     * Returns objects of the same class and with similar ratings as the current rateable object.
     * This implementation is based on the 
     * OpenSlopeOne project by Chaoqun Fu, http://code.google.com/p/openslopeone/.
     * @param BaseObject $object The rateable object for which to return other recommended object
     * @param int $limit The number of recommendation objects which should be returned. Use NULL for returning all recommended objects
     * @return array of sfRecommendationObject objects which wrap the recommended objects
    public function getRecommendations(BaseObject $object, $limit = NULL)
        $parser = new sfPropelSlopeOneSqlParser();
        $slopeQuery = 'SELECT 	item2_id AS id,
    												SUM(rating/times) AS rating
                    FROM sf_slope_one 
                    WHERE item1_id = :item_id AND 
													item1_model = :item_model AND
                          item1_model = item2_model
                    GROUP BY item2_id
                    ORDER BY rating DESC';
        $slopeQuery .= isset($limit) ? ' LIMIT ' . $limit : '';
        $connection = Propel::getConnection();
        $statement = $connection->prepare($parser->parse($slopeQuery));
        $statement->execute(array('item_id' => $object->getId(), 'item_model' => get_class($object)));
        $ratings = array();
        while ($result = $statement->fetch()) {
            $ratings[$result['id']] = $result['rating'];
        $objects = call_user_func(array(get_class($object->getPeer()), 'retrieveByPKs'), array_keys($ratings));
        foreach ($objects as &$object) {
            $object = new sfSlopeOneRecommendation($object, $ratings[$object->getId()]);
        return $objects;
     * Returns recommended objects which the user has not rated based on his/her 
     * rating of other objects.
     * This implementation is based on the 
     * OpenSlopeOne project by Chaoqun Fu, http://code.google.com/p/openslopeone/.
     * @param BaseObject $object The user for which to return the recommendations
     * @param string $model The name of the class for which to return recommendations
     * @param int $limit The number of recommendation objects which should be returned. 
     * Use NULL for returning all recommended objects
     * @return array of sfRecommendationObject objects which wrap the recommended objects
    public function getRecommendations(BaseObject $object, $model, $limit = NULL)
        $parser = new sfPropelSlopeOneSqlParser();
        $slopeQuery = 'SELECT 	sf_slope_one.item2_id AS id, 
    												SUM((%ratings%.%rating% * sf_slope_one.times) - sf_slope_one.rating)/
                            SUM(sf_slope_one.times) AS rating
                    FROM sf_slope_one, %ratings% 
                    WHERE %ratings%.%rater_id% = :rater_id AND
                          %ratings%.%rateable_model% = :item_model AND
                          %ratings%.%rateable_id% = sf_slope_one.item1_id AND
                          %ratings%.%rateable_model% = sf_slope_one.item1_model AND
                          sf_slope_one.item2_id NOT IN (SELECT %ratings%.%rateable_id% 
														                          	FROM %ratings% 
														                          	WHERE %ratings%.%rater_id% = :rater_id)
                    GROUP BY item2_id
                    ORDER BY rating DESC';
        $slopeQuery .= isset($limit) ? ' LIMIT ' . $limit : '';
        $connection = Propel::getConnection();
        $statement = $connection->prepare($parser->parse($slopeQuery));
        $statement->execute(array('rater_id' => $object->getId(), 'item_model' => $model));
        $ratings = array();
        while ($result = $statement->fetch()) {
            $ratings[$result['id']] = $result['rating'];
        $modelObject = new $model();
        $objects = call_user_func(array(get_class($modelObject->getPeer()), 'retrieveByPKs'), array_keys($ratings));
        foreach ($objects as &$object) {
            $object = new sfSlopeOneRecommendation($object, $ratings[$object->getId()]);
        return $objects;