コード例 #1
$object_2_2 = _create_object_2();
$tagged_with_tag4 = TagPeer::getTaggedWith('tag4');
$t->ok(count($tagged_with_tag4) == 2, 'getTaggedWith() returns objects tagged with one specific tag.');
$tagged_with_tag7 = TagPeer::getTaggedWith('tag7');
$t->ok(count($tagged_with_tag7) == 5, 'getTaggedWith() can return several object types.');
$tagged_with_tag17 = TagPeer::getTaggedWith(array('tag1', 'tag7'));
$t->ok(count($tagged_with_tag17) == 3, 'getTaggedWith() returns objects tagged with several specific tags.');
// these tests check the isTaggable() method
$t->diag('detecting if a model is taggable or not');
$t->ok(sfPropelActAsTaggableToolkit::isTaggable(TEST_CLASS) === true, 'it is possible to tell if a model is taggable from its name.');
$object = _create_object();
$t->ok(sfPropelActAsTaggableToolkit::isTaggable($object) === true, 'it is possible to tell if a model is taggable from one of its instances.');
$t->ok(sfPropelActAsTaggableToolkit::isTaggable('Tristan\'s cat') === false, 'Tristan\'s cat is not taggable, and that is fine.');
call_user_func(array(_create_object()->getPeer(), 'doDeleteAll'));
// these tests check for the application of triple tags
$t->diag('applying triple tagging');
$t->ok(sfPropelActAsTaggableToolkit::extractTriple('ns:key=value') === array('ns:key=value', 'ns', 'key', 'value'), 'triple extracted successfully.');
$t->ok(sfPropelActAsTaggableToolkit::extractTriple('ns:key') === array('ns:key', null, null, null), 'ns:key is not a triple.');
$t->ok(sfPropelActAsTaggableToolkit::extractTriple('ns') === array('ns', null, null, null), 'ns is not a triple.');
$object = _create_object();
$object = _create_object();