ($orders as $o) {
                 $cids[] = $o['contact_id'];
             $customers = $cm->getById($cids);
             $sent_count = 0;
             foreach ($orders as $o) {
                 try {
                     // Is there a recipient in the first place?
                     if (empty($o['contact_id'])) {
                         if (waSystemConfig::isDebug()) {
                             waLog::log("Unable to send follow-up #{$f['id']} for order #{$o['id']}: no contact_id");
                     // Check that this is the first order of this customer
                     if ($f['first_order_only']) {
                         $first_order_id = $om->select('MIN(id)')->where('contact_id=? AND paid_date IS NOT NULL', $o['contact_id'])->fetchField();
                         if ($first_order_id != $o['id']) {
                             if (waSystemConfig::isDebug()) {
                                 waLog::log("Skipping follow-up #{$f['id']} for order #{$o['id']}: not the first order of a customer.");
                     $o['params'] = ifset($params[$o['id']], array());
                     $source = 'backend';
                     if (!empty($o['params']['storefront'])) {
                         $source = rtrim($o['params']['storefront'], '/') . '/*';
                     if ($f['source'] && $f['source'] != $source) {
                     // Make sure we have not send follow-up for this order yet
                     if (isset($o['params'][$f_param_key])) {
                         if (waSystemConfig::isDebug()) {
                             waLog::log("Skipping follow-up #{$f['id']} for order #{$o['id']}: already sent before.");
                     shopHelper::workupOrders($o, true);
                     // Recipient info
                     $customer = ifset($customers[$o['contact_id']], $empty_customer);
                     $contact = new shopCustomer($o['contact_id']);
                     $email = $contact->get('email', 'default');
                     // this with throw exception if contact does not exist; that's ok
                     if (!$email) {
                         if (waSystemConfig::isDebug()) {
                             waLog::log("Unable to send follow-up #{$f['id']} for order #{$o['id']}: contact has no email");
                     $to = array($email => $contact->getName());
                     if (self::sendOne($f, $o, $customer, $contact, $to, $view, $general)) {
                         // Write to order log
                         $olm->add(array('order_id' => $o['id'], 'contact_id' => null, 'action_id' => '', 'text' => sprintf_wp("Follow-up <strong>%s</strong> (%s) sent to customer.", htmlspecialchars($f['name']), $f['id']), 'before_state_id' => $o['state_id'], 'after_state_id' => $o['state_id']));
                         // Write to order params
                         $opm->insert(array('order_id' => $o['id'], 'name' => $f_param_key, 'value' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
                     } else {
                         waLog::log("Unable to send follow-up #{$f['id']} for order #{$o['id']}: waMessage->send() returned FALSE.");
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     waLog::log("Unable to send follow-up #{$f['id']} for order #{$o['id']}:\n" . $e);
              * Notify plugins about sending followup
              * @event followup_send
              * @param array[string]int $params['sent_count'] number of emails successfully sent
              * @param array[string]int $params['id'] followup_id
              * @return void
             $event_params = $f;
             $event_params['sent_count'] = $sent_count;
             wa()->event('followup_send', $event_params);
         $fm->updateById($f['id'], array('last_cron_time' => $between_to));