コード例 #1
$t->is($forum->getNbPosts(), 3, 'Updating a message doesn\'t change the forum\'s post count');
$t->is($forum->getUpdatedAt('U'), $msg3->getCreatedAt('U'), 'Updating a message doesn\'t change the forum\'s last update date');
$t->is($forum->getLatestPost()->getId(), $msg3->getId(), 'Updating a message doesn\'t change the forum\'s last reply');
$t->diag('Updating the topic');
$topic = sfSimpleForumTopicPeer::retrieveByPk($topic->getId());
$topic->setTitle('this is another test');
$t->is($topic->getNbPosts(), 3, 'Updating a topic doesn\'t change the topic number of replies');
$t->isnt($topic->getUpdatedAt('U'), $msg3->getCreatedAt('U'), 'Updating a topic changes the topic\'s latest update date');
$t->is($topic->getLatestPost()->getId(), $msg3->getId(), 'Updating a topic doesn\'t change the topic\'s latest reply');
$forum = sfSimpleForumForumPeer::retrieveByPk($forum->getId());
$t->is($forum->getLatestPost()->getCreatedAt('U'), $msg3->getCreatedAt('U'), 'Updating the topic doesn\'t change the forum\'s last update date');
$t->is($forum->getLatestPost()->getAuthorName(), $user3->getUsername(), 'Updating the topic doesn\'t change the forum\'s last reply author name');
$t->diag('Deleting a message from the end');
$topic = sfSimpleForumTopicPeer::retrieveByPk($topic->getId());
$t->is($topic->getNbPosts(), 2, 'Deleting a message decrements the topic number of replies');
$t->is($topic->getUpdatedAt('U'), $msg2->getCreatedAt('U'), 'Deleting a message changes the topic\'s latest update date to the latest message creation date');
$t->is($topic->getLatestPost()->getId(), $msg2->getId(), 'Deleting a message changes the topic\'s latest reply');
$forum = sfSimpleForumForumPeer::retrieveByPk($forum->getId());
$t->is($forum->getUpdatedAt('U'), $msg2->getCreatedAt('U'), 'Deleting a message changes the forums\'s latest update date to the latest message creation date');
$t->is($forum->getLatestPost()->getId(), $msg2->getId(), 'Deleting a message changes the forums\'s latest reply');
$t->diag('Deleting a message from the middle');
$topic = sfSimpleForumTopicPeer::retrieveByPk($topic->getId());
$t->is($topic->getNbPosts(), 1, 'Deleting a message decrements the topic number of replies');
$t->is($topic->getUpdatedAt('U'), $msg2->getCreatedAt('U'), 'Deleting a message from the middle doesn\'t change the topic\'s latest update date');
$t->is($topic->getLatestPost()->getId(), $msg2->getId(), 'Deleting a message from the middle doesn\'t change the topic\'s latest reply');
$forum = sfSimpleForumForumPeer::retrieveByPk($forum->getId());
$t->is($forum->getUpdatedAt('U'), $msg2->getCreatedAt('U'), 'Deleting a message from the middle doesn\'t change the forum\'s latest update date');